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Posts posted by hollowknight

  1. 1 hour ago, Webster said:

    What about moving in the other direction and add book drops to the other map bosses we already got (nosville meadows, sunny meadows and so on), smaller chance and more hp/def on bosses. I'd like to have a reason to visit the act1/2/3 maps again

    A rework of the rest of the bosses looks good too (maybe this topic isn't the best place to discuss it tho) maybe not only adding act 6 books, but adding other kind of rewards too. I think @Nayxasuggested something like that.

  2. 1 hour ago, Bash said:

    I think best option is to just open them up a little more to everyone. Maybe add them to raidboxes (higher level ones).

    Well, for me raidboxes are okay as they are atm. We have more or less a wide range of rewards (equipment, gold, resistances, claws/manes) so I wouldnt add the books in raidbox. The best solution for me is (as I mentioned above in this post) to make them untradeable (I don't think that ppl that don't need the books will kill the bosses, since the unique  puropose of that would be to disturb other players). And this way, we don't loose the 'mechanic' of killing bosses as @Webstermentioned.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Hakawai said:

    Why not just make a global Boss timer so we are alerted 15-30mins before the boss respawns that way everyone has an equal opportunity to kill it.

    This rather than solve the problem, would make it bigger because with a timer, each time the boss spawns, there would be +30players to kill him; and no one would get any reward. This was already disscused btw: 


  4. what about making these books not tradeable? this way we could solve both problems:

    • Only ppl that actually need them will go there (so no one would make gold out of this)
    • There will be still the 'challenge' of farming a rare and good item without giving it almost for 'free'
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  5. 7 minutes ago, 13175 said:

    S-Large Monsters should work only on mobs which give you sth to the eq instantly. So it should work also on all fc mobs (for example from Unknown Land).

    Thats how it works atm, right? (I didn't test so i'm not sure about it). But anyways shouldn't be like that IMO. Having extra dmg in FC mobs has no sense IMO. Thats why I mention to change it so it works against raid bosses

  6. 4 minutes ago, Perse said:


    both have the same dmg on all the monster I tested (bacooms, danders, magmaros, giants, hamsters... even jellys)

    Yeah, thats why I said to rework this option so it actually works against mobs

    5 minutes ago, Perse said:

    I was thinking more like an alternative to s dmg for new people. So this option could be cheaper for new player, while pvp player need the s dmg and their equipment will be also efective on pve.

    Weapos that have the dmg to low society monsters (moved to s option as I said) would be cheaper than S-% dmg so new players could buy this ones and perform well in mobs (or if they had dmg to large monsters option, in raids)


  7. 44 minutes ago, Perse said:

    Change the description from "Dmg to evil" to "Dmg to monster"

    If this option only works with 'monster' class mobs, agree.


    44 minutes ago, Perse said:

    Remove or rework the option "Dmg to low society monster"

    I always thought that this option should work on all mobs except bosses (both, raidbosses and map bosses). So i'd prefer to fix this option rahter than removing it. So if this change is made, i'd make it an 's option' since it would be quite good and seeked option IMO. If this happens, the rest of shells refering to specific mobs (undead, plants, ...) should be removed. 


    44 minutes ago, Perse said:

    Add the options "Dmg to angles" and "Dmg to devil", not for FC but for act 6 mobs, there is not any option refered to that mobs.

    Again, the same case, if the dmg to low society monster is fixed, this won't be needed, but if not, could be a good idea (so there is dmg for each type of mob more or less)


    44 minutes ago, Perse said:

    Change the S option "Dmg to large monster" to "Dmg on pve" and low a bit the value (this option is always 23%),  to make it usefull. With that change there are going to be more differences between pve weapons and pvp weapons, so that mean more variability on the builds.

    Well, s-% dmg works in both pve and pvp so adding an option that only works on pve (and with similar values to 'normal' s-%dmg would be a bit useless imo). So i'd prefer to rework this option to be working also in raid bosses (together with map bosses).

    So if this changes are made we would have these options on S for weapons:

    • DMG to low society: Works on all mobs excluding bosses.
    • DMG to large monsters: Works on all boses.
    • 'general' S-DMG: would work in both pve (raids and mobs) and pvp. (as it is atm)
    • And ofc, rest of options (overall, elemental properties)

    For example, if someone only wants to mob (in act 6.2 for example) would  only need the low society monster option. And if someone only wants to raid (maybe could be an alt for only raids) the dmg to large monsters would be enough.

