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Posts posted by Aussie-Vegan

  1. Hi admins,

    I'd really appreciate it if you could delete my account under the GDPR, right to be forgotten. As you no longer offer Nostale as a game to play.

    Thanks in advance, it's been great. I wish you lot the best in the future.

  2. Just what it says.

    I appreciate the drop rate, but after farming for hours with my girlfriend we have thousands of these items listed in order from sells very rarely (like ~100 of them, 1 time a week for 50gp ea) to utterly useless:

    • Golden Feather
    • Seafood (Used for food that no one makes because it's not worth it)
    • Herb
    • Fruits
    • Bobbin
    • Sugar Beet
    • Water
    • Mysterious Ink
    • Mysterious Stone

    We toss away all of them seeing as they really aren't worth the time to list on the Bazaar for less than 50gp each and given that the max amount of listed items per character is 100 they would quickly fill the limit and prevent other items from being listed.

    Mostly I'm really happy with the game and the balance but I propose that we do something with these items (and some others). Water I know was used in the production of making SP point recovery food (Pie), but with the high drop-rate of "Specialist Point Potion" no one makes them any more.

    Some not listed here, such as: Vegetables, Cereal Grains and Meat are all used for making pretty decent food. So I think that we should do the same. Make Sugar Beet a material that's part of maybe some low health/mana food that increases movement speed by +1 for 10 seconds or something. Even make these items into a producible food/item that shows some sort of cosmetic effect on your character when eaten.

    As far as food is concerned, they could be added as food to the campfire list of production.

    Also it would be nice if Hamburgers and Steaks could have a "Continuous Production" option like other food items. In fact, if ALL campfire food has a continuous production option I think it would easily increase the value of at least a few of the food ingredients. Especially considering that making them one at a time and having to press 'confirm' is really annoying.

    Finally, if for some reason this is a bad idea. I propose to at least reduce the amount in which these items drop, by say half. Which would at least increase their value somewhat instead of making them an item that after you are done farming for a few hours. You just toss them all on the floor.

    P.S. In case someone thinks it's worth mentioning not to pick them up. Well, as far as farming "speed" is concerned. Choosing not to pick them up is not an option, as they can cover up much more valuable items and having to click would drastically slow down the speed of farming items instead of using the pick-up command.

  3. Thanks so much for such an amazing answer. I thought I already got back to you and thanked you haha but I guess not.

    I hit level 84 yesterday and it feels like the EXP rate has really slowed down all of a sudden. Up to 84 I was getting pretty much 50%-100% of a level through the TS reward EXP. Now I'm getting like 2-3% per TS. Does it slow down after lvl84?

    Just wondering so I know what's going on between 84-88 for Act 6.

    Last questions. Can I do act 6 even if I haven't done act 4 and 5 etc? Also how do I get to act 6?

  4. I was at TS 31 lol when I was going for SP3. Spent a few hours and got up to TS 61 but it's actually bugged with a black screen. Reported it to the staff.


    But yeah you can get 3 Straw off a single Wiggler there lmao, and yet I wasted 6 hours farming at that mine with an ultra nerfed drop rate. It took me less than 5 runs to get the last 32 Straw I needed. I feel bad for all of the people endlessly world hopping for Straw and they have no idea TS 61 takes about 10 minutes to get 40 from.

  5. For the drop rate and bots. I'll agree that bots suck, but the rest of the mobs if you kill them in that area drop loads of items so it doesn't feel nerfed to me. Not like B1 mine which was basically devoid of drops entirely obviously because it had been botted constantly.


    I still feel like it's really insanely unfair. The drop-rate is so low compared to the rest. @Gyrlander seems to have been a lot more lucky than us. We got 5 in 5 hours... if we'd been getting about 8-10 an hour that would have been kind of okay. But to us it feels like it's bugged.


    EDIT: I just bought that Straw from Jane but of course I need to get all 40 of them manually and it doesn't count. So I just pissed away half a mil... F**k my life. I'm ropeable.

