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Viable to start playing?


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As the title says, is it viable to start playing Vendetta's Eden Eternal? 

By viable i mean if it's worth investing time/money, i remember classic/awaken Eden Eternal having lots of problems for new people (with achievements being the ultimate new player killer) and because this heavily customized server has been going on for a while i wonder if has become kinda like World of Warcraft retail, where it's near impossible to start playing because of the sheer amount of content you have to go through to even try to catch up. (costumes aren't a problem)

I don't know how high the current level cap goes but the thought of farming fame, gold, coronas and mats to craft 200 of each weapon/armor type doesn't really sound appealing, oh also the rng enchants from boxes and warstone farming for capes, has something been done about the achievement system on this server or is it like classic Eden Eternal?

And i know that someone might argue "it's an MMO, it is expected to be grindy" of course, but one thing is being grindy and other is being grindy, tedious and poorly designed (on purpose).

Anyway i will be starting playing next week so wish me luck!

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  • VGN GM

We do as much as we can to improve the new player experience.

However, I must say that there is a lot of misconceptions around being a new player and what is required to do to get to the end game.

As an example achievements yes are important but they're not something you are required to do to play the game. It's important to cover some of the achievements before you start tackling end game content such as the weapon of the class you play (unless you are a healer) and the heavy armor and cloth armor achievements for the resistances. But most other achievements are just for beneficial stats that allows you to spec you class in different ways and get the most of your builds.

As for your comments about the enchants and capes yeh they can still take a while but they're not going to hold you back at all. Theres a lot of end game players who have not bothered with enchant achievements and capes well if you start participating in the end game content you can complete capes without even really thinking about it (but again if you don't it's not going to kill you either).

I would say the biggest hurdle as of the moment is infact getting into the end game content with a party. The best advice I would give is to find a helpful guild and don't be trying to tackle every piece of content all at once because some content is harder than others. 

Also don't be distracted by the mindset of you have to be maxed in a day. The whole point in an mmo is your suppose to work towards the goal of being maxed character, so yeh some things take longer than others such as achievements to completetion 100% could take a long time but do you need to do that? not really.

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