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Posts posted by Nanami

  1. On 1/31/2022 at 5:00 AM, Akyme said:

    You've made most of the achievement easier for new players (sadly for me I've done every weapon craft one week before the update). Anyway, let's talk about 3 achievement : Rune achie, Cape achie, and HoO Trophies. I'm farming legion monster for boxes, which is one of the worst part of Rune Achie, and the problem is that I always get the same Box (Doom Armor Box), are the odds the same for all boxes ? So my feedback about it is not that it is too hard or I'm just crying, but if you decide to make achievement easier, make it for all achievement, not only one. About armor box, it's odds in odds, which is too annoying. (Odds to get orange armor box, and then odds to get the enchant formula). You could increase the rate of orange box which would make it way easier.

    I've done rune enchants 1-90 within a 2 week time span without fully dedicating all my time to it, I know of someone who finished it in like a week. It isn't that hard and because of what it is I think that it's worth a bit of a grind considering the other achievements for legendary can't be transferred to an alt of the same account like enchants/HoO. 

    Really though, just spend some time on it without asking it to be made easier. A lot of other people have finished this achievement and some people have done it multiple times.

    On 1/31/2022 at 5:00 AM, Akyme said:

    Now, Cape achievement, PvP is kinda dead, and it's the main way to get War Stones. War Stone Polymizer item is very usefull, but imaging waiting 2h to get 1 War Stone, when you need more than 1k stone to complete cape achie. I crafted them to lvl 53 just with this item ! I don't think I'll be able to finish cape lvl 88 before my death, even if I'm young lol. So, it would be nice to think of another way to get them than PvP, increasing the cost of War Stone needed to get Eden Crystal so the economy isn't killed.

    PvP is not dead, even NCTW has been more active than it usually is, but especially awaken.

    Arena being dead would mean you finish your quest even easier.

  2. The crafting system itself has nothing to do with the reward box chances being so high for DSR material boxes, just my opinion though. 

    6 hours ago, SmolShibe said:

    Jordan shud make it that Bosses themselves Drop the Recipes or Mats like GoP once did, becuz  like I said...there is no hope for fixing this box thing.

    Celestial already has implements from GoP that were not the drop system, sadly. As a someone who crafts overall for achievement, I don't particularly find anything wrong with the current Celestial crafting system aside from the daily quest being 1 (I think it should at least be 2) token a day when we have a chance to get specific tokens 3+ from bosses per day and sparkles from bag/random chance pick, it makes things a little unbalanced in that sense.

    Now back onto the actual topic; I'll agree that the DSR box is more than sad to get 2/3 or 3/3 in the majority of our runs over a SINGLE formula box or tokens, even sparkles and most times the formula box isn't even there.
    I think it should be adjusted to give us something somewhat more useful or if anything it can be replaced with the x10 sparkles or even make a thing of x5 or x1 sparkles, something USEFUL over something that's insignificant and a waste of our time entirely. I also think that the formula box should have a 100% chance to be there in every card pick, that way we only miss it when we don't choose it instead of losing out on the chance entirely because it isn't 100%.

    Currently Celestial is the HARDEST content in Eden, we spend a lot of our time and resources (potions, pod, etc) as well as effort in doing CC, but we get to lose at the end of the day because of this box. This isn't One-Eye-Roger, we shouldn't be losing out because of a misc reward that isn't useful to anyone anymore. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  3. On 1/5/2022 at 10:21 AM, SmolShibe said:

    I think the bosses shud have the Immunity to Demonfire, BUT give max rewards to every participant even if it allows Alt cheesing.

    With this I can agree that Demon Fire immunity is good, it gives more people a chance to poke boss. However, it's a bit sad for the people who choose to heal these bosses because they've become such DMG nukes to the under-geared who are hitting them and results in less/no rewards for certain players (I.E. The nubs and healers).
    It'd be a nice change overall to give max rewards to an entire party or to the person who pokes it even if just once. I understand alt leeching is a thing, but majority of people don't even do their mains currently, so if all rewards are NT anyway I don't see an issue with doing this change. -

    On this topic of rewards; I'd like to ask that fireworks be removed from the boxes or swapped for life leafs of the NT kind at least, something more useful to players.