    44 minutes ago, Perse said:

    Change the elements options, making more viable the elemental sps. I was thinking on change it to down resistances 1-10%, since there is no option like that on pve, but this will be really op on pvp (soz mages), so I could want to get feedback about that.

    If the changes that are mentioned above are made, the dmg to mobs would be high enough so this option wouldn't be necessary.  And it is always good to have some 'crap options' so not every weapon is op.

    44 minutes ago, Perse said:

    will also remove the option "undisturbed spells" from shell and put it on every high lvl wand. Is unfair to mages, since they can miss on pvp (dodges shells op), that you can interrup their attacks and hey can´t crit.

    +1000000000. agree on everything u say.

    44 minutes ago, Perse said:

    Other option I would like to buff is "drain mana on pvp". That option could be really good agains seers, but since they got tons of mana, stealing around 50 of mana is pointless

    Again, it is true that this is really a useless option (like protect mana) but we need this kind of crap options to balance the game.

    NOTE: I didn't mention any value regarding to DMG to low society monsters or large monsters since it is something that has to be tested and balanced. But I think that the values should be a bit higher than 'general' s-% dmg.

    • Like 2
  8. Tbh the worst part of farming in FC is not that the enemy faction comes to kill you (in my own expereince at least, maybe ~once each hour comes someone to try to kill me, ofc out of caligor hours). Actually, the problems start when there are more than 2 players there farming (something quite easy,  taking in account that there is only 1 ch on FC). So one of the solutions could be to add more CH on FC, so the first ch would be more focused on the PvP part and people could go to the other CHs to farm (if in the first CH is already ppl farming) or just to avoid somehow the chance to be kiled while farming. 

    I think this was suggest a while ago but I don't remember if it was dennied or not and why.

    And well, to give my opinion, I think its okay as it is now or its not a change that has to be done quickly since we have other ways to farm claws/manes as it is mentioned above and I also see it nice to have some kind of 'risk' farming in FC.

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  9. I also prefer the idea of increasing the amount of given seals after caligor rather than making them avaible in NPC. So ppl still has to go there and 'farm' them and not just buy from NPC.

    • Like 4
  10. Act 6.2: In overall, I'd say that it was a good and balanced patch. The farming part (different anceollan maps) is nice IMO, the amount of gold (and exp) that you get here is slightly higher than what you get in 6.1, as monsters are a little bit stronger too. Regarding to the Fernon raid, this is something that its being discussed in the forums atm, but for me, it's good at it is. It's not a secure way to make gold as you can do a few marathons where you literally loose gold (but to make 'secure' money, we have 6.2 maps to lure) but there is also the chance to obtain grand prices. It's true that I'd prefer to rework the c45/8 equips. The idea of having some buffs in weapon/armour was interesting in my opinion (even the official buffs weren't good balanced) so maybe for some future equips, having this idea back could be interesting (other buffs/effects ofc, not the official ones).

    Regular Events: Well, as I mentioned in Nayxa's post, im not really into these events cause I find them a bit boring (maybe is beacuse each year is the same, and we know what its comming, even event prices change a bit). But idk how to make them better.

    Rainbow Battle: This game mode, is one of best features that has the game IMO. After the small changes that were made after its launch, I find it balanced and really enjoyable. The unique 'negative' things that I see in this game mode are that the match making is not rank based (This is something that can't be done due to the amount of players that this game has, as Bash mentioned before so I'm not gonna complain about it but making it +c48 could solve this somehow). Also, i'd change a bit the points system; it's good that even you loose a game, you still have the chance to obtain some points if you performed well but the amount of points are excessive IMO. I remember doing a really bad game (a score of 1-9 or smthing and took literally 0 points), and I only lost 7 points . Also, doing a really good game (winning it) I obtained up to ~80 points). Due to this, the ranking is almost about 'who played the most' rather than 'who is the best'.

    Custom Content: The most important custom content that was out lately, was the RBB and I explained my opinion just above ^^.

    • Like 1
  11. If we compare between Jennifers hat and Fernon fairy: 

    The Fairy: Needs a lot of farming, and spending a lot of gold (actually, I think there aren't even enough essences in nb to craft the fairy). And buying, both erenia and zenas fairies is much cheaper than crafting/buying 1 fernon (for only a 5% difference)

    Jennifer Hat: An item that can  be obtained only if u are lucky or buying it from someone. And the price of this hat was around 1-2kkk last time I heared offers. 

