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  1. Yesterday
  2. Which C++ did you download, and have you downloaded the directx runtimes as well?
  3. Can anyone help me please, I had to format my notebook and now my Eden Eternal keeps closing, before formatting it ran normally, I've already installed Visual C+, I've already excluded the anti virus and the firewall, I've tried with Windows Defender turned off but I was able to play for a while and then it ended up closing again, I don't know what else to do
  4. Last week
  5. Altar Zombie Hearring Legendary Bone Club Legendary Lake Laku Lobster Lopper Legendary Mystical Bunny Paintbrush Legendary Brutal Bear Paws Legendary Pumpkin Lantern Legendary Savory Corn On The Cob Legendary Kitty Mage Broom Legendary Watermelon Slicesword Legendary Provoked Katana Legendary Vivi Plushie Collection Legendary Thy Plushie Collection Legendary Mystery Box Black/White Kitty Sword/Shield Mocha/Pink Bear Hammer Fluffy/Chic Kitty Claws
  6. Altar: Mecha Light Beam Cannon (Legendary) Alpaca Poker Card (Legendary) House of Cards, Spades Tattoo (Legendary) Magic Energy Wings
  7. These altar angel wings 😔 Also adding Dark Templar Cape (Legendary) to my box wishlist uhuhu.
  8. Magic Starlit Sky Alyssia Robust Halloween Zephyrine
  9. While I agree that the mentality of players factors in largely to the state of the community when it comes to PvP, I don’t think it’s productive or necessarily accurate to speak in absolutes in this context. I think that whether or not the players who aren't going will be incentivized to participate in PvP through useful/relevant rewards is ultimately going to be up to them. Just to make sure it’s understood and my suggestion here isn’t being misrepresented, I’m not presenting this as some one-size-fits-all solution that’s going to instantly bring us back to 50+v50+ TWs every day. As evidenced in the language used when I say: There most likely isn’t going to be a singular thing that we can change or improve that is going to be “the answer” to fix everything, as such, I would recommend against disregarding solutions that could fix certain problems just because it won't be "the answer" to all problems. Abuse can be mitigated to some degree through the implementation but it is true that the potential for it will still be there. Depending on how well we can mitigate, the question basically becomes if it will be worth it to effectively have no meaningful PvP rewards on the server to prevent a few players from gearing a bit faster than normal.
  10. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  11. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  12. The issue with battlefield pvp isn't really the rewards at the moment its the ego people have. Gone are the days where people just went for fun and enjoyed themselves now its all about winning. Adding these as rewards isn't going to change this. It's just going to encourage people to find away to abuse it by getting a kill and then afking or hitting a crystal then afking, thats if it even encourages people enough to enter at all. Rewards are something that could be improved but this just isn't the answer and would just end up with people neglecting the PvE side of the game which is already on a knifes edge due to people not wanting to invite people to parties unless they're already perfectly geared.
  13. We do as much as we can to improve the new player experience. However, I must say that there is a lot of misconceptions around being a new player and what is required to do to get to the end game. As an example achievements yes are important but they're not something you are required to do to play the game. It's important to cover some of the achievements before you start tackling end game content such as the weapon of the class you play (unless you are a healer) and the heavy armor and cloth armor achievements for the resistances. But most other achievements are just for beneficial stats that allows you to spec you class in different ways and get the most of your builds. As for your comments about the enchants and capes yeh they can still take a while but they're not going to hold you back at all. Theres a lot of end game players who have not bothered with enchant achievements and capes well if you start participating in the end game content you can complete capes without even really thinking about it (but again if you don't it's not going to kill you either). I would say the biggest hurdle as of the moment is infact getting into the end game content with a party. The best advice I would give is to find a helpful guild and don't be trying to tackle every piece of content all at once because some content is harder than others. Also don't be distracted by the mindset of you have to be maxed in a day. The whole point in an mmo is your suppose to work towards the goal of being maxed character, so yeh some things take longer than others such as achievements to completetion 100% could take a long time but do you need to do that? not really.
  14. Hello! I would like to request: -Hello Kitty: Red Wedding dress -Hello Kitty: Kiki & Lala Pink Summer Dress. Dyes: - White Ash
  15. Earlier
  16. Ah i see. Now everything is more clear. Thanks ❤️ Appreciate
  17. Magical Royal Blade Naga✔️ Jade Ghostblade Ren✔️ Yellow Cherry Blossom Hana Robust Hiko Magic Mei Violet Frost Tiger Legendary✔️ Gleaming Alpaca Legendary✔️ Flying Mouse Mika Legendary✔️ Dyes Dark Grey✔️ Pure Black✔️ Grape😊✔️
  18. As the title says, is it viable to start playing Vendetta's Eden Eternal? By viable i mean if it's worth investing time/money, i remember classic/awaken Eden Eternal having lots of problems for new people (with achievements being the ultimate new player killer) and because this heavily customized server has been going on for a while i wonder if has become kinda like World of Warcraft retail, where it's near impossible to start playing because of the sheer amount of content you have to go through to even try to catch up. (costumes aren't a problem) I don't know how high the current level cap goes but the thought of farming fame, gold, coronas and mats to craft 200 of each weapon/armor type doesn't really sound appealing, oh also the rng enchants from boxes and warstone farming for capes, has something been done about the achievement system on this server or is it like classic Eden Eternal? And i know that someone might argue "it's an MMO, it is expected to be grindy" of course, but one thing is being grindy and other is being grindy, tedious and poorly designed (on purpose). Anyway i will be starting playing next week so wish me luck!
  19. Ingame drops Costumes that dropping ingame are Unique - those have bonus stats on it and are in "yellow" Text. Req. Lv 1. Sweet Candy Stripper Classic Bunny Girl Tux Lv 60+ Red Qipao - Note: Those Costume's haveing also a Rare Version. Web Shop Costumes × Boxes for money Yes they have a Weekly change. Every Thursday with the Game's Maintenance. Can be found here: https://sb.vendettagn.com/shop.vgn Requests if you like to see any special costume can be made here: About the Mystery Boxes: Mystery Boxes contain rare and valuable items but also may contain common items. For a list of the common items you can view them on this forum page here: NOTE: Please remember a box may contain one of the common items instead of the grand prize! All Boxes show 100% win count 0/30 (mostly pet's and bikes) or 0/50 (Costumes). So if you go for any Box , you either get a common items or a grand prize (costume for any class). When you reached 50/50, the Box will reset, but the 51th box will be 100% a grand prize. Sometimes you get a lot costumes while open 50/50 - arround 5-7 but can also happen you get 0 till the 100% reached not sure if can say "depend on your luck". There are also Costumes in Gloria aka Consignment Sale Manager , under Consumables - Locked Items from other people selling, the prices are high but if you have gold its also a option to buy it. Costume Guide: Almost all costumes are here: (need an update too xd) Costumes ingame showing on my characters Costumes Part 1 Medic Costumes Part 2 Sentinel Costumes Part 3 Punisher Costumes Part 4 Whipper