    My only "real" complaint is that bosses like this should not be buff removing our potions/skills/etc. It was extremely hard to DPS Melody on Executioner as it was, I attempted that the entire first day and despite having 90% eva she took my stacks nearly every time she would remove buffs. So with that said, I'd like to agree with taking out buff removal and keeping their current HP pool/maybe a slightly bigger one if needed. o/ Thanks.


    • Like 2
  4. On 7/5/2021 at 8:03 AM, Jordan said:

    I have no plans to expand racials at the moment as humans and bears are pretty much screwed right now. I have no plans to expand on glyphs and due to the nature of the game Human's cannot have there materials shared between 2 racial crafts. So I'd once again have to release more tools which I know people don't want but I'd have literally no choice.

    I don't think releasing new tools is a bad idea at all, the fishing rods imo seem quite lonely having only Lv100 rods where as other tools have Lv30-100. It would just add to the fishing rods selection is all. 

    You already made Lv9 gems exist, there's just no enhanced versions yet so I do think it'd be sad to leave those undone overall.

    Bears I can fully understand, you'd have to start basing their base stats off of another stat or mix and match those if not. As well as base their skill effects on another skill or maybe even a fusion of things, who knows. 😐

  5. On 2/15/2021 at 10:36 PM, Reikan said:

    I found funny how I'm being considered an absolute evil for voicing out an opinion that I had for 3+ years (as Infect just pointed out), and that opinion being "considered" by Jordan since some classes weren't being used. 

    Nope, this isn't it at all. It's just that you complain and rant, and rave all the time about M-DPS everywhere that it is to the point you put down any PDPS. Your argument was that PDPS are much stronger than MDPS and MDPS are lackluster in PvE thus resulting in no one using MDPS anymore in PvE and Jordan nerfing PDPS (some of which were completely unnecessary in many peoples opinions). Most of which I feel was based off meta theories, not actual fact or reality of how the metas truly are. 

    Some people just don't have the time to go and re-gear every class you say, but in gearing 1 HA class you essentially gear 3-4 easily and get many things done, I don't see how this is at all hard to do (I have geared a character on another account and finished awaken 110 armors in a few days if nothing less than a few hours depending on trial parties/drop RNGs (thanks to being able to stack many awaken books for extra stones and fossils). 

    On 2/15/2021 at 8:02 AM, Jordan said:

    As for MDPS. You all cry and laugh at how bad MDPS in PvE is. You all sit there in world meme'ing about how MDPS has to be force into the game to be played. Then the second you make any change to kinda balance them out without ruining PvP it's like i've just killed someone.

    I rarely speak in world chat and I never cried or complained about MDPS ever. I frankly do not enjoy MDPS at all, I am a healer main at heart and will always be, even with my main healer being nerfed to half of what it used to  be. My 2nd main is Assassin even after it's nerfs and minor rebuff. :/ I just wish that things were the way they used to be on this server. Sorry again for my annoyances and disturbances, hope next patch goes better for you.

    I will not respond anymore in order to keep this forum post on track.

    Overall my thoughts of the last patch were unnecessary nerfs.
    Executioner: I think other things should have been done for exe's nerf, like the DMG dealt buff being decreased to 5-10% instead of handicapping it with nothing and even having to share it's new P-ATK buff with the entire party. It is no longer the tank we used for Sakuya fights where the tank NEEDs to hold aggro or it messes up and can result in wipes due to the KD/Stun spam the boss gives on the current target between shockwaves and not being able to do damage cause of foxes/shockwave (meaning healer can easily get aggro)
    BA: This class has only been used as a farmer for the longest time and the holy skill almost never used, no one ever gems for it and if anyone uses it, it is likely just to survive the fatal wound inside of palace or the huge dot in mine.
    Berserker: I think the nerfs to this class was 100% unnecessary, berserker is generally the lowest tier PDPS in the current meta and is used as a de-buffer. The only thing that truly makes it OP is the amount of regen ability it has, the DMG output it gives is next to nothing to worry about and yet it still got nerfed.
    BM: This class I will admit has been OP for quite a while and sure some people were abusing an infinite KD (need I remind, not everyone was doing this and still suffer for it). The overall DMG loss in KP is kind of sad, but the saddest part is the KD (which you said you will fix?). I still think that this could have been handled better, DMG KP loss could've been 4% in every KP talent because of the overall DMG loss being 10% from each skill.

