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VGN Games

Found 6 results

  1. Personally, I would LOVE to see new classes added to the VGN servers, but of course, it would require a lot of work and balancing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sf-9Jsvz6A
  2. Hello, it's been a couple of days or so now since this patch has hit us. I've come with a few suggestions after having given it some time with the changes that were made. I believe that the goal with this patch is to make MDPS more prominent in PvE but to be honest that will almost never be the first choice unless bosses are completely immune to melee/ranged DPS. I don't mind if that is the goal and I'm all for it since I know there are players who enjoy MDPS in both PvP and PvE, but I believe that there's a better way to go about it than nerfing every single melee/ranged dps class. Berserker I didn't understand the need for this change as this is already one of the lower DMG dealing physical classes we have in our PvE party setups, so I hope this gets reverted but if not okie I guess times change a lot. Just keep in mind not everyone likes change and sometimes it is bad. Executioner I have similar thoughts on berserker as to why this one was nerfed again, I am glad there is now some malice gains since this class has been our CC/Abyss/DS tank for years. I still believe that executioner with the self buff of +DMG dealt was the best executioner of all though. I will not ask for you to change this one as I don't believe you will and it's not as important as some other classes in this patch to me. Dragon Emperor Overall I think this class just needs to be entirely revamped again or maybe bring back the "best" version of it from 100 cap times and tweak it so it isn't as overpowered, but will still be a decent class to play and give more variety to PvP/PvE again. Annihilator I have thought that this class has been quite strong, too strong for quite sometime now and I'm in agreement with most of it's changes, but after playing it for the last couple of days in PvE and a few instances of PvP I feel that the 5% DMG on Fire Support would be a good thing to return to this class. It feels a little too weak now, it still caps decently fast which is the one thing I hated about how overpowered this class is, but in fights and in pve it is consistently missing a chunk of it's damage now (imo). Rifleteer With the changes made to this class it is almost vital to press sanction as soon as it's off cool down otherwise you lose all of your stacks, god help you if the boss has -acc and lowers your acc. My suggestion for this class is to increase the duration of sanction by 1-2s so it gives us a little bit more time to try to keep all our stacks since not only Celeste has -acc (to around 30-40% from 100%+) but also I believe the 1st boss of Angelic Temple does too or some of the mobs around there. I saw my ACC go from 107% to 73% and I missed every sanction 3 times during this. Arch-Elementalist I believe that removing the triple hit entirely out of lightning bombardment has killed this class entirely for PvP and not many use it in PvE other than a select few and noobs questing. My suggestion is to make the skill deal double hit DMG that way it gets a small nerf but is not overpowered as before. Much like assassin's skills back at 100 cap were triple hit and were reduced to double hit, I think that would be a good fix for AE too. Other things I have to say are, I like the new DT but I know liking something is subject to person, I still find it neat ~ Thanks for the patch and spending time continuing to keep this server updated!
  3. Please provide the link to your video submissions in this thread. Remember to please include your in-game name. Remember to make the video PUBLIC.
  4. It's time for a Class Video Contest! Info: Are you creative and you have no problems with creating awesome videos? This event is for you! Task & Rules: Create a Video with the following Class: Dragon Knight or/and Sage. Be reasonable, and don't post a simple TW video, or dungeon run. Please hide names (character, monsters, title, etc) ALT + H. Do not add text in your Video or logos. Only 1 entry per account allowed. Please do not steal other players work. Note: Cannot use old videos even if it's from our server. Content must not violate any community network rules. You will need to upload the video onto YouTube with the following name: "EE VGN - [Name]'s Class Video Entry". Video must be uploaded and made PUBLIC. Reward: 🥇1st Place - - Prime Costume OR Pet of Choice + 1 Event Point + Exclusive Title (Dragon Knight OR Sage) (Excludes Diamond Altar items, Excludes Fused Pets, Excludes Event Point Rewards, Excludes Mystery Box items) 🥈2nd Place - - 30 Eden Crystals + 1 Event Point 🥉3rd place - - 15 Eden Crystals + 1 Event Point Deadline: You have time until 11. December 2020 ! Please CLICK HERE to submit your video in this thread.
