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Psion's Booper

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Posts posted by Psion's Booper

  1. Hello.

    Can future event bosses like Christmas/Halloween/Anniversary/etc bosses be coded similar to spawn/despawn like Temple Arena bosses or Mutants? I'd like this to be implemented because from previous events kill times on each channel tend to vary. Most people in-game enjoy doing the boss in rapid succession—but depending on the time of day aren't always capable of doing so efficiently. 

    EX: Boss Spawns every 3 hours—but DEspawns 45 minutes-1 hour after it initially spawned in each channel.

    Setting them like this would help prevent 3~30 (yes, 30) minute wait times in between channel kills too; thus making doing them while timing other PvE related activities (such as Haven / Farming / Etc) a bit easier for everyone.
    ——>(During the 6th Anniversary the timers got so bad that there was literally almost 30 minutes in between channels..on multiple occasions.)


    Thank you,

    • Like 1
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    • Confused 1
  2. Hello. Can we please increase the capacity of both the Friends List and the Block List? I feel like the capacity in the slowly growing community of Eden Eternal needs to be increased..for ...reasons.

    I myself and probably quite a few others have hit capacity on multiple instances (and yes all the blocked people are active players I wish to keep blocked, so 'clearing some out to make room' is impractical.)




    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. Okay then. That's all I have as a response. Mostly because I'm kinda at a loss for words on how to respond to you without either sounding commanding or sounding like an ass. I'm just going to say this:

    I'm aware that the box is a copy/paste from last year's box. I clearly stated that it would be nice if the coin rate is modified to be better so we can potentially get more than 1~2 items without praying to RNGsus that he'll be nice. Everything in this server is pretty much RNG at this rate and with it being that way I would like if it there was more options available to actually collect coins. The reward on the boss is seemingly based on damage. The less damage you deal = the less rewards you get.

    I've seen some complaints from players who haven't gotten any reward even though they hit the boss a number of times. Sucks, yes. Can be fixed? Probably.

    But outside of this? That's it. People just want more availability for coins. That's my suggestion.

    Also.. The screenshotted picture explains plenty. I even did the honors of explaining what they meant. First one = 30 coins = oh god, the farming, will I have enough time?!

    The second screenshot depicts quests from the last anniversary event. "We don't have this man, give us a break!" I then proceeded to break down how we have less coin income due to less quests overall. If confusion was created, then the right thing to do is post so we can discuss if further explanation is needed. And I did like above. I won't comment further on it lol



    Oh and also lets get rid of the fireworks from the event box. Literally everyone and their mom hates them. If you want fireworks people I'll literally give you free ones from zumi racial, cause the rate of distribution from them is insane.



    • Like 2
  4. 14 minutes ago, Trypolize said:

    This is my first time with this anniversary event but I do agree. The tons of quests a day is kind of intimidating, 

    Actually, the screenshot of quests was a piece of what quests we had LAST year, hence why I said "We don't have this!" We had more quests last year, but they were easier to do and had a better benefit to the various players in the playerbase that we have right now. This is why I emphasized on how Last Year's anniversary event was better conducted. There was so many different players either killing world bosses, doing trials, doing quetzalcoatl, and other in-game content—which was why I found it more fun. Plus, helping other players provided some form of benefit as well. I do appreciate the additional feedback too though! 

  5. Hello. First and foremost I would like to say thanks for the Anniversary event! It's great to see it this time of year and it was highly sought after for both a gold sink and just giving players something to do in the mean time while we wait for patches.

    @Jordan (Only pinging you once, just don't want this post to get lost in the sea of posts that may or may not arise from the event as a whole)

    But... There are a few things that should really be noted here..

    1. Much like last year's anniversary event, the coin rate from the boxes the boss gives you is ..bad.
    —I don't really intend for this to be rude / flaming of any kind I just want to offer some constructive criticism based on what I see and what I've experienced in the past thus far.  But I also want to offer advice early on in the event just so maybe there could be a potential change in the next maintenance maybe? 👀

    The boxes from the quests are pretty much just as bad though too. 😕 Kind of a disappointment? I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone on this when it comes to this opinion and I think it should definitely be buffed or there should be more ways to get coins than the few quests offered by Doudou.
    —> Last years idea was great actually! There were multitudes of quests you could do and it offered an incentive for players who either weren't TOO grindy or were excessively grindy and I think that method of coin distribution was much nicer to the community as a whole).

