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Posts posted by iProtect

  1. Comparing a PU to a Mage is silly. A PU is pretty much a stereotype of Sniper type classes/skill sets across many MMO’s. They have long CD’s on strong, single target skills, have low mobility, and have ways of being able to burst down their target through buffs that have balanced drawbacks ( being Paralyzed, and having to stay in a small-ish circle ). They also have a limited form of stealth. This is the class. Straying from the core of what it is cripples it. 


    Edit: And not going to lie. If ME’s party buffs required the super shitty self buffs, I’m out. I know that’s selfish, as I don’t play at cap. But holy crap.

    Edit 2: I have no idea on why PU has a large defensive cocoon. It’s not in line with what the class does or is about. 

    Edit 3: Since I don't want to be one of those types of people who just complains but offers no suggestions, here's one people can pick apart.

    People complain that PU doesn't have an ACC/CH-ACC buff, and ME's have one they can keep up permanently; remove ME's ACC/CH-ACC buff, remove VOID/EVA on Cocoon, slap it on the Defensive Cocoon, and rename it. Now PU's have ACC/CH-ACC buff with the drawbacks of it being a Cocoon, can no longer be off tanks, and removes perma-ACC from ME. 

    That leaves a skill open to ME's to fill in. So for that, you could take off the EVA's on Shadow Projection, put them in Accuracy's old spot, rename it. ME's don't have a flat DEF buff, to compensate revamping Shadow Foil, throw a scaleable flat DEF buff in there to work in tandem with VOID and Resists. Keep in mind that DEF is much more valuable where I'm at. So please don't let us CG Medics turn EVERYONE into Whippers. No more than a 100 DEF at 6 pts for 29 cap, please. It can scale to higher levels after that to offer something to ya'll.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Bikini said:

    PU at 29 cap is actually a lot better now then it was b4. ME and WH is more or less the same.

    Like I said, it’s irrelevant to me whether it was a buff or nerf, I’d rather see new skills than this messy Skill Menu with 8 million things for each skill. “Keep it simple, stupid!” springs to mind when looking at them; ain’t calling anyone names. Also, the language used when talking about ME’s in general sent up some warning flags. Taking away Enchanted Projection’s bubble only putting it on self buff so SW’s have an easier time banking ME’s. Things like that. I don’t even run Foil now. Rather keep people thinking I’m going to use it mid rotation or something.


  3. 9 hours ago, Norleras said:

    He's referring to class advantages over others.

    Yeah, I should have known that. I was tired and actually got up out of bed to add my 1 cent to the convo. lol

    There will always be class advantages. This game uses the standard fantasy archetypes with the tried and true advantages and weaknesses. An SW should have an inherit advantage over a PU when all else is equal ( gear, jewels, skill ). They're an "Assassin" class. They go in, try and take out priority targets, or gank those that are being dumb like over extending their support, and get out of there. With all the detection and ACC/CH-ACC going around, I think @GoddessSand is right. Should he be able to completely decimate equal geared DPS backed by a ME? If they play bad, sure. ME's main heal is only on a 3 second CD. With all of our heals/buffs having fast-ish cast times. So with only one target to heal, it's easy to burst heal someone with all healing skills/buffs. Obviously there's even more healing at ya'lls caps. That said, he should still have a chance to outplay a DPS/Healer team.

    @SparkOne I was with you until you said SW's should be able to instantly kill, and not die easily. They're an Assassin class. They're not tanks. Historically in MMO's they have high DPS, and low defense but have enough time to kill their targets when using evasive-type skills and supported by an healer when their RNG skills fail. Outside of that, I agree 100%. The game needs to be balanced at a level of what a class SHOULD do and good at inherently. Not this idea of making all classes viable at everything.

    Regarding PU's, I believe they are meant to be high burst damage dealing classes that balanced themselves out due to lengthy CD's, slow mobility and having to root themselves in place or, at least confine themselves to a small circle to maximize DPS. This all was completely neutered, and needs to be patched back in.

  4. 2 hours ago, SparkOne said:

    Well they should actively take players from who play for so long to test server,,,,shouldn't just conclude with 8-10 players

    Like have some players who have special access to test server ...

    I agree. I don’t know who all are private testers, but there’s a pretty good chance that there needs to be more. Preferably more players at the highest level cap, who have dedicated “main” classes and understand how they work. If it’s just a handful of players testing, they’re not getting the data they need prior to a patch going live.

  5. 4 hours ago, GoddessSand said:

    Most of the time, any player supported by the Medic is more OP than the players who aren't. Should that be the case that all players who have ME support become too difficult to kill? I did say to reduce the ME support buffs then having SE's higher ch-acc to make sense, but having high ME support buffs and high ch-acc makes the SE too OP. The same goes for the ME support buffs for the SW, reducing them for the party keeps players from being too OP to deal with that it doesn't require an ME on the other side. Often if a ME enters a BG, not AK or NB, the side who got the ME is too OP to deal with.

