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Posts posted by Daddy

  1. i farmed all my r2 chips and nvr really want to do it again but its probably mind blowingly easier for dps so idk and its a feature that should take time since having all those chips can be kinda op and should take you awhile to get especialyl for a new character so you cant just magically have a new character max gear day 1.

  2. Well cooldown is being lowered ALOT but it is very useful also for the chacc debuff. It’s a very good utility skill that can still give you kills and it’s an aoe debuff. 

    dots arent technically plasma. While it’s connected to it as a debuff overall it doesn’t do plasma damage unless it’s attached to a plasma chakra skill. Poison smoke is not an actually damage skill it just has the debuffs and the dot. 

  3. a lot of medics use the self buffs, they are stackable. its intent is kinda of like a passive using both but has skill involved as there is a cooldown duration gap.

    whole reason was to make it better for medics but also require a bit of skill in return for the increased stats and so that medic isnt fully buffed forever.

  4. 7 minutes ago, GoddessSand said:

    Well, considering that the atk buffs are at the top and the def buffs are at the bottom is what bugs me about the skill tree. Why not put all the self buffs starting with atk down the second column from the right and the PT buffs on that far right column. That way all PT buffs are grouped together and all self buffs are grouped together and they go side by side to get a smoother look of the buffs and then move the Detection skills down to the very bottom maybe?

    It's cus the pt buffs are the requirement for the self buffs to encourage people to help party before self. We can move it around, it's honestly in this form because medic skill tree gave me and vivi so much headache even to the very end that I decided to stop touching it when it worked for the version it is now. But I can move it around so detect/cleanse heal/eradicate are below the party/self buffs only issue are the lines that visually connect, I do not think we can edit those.

    for the wrong cheva value, thats very weird and I hav no idea how it would have lowered since it was the correct value in test and Idk how i haven't noticed lmao. i'll fix that

    for eva, I don't really want to lower it since its so helpful to sw/se/pu and helpful for increasing base stats against those who dont have super high acc for everyone. The value is like 100 less than previous patch tho.

  5. Yes it’s messy but it was the best way overall to help medic and reduce how op some buffs were. 

    For me buffs against each lgher


    I would rather lower chacc to 15% max and barely increase cheva to 1500 than just increase cheva since it can get pretty high on med if they wanna stack. Also that would be an indirect buff times two for shadow walker which isn’t the best. Acc is close to even with Eva I think. 

  6. eh making sw better in mass pvp will be hard as their really mainly for ganking or going after 1-2 solo people or able to make maybe 1 kill if they dive a group. they do their goal well.

    cheva bonus on the buff is the same as last cap minus maybe 100 less cheva altho sw really doesnt need anymore cheva lol its already super high.

  7. yes I am also refering to mass pvp but many of you seem to be complaining about duels and if even see in mass pvp or those one off moments in bg where pu can still do enormous amounts of damage to people lol. I actually like that idea of removing aoe from concealer, I didn't do orignally because I didnt know how much damage overall pvp would lose without eagle eye on a big scale. it seems to be good and should be fine without concealer as aoe. range is being added to several pu skills to 25m. 

    i am going to put the missing void back in pu somewhere, I have a good idea so it should be fine.


    as I am sure most people hav seen now, alot of mass pvp is not so cenetered around who has more WH and who has more PU which is kind of what it was like last patch which was ANNOYING.

    i also dont want to mess with a core concept of what PU is with its cocoon and immbolize, it would essentially be an enitre class rework and would make you a super op version of sentinel.


    lol freyja is like the worst mech IMO. especially as a tank DE. i literally only use it to tank longer and dash a few meters.


  8. 4 hours ago, BumpetyBoo said:


    overkill was good in oldtimes with old animation with 2.5 sec ....make cd shorter (  old asb ) 


    lol... so u want it even with the bugs and you want the shortest cd non mech stun in the game to be shorter? aside from new medic stun which will prob hav a increased cd and new de stun which I think might be removed depending on something I have planned.