    ... This... This  is every collector's nightmare. It pretty much reminds me of the excessively grindy patches we've gotten thus far (Abyss, for example). With the way that the coin distribution is now, people will be lucky to even get 2 or 3 things they really want from this year unlike last year where people were able to get multiple items they really wanted. (Be it pets, housing items,etc). There are multiple things like this and each item on that list is..30 coins each. Absurd.


    PlZkJ0w.png We don't have this, man. Give us a break LOL 

    I will admit that last year was kind of a mess when it came to DImension of Souls bosses and stuff, but outside of that I think the event last year was much more balanced (even if the rate of coins from the boss was garbage, the amount of boxes people farmed made up for it.   ..And also it definitely made more dead content lively throughout the time as well, might I add, so great execution on that part in the past!)

    ..Also we're missing the DImension of Souls pets this time around 😧 I'm not sure if this was intentional or if they were just forgotten from the trade system. Noticeably missing titles and stuff for passive buffs as well, but that's just excess of things I see. 

    Post is already long enough, and I'm hoping to have gotten my point across. Ty!


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  6. Personally I don't think that comment was really all that necessary, but okay enjoy! Typically, we already hit the -RES cap from most party comps in-game so I don't think it would effect that much for PvE. 


    But nevertheless, you enjoy. o3o

  7. 1 hour ago, warbeast667 said:

    i'm going to be blunt judgy yes it's bugged but 20+ debuffs is still 20+ debuffs but damn that is broken af

    p.s. i just hope we aren't going to see battle medic ae's til it's patched

    I'm aware that 20+ debuffs is still 20+ debuffs, but that should not disregard that the set is still bugged. And it has been bugged for a long time. 


    1 hour ago, SmolShibe said:

    I must say...your voice was not deep like CorpseHusband as I imagined.
    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

    HAHA..You expected my voice to be deep? Welcome to the real world, disappointment is expected here. :D

  8. @Jordan

    Hello. I'm unsure if anyone has told you through Tickets or Forums but the OTHER healing set from my last post is also bugged.

    Battle Medic set does not remove 1 Negative Status every 5 seconds, it removes 1 Negative Status every second.


    Here's proof of it. It's probably been like this since its release, but I've never really paid much attention to it until lately when I began testing more things. Sorry healy mains that knew this secret. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Patronus said:

    Ah, I just did my first temple knight quest, didn't realize it was a questline and I just had to run a dungeon in single player mode. As I mentioned, I haven't played this game in years upon years and back then none of this stuff was available so I really don't know where sets come from anymore. 

    Thank you! I've played plenty of MMORPGs and from what I remembered when I last played Eden Eternal you usually had to get blueprints to drop from bosses or for lower level stuff if I recall right it could just straight up drop, but we never had catch up gear back then so I had no clue these items were just given out upon quest completion.. It just seemed like a waste having to craft gear sets for levels that I was gonna blaze through anyway, but now I see why it's worth grabbing the sets every 10 levels heh.

    Oh no I definitely get it, especially about the crafting sets part.


    There are still a noticeable few set of people who do 95 Trials for the 95 Gear Awakening (Whether if its to have some starter gear past the Lv90 Temple Knight armor you'll receive or for Achievements). But the main meta now is Lv110 Armor Awakenings OR Lv115 Abyss Sets. Both are pretty great, but can be a little pricy depending on the way you go about it. Can always try to build a little holy sage or healer for Trials and run in, leech the HELL out of them to get blueprints for 110 Armors and go on from there.  There's quite a few ways of getting into the game and our GM, Jordan, is working to make playing 'catch up' on the gearing process a bit easier for newcomers and returning players.  You'll get there, I'm sure! :D 

    Feel free to ask the Peer for pointers or try to find some well-known named people and you'll find help one way or another. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Patronus said:

    Is it necessary to upgrade every 10 levels or can I skip some of the sets?


    Hi there! I do highly recommend doing the 'chore' of upgrading your gear as you hit the next gearing phase. It's actually similar to how the game is played even in late game as you go up in tiers to the strongest types!


    In Early game, its more beneficial to you if you get those sets and weapons because they are more equipped to fit your current level range and monster level range. (As a Lv70, wouldn't you want Lv70 armor? Lv80 with Lv80 armor—and so on!) People from Peer will tell you the same thing I tell you. It's not NECESSARY, but it's recommended.