    Yes. It is honestly a rhetorical question. In literally EVERY MMORPG over the past 19-years that's been the case. Whether we're talking sandbox games with open-world PvP, or themeparks with structured formats. It goes without saying but generally, a DPS class with a Support class is going to be an insta-win against a lone DPS. Guild Wars 1 and 2, WoW, Black Desert, TERA, practically any MOBA, etc. Are there exceptions, of course. Gear, skill, lag, over extending, whatever. But generally. Reading what I bolded made me instantly think of the "Pikachu face". 

    As for ME's entering BG's, again I have to say of course. Supports are one of the most requested classes across all content in any MMO. They're a dying profession, and have always been the least played class(es) because nearly everyone wants to do damage, a few want to stand around looking tough, and that 1% wants to keep everyone alive running around like a chicken with their heads cut off from the other 99%. Combine that with the general hate and blame thrown at them, leveling process, gearing process, etc. and it's no wonder people don't want to play the support classes. A lot of modern games are omitting dedicated healers/supports because of this. But again, yes, a dedicated support character SHOULD be able to help increase their parties/groups/side's chance at victory. If all it takes is ONE ME showing up to a BG, I'd question the losing side more than the winning side. Team work makes the dream work, after all.

    I'd like to remind everyone that this is a Korean game, one that was published by Aeria games. They ( Korean games ) are 99% of the time heavily unbalanced especially when there's a ton of systems in place to increase peoples in game 'power'. You will never balance this game. Doesn't mean I don't think you should try but, I'm not interested in playing if you guys are going to play whack-a-mole every patch because 3 people on this forum said X was too OP because Y had a Z. That's like every damn forum for any game ever created. Always got someone saying rock beat scissors and dislikes it enough to tell everyone. I'd hope that you guys are actively testing what's considered OP and weak on your test server using lots of different scenarios with a couple of handful of players.

    I already absolutely hate the new skills buffs/nerfs at my cap on PU, ME, and WH and am still pissed that they were combined and made into new ones. Ya'll want to make new skills, make them. Leave the old ones alone. Tweak them if you want in the name of "balance". But my wallets shut if this is something that's going to happen every patch.

    • Like 1
  6. Alright, legit question. Not trying to be an ass but, don’t you think that’s a little greedy at this point? These things are dropping like flies for y’all higher levels. It’s nothing but unique spam. The market for them is saturated now, and everyone has enough to gear their alts, give away, and sell. There’s been a ton of gold made from this event for y’all. This isn’t factoring the sweets you get either. But if we did, there’s several thousand more in it for the costumes, and never having to worry about SG’s again. Also you got Ancient Spanners dropping, and the regular 100g costumes.

    As a comparison, I’ve got two unique earrings at my cap in about 40-50 runs so far. A million Rare earrings ( needed, thanks Vivi ) and other than collecting candies for SG’s, am getting nothing from the event. Granted, I don’t care that much about them or the gold you guys are making since I just swipe for mine. Further, I’ve heard they’re going to modify the drop rate, as it’s a little more giving than they thought it’d be. 

    Already there’s been lots of near buyouts for many things due to the influx of gold. Might not be that good of an idea to introduce more free generally expensive items that have high drop rates to the dungeon.

    Edit: Adding some of the buyouts I mentioned.

    1. Storage. Only 1 Warehouse and 1 Backpack left.

    2. No pets on AH. There was an 8k Norb on there for months; gone. Was also a Coit. Only thing left is a new Halloween Dragon for lol, 29,999g. 

    3. Normal Spanners have gone up about to nearly twice their "normal" rate.

    4. Only SW Candy Strippers left. There were a good number, including a 20k ME I was thinking about buying. All gone.

    5. Blessed Naraks are all gone.

    6. Only 1 500g Pet Hack.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Tropical said:

    Kali I haven't noticed any dps increase. My viledon main soloed Helios with a similar build as before and it was quite a chore. When I have time I will go and kill the escort messenger. There is a particular point how far she gets, gotta see if that changes.

    I for one like the split buffs. At least it opens options to tweak the medic without affecting aoe.

    The issue with particle resist is sad. Especially when you realize what it means. Medic easy to kill for dps classes, hard to kill for whippers and medics. It's a faction nerf. Wish they were more frank with this.

    The DPS increase stems from being able to flat-out spam 1&2 skills. Coupled with the added Chakra damage, and practically not having to wait on animations or CD’s between the two skills, and you can see how it out performs old Kali.