  5. "Arch-elementalist Wind/lightning" Build Guide. Hi guys. After severals months to make a good arch-elementalist, I finally make it. I show you how to make a arch-elementalist Wind/lighting ! Let's start ! On this build, we use the Wind and lightning stance because he have a regen spell (wind storm) and good burst spell (Lightning stance). compare with the ice/fire stance's he have a good spell but is very weak in solo and very long to setup on boss fight. I use the "Great Magician Staff" for the bonus damage (lightning bombardment and wind tornado +30%) and M-atk +5% and "Evil Eye Rune Grimoire" for the +20% MAG (only use on a group of ennemy or during the magic burst charge) "Magic Burst" is really good for burst (+5% MAG stack 10 time). Charge up with the wind stance, once reach 10 time, deal heavy damage with lightning stance skill. Ezelin has the lowest basic HP stats (90%) but his "Affinity Magic" (+20% M-CRIT DMG) is really good and avoid allocating more KP or certificate. Human is good too with +5% CAST SPD and regen MP skill but his HP is low (97%) This Class has a very weak defence, don't forget to allocate some resistance gem on your equipments . 2. Gameplay: 2.1. Stance System: These two Stance has unique properties: -Wind stance: Wind resistance +10 and move speed +10% can provide HP regeneration,buff and boost skill (usually we start with this stance). -Lightning stance: Lightning resistance +10 and move speed +10% provide heavy damage and aoe (use this stance only when "Magic Burst" is charged). Of course you can boost stat and skill in using KP in class talent. 2.2. Charge "Magic Burst" faster on boss fight. Charge the magic burst is really boring on single boss fight but i found something for charge faster. When use "Magic burst" stay near the boss, use "attack" skill (or double click on the target) and cast a spell. Now he is stack up to 2 instead of 1. 2.3. Cycle Active: Lightning: Arcane Shield Equip: Wind stance: "Evil Eye Rune Grimoire" or "Great Magician Staff" Lightning Stance: "Great Magician Staff" -Begin -Wind stance -"Magic Burst" -"Auto attack" x1 (double clic or "Attack" skill) don't forget stay near the boss. -"Wind Bombardment" x1 (Cast spd +10%) -"Wind Storm" until "Magic burst" is charged -"Wind hydra" (Lightning stance skill DMG +200%) -Lightning stance -"Lightning Storm" x3 or 4 -"Lightning bombardment" x1 -"Lightning Tornado" x1 -"Lightning Hydra" x1 -Repeat 3.Stuff 4.Certificate and class talent. Allocate on Staff master and Black magic is really important. Gift of magic is great too ! For the rest allocate on Wind and Lightning branch. Typical 2H weapon master and M-ATK +10% for some accuracity and damage boost ! 5.Glyph Messie: Luck Glyph Warrior: Last Resort Glyph Knight: Frozen Knight Glyph Templier: Healing Light Glyph Dragon Knight: Drake Tail Strike Glyph Thief: Cruel Slashe Glyph Martial artist: Meditation Glyph Blade dancer: Noctural dance Glyphe Samurai: Shrine belief Glyph Hunter: Digengage Glyph Engineer: Laser Cannon Glyph Ranger: Meteor Shower glyph Inquisitor: Final Verdict Glyph Cleric: Death Glyph Bard: Roaming Thunder Glyph Shaman: Rage of Storm Glyph Sage: Aura: Invisibility Glyph Magician: Silent storm Glyph Ilusionnist: Meteor storm Glyph Warlock: Infernal Glyph Luminary: Holy Prayer Glyph 6.Potion Recommended: Magician Lv2, Healer Lv2, Complete support potion Lv5, Reality mana knowledge Potion (All HL Pve Donjon except GoP). Optionnal: INT AGI LCK Potion Lv1-5, Malice ward Potion lv1, Mulled vine (HP+10%). 7.Starstone: Recomended: Fire Meteor: M-ATK +5%, Violet starlight Luna Rock: INT et AGI +3%, Sprite Salacious Star Stone: INT +7%. 8.Pet: Battle: Pet with skill "resistance collapse" Glitzy Sprite princess: Great for the heal. Aura: Magic armored scorpion: Recommended with the M-ATK +7% and all stat +5% Thank you for reading the guide ^^ Kwai
