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Posts posted by infecttado

  1. On 5/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, Jordan said:

    I think atleast adding Honor Stars outside of PvP is a terrible idea. It happened with POD and it kinda made the currency not a PvP currency but a PvE currency that was just anoying to farm. I also plan to add more items in the future to Honor Stars like exclusive costumes and stuff that would also make this currency be more active.

    I'm not sure about class medals as again they're sort of linked to the PvP but I will admit I'm definatly more open to adding Class Medals in places.

    tl;dr Honor Stars not, Class Medals maybe (needs more discussion).

    Pls add exclusive costumes and stuff to awaken too ty.

  2. On 4/15/2020 at 11:24 AM, Psion's Booper said:

    Ahhh... I see. That's truly unfortunate but understandable!

    I do however, appreciate the rather speedy response though. I don't mean to complain or anything, just was curious to see what was possible. HALFKINS, STAY STRONG. U GOT DIS BBYS. ♥ Thank you though, us halfkins will continue to flail at failed TEs as they arise. 


    More possible suggestions regarding content may come. BetterTTV - monkaSquint by Majesty_

    We will survive, just making another races :'D


  3. M-DPS Engineer can't be buffed too much remember if had too much stuff will be like mimic on last days from his metha, killing everyone with 1 black explosive, also u guys testing stuff with resist drop? or just spaming skills with some stats, i've tested it by my own easly 25k dmg on templar with 70 resist max, drop 42 resist then 28 was his resist, that without triple just 100% of cast/m rate and 3.0 m dmg.
    Luminary case is too much hard to talk and touch it will be nerfed on cap 80 maybe if jordan increase it cause on Awaken server with 80 kp points and lv 78 set and other items lv80 i can easly kill healer solo, or one shot mostly of dps, whatever they do, only way to escape from dying is running in circles and even that can help you sometimes.
    Mage on cap 60 is super broken that's what disapoint me of playing on classic, talking about spam skills without any mechanics, we can just see it on Nick's video which he goes from 1 kill to 19 in like 5 seconds, isn't only 1 mage on party but on classic we have 200 players per tw.

    Good deal for Engineer MDPS? give cast spd so u can use mdmg set, this will make this class ''usable'' without +10 full reseted stuff.

    Changing class kill the idea of classic if u want to be classic play with what u have not changes, awaken server had alot of reworks and it killed some idea of classes. (just a point)

  4. iUtDM72.png
    Added diferent versions on classic but never released to awaken '-' Sorry? I know Classic have more than triple amount of players that awaken have now, but this is a suggestion has been made from someone more than 2 years ago.
    Ty attention.
    Edit1: they have legendary version on classic only.

  5. Pet Status Increase.

    I've been having fun in those years and i just wanted some investiment instead of just add new pets with pray porpouse, cause i know pets isn't like players that deal 500-999k dmg but they are good as DPS too or Debuff.
    I've took and ''edited'' this from other game called Digimon Masters Online.
    Its a seal table which give status to our digimon in general.
    I know eden isn't focused on pets and its hard to give some kind of status like CRIT DMG or DMG Delt to them as passive.
    So i've been thinking into some buffs for pets using Seal method.


    Pet has their own atribute and skills, would be nice if have following increase of status.
    Elemental X(Fire,Ice,Dark,Holy...) DMG +1% when 1k seal opened.
    Crit Rate/Mcrit Rate xxx when 1k seal opened.
    P-Atk/M-atk XXX when 1k seal opened.
    ATK SPD XXX when 1k seal opened.
    ACC XXX when 1k seal opened.
    Skill Duration +1 sec when 1k seal opened.

    How to open seal? Add to Gem Altar on Last roll place on prime item slot, item called Seal Opener.

    Seal Opener Icon.png
    You can open every 100 seal which gives xx status based on how much it gives like:
    Skill duration 100 seal = 0.1 sec

    Every 100 seal u will need 1 seal opener. (Max 1000 Seals)
    How to obtein seals, Add Seal drop of 75% drop from DNG Bosses 0/2 or 0/10 Dungeons.

    I know this HUGE update and need too much work but i'll keep it here just as an idea, IDK if its possible just to start :c.
    Hope it come to the game anyday.


  6. 21 minutes ago, Jordan said:

    Simply put Awaken Classes are not fun in 3v3

    About that i can't help with that cause i've spend over 500k with sets and gears for nctw for random players, they never apply for it.
    NCTW was alive for some reason before, after classic only 10 players do it now, others just focus on awakens, fact is Guild Arena don't works, which is amazing pvp but we can't rank for it.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Jordan said:

    Arena change wont make a difference will just increase the chances of people farming with alts. Needs to be more drive for 3v3 as its not a reward problem its a gameplay problem. Simply put Awaken Classes are not fun in 3v3. Needs more of a redesign with the additional incentive of better rewards.