  6. So we all know that getting SP3 is pretty slow. Compared to other SPs it's a pretty long grind, but others usually need more raw money to pay off an NPC and resistance for mobs.


    50x of Bloody Stone - About 2 hours 10 minutes

    Torn Page - 35 minutes

    40x Bean Pod - About 45 minutes

    40x Flint - About 1 hour 25 minutes

    40x Straw - About 5 lifetimes


    My girlfriend and I have been killing Wigglers (whilst world hopping) now for about 5 hours. Guess how long it took before we saw a single straw? About 1 hour and 10 minutes. Just for one Straw. One... After 40 minutes I was already looking on Google to see if it was bugged or something.

    After endless breaks we thought we would get luckier and maybe different channels would help. Nope. The most we got in one hour was just two. So we're sitting on basically 1 straw per hour at the moment. What's the deal with this? How has this been totally overlooked?

    The worst thing is that you can do the entire SP3 quest up to Wigglers and getting Straws and then suddenly you'll find TEN other people farming just Wigglers. I mean there's even level 99 people farming them. I'd be half inclined to call them bots because they don'tr respond to whisper/note/party invites or public talking. Just run back and forth constantly killing only Wigglers.

    Can we please have the drop-rate buffed? It seems everything else is at least fair, even if it hasn't been buffed. There's utterly no reason why this should be so slow. It's not fair to each and every person who's forced to just mindlessly world hop and grind something that really has no right to be so slow compared to the rest of the items you're required to get.


    P.S. I read in another thread that it was possible to buy these Straws? Where from? I don't care if it's like half a mill or something for 40 of them. I'll pay. I just want the SP3 for myself and my girlfriend because this is comparable to torture in contrast to the rest of the game. I swear it was never this bad at all in OG Nostale and I got SP3 back at the game's peak. If you aren't going to buff the drop rate @Bash please add them to the VG shop or something even at 50k each. It'll be another gold sink which should be fine, the item is only for a single quest anyway.

  7. It's never going to be possible to eradicate all bots in this game. Especially seeing as things like auto-targeting and auto-attacking are such a fundamental part of the game. Preventing large scale botting is good by encrypting the client. However, this doesn't work with macros.

    I think the only thing that really discourages botting is a very high presence of moderation which is true for games like Runescape.

  8. This needs to happen. One of the biggest things I miss coming from modern MMOs is the ability to bind things to the extra buttons on my mouse and the "C" action keys on the far left of my keyboard.

  9. 1 hour ago, hollowknight said:

    Well the main problem of adding 'private' maps for farming was that it could be easily abused by bots. But with the new patch, as almost every bot isn't working, this idea might be considered again :)

    I'm seeing dozens and dozens of bots actually. I've got probably 13 screenshots of bots in only 3 days since I started playing. No answer to my current ticket so I haven't bothered uploading the rest. It was the weekend anyway.

    Got a small feeling though that at least 5 of the ones I've seen are the same guy.


    As for the topic. I work IRL so I don't have to 'work' for money in-games I play. I just sell stuff from the Nosmall.

  10. I honestly didn't think it was that hard to understand but alright maybe I could have explained it a little better. I'll try again.


    You go into any specialist and move your skills around and set them up how you want.


    Then you leave your specialist.


    Go into another specialist. You rearrange the skills how you want for that specialist.


    Go back to the first one (or literally any one).


    The skills moved. Because each skill's location on the skill hotkey bar corresponds with its location. If you move Skill 1 from "R' to "2" it will move the 1st skill of every specialist from key "R" to key "2".


    You can't have the first skill of Assassin (Critical Hit) on key "R" and the first skill of Ranger (Hawk Eye) on key "2". This is just one example.


    I want to arrange the skills how I like for each individual specialist. It's not possible. As soon as you move a skill from one button to another, it moves the corresponding skill on another specialist also. They are all linked. It's just bad coding I guess. The skills are all linked and the hotkey bars for each specialist aren't unique.