    If you need help with the dungeons required to be done to actually get the gear then that's what the higher levels like me or anyone else with gear is for! There are quite a number of people in-game who want to see you get the same benefits that are possible for players around. Don't be shy to ask around in peer (and if you did and didn't get a response, maybe try asking at a different time for a bit of a different crowd!)

    Hope this helps,


    • Thanks 1
  11. A guide to becoming a pet-fusing maniac..!    
    ..Or at least something to get you started??

    I am in no way responsible for failed fusions that come from this guide, as the pet fusion system (much like a LOT of other systems in Eden Eternal) is pretty much completely RNG/LUCK based! Everything in this thing is based off CHANCE. If you win (🙂) the coin toss, then cool! If you don't and lose a desired fusion result that you wanted (🤬)...then life goes on.  
    ...Now with that out of the way..let's carry on!

    ________________________________________________You wanna make a cool-ass pet to WOW your friends? I gotcha! We'll make it through this together !

    You will need 2 pets to even get started here!
    Your 2 pets will pets will need to be AT LEAST  Lv40. (Higher is fine, this has shown to effect nothing)
    Have a desired pray in mind! This helps you from buying/getting pets for no reason.  Prays are NOT randomized and can only manifest based on the pets that you bring to the table.
    You can fuse Common, Alpha, Prime, AND Legendary pets! It's not just limited to Prime AND Legendary pets!
    __________________________________________________________________ Getting Your Pets!

    To make things simply understood, I will use LEGENDARY pets as our example(s). They are the current meta for fusing pets and creating pets for your character or other characters! Most Pet fusion is PRIMARILY done with these pets.

    Let's get familiar with the PET UI!
    I have Labeled these two pets to help you understand how this works. So, "PET A" is going to be your Assistant Pet while "PET B" is going to be your MAIN Pet.  It's a little confusing, but bear with me for now!

    ALL pets will come equipped with a set of Skills underneath "Battle" and a set of Buffs underneath "Pray" 
    But for now let's focus on the "Pray" tab our pets Listed Below:
    PET B   
    vl5IiDT.png 1. Slashy Weapons give ATK/M-ATK +15% | 2. LCK+20% | 3.  AGI +20%
    PET A   
    plg3pN5.png  1. P-CRIT/M-CRIT RATE +15% | 2. 10% ATK | 3. Malice +20%
    NOTE: The prays I listed are in ORDER corresponding to the pictures! (Left to Right)
    __________________________________________________________________  PET FUSION PROCESS

    mFaF2tY.png  <- See that button? This is the button you can hit when both of your pets (or in this case PET A and PET B) are level 40 AND are at REST (Meaning They cannot be Praying/Buffing your Character or be in Battle Mode)

    Hitting that button will pull up a new box! Oh no! SCARY )O)!

    This window is called the PET FUSION window! With this window you will see 0zaTCom.png AND NkGhepf.png.

    • The pet underneath "Advanced Pet" should be your MAIN pet and it is the pet that you want to actually keep (whether if its because the pet is cute/looks nice, or other reason!) If you are fusing a Prime pet into a Legendary pet, then make sure to have your Legendary pet in this spot so you can have more potential benefits! Trust me on this!
    • The pet underneath "Pet Assistant" should be your SECONDARY pet. It is the pet you are willing to LOSE! Once you have hit the Start Upgrading! button and let the process go through, "PET A" will disappear and "PET B" will remain.

    __________________________________________________  PET FUSION—THE "UPs" & "DOWNs"  ..and the confusion?

    Once you have done the deed.. There's so many things that can happen! Like..literally. So I will try to cover all parts that can happen as related to PRAYS ONLY. "Battle Pet" creation is an entirely different subject that I will need to cover..and this guide is already long as shit.

    If you were to Fuse "Pet Aand "Pet Blisted above, these are the possible Prays that can appear on "PET B" (Your MAIN pet/Advanced Pet)
    Fp2f79A.png  | qNZ6DfW.png | GVRM54m.png  |  m7iF62k.png | FbljWU7.png
    ...There's so many things that can happen with your pray(s) but just know that NO OTHER pray besides the ones that you used in your fusion will appear. Notice the first one? It's not a typo. Your Advanced Pet's prays have a chance at not changing at all even through going through multiple different Fusions.

