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Need help new player here building a dps warrior


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  • VGN GM

Well the general advice for all classes really is skill damage tends to go above all else in terms of priority depending on the skill and how often you use it along with what kp was needed in-order-to unlock the skill damage kp.

However, after that it kinda just becomes a "What you need" and then "Whats a luxury".

So say if your rocking 2.7 Crit DMG then you might wanna put more Crit DMG points to boost it up.


But for your actual question. If you're playing our awaken server then it ultimately doesn't matter as you're probebly still leveling and will be using the awaken varient of the class once you reach the upper level brackets. You're also going to be resetting it constantly when you get to the end game to as mentioned above, fix any stats you're missing from gear/glyphs. So just don't really worry about KP for now and focus more on getting the other things first like your Armor Weapons and Achievements.

For Armor you're going to want either an Attack Speed Heavy Armor or a CDMG Heavy Armor. A lot of people on Awaken tend to go CDMG these days as they're better if you get the stats. But you'd be best asking in game peer chat for recommendations as they will give you more explanation why.

As for weapon it depends on the race. Humans use an Axe, Frogs use a Greatsword, Halfkins use a Sword and Zumi's use a Club. I don't think Bears have a specific weapon of choice so you'd probebly be best using an Axe for them since theres a lot of very good Axe's for soloing PvE content especially bosses.

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