  6. On 2/13/2021 at 10:11 PM, Reikan said:

    Imagine yourself being a Mage player in every other MMORPG. Then you reach VGN, have to build 3+ PDPS classes and play it for 2~3 months straight, just so you can take part in content, in order to gear your desired class that you're going to use for 30~40min per day. Why would you play a game like this, if there are so many others where you can just play your desired class from day 1?

    Imagine coming back after years and not participating in the current end-game PvE, let alone PvP and trying to make the game M-DPS ONLY. Honestly, I'm sick of listening to your BS about the current metas for PvP and PvE when you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Just spare us all and duck off your high horse, go experience things before you try to get them nerfed and turn our server into a anti-PDPS server because of your retarded ideals. If you didn't play and you didn't stay to watch each meta change, and you have 0 experience or knowledge then stop talking now AND GET SOME FIRST.
    Many of us have been loyal AF to this server through many meta changes, through many class nerfs regardless of the nerf actually being needed or not.

    Why are you so butthurt that M-DPS aren't top dog in PvE? Is PvP not enough for you? All we have in PvP is capper classes, they don't win the party vs party fights. Abyss and Haven give us PvE use for M-DPS whether you agree with it or not, not everyone will go and use the cheese method. Some of us don't want to be M-DPS mains like you. 🙃

    You rant and you rave all over peer chat, honestly it's the most annoying thing to have to see in a GAME we're meant to play for FUN or to RELAX. If this game isn't fun for you the way it is, then maybe you shouldn't be playing it. 

    And by all means, voice your opinions, no one is going to stop you. Just don't force your ideals onto all of us cause not everyone agrees with it. And quite frankly, I think these nerfs were some of the most unnecessary ones the game has ever received.


    On 2/11/2021 at 3:39 PM, Jordan said:

    None of the classes changed in the patch notes have suddenly become unplayable or even out of favour in the meta. This is just classic over exaggeration. Executioner out damages most classes already it's not suddenly grounded because 20% DMG Dealt was removed. Infact if in a party setup you might find the AoE P-ATK to all the other stacked PDPS you have might even increase overall DMG dealt for the party or atleast come out in a similar fashion. Yes BM is hurt by the infinate KD bug being fixed but like mentioned, it was used before the bug and it will be used after the bug was fixed.

    Wrong, it's no longer top DPS(Tank) in our end-game content anymore. The 20% SELF DMG buff it had was quite helpful for using it as a tank for bosses like Sakuya.
    Soloing 4T now takes x3 the time it used to, good game, solo players are getting hurt through this and berserker's nerf. 🤷‍♀️

    Not to mention BM's KD is now broken and KDs every so often for 2s or 3s or if you get lucky a max of 4s. I have tried this many times and have brought someone else with to count with me to be sure of the times. It'd be nice if you can find a better way to fix this "infinite" KD bug that not everyone knew about or bothered to abuse.

    I just wish that more people's opinions mattered in this game.

    More than just Siroco play this server. Some of us haven't quit for the other classic server or Aeria that contest vendetta's livelihood. Is it so wrong to hope for our voices to matter too? instead of just getting ignored when we make good suggestions.

    What about when we said we didn't want Haven or Abyss? Doesn't mean poop, huh..
    This isn't the content we wanted, doing achievements is a demotivating thing as it is and now it's even worse with Haven and Abyss. People that are here miss the old trials, we miss getting to play a variety of weaker classes for FUN because of being able to chill and relax while progressing in old fashioned trials.

    I'll apologize for being a handful or an annoyance to @Jordan, but I won't apologize for speaking my mind. :/ 
    If I get banned for saying BS and duck off then so be it, good luck. I'll be done now.

    I'll just leave this here and say this isn't the only person's opinion you should be listening to.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  7. On 1/1/2021 at 12:24 AM, Rin said:
    • Adjust the daily quest rewards for Abyss dungeons to grant an essence of the boss the daily is for, as well as reward 5 souls. It isn't a lot, but it will definitely help keep them up with the rate of armor fragments. I think it would be fair to be able to craft a set every week, and this would be enough to meet that (assuming you're able to trade essences for the ones you need with other people).
    • NECQ7tU.png
    On 12/30/2020 at 11:58 PM, Nanami said:
    • Dungeon drops as a whole.