    SE Tumbleweed kick 45s cd, stupefy 45scd | mech: stunning beauty 4s 30s cd

    ME shockjock 4s 35s cd, blown away 2s 18s cd, both EASILY CANCELLED due to lengthy cast animation | mech: none

    WH hook I 3s 30s cd, hook II 2.5s 35s cd, sadists choice 2.7s 30s cd | mech: athena's hate 2s 25s cd

    DE steel impact 3s 30s cd, armageddon strike 1.6s 20s cd | mech: bladerunner 1.5s 20s cd

    SW flare 3.1s 33s cd | mech: epona sprint 2sec 10s cd

    CB skull crack 3s 30s cd | mech: dragging 1.5s 25s cd

    PU overkill 2.5s 18s cd, Swingers 3.5s 35s cd | mech: detonation 4s 30s cd


    look I am trying to guage what you can actaully get but sometimes what you all want does not make sense especially when I match it up with other classes. venom is right, pu can still do a lot of damage, ive done duels i've seen duels. some of them I see PU still destroy the other classes and are able to utilize their new freed points in a nice fashion to survive in arkana form and use more arkana skills rather than a clear cut mech build with almost no arkana attacks. I am trying to guage the right amount of damage but I know if you get what you had before its going to be ridicuolous with the amount of DPS you had before now being able to use these nots dots and the possibility to use these slows. its not so cut and dry.


    many of the things discussed about medic and sw from PU perspective is pretty wrong lol.

    We have effectively lowered overall damage and so this major nerf on pu is not necessray, some adjustments are being done and more points are being freed to help with utility survival but trying to find that good physical damage spot will be hard. Next patch you will have some back, probably have too much, but it's easier to adjust when more people can tell what the actual damage is compared to now. I do know that once pu can get its damage back medic will be the most affected as previously I used to get nearly 1 shotted by PUs, my DE could actually still die pretty quickly as well to a handful of PUs and it's the tankiest one in the game lol. the raw daamge from pu had thru physical does not need additional buffs or debuffs to make it more affective especially with more skill points to use slows and dots or the new changes incomming.

    Unfortunately, PU isnt the only class with issues so we have a lot being formulated or testing and cant just put it out. and any adjustments to PU causes some interactions with other classes so have to be mindful there. most things cant just be  implemented without looking across the board.


    we would also like to get to a spot where we can stop at least for awhile on tweaking things. There are stuff on my plate that I would like to take priority that would be much more beneficial. So good concise feedback is highly appreciated!

  9. 1 hour ago, BesTweaveR said:

    Reverting Overkill's animation to the original will make you cap again into same dead lock problems which occurs often enough against a faded player or like in case you overkill and go mech your mech stun animation will trigger up to 3 times without working. Unless you got a better animation I'd say this at least is working so I'd rather keep this working rather than 1 not working. 

    PUs dun like this one much because it's greedy animation occults around 60-70% of screen with it's smoke, but again I'd suggest PU players to think better over it, this one causes no locks.

    Yeah Lol. But thanks for clarifying why it’s an issue right now rather than just demanding a switch lol. I’ll try and see another animation. I’m trying to find the ones that are similar animation cast times as overkill as to not give an unfair advantage of increased stun time versus animation length. 

  10. in regards to animation for overkill, i was told by multiple PUs even most of you that post online that you wanted it chagne for a multitude of reasons even as I played with it, its probably the most annoying animation out of all the classes (mech issues, getting stuck, ect). I can revert it but it's just annoying a change that was wanted now is going to be reverted lol

  11. 11 hours ago, SparkOne said:

    Swingers stun range 10y while mech stun is 9y …..

    if u stun on swingers at max range n use firing squad u cant restun on mech rather have to walk 1m now then use FS >.>

    Is it changed or something weird I feel need to be checked mech stun range should be bit higher

    Oop just saw. Didn’t change those two at all. Not sure why that happened or if it’s just more noticeable now ?

  12. i debated removing the manual aims but they are useful for SW detection as you can aim it wherever. I think i removed like 2 tho. its pretty common in atomic tree which is why i kept that one, and since you would need to most likely pic between dot or atomic i left one in both. enfeeble was always a manual aim and i think its better that way.

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