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  • VGN GM

Hey all,

It's been 2 and a half years of hard work and great moments with NosTale Vendetta. We've had some great times together and I am proud to have hosted this game here on VGN. The news I am about to give you all does not come without great regret and it breaks my heart.

Due to some recent news in my life this last month it aches me to say that I must step down and shut down the NosTale project here at VGN. I cannot simply pass the torch or responsibility of NosTale onto anyone for many reasons.

With me stepping down the network will still go on, Eden Eternal is ran by @Jordan and Scarlet Blade is ran by @Vivi these projects will not be affected at all.

I cannot go into great details about what is going on as I like to keep my life private. I thought I could just continue as normal but to be honest I am kidding myself. I have been working solid on a new patch for a while now so this hasn't came without great thought.

I want to thank the NosTale support team especially, it's been a pleasure working with every single one of you.

I am very very sorry to everyone, I know this news comes with great pain and I assume you all will be very angry towards me. I only ask that you look to the fun we've had and understand all good things must come to an end.

Thank you for your time with us.

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  • VGN GM

As requested by many players, VGN Points for all purchases from 4th September 2019 to today have been returned to your accounts. You can use these points on other VGN Games.

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