    So the price for a fernon fairy should be around 3kkk max (even the fairy has a 5% extra dmg, the hat can be used with all ur sps and gives also a 10% anti effects)

    And yes, it's true that owning these two items the dmg boost that you get is insane, so what about making an item  that counters this? (maybe other hat that gives 10% PvP defence and it could be obtained in the next season of RBB). Obviously this it's just an example, it must be tested to see which would be the right value of % def, or any other kind of effect.

    EDIT: And in any case, i'd first nerf the jennifers hat rather than keep the craft of the fairy as it is atm.

  12. 2 hours ago, TheHealersGod said:

    -1 for erasing rare shells from box's (there is people still using them 100%)

    I didnt say to remove them, just mentioned that it was the main goal when I was around lvl 92, but after that I didnt need anyomre those raidboxes. Ofc, for the ppl that are still around that level, they will have the chance to drop the shells for their equip.

  13. Hey,

    Everyone knows that atm, act 4 is quite dead at almost any time (apart from Caligor) and I thought that maybe some little adjustments could change this a bit, mostly regarding to raids.

    Raid changes:

    -Reduce the raid timer from 60 mins to 30: Atm, each raid lasts 1h and the boss can be killed after the first 30 mins. But these 30 mins are useless since you dont get any good items from killing the mobs of the raid map, and what everyone does, is just afk 30 mins until the boss room is openned. So what I suggest, is to  delete the first 30 mins, so after mukraju is dead, the raids will last 30 mins and the boss room is openned from the beginning.

    -Make the % go up easier: Well, I don't know how the '%' in FC works, but I think it should be easier to increase it since sometimes it gets stucked at certain %, and even I kill mobs, demons or whatever is around, the % still remains the same, and this is quite tilting tbh. I know that a similar change was made like a year ago and it didn't work very well, but with some little changes could be balanced, and ready to have it back in the game.

    Raidbox changes:

    -Increase drop rate of essences: In the end game, due to champion gears, the shells arent needed anymore (r7 shells were the most valuable item in the raidbox) so late-game players will only go fc to get essences to craft fernon fairy. But the drop rate is quite low and you actually need a lot of them to craft the fairy, so If the drop rate was increased (or the drop amount to x2, for example) I think the FC raids would me more spammed.

    -Add dragon heart to item pool: This is also related to Fernon fairy, since you need a lot of them to craft the fairy and there are just a few ways to get them. So if it could be dropped in FC also (with similar % to draco-glacerus raids would be balanced IMO), this will encourage ppl to do these  raids.

    -Add 70% Fairies to item pool: This is something that @Bloodevil suggested a while ago and I agree with him (also to make Fernon fairy a bit more accessible), since these fairies can only be obtained in the mall.

    NOTE: I know that the fernon fairy is something of late-late-game and an item that isn't  for everyone, but these changes, will just motivate ppl to craft it (I have only seen one in the server) but still it will require some work and put effort on it.

    • Like 3
  14. PvP: The addition of RBB has been a really positive thing for the PvP and is soemthing that presonally, im enjoying a lot but there are some areas like FC that should be reworked. Atm the only reason to go FC is to get the title (something that is 'easy' to obtain and doesn't give any reward), so if there is any way encourgae ppl going there (probably giving some kind of gold-reward) FC could be better.

    PvE: PvE is pretty nice as it is IMO. We have different ways to make gold (farming in 6.2, 6.1) making raids, erenia, zenas fernon,... (even low lvl raids are 'worth' due to the trophies) so there are many ways (and balanced accoridng to the level and the used gear) to make decent money/h, . Also, the rift-system that its being developed sounds great and interesting.

    Events: Well, that's the hardest for me. I'm not really motivated doing event raids , even if the given rewards are nice, but honestly, I dont know what could be changed to make them more atractive for the players. 

    Also those events that were hosted by GS were pretty funny, so would be good to have them back.

    • Like 1
  15. The thing is that literally the day when the drop rate of c25 eq in erenia box was increased, some eqs went to 4kk or even less.

    The fernon is not as spamed as erenia, so the prices are not going so down. The cheapset things that I have been selling were around 35kk, and that doesnt sound that bad for me. (And there are some items like azrael mask or fernon shoe that are quite expensive, bow is not the only 'expensive' thing)

    With that, I don't mean that im against the suggestion, just I don't see it a big issue coparing with what happened with c25 eq.

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