    3. Add 1 Essence to each daily quest (perspective essence for it's dungeon).



    I'd like to make a point to these suggestions again as we've had no change and essences are TOO rare between 5 people rolling on rolls to fight for the 1-2 that drop every 3-4 days. Haven got a daily Box with a chance at 1/6 essences (including souls) which nearly guaranteed a essence a day and twice on maint days from that alone, as well as 3 boxes per run for fragments. Although we had bags increased and souls are slightly easier to get now, we are still struggling to gain essences and 3-4 weeks pass, still barely enough to craft 1 set so I ask of you to take this suggestion and implement it. 
    Abyssal Doom Set:
    Triple hit rarely procs if ever, I haven't seen the triple hit ever but others say they seen it once or twice and the double hit proc'd less than my 1% tower gems when I tested it out for 1h in Sakura.

    • Like 3
  8. Another small suggestion that may help.
    On Thursday, Stygian Core and Stygian Peak are the Abyss dungeons available. As we know, Thursday is usually our maintenance day, and the day we can run these dungeons twice.

    The Essence received from Stygian Core is the "Fire Dragon Essence", the least used essence in Abyss sets. Each other essence is used 6 times across all of the sets for a total of 84 essences, while Fire Dragon is used 4 times for a total of 56 essences.

    Is there any way we could swap Stygian Core with another dungeon on a different day? Any of them would work, as they are all used 6 times except for Fire Dragon. I believe the most desired ones currently are Fox and Molten King, if that's any help. An example: Change Tuesday to Stygian Peak and Stygian Core, and Thursday to Molten King and Stygian Peak.

    Thanks. o/

    • Like 5
  9. Some minor things to fix for next maintenance(if possible).

    • Dark Ninja's Set: Effect needs proper wording, as it procs double HIT DMG and not double DMG.
    • Robust Essence Necklace: Procs into enemies positive buffs instead of negative. (will assume all new accessories do this)
    • The newly released legendary pets: Can't be broken down for 3rd prays, please add to arcane box.
    • Evil Conqueror Set: 3-Piece Effect gives Max MP. Not sure if that's intended or just a typo and it actually gives HP, but it really should give HP.
    • Fox Sanctuary: Foxes can spawn after Sakuya dies. Not a big problem, and not sure if you can do anything about it, but it's a thing.
    • Stygian Core: Esh-Baal moves way too slow after killing the first boss. After the second boss dies and you exit the dungeon, the DoT should be removed.
    • Stygian Peak: Fire circles persist after the boss dies, sometimes under the NPC to leave.
    • Hall of the Molten King: If the boss is at a specific percent of health, he has the chance to spawn three cores (1 core spawn + 2 core spawn immediately after the 1 core spawn resulting in 3 cores at the same time).
    • Account wide Haven achievements added (if possible within the time given).

    I will leave these here as a reminder. I would also like to ask that we get a boost even if the holidays are over now, some people were looking forward to having a boost to work on classes/racial alts. 

    Thanks again. o/ 

    • Like 1
    • Dungeon drops as a whole.

    I'm not dissatisfied completely with the way the drops are currently, I do feel as though they can be increased because while 1-2 people in the party get essences for an entire week all of mine have been non-existent. If I remember correctly the original drop run down was a single person's drops and not the entire party's rate at essences/armor fragments obtained through drops. So with that said, I have a few ideas/suggestions to suggest for a happier time!
    1. Add 5-10 Souls to the daily quest.
    2. Add 1-2 extra dungeon reward bag to the mail we get upon completion (haven has 12 a day from 4 runs this isn't too much to ask for).
    3. Add 1 Essence to each daily quest (perspective essence for it's dungeon).

    These are my suggestions on how to make this entirely long and unnecessary grind better, 'cause as is atm I have spent a week going every day and capped all my runs and cannot make a but maybe 1 piece of the set I wish to start with.
    Ideally we should be able to make 1 set in 1 week, no more and no less.
    Every upgraded trophy and every single armor piece from Abyss has to be crafted for achievement points, this is a very demotivating task to some crafters because it looks never ending and will take probably x3 the time Haven did. There are people out there (I am one) hanging on to little will power to grind these long hauls and it's dwindling very fast looking at the overall achievements that need to be completed to be back at 100% crafts, so please take these changes into hard consideration.