  11. Nostale Vendetta doesn't seem to support Shadowplay or Fraps. Probably because the client is encrypted.

    What do people use to record the game? I'd like to record it in 60fps if possible. Shadowplay would definitely be the best if there's a way to get it working with that.

  12. I don't remember skills being linked and moving when swapping different specialists. For example if I set my skills up on one specialist the order is mirrored on my skill bar for all of the other specialists, based on the order I put them in. Is there any way to prevent this from happening so I can have purely unique skill layouts without moving one skill on one specialist, and having it move another skill on the bar all the others?

  13. but that's just me

    As I said.


    Mage definitely is ultra tanky but I'm not much of a fan of such playstyle. Mage was my first class and that might have been a mistake. I got really burned out around 70 playing on OG servers. I'll end up with a mage on vendetta but it'll for sure be my last character.

  14. 5 minutes ago, shiftykun said:

    @Perse ok awesome thanks for all the help! Now to wait till servers come back up XD



    Mage is imo the hardest and maybe most boring class in the game to play. Squishy as and with no ability to crit it feels really boring. Even though hits are basically guaranteed so long as you don't get interrupted I'm not much of a fan of their specialists and I feel like 3 of them are utterly useless (Fire Mage, Volcano and Tide Lord). I'd rather play the offerings for either Swordie or Archer but that's just me.

    If you ever get bored my advice is try Swordie. Berserker is amazing. Warrior is basically invincible and Renegade isn't bad either.

  15. Hey guys. I've gone under a lot of names before but my 2 mains I'll mention here.

    First name: **Indeceseant** in NosUK. Played the beta in 2006 all the way to release of NosGlobal. Then played that with the same name until it shutdown.

    Went back to UK. Played for another year. Then quit.

    Came back 2 years later to UK as: **Cursewords**.

    Played to 88 with Mage.

    Then played to 50 with an Archer before I got bored and quit again.

    Now I'm starting fresh again. From scratch. No drop trading items or anything. I'm going to play with my girlfriend. 2 Archers straight to the top as quickly as we can. Guess I can't quit this game for good yet, especially because after showing it to my girlfriend she wanted to jump on it immediately.

    I doubt anyone from the first years of NostaleUK or NostaleGlobal is around in VGN. Most of the people I knew had kids or just quit to play newer games or just never logged in again.

    Actually got the idea to play when I saw people uploading a pretty steady stream of Youtube videos for the game. Then remembered I had my own vids. Showed my gf and she was like "How fast you think we can roll through it?"

    I was the owner of all of the English "Meet the 'x' Specialist" guides on Youtube until I deleted my Google account and removed all the videos with them. I could have saved them I guess but I figured now I'll actually make them again and do them even better. Inspired a lot of copycats though that did videos in their own language.

    I'll be making English guide videos again on Youtube and trying to bring more English content to this game when I get a higher level with my girlfriend. We're going through the content now and having a blast.

    The thing is, we started on NostaleUK via steam (on the US server). But then I met someone that said that this server exists.

    In the official version I was really happy to see the 100% EXP buff which is freaking amazing. I always said that was the only thing this game was missing, it was a bit *too* much of a grind. Both of us got to level 35 in a day, it's great. Also love the minor quality of life improvements. Movable UI, faster passive health and mana regen and whilst sitting/resting. Also slightly more logical translations/dialogue (still pretty bad though).

    So cool to see this game still going. Looks like it might be the best time ever to play. Still lots of players, hopefully farming spots aren't overcrowded. Can't wait to get Wildkeeper and go for LoD Runs again



    Some questions though:

    * What's the EXP rate exactly on VGN?

    * How many players are online at any one time?

    * What's the latest version of the game you guys have? How far behind the original servers are you guys?

    * What about cash shop items? How do you get those in VGN Nostale?

    * Could someone explain to me this (99+50) level system now? We never had this years ago.

    * Also would like to know about this Martial Artist thing. How does that tie into the game?

    * How are bots in VGN Nostale? I saw you guys are doing a lot to try and remove them but I know how hard it can be...

    Thanks folks!

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