    Just know that whatever you get as a result is what you have for that pet and can be changed if you fuse it with a different pet! It's all RNG. I personally do not know the % chance of prays moving / swapping...but if someone else does, feel free to enlighten me and I'll add it to this guide as well!

    _______________________________________________________  PET FUSION—THE STARS—What are they?!

    TjtomNU.png See this thing? This will appear for every time you fuse a pet! It's similar to a marker to tell you "Hey this pet has been fused once/twice/thrice times"! This Fusion Symbol known as a "Star Level" also is an indicator what pets you can fuse with it. 

    • NOTE: The MAXIMUM amount of "STARS" that your pet can have is 4. Once it is at 4 "STARS" it cannot be used for fusion any more and you will need to get a different pet! 
    • NOTE(2): When your pet has a STAR, it can ONLY be fused with pets that have an IDENTICAL STAR level! So if your pet failed at 1 Star, then you can only fuse it with a pet that has  1 Star!

    _____________ But, Malevolent?? How can I get stars on my second pet without changing my prays?!
    I'm glad you asked!
    METHOD 1 ►VEU8oqT.png This is a Pet Bible! It can only be acquired IN-Game through the AP shop (150 AP!) It is used to SAVE/KEEP your MAIN pet's FIRST TWO (meaning if you fuse 2 legendary pets, the third pray can STILL change!) Prayers!  With this, your Battle Skills can still be changed/lost!
    Using the methods of fusion that I mentioned above you can just as easily fuse a random prime or alpha pet with your secondary pet and use this item in the r9tUot6.png box of the Pet Fusion window!
    From my current knowledge, the Pet Bible will SAVE your Advanced Pet's prays and thus they will not change or even have a chance of changing!

    This chick is pretty lit. She sells a pet called a "BeagleT9zMoiN.png
    ..Now I know what you're going to say.. NO! It's not pet stars! That is a different IN-Game Currency called HONOR STARS.
    ..Long story short..uJWeJ5h.png Beagle boy has no PRAYS! NONE!

     Know what this means? Do the Fusion process and make SURE that the BEAGLE is your PET ASISSTANT. 
    With this, you can get EASY star levels on your secondary pet or whatever pet to get to the fusion requirements needed!
    _______________________________________________________  PET FUSION—The Closing?
     That's kinda all I got to teach you from here. Pet fusion is a very, very tedious thing to do! For most, it can also be VERY expensive! Do I recommend EVERYONE do this? No. Certainly not. This stuff is honestly a 'make or break' thing for a lot of Free-To-Play players! Sometimes, buying ALREADY FUSED pets will be the cheaper option in the end. But honestly, a fused pet is TOTALLY worth it later down the line of End-Game gearing. Is it a requirement in the beginning? Not especially. Fused pets is just one of those "dam imma get op" kind of things in the end, but honestly as long as you enjoy your Eden Eternal Experience, then that's all that matters in the end!

    This kind of Pet Fusion thing is really doable for ALL prays and Skills! I may do Battle Skills in a different thread or maybe in a response to this thread because guides can get pretty damn lengthy, you know?  BUT! If you have any input or questions you can DM me IN-Game "Malevolent", send a message through my inbox here on forums or even leave a response here on this thread!


    I really hope this helps aspiring pet-fusers and people who are a little confused on how Pet Fusion works and hope to maybe make more guides like this in the future! Sorry to my Spanish/French/German/Etc Friends though—I only know English and barely that, haha! 


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    • Thanks 4
  12. Well, the first image shows that I do have the 5/5 piece set effect and it still gives less cast speed than battle medic % wise (The percentage value). I'm not sure why it gives less cast speed there despite the actual value being higher.


    But thank you for your response, I didn't really pay attention to the fact it gave p-crit.

    Healers with auto attacks, RISE UP!

  13. Hello! This is a question primarily geared to @Jordan as it pertains to the recent "Abyss" dungeon patch that gave players a new variety of sets.


    Recently, I have tested the stats of two cloth healer sets and I've been left thoroughly confused.
    Here's Why:


    Breath of Life (M-CRIT / Cast Speed) set:



    Battle Medic (AGI/EVA/ Cast Speed set) set:

    ...Okay. So.. Is there something I'm missing?? Is everything being calculated right? 