    Instant Gathering in the capsules I'd rather not. Maybe the 50% ones like POD but not the 99% ones. I think White Costumes can even be Alphas and rare chances of primes. It's not really an issue. I also think Eternal Coins is something that should be avoided.

    I get what your saying about the mount but adding it for 1000 coins is just as bad as increasing the rates. Both of these will ruin its rarity.

    I'd have to evaluate it but increasing the runs higher is something I plan to do.

    Ty for answers and wish u do ur best.
    Waiting for news.

  8. Hidden Equipment Settings!

    As we know on awaken server we've too much diferent items that improve into diferent kind of builds os party setup, would be nice if possible add new setting option that hide our gear from other players.
    IDK if some ppl will like it cause mostly of players just copy and paste builds from others.

    Renewal of 3x3 Arena
    3x3 Arena is totally dead,same for 10x10 and Elysian.
    Change 3x3 Map to Dreadlore Lab cause have less collisions than Flame Eagle Map.

    Add boxes from territory war for winning side, i know it will give war stones but x1 per win won't be problematic, and still better than class tokens cause Honor Stars is SUPER easy to farm.
    Make this arena have same HP as TW.
    Chage class inside isn't a problem.
    For the top players from month change all rewards that give to TOP rank 1 Star Diamond.
    Top 2-3 10 Piece of Star Diamond (NEED x30 to make one), diamond altar don't come too much and arenas aren't used for any stuff, also make this arena necessary lv 80-120+ to join so ppl don't use lower level chars on lower level arenas to farm it. (IDK if is possible change rewards from 80-120 only)
    Another deal for this arena , don't put npc with Immunity Potions which sucks for some classes killing their porpouse.
    Arena Enchants can work on it, Gems too.

    Alpaca Cooper Capsule Renewal.

    Remove Clothing Colors from it.
    Keep same chances for Safety Stones.
    Keep same chances for World Calls.
    Add Health/Mana Tonic Potion III.
    Add random White or Alpha Costumes (Can't be traded/Can't be used to fuse for prime costumes)
    Add Instantly Gathering Scroll
    Add Alpaca King Metal/Jade/Gem x1 by opening it.
    Add Lucky Safety Stone (NT), Half % chance of Normal Safety Stones.
    Add 10 Eternal Coins, Half % chance of Normal Safety Stones.

    Silver and Golden Capsules have HIGH change of getting Safety Stones,Lucky Safety Stones and 10 Eternal Coins.

    Temple Knight Shop
    I know i've told about it , but on private server i had acess that had same % of VGN , i've tried to get Temple Pegasus, it took 519 Boxes , we can get it once a day, so 519 days was my luck to get it?
    Add Temple Pegasus to Temple Knight's Shop for 1000 Coins. (Increasing change will make this mount too much popular like Daylight Forest ones and that's not porpouse of those items, i know Pegasus from TK has same chances from boxes but on boxes we can get 1/day and ALL bosses from DF has Pegasus,Add Temple Pegasus box is a option but will make it easy as well.)

    Lv95/100 Trials
    -Increase entrances 3 to 5.

    That's all for now i knwo is many stuff but as title said is no major updates they can come time by time, for now just focus on new pve content which can bring back some players.
    Thank you very much for working on keep this server alive.

    • Like 1
  9. For non-geared players i would like to recomend P DPS u can ask for guildies to help u find Blade Acrobat Gears
    Shield Lv95 is eazy to craft and so helpful
    Lv95 sword of elegance
    use lv 80 TK set even if lv90 level up with u to lv100 u should use lv80 cause u can get some gems in aven into NPC Urn,there also have free lv80 chisel, u can use gems for getting resistence , and use this same set to do 110 trials.
    i recomend u getting lv95 Holy weapon for Blade Acrobat cause Awaken Fire Bird Dance is super good healing.
    i don't recomend gearing MDPS for pve cause they are weaker and useless for actual metha, they are worth for pvp but pve isn't, DNG doesn't matter that much class u using but pdps is double point for u cause u can use for other stuff.

    4 hours ago, Jordan said:

    Mecha Ares is usually the best for farming when you're new as its very simple to use

    Mecha is simple but die easly cause it need too much gears to do same dmg as BA which need nothing.
    GM i agree is nice for some dng cause u 1 shot all but rn u will spend too much more time stacking than farming, and u also need too much gears.

