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sulfidesss81 last won the day on January 31 2023

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  1. I agree with this idea since only 1 guild is able to keep 120 expedition statues up, that just advantage to Garden which is already the most populated "strongest" guild, i think that's unfair to give advantage to only one guild. And also with the actual player base it is really hard to find people geared enough to participate and even if you find people if their not in you'r guild (peer party by exemple) you might do the expedition a couple of time which is quiet hard maybe make it like easier and with a lower player requirement would help a lottttttt. @Jordan
  2. Would like to see Unholy aurora lance cyan in box ty✔️
  3. Hi i would like to see some 3rd pray res elem +10 pet in the boxe -Magic Summer Koharu✔️ -Yellow Cherry Blossom✔️ -Blushy Ghostblade Ren✔️
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