    I should have higher M-CRIT Rate and Cast Speed with the Breath of Life set, no? The set effect itself gives 10% EXTRA Cast Speed on top of the cast speed that is already present. Not to mention, that each piece that I have fortified  on Breath of Life has AGI on it while my Battle Medic set has no AGI / Cast Speed fortification bonus. 


    I've also noticed that with my Breath of Life I actually have MORE cast speed with one of the pieces UN-EQUIPPED than rather with the full set as depicted down below. 


    Though I've only seen the Percentage (%) bug out and not the actual whole value..but it's still really weird and I think it's something that should be looked into!



    ..Why is my M-CRIT the same on both sets? Each piece of my Breath of Life set almost all have M-CRIT as a fortification bonus and the set bonus itself gives M-CRIT...as well as the pieces UNLIKE the Battle Medic set (which, by the way, has no M-CRIT on its pieces at all and are only present because of fortification) 


    Thank you,


  14. She's been found, aha! Yes! 


    I hear you though! I'm glad you responded to this! It may seem like something small, but it really does quell the personal worries! I'll be sure to keep it all in mind and will patiently await your return for our epic battle(s) once again.


    Always take care of yourself first  for sure though🙌!  Hope IRL stuff settles sooner than later too; here's sending my best wishes to you!  Sending positive vibes your way ~ 😃

    • Thanks 1
  15. Hi Vivi! @Vivi

    I'm not here to talk about EE Maintenances or anything, I just noticed I didn't get to yell at you this week, so now I miss ya!


    ..I hope you're doing okay though if something's up! 
    I'm just some random player on Eden Eternal, but I know people get busy and stuff with like..life. (I'm OBVIOUSLY terrible at this kind of talk, being me.)
    We're all pretty in the dark as to what's going on so y'know..yeah some of us are wondering of your whereabouts and hope you're doing okay!

    Hope to see you soon for pre-maintenance item-linking battles 😄

    - Psions/Judgement/Malevolent/GodIChangedMyNameTwiceNowOmg

    ..Honestly, I didn't really know where to post this since

    • "Vivi cannot receive messages."  >:V HECC U MALEVOLENT
      -  Love,
      ♥ VGN Forum System ♥

    But no seriously, someone find our awesome, lost maintenance lady and make sure she's okay kthx
    I also hope that all other VGN Staff members are okay and well. Although it's not said enough, we all do appreciate what you do to keep these games up and running!  
    • Haha 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Jordan said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong but the somewhat purpose of this was to give them more room to rely on PoD for PvP scenario's. Since that way you can be -10% down on Cast SPD.

    PvP and PvE are not the same thing. I was talking about the PvE cast speed on the set. You could even add PvE M-Crit Rate +2% it doesn't really matter to me. I just feel as though giving excessive amounts of cast speed to healers is more of a waste than making them heal more o-o;   As it stands, even with the awaken 110 set, most of my healers with just a shaman buff and some potions have over 120~130% cast speed. So..adding 10% to that is..beneficial how? Other healers, as you should say, have generally the same stats at this point in the game. I wasn't speaking about cast speed on the set pieces/bonus, but the new "PvE this-that-andtheother" stat. Almost literally no healer nowadays takes the pod cast speed buff. Why should you if you have completely overcapped castings lmao? PvP -DMG Taken is perfectly fine. Anyone in this broken PvP meta needs more -dmg taken, but in PvE, more beneficial stats like g-healing, wis, m-crit, etc is better whether if it's a boss that reduces M-CRIT Rate or G-healing or not. 

    If you don't crit, hey-hey, you got more g-healing/wis to back up that non-crit heal.
    If you have more cast speed, hey-hey, your already-insta cast just got even more insta-cast, ayee~ `_>`

    ..See the difference?

    ..And I don't really care about ruining the response, it's beyond me at this point. When multiple things get ignored, one tends to get annoyed after pointing it out multiple times without answer. But at ANY RATE..On to things that actually matter now in 2021..

    Another thing. Esh-Baal has been ignored pretty much all the way up until this point. So like the MP situation, I'll just stick a small reminder here. Is there a reason she's so slow or can she be sped up? Literally 90% of the posts here talk about her ..her..'speed' and people in-game want her to be sped up or letting her catch to the chase.