  10. I know hows that, before we just needed 1 TE (Guardian) cause others was not that used, u get alot of money on it cause doesn't require 2 of basic version and fuse into advanced version.
    All others racials are better than Halfkin and Zumi is ok cause have others that's worth but MS(Moster Stone) as exemple is end game and it has been nerfed too cause gave 5 instead of 1 when patch came.
    MS was around 5k , now ice is 30k and require too much for nothing better use same mats into another racial like pots or glyphs.
    Little Boys/Girls always get slaped in this game :C

  11. On 4/12/2020 at 5:27 AM, ImED said:

    yes, I understand about the tornado, but what about drop collection

    that's helpfull cause we have free mode, so when maps like Vingot and DD come will be like real 75 meta, ppl drop stuff and chose one to catch items, diferent from awaken that we need to abuse ''bugs'' like fill bag and leave party after drop or change map, u can just set it into free mode now.
    Its classic doesn't need to be awaken.
    QoL changes always helpful like guild WH,amount of player to keep GT and others.
    When i started i just got chills cause that bring me back to 2011.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Mehzu said:

    This is a weird one, but when samurai released it had all its aoe's placeable, this gave it a viable use in pvp as you could predict movements and lay your aoe down accordingly. 

    with current samurai, you can just kite it all day and it has no fighting ability, especially with 0 cc's.

    Any chance we can have this version instead? LOVE YOU JORDAN XOXOXO

    Footage belowwwwww....


    idk if u know but changes wasto grow samurai power, cause it was bad as this model, skills like asura slash lose alot of range with it.

  13. On 3/9/2020 at 4:47 AM, Jordan said:

    As for Infecttado's suggestion although this would be a very welcomed addition its also just guna hit the above problem. We need to stop adding overpowered gold methods as we're just making the game harder for the newer players to catch up. Palace is good and easy gold and if its too hard the repeatables in the new maps are good enough and will help them catch their classes up to 110+.

    I agree don't need OP gold methods, i've been out of dng rush for like 2 years and have many ways to get 30k daily without moving map or something like that, just need patience and knowledge.
    I just agree with some stuff , cause i see 90% of active playing going to other games/servers.
    Just wanted to have other ways to level up classes, u literaly droped from 158m to 30m so thats like lower enough to be useless, putting 50% of main exp/cp was ok, anyway, i don't wanna discut about it its worth talk about broken things.
    U have saw already , brazilian community is too lazy to do everything, but they are my community then i wanted then ingame,but most of then quitting cause alot of gold needed to do stuff and they aren't able to farm it cause L A Z Y.
    But add DSR suggestion, isn't easy to farm and u can have a infinity farm of it. make sure Dragonside Soul (idk if that's name, fame ico item that's easy drop) don't get deliver cause it too easy to farm, or make it x100 for the same reward as others.


  14. On 3/6/2020 at 2:46 AM, Koji said:

    Old dungeons that have not yet had Trials


    - Quantum Physics Institute

    - Iyernafalo

    - Vortek

    - Soulmor Falls

    - Baira's Chamber (Dianack)

    - Mara Cult Altar

    - Crooked Vein


    Nice idea cause adding new dng as trials from other games just make ppl lag/crash/stuck  and they aren't that nice.

  15. On 3/6/2020 at 12:35 PM, AxlWolfang said:

    That being said, id like to suggest a similar system for dungeons to prevent bots from abusing open map farming. Introduce some kind of fame quest that requires an item dropped by dungeon monsters similar to what open map monsters drop with rewards similar to the new fame quests before the nerf (Slightly higher maybe considering the limited number of access and luck with drop rates)

    Excelent suggestion , adding that make drop less items on DNG but u can get back ur money after deliver items, also will upgrade game farm ,making more ppl doing dng for leveling class , cause that's the most annoying thing since DSR come (lv120 painful than lv up 95-100 on DoS, cause mobs from DSR lag most of runners and its too much hard even if u're geared compareted as DoS).
    @Jordan Could add same npc as Fame ones for DSR, which we can deliver all map items, cause they become useless after having all acessories.
    EXP/CP same as new maps before nerf.
    Gold 35g instead of 42g.

    After nerf all Staff job become useless cause only good thing there is PoD.

  16. Just now, Mark20 said:

    better add a fast key to repair should be more reasonable than consumes guilds founds as usual ^^

    Exacly , can be an skill too, that we can put on skillbar then.
    Also can be ingame setting ''auto repair'' we don't need to click or something it just repair using guild funds.

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