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Everything posted by Celty

  1. is it worth still coming back to SB???? any new stuff, any nerfs or buffs that i should know?
  2. 1. you bought the buffs right???.......RIGHT!???? 2. why do you have to keep shooting at it??, WASTE OF AMMO 3. sell that pet food....i dare you....I DOUBLE DARE YOU!
  3. 1. are we lost again?????......oh right we are lost again..... 2. keep calm....AND CHASE THAT GUY WHO KILLED YOU EARLIER!!! 3. you brought those pet snacks right?????...right????....RIGHT!!???
  4. Celty

    Pet Chat!

    1. Where is the enemy????......oh right THEM 2. We are going nowhere here......seriously 3. little voice inside your head says i'm hungry as hell here
  5. okay.....so just today.......i witnessed something unfair......this is based on my point of view why would someone get a deserter's debuff when the bg is like 2 seconds less b4 it's over?? I SAY what i want to implement is...... deserter's debuff should not be given on the following circumstance if the BG is like 1 minute or less and he got disconnected? i mean....c'mon 2 SECONDS....2 FRIGGING SECONDS or even the last minute....why would they deserve a deserter's debuff....it's just 2 SECONDS or less!, i kinda find it unfair...like for example you get a heartwarmer buff from that bg and it will be wasted because of a freaking deserter's debuff? i find it hard to to adjust on it i'll wait for 30 minutes to let go of the deserter's debuff and poof my heartwarmer buff is gone as well instead of us trying to benefit to get safeguards or get items that we need, we gain this debuff instead and in the last minute? please review this and think about that's why sometimes some players think twice about attending bg's already
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