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MrDoudou last won the day on January 9

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About MrDoudou

  • Birthday 10/02/1996

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  • VGN Games
    Unofficial GM For Eden Eternal

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  1. Hello dear Eden Eternal Vendetta players! Today we want your opinions. We'd like to know what you'd like to see in the next patch. We're in the process of planning the patches for this year and would like to hear the community's opinion before anything is set in stone. We'd like to begin working on this as soon as possible. So any ideas you would like to submit, please do so soon! Note: We're looking for major content rather than QoLs, although QoLs are welcome. Thanks for all your help. ~V-Team
  2. We'll talk about it with the team, but I don't think we're going to open another private server unfortunately, for different reasons, but maybe one day who knows?
  3. Thanks to everyone who took part in the Event and congratulations to those who managed to score 20 points! Rewards will be sent to you within 24 hours. Note: Some players have been disqualified from the Event for multiple entries and will not receive any rewards. And here's the list of winners with the number of points. Also, for the 2 people who still haven't contacted me about their Pet, please send me a message as soon as possible.
  4. Hello everyone! An old retired adventurer took photographs of various locations during his travels. Now he challenges the current adventurers to identify the location of each and every shot he took a photograph of. Rules and Mechanics Figure out where each of the following 20 shots that were taken. You can only participate once, and you will not be able to modify your answers once they are sent. Each shot is equal to 1 point Duration: Form will close once the date changes to Sept 19 Rewards 1-3 pts = 1 Eden Crystal 4-6 pts = 5 Eden Crystal 7-9 pts = 10 Eden Crystal 10-12 pts = 1 Event Point 13-15 pts = 2 Event Point 16-19 pts = Mr Doudou 20 pts = 1 Legendary Pet of your choice** Form Link DONE We have the right to deny any item requested if we think it shouldn't be given. You can't choose fused pet, Legendary pet, Diamond Altar, Event box or Anniversary exclusive items or that are not yet available. Happy Anniversary, Eden Eternal Vendetta!
  5. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13KIaaELievrNQeSX5kyGnwgAngn5xWhX/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116811432975966027283&rtpof=true&sd=true Updated version with Agent Glyphs, make sure to copy the sheet to use it
  6. Patch Preview #4
  7. Patch Preview #3
  8. Patch Preview #2
  9. Hello everyone! Patch Preview #1
  10. ??? We don't have NT, so either you're trying to get an older version, or you're trying to get one that spoofs our name, in which case we can't help you. This topic is closed.
  11. Patch Preview #2
  12. Hello everyone! Patch Preview #1
  13. Esti's suggestions Altar White Kitty Spectacles (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Toy Fish (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Bubble Lollipop (Legendary)✔️ Strawberry Fish-shaped Cake (Legendary)✔️ Sakura Rice Cakes (Legendary)✔️ Cunning Minidemon's Wings (Legendary)✔️ BunBun Backpack (Legendary)✔️ Ink Jet Wings (Legendary)✔️ (All colors)Angel Wings (Legendary) Doudou: Not sure about which one you are asking for. Sakura Gauze Wings (Legendary)✔️ Blueflame Demon Drake Wing (Legendary) ✔️ Playful Kitty Backpack (Legendary)✔️ Blushing Bunny Backpack (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Prep Girl (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Alchemist Dress (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Desert Rose Dress (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Bandit Queen Gear (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Leather and Lace Dress (Legendary)✔️ VIP Pop Star Gown (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Everyday Uniform Dress (Legendary)✔️ Delicate Cruel Death Frock (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Candy Sweetheart (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Combat Mage Garb (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious White Rabbit's Petticoat (Legendary)✔️ Brutal Bear Paws (Legendary)✔️ Box Punchy Kitty Hairdo (Legendary)✔️ Michelle's Twin Hairdo (Legendary)✔️ Kitty Hairdo (Legendary)✔️ Rainbow Light Feather Streamer✔️ Heart of the Sea (Legendary)✔️
  14. Hello! If you encounter a problem when creating your account, and you do not receive an email, please try the following steps: Firstly, a quick reminder: We only accept hotmail, gmail, live or yahoo email services. Note: I personally recommend using gmail. If an account has not been verified via email, then the account information is wiped from the database, allowing you to try registering again with the same information. If you haven't registered again, I would suggest you do that and try watching out in your spam/trash folder, as the email may end up in there. After midnight UTC, if you have not received your email your attempted registration will clear itself out, allowing you to re-register with the same email to attempt to get the email again. So if you haven't tried to register again, please do. ~ V-Staff
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