  6. Hi guy and welcome on my guide for my build with my Demon summoner ! you can give your opinion or advice below ^^ Let's start ! UPDATE PATCH V36 On This Build, we use mainly "Vin's assault" for deal damage to the ennemy and "Kyle Meteor" for large AOE and Stun (useful for PVP). When you can, after "Vin Riddick Pet" Summon "Ruthless Ruler" for Optimize M-ATK and Elemental resistance. Grimoire we will use is "Paranormal Fantasy" (For M-ATK + 5 %) and "Evil Eye Rune Grimoire" (+20% M-ATK. Recommended to use only on a group of ennemy for proc quickly). This Class is very tanky with "Demon Blood" (-30% damage taken) and Evolve skill "Kage Blood" (-50% Damage taken +10% HP regen per sec) The recommended Race for me is Halkin for "dimension flash" (2% to deal double hit) and keep decent base stat. "Dimensional Jump" is very useful for dodge aoe and Small bonus on Dodge stat. Demon summon and Evolve Skill System: You can summon 3 different Demons. Each are special evolve Skill and bonus stat. We focus on the first demon (Vin Riddick) for debuff dark resistance + ACC and the skill "Vin's assault"(Deal Triple hit dark damage around X meters) . Next you can summon the ultimate demon "Ruthless Ruler" this demon give all demon skill, buff, debuff and a new skill "Cage blood" (damage taken -50%, regen +10% and Buff M-atk on hit). Other demon buff: Gass Kyle: debuff fire resistance -15 % and P-atk, M-atk -10% Howie Jobin: debuff Nature resistance -15 % and Mov Spd -15% Stuff: Certificate and class Talent: The class talent focus on cooldown for the skill "ruthless ruler" for summon quickly. Glyph: Messie: Luck Glyph Warrior: Last Resort Glyph Knight: Frozen Knight Glyph Templier: Healing Light Glyph Dragon Knight: Drake Tail Strike Glyph Thief: Cruel Slashe Glyph Martial artist: Meditation Glyph Blade dancer: Noctural dance Glyphe Samurai: Shrine belief Glyph Hunter: Digengage Glyph Engineer: Laser Cannon Glyph / Forcefull fist glyph Ranger: Meteor Shower glyph Inquisitor: Reaper's Shadow glyph Cleric: Death Glyph Bard: Roaming Thunder Glyph Shaman: Rage of Storm Glyph Sage: Aura: Invisibility Glyph Magician: Graviton distortion Glyph Ilusionnist: Meteor storm Glyph Warlock: Infernal Glyph Luminary: Blinding victory Glyph Potion: Recommended: Magician Lv2, Healer Lv2, Complete support potion Lv5, Reality mana knowledge Potion (All HL Pve Donjon except GoP). Optionnal: INT AGI LCK Potion Lv1-5, Malice ward Potion lv1, Mulled vine (HP+10%). Starstone: Recomended: Fire Meteor: M-ATK +5%, Violet starlight Luna Rock: INT et AGI +3%, Sprite Salacious Star Stone: INT +7%. Pet: Battle: Reverant Zachiki Warashi: My personnal recommendation (and very cheap pet) for Nameless aura (débuff Dark resistance -10% - -50% Max.) Put on 1st skill nightmare attack (Resistance obscure -5%) for optimise the pet on debuff resistance. Glitzy Sprite princess: Always great for the heal. Aura: Magic Armored Scorpion: when Crit DMG is Cap at 300% Magic Shirley: Recommended but really rare TIP: -Form very good duo with equilibrian and "help" each other (equilibrian on dark stance) -Don't forget to summon your pet. Without him your Dps is very low. -In Gate of pandemonium, Vin's Riddick can one (or two but is rare) shot by Boss skill, after summon Vin's summon quickly Ruthless. Don't worry he is pretty tanky. -Sometime the Demon can Aggro the target in solo -don't forget to debuff with "Give command" Skill (+15% Damage taken). -During the effect "Ruthless Ruler" you can use "Cage blood" 2 time use at your advantage. Thank you for reading the guide ^^ Kwai Edit: French Version (and with more picture !): https://lesguidesedeneternal.wordpress.com/2018/02/13/eevgn-guide-sur-le-demon-summoner/
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