    • Other aspects of this patch.

    We went through Christmas/New Years without any event and I understand that we got a patch, but there was no boss and honestly the worst of all no boost (that being the easiest thing to do of the 2). So I'm a little disappointed as I feel like sometimes the staff just aren't caring for the game because of things like this happening sometimes. (please don't take any offense, it is not meant to offend, it is just feedback on this patch.) 

    "Dream" diamond altar was not so much a dream altar to me but the same old altar with the same old legendary and one that was not meant to be there at all. If you're going to ask for suggestions then please try to at least get some of the smaller ones in there. I am sure some people did ask for horns or cestus, etc, but I know what I asked for was not there so to me it was not at all a dream altar.

    And lastly, I find it a little over the top to have to spend around 420k gold on just the orange armor pieces to craft all the gold pieces. Meanwhile, corona heartflame every piece = 70 heartflames and those average about 5k gold each.. which means SOMEONE doing all achievements averages spending about 840k on all these stupid achievements.-.- I'd like to ask that we CRAFT orange pieces via NPC and only have HALF at fame as per the usual route.

    Thanks for the patch and thanks to the people who spent their time testing it.

    • Like 3
  10. On 12/17/2020 at 1:22 PM, SmolShibe said:

    if anyone with editing rights reads it, plz put in description for noobs on how to make Gem Extract, one cannot find it right now hovering over the "gem extract' cell, the only reason WE know is because we alrdy played the content or from word of mouth.

    Added a note to the "Gem Extract" section of 4ToD Page.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. On 12/20/2020 at 1:11 PM, SmolShibe said:

    I think glyphs needs QoL, either
    1. Make them 30 days as everyone keeps saying,
    2. or give them a way to be "recharged" via custom arcane box item fused from racial mats.
    Not to mention, many glyph pack sellers find the RNG horrendous when opening packs,
    3. they shud be given an option to throw the thing into arcane box and choose what glyphs they want.

    Some of these cud be really hard to do, but maybe just add it to the list, idk.

    As a glyph maker of my own glyphs (and others) on Aeria and here, I think this is an awful idea. 2 weeks is already a decent amount imo, if anything I don't think extending it by more than 3 weeks is a good idea. For the "recharged" and arcane box fusing is just bad imo. This will ruin a lot of peoples money and make the time they spend farming mats on many characters useless, and they make a living off selling packs so that isn't very nice for these people.

    • Like 1
  12. I know a number of people who asked for something like this in the past and they may be gone, may not return, but I will post it here incase anyone still needs or wants to use it.
    PS: It isn't that pretty and I purposely left out the NT EC in the regular dgns because low % and 75/110 trials are way better rates. 
    Link Here!

    • Thanks 1
  13. 5 hours ago, SenorBernd said:

    Overall i don't really get why VGN doesn't get more GMs/GSs in to help with stuff. Maybe yall are just too damaged by the previous shitshow that most of the GSs at least in EE were so you can't build trust in new people anymore. 

    The population of both servers have been a little far too spread since classic released and despite people begging for classic they become too "bored" to stay and support it, now off to other servers or games in general. So finding new helpers while the GMs are extra busy running 3 games + their IRL lives/jobs while avoiding corona is probably a lot harder right now for them, even more so after said "shitshows" of ex-GS as you call them. Not everyone can be trusted to do their job, nor do some people actually care enough to do their job and as a result more than half are hired to leech whatever they can off being a GS. But despite that, there have been a lot of hard work and effort in the past from some these "shitshows" and they've helped Jordan quite a bit so I don't think it's right to refer to all the ex-staff as such and not even appreciate the work they've done for this server. But then again that's my opinion. 

    I have nothing more to say, enjoy your day/night. 😼

    • Like 2
  14. Territory Wars/Guild vs Guild/Guild Arena.
    Crystals are one the biggest issue of these PvP modes, players prefer to cap and run around instead of fighting so my suggestion is to give us a way to make crystals tankier and opt out of capper meta. Make it so that it requires/forces people off capper classes or so that they can't solo cap a crystal nor duo cap a crystal. Another issue is that we're in debuff/-res/cc meta which is hard to control at all even with a Holy Sage and a Glacier Knight both purifying every time they can, certain CCs stack and some even go through immunity. Fears/Worms/Stuns/KDs they can all be chained and overlapped, I have had stun cert >cert>enchant proc on me in a row. KD enchant > Reaver >Paladin KD. Worm>Worm>Worm>CD>repeat. It's just outrageous for playing at all when things like this can happen. 