    It does affect the Medic, though. What would you rather have? Multiple great skills that’s thematically in line with your class, and mitigates a good chunk of damage while visually allowing everyone to see you’re buffed not singling you out, or a mish mash of small buffs that offer negligible defensive values when all things are considered ( gear, jewels, costumes, etc ), and your selfish buff that singles you out for enemy DPS to avoid, and gives them an advantage like, letting their CD’s reset, waiting for your buff to wear off, etc.

    And wow, didn’t even think about that Faction angle. Makes sense. Daddy’s FK, right? Curaja was FK back on ASB, if I remember correctly. That and the thread with FK’s complaining about not having Medics...Omg dude. You won. This is the damned reason. Holy crap.

  8. I still can’t get behind the ME changes; Kali included as currently, it seems 100% more busted than it was. I know they’re still tweaking it, but right now, a Mech’d ME can sit there and spam 1 and 2 back-to-back, with 3 sprinkled in. This is due to them cutting down the animations for the attacks and seemingly not even require them sometimes. Again, they’re working on making this more fluid, but as it stands, I do more damage than I did with Mech buff.

    As far as the actual ME buffs, just can’t do it. They just don’t seem right. Maybe make the self-buffs targetable instead? That way I can use it on someone else if needed since ya’ll are Hell bent on splitting the darn skills. 

    Another thing that kind of gets my panties in a bunch all throughout the Skill breakdown is the language used. “To make Medics easier to kill...” , “Giving them huge don’t fuck with me bubbles to let SW’s know not to attack...” HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Filomena said:

    Vivi sure has the scripts for the two bonus bosses in Caergate: they were Dirgebane! I still hope he can use them.

    Also, there is also a big boss in Bloodsoul, and a spawn point in caergate for Bloodsoul teleport. I remember the concept of Bloosoul was really great: 20 minutes of big PvP, then portal closes. At this point, who die inside, can't go back, so when PvP is over, just few people will stay inside and can kill the boss (if there are enough people).

    I was wondering about just this a few days ago. With the patch in the works for lower level zone, why not wait a week or two, then run this event? I had just missed the event on ASB when I started playing, and while I played they never ran it again. Always wanted to see what it was like.

  10. So Sand semi-asked for this, and I had been thinking about doing it for awhile thus, here I am. I see a lot of just really, really, crap Rare 20-29 gear on the AH with silly high prices, and really, really, good ones for 5g. I'm not going to go into prices, as that's the community's job to price it accordingly. Plus, with a patch on the horizon that's going to change a good bit, there's just no point in bothering right now. 

    For this list I'm just going to cover the 4-stat version of the gear. Not a lot of reason to use the 3-stat's unless you just flat out can't find the 4-stat version. Also, some pieces ( pretty sure all ) have lower base stats when they're 3-stat gear versus 4-stat. This also can be said of Weapons. The less stats they have, the lower their base stat(s) are.

    FYI- I consider SP on gear a wasted stat due to Pets. Outside of the "Rare" stat Chest piece, of course.




    DEF/VOID/HP/CP- The most common one by far I get after Certifying chest pieces.
    DEF/VOID/CH-EVA/HP- Alternative to EVA version below. Also, slightly uncommon.
    DEF/VOID/HP/SP- Rare. Only have got 5 pieces so far. I Certify AH and farm every night.
    DEF/CH-EVA/HP/SP- Salvage.
    EVA/DEF/CH-EVA/HP- Could be alright for SW's and Senti's? I Salvage.
    EVA/DEF/VOID/HP- Really uncommon. Best Chest Piece for most classes.
    EVA/DEF/HP/CP- Salvage.
    EVA/DEF/HP/SP- Uncommon. Salvage.

    Enhancement stats are: DEF/VOID/HP/SP. "Rare" Chest Piece has all enhancements possible ).



    DEF/CH-ACC/HP- Salvage.
    DEF/CH-ACC/CRIT. RATE- Pretty much standard offensive gear. Common.
    DEF/CH-ACC/SP- Salvage.
    DEF/MIN.CH-ATK/HP- Salvage.
    DEF/MIN.CH-ATK/SP- Salvage.
    DEF/MAX.CH-ATK/HP- It's alright.
    DEF/MAX.CH-ATK/SP- Salvage.
    DEF/MIN.CH-ATK/CRIT.RATE- Don't think I've seen it, but it should exist. Need verification.
    DEF/MAX.CH-ATK/CRIT.RATE- Don't think I've seen it, but it should exist. Need verification.
    DEF/CRIT.RATE/HP- I like use on my ME since I run ACC buffs.
    DEF/CRIT.RATE/SP- Salvage.

    Enhancement stats are: Min/Max ATK ( Make sure BOTH are on them at the top in green ), DEF, CRIT.RATE, and Min/Max CH-ATK. There's a 4-stat version, but thus far, it lacks Max ATK every time I get them/see them. It's basically just DEF/CH-ACC/CRIT.RATE, with SP thrown on. 