    • Sad 1
  17. I think PvE Cast Speed +2% on healer sets is useless. Healers doing abyss dont really need CST SPD because 9 times out of 10, they're already overcapping. Why not PvE G-Healing 2% or PvE WIS 2%? Something beneficial. And no. I'm not DEMANDING this. I'm asking. Since, apparently, me asking or suggesting simple things are now commands. -_-

    That's all I have left for this game. Thanks for 'listening' and thanks for the patch. 🤷‍♂️

  18. On 1/3/2021 at 4:24 PM, Jordan said:

    I can't sit here and spend 2 months on content and then 2 weeks later end game players are already asking for whats next. 

    Idunno about you, but Haven's patch came out in July 2020 and I just finished it in January 2021. And that's being somewhat consistent about running (with maybe 2~4 weeks of a break period). Maybe it's RNG. Maybe not. Some people have better rates and better luck than others (There are people I know who aren't even done with weapons yet and they've been more active than me of all people!) 

    A few people I know have gone nearly 4 days without an essence because of the way that NEED/GREED system works. No one likes that. NO one wants that. I was very appreciative on how you buffed the essence drop rate in Haven a patch after it came out and it made a wonderful difference. I really think you should consider doing the same for this patch as well because of how essences re distributed and are set up for different set / set pieces. (Unlike Haven's patch, we don't have 'BLENT" essences this time. Needing more specific ones that are in high demand makes this patch all the more painful. And because of the nature of how things are, people rather hold onto them than trade them. Your argument to this is probably going to tell us to wait and be patient, which yes, I understand, but no one wants to go days without making any progress essence wise to their set. I myself have gone a couple days without an essence on 2 characters as well. And if you've done core, sitting there waiting for Esh-Baal's slow ass to walk down to the entrance it can get annoying.)


    ..Also..I'll ask again
    Why does the Evil Conqueror Set give MP +3388. It's not a Typo and literally gives such when it should give HP similar to the Light CRIT DMG (Dark Ninja) set. It should give HP similar to the awaken 110 Rampaging Fire Dragon set. Having lower HP with higher level equipment makes no sense to me—and before you ask—yes it makes a difference in game play to have nearly 79k HP as opposed to your normal 85~87k HP. 
    So, that being said.. Can we please change +3388 MP to +3388 HP? Maybe? Bruh, it could be +2000 HP and that'd be much better than having my MP bar destroyed by Moderately High MP skills + a 3% MP per second toggle. C'mon now.

    New Feedback
    Willow Boss (Stygian Peak) - The fire debuff that takes -20% HP per second that Willow Applies can still exist on players outside of the dungeon and should be removed upon dungeon exit. 


    Thank you for fixing the D.O.T that Esh-Baal leaves, the status removes itself upon exit as it should! 

    • Like 4
  19. Well. Since we can't have that...🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    Can we PLEASE CHANGE the MP + 3388  On the Evil Conqueror (Lv115 Heavy Set) set to HP? Maybe Remove that MP stat all together?? It makes absolutely no sense at all to have EXTRA MP when all your classes are 120. With that set, as a halfkin, my toggle on Berserker literally sucks 1,300~1,400 MP per second. We don't have any Lv3 Ultimate MP potions, we only have 2 usable / stackable MP potions and sometimes it's not enough. I'm not saying make the game easy, but let's not also make the game make no sense..

    Awaken Rampaging Fire Dragon (Lv110) gives, guess what? HP.
    Evil Conqueror? MP


  20. 2 hours ago, Rin said:

    Great post Trancer! The only thing I would want to reinforce is the same point Judgement made about the 114 fame accessories. They were just given to us this patch specifically for new players, and actually have pretty good effects and combos.

    Also, players should be careful with using the basic resistance gems from Aven. They're good for early things like TK sets, but players should remember that they aren't a substitute for real gems once you actually get better gear. In many ways, better players will consider them a crutch or a trap. Use them early on and only early on. I break every time I see someone in an awakened set using basic gems.

    Yeah! People who usually come to me for gem advice usually get told to only use Basic Gems from Urn only for their beginning phase. Once they get that set awakened and everything they should've had plenty of time to scape that gold up for Courage Strike Gems (PDPS Exclusive), Intuition Amplifier Gems (MDPS Exclusive), or Compassion Heal Gems (Healer Exclusive). 

    • Level 8 Gems are going to ALWAYS give better (higher) resists and extra beneficial stats that can make your character much stronger. 
      • The Game is a grind heavy experience and should be treated as such. But the reward in the end is really great imo! 
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