    Normal Class TW is dead, if Garden tries others slowly quit trying even though at MAXIMUM Garden has only 6 geared players for NCTW. This TW was begged for by people that have long quit for Classic, remove this as it's useless and dead to our Awaken server.

    And frankly TBH I don't think our server will have active PvP the way it used to be as we are a lot smaller community than in the past, than we've ever been in the past.

    Elysian Island.

    The suggestions given I think are already great, making it a working thing again will be nice for a lot of people that have wanted to do it. Pets off, friendly damage off, new rewards (this already has EC fragments and Prime Scrolls in boss rewards) so I think something NEW and not unobtainable (i.e. the rose) will be good for motivating people.

    When we managed to queue for 10v10 here, the majority of it was alts in 1 team with like 4 active people 1 of which AFK'd, 1 who alpaca'd at the start and 2 who fought vs the other 7-9 people on the other team and were winning up until someone decided to pull a spirit scar/magic blockade pet out. We're an awaken server, I don't think we should have our arenas locked into normal classes this defeats the purpose of our server and our PvP. Personally I find the class switching in there is a nice bonus, however it aids those who gear multiple classes and not the one trick mains.

    My suggestions for these arenas are:

    • Removal of combat pets in all arenas.
    • Make a way for us to queue up as a party, so that say a guild wants to have a 3v3 against each other or others can party up then queue.
    • Make rewards better, we can farm Honor Stars and have no need for arena sets (only 1-2 people I have seen have even bothered to make these sets and use them and even then Lv110 awakens are much better) so I for one think these sets should be removed.
    • Can you add more bosses to MBA? I think this would be a nice way to liven it up for those who enjoy it, as well as updated rewards.
    • 10v10 I'm not sure what to do about TBH, I don't think we have 20 active people for that so if you could lower the participant amount then it might be better for us to queue as 5v5 (but I guess it wouldn't be 10v10 then xD) and adjust rewards again, all arena rewards are lacking.

    Temple Arena.
    Removal of pots is fine, I don't think it should be gear locked or changed as it was older level content and older level content always becomes easier and we are far past the stage this was designed for gear wise. Increasing or adjusting the reward amount is up to you, but personally I think creating a whole new Temple Arena for Lv115+ would be more ideal to me and give us a way to upgrade the older trophies into newer versions, as well as give us something else to do that is on a time schedule.

    Overall Changes.
    I don't mind any of the rewards you have listed, but as a max level player who has nearly crafted everything on 4 characters using war stones my only use for them is Eden Crystals. But as it stands lately the altar gives me nothing to roll for and I just wait for Diamond Altars and get my hopes up when that hits. :( If possible a whole new reward would be nice to me, something like a new currency maybe that we can spend on certain items for example maybe you can make it possible to purchase pet bible/battle theory in-game at a npc with this new currency and put other misc smaller AP-only items at this NPC to give players more options with their pets. Just an example though. 

    PS: It don't belong here but please make CCM more useful. 😭

    • Like 4
  15. 5 hours ago, BoxBox said:

    I loved those games aswell and played them on official and other p-servers, and i think having another game at vgn again would be nice and kind of variety, but cant you guys just accept a no, since the no was told by Bash like 3 times?

    The vgn staff got real lifes too, and to keep the current games alive, the already sacrifice their  own free time.

    Also Twin Saga wasnt that much successful, not as official version and not as p-server version. Even the .to server has lack of players, and to open 2. Twin Saga server here on vgn again, wont make sense at all.

    It probably would cost more free time of the vgn staff, work and hard nerves, than the game is even worth it.

    Bash already said he cant run another game, because of his real life and health problems, which is absolutely understandable and should be respected.

    RL and Health first!

    I dont know about @Jordan and @Vivi, maybe they can make a statement here for you, and those posts will have an end. it is really getting annoying, to see people cant stop bothering with those Threads.


    Sorry for those words, but permanently begging for something after you got told 3 times "no", is just not acceptable..