    DEF/VOID/SPD/HP- The most common version you get when Certifying.
    DEF/VOID/CH-EVA/SPD- Salvage.
    DEF/VOID/SPD/SP- Salvage.
    EVA/DEF/VOID/SPD- Decent alternative to HP version.
    EVA/VOID/CH-EVA/SPD- Could be useful for EVA classes.
    EVA/DEF/SPD/HP- 100% Rare as heck. I've not found one myself. Given one for my ME.
    EVA/DEF/SPD/SP- 99% Rare as heck. I've found one for SW.


    Enhancement stats are: DEF/EVA/SPD/HP/SP. "Rare" versions enhance all four stats.

    Shoes was, and still are expensive compared to other gear. No one likes Drasilmarsh. So the "Rare" versions will always be more rare than other gear.

    **Next up, Bangles and maybe Kneeguards."







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  11. Once I finish getting my PU alt to 29 today, I’m going to park her in VIP and put together a list of possible combinations on each piece of gear. Got the day off, so I’ll also include how often I see the stat combos as I certify about 30 or so pieces a day depending on how much my unofficial suppliers farm. Some like DEF/VOID/HP/CP chests are just way too common to think that there’s no “rarity” assigned to them.

    Edit: Might not be doing that today. I'm leveling this PU without using the Exp. Buffs provided. Plus, I'm collecting "data" on how long it takes me to hit 29 ( current level 26 ), amount of gold I get in total, and Skill Points total. I'm going to do all the quests up to ( and around ) 29. 

  12. 4 hours ago, GoddessSand said:

    I'd like to see a list of gamma gear stat grouping for each character and then see how the community takes to saying what ones they want. That is for instance bangle carries atk amount from here to here, with def stat, ch-atk stat, etc and the following of those stats will increase at each enhancement. That way people know what to look for to actually sell other than just salvaging them away.

    Though if one is trying to get the salvage achievement at 29 tier, being able to quickly pick out what not to salvage would be a good thing. Otherwise if people just want rare gears to salvage, farming IV (team mode I think is better than solo) for delta rares is the best location for obtaining the most rare gears because I could get at least 5 per run and 1 run per 5 to 10 min with the right character. Mind you that you have to be what? level 44 or 49, been awhile since I've been in it, and have +12 gears for that level to farm it the fastest.

    I was actually thinking about doing that, but didn’t think anyone would have much interest in it aside from the few here that have alts in CG, and potentially in the future should it be updated. I’m 100% sure I’ve seen and had every piece of Gamma gear at this point where, outside of perfect stats ( EVA/DEF/VOID/HP Chest ), uncommon stats ( DEF/VOID/CH-EVA/HP Chest ), and fluff stats ( DEF/HP/VOID/SP Chest ), I’ve salvaged nearly 1000 pieces so far. A complete list would be easy, so people will know what’s trash and what’s a keeper. Hopefully it’ll clear up a lot of the garbage Gamma gear I have to sift through everyday on the AH. 

  13. What about doing more with the website “Event” tab? Could introduce weekly or monthly freebie packs. Since this is a F2P game, there could be little packages given out to players. Given that daily login events are the norm in pretty much any online game these days, it could be somewhat replicated on the website with static once-per-week or month packages for players that you spice up every once in awhile. This would be great for both old and new players depending on the items in the package(s). 

  14. So just killed Titan and noticed how much Gold I got from it; 19. Would a bump in how much liquid Gold you get from Bosses in the game break it? Another thing is the supply boxes you get occasionally from killing players. I don’t know what you get at higher levels, but it’s pretty bland on lower levels. Could put some stuff in them and revise the loot tables. Granted, there’s a chance heathens ( FK’s ) would farm their RG alts for them! But that could be player-policed.

    just random things; no demands or even real suggestions.


    Edit: Assuming this patch sees activity in the lower end zones, would a zone-wide Faction reward be something anyone would be interested in seeing for the Faction that kills the boss? That way, even if the opposing sides win the DPS race on a WB, it can still be sniped for some sort of consolation prize/small reward to all that participate.


    Again, random thoughts on lunch break.

  15. On 10/18/2019 at 12:44 AM, Serah Farron said:

    @Vivi Is it possible to get "Hatchling Pet or Skin"? You know the tiny cute dragon, also viewable on the art of my signature.

    I would really love one, since it was my fav in aeria times.

    While we're requesting pet skins, how about that sweet Alpha Runewolf skin. 


    Edit: @Vivi have you guys ran flash sales on specific costumes/skins/bikes or reduced Mystery Box prices for events/holidays or whatever?

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