    First off, no one asked Bash to run it. If at all, It'd be better for Jordan to run it since he's the one who started to bring more content into it before it died. It was a good game and Vendetta had the best server that is why I am here to ask them to consider it for when they think about adding another game, I am not trying to ask them to just add it on the spot and control everything like the way you put it. I know Bash has his issues and Vivi is busy, Jordan runs both EE's content and that is fine since I am only asking them to truly consider it when the time comes because I know Vendetta can do better than any others.
    I only aim to show that OTHER people aside from me would like to see Vendetta make an amazing TS server.

    I will just leave this here in regards to your math.   

    15 hours ago, Nanami said:

    Hello, this will be my second attempt at the forums for this. I apologize for being rather annoying about it or being too persistent.

    And regardless of whatever you feel for the game/this thread doesn't mean other people feel that way so I'll ask you kindly if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it. 

    ^^ Have a nice day. 

    • Confused 1
  16. Hello, this will be my second attempt at the forums for this. I apologize for being rather annoying about it or being too persistent.
    I would like to ask for you guys to give Astral Realm (Twin Saga) a second chance here at Vendetta GN. I appreciated and loved the first server as it was a wonderful server with amazing rates (which you can tone down some if you reopen) and despite it's 3 rollbacks due to server stability issues, I continued to play there up until the last day. I know Aeria already exists and has recently gotten an update, I also am aware that .to exists and has up to lv95? or 99 content, however my opinion of both of those servers is well... they suck! 😒 Vendetta had done an amazing job on the server and began giving it custom content but I feel like it came too late seeing as we are at this point in time now. 

    I would like to ask that anyone who loved Twin Saga and want to see it blossom in better hands (Maybe @Jordan's hands) could please share their thoughts on vendetta reopening Twin Saga under it's original name Astral Realm.

    And for the staff, I ask that you consider it thoroughly as it was a great game and in my opinion it was the best game and you guys ran it well even with it's hiccups. :( 


    • Like 3
  17. Since PGC has lost it's most popular buying option(s) and the others are a bit lack luster when compared, I've decided to ask around for suggestions on decent replacements and will be sharing some of them.
    Offgamers is a website where you can purchase mint cards and turn them into PGC cards (via PGC's Mint option). They have Sales!
    Mint Yep, the original site of the Mint cards. You can buy and sell cards here.
    Alipay is a mobile payment app which you can download to purchase cards with (it's a chinese app, it is secured).
    Dundle Similar to Offgamers you can purchase Mint cards here.
    I recommend using offgamers for ease of access and slightly less hassle than downloading an app and going back and forth with codes.
    Please keep in mind when you purchase a Mint card for VGN, Vendetta's website only allows a certain amount of money. Make sure to
    reference amounts before you buy so you don't buy a card that vendetta cannot accept on their website.

    Thank you to @Jordan for giving me information to some alternatives. 

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    • Thanks 1
  18. Now I know that this is going to be a long rant (possibly rant?) and I'm aware that this will probably just be closed, archived or thrown away after a bit of time. But I am here to give it a go at my thoughts and hopefully bring out other peoples thoughts/feelings on the same matter.

    Vendetta has been an amazing network for quite a few years now, have had a few ups and downs as anyone would, but you guys are holding strong and retain the BEST Eden Eternal server of all time, as well as the best (and only?) Scarlet Blade server. I believe in the staff and the capability of you guys, I also highly respect the GMs most of all for their hard work in running and taking care of these games as just a hobby between your busy IRL lives, so for that I want to say thank you and let you know I appreciated it all. 

    Now, for the matter that will be shot down 😂 I'd like to ask that for your 4th game you consider giving Twin Saga a second chance. Vendetta had the most amazing TS server of all and I did try/play on the others, but always stuck to Vendetta and even played all alone for a long time until you guys closed. I know the server stability was bumpy and had 3 rollbacks so the server came off to a bad start with that, as well as having Aeria/To servers come out at the same time. But I believe you guys can make it popular and run it better than anyone else could, Jordan himself in charge of it would make it awesome just like he's done with Eden! (I think it'd be cooler if you guys picked it up again under it's original name: Astral Realm.)

    I truly miss playing Twin Saga on Vendetta's server a lot so I have a little bit of hope that if anyone else misses it too it might be enough to convince you guys to give it a second try. 

    Thanks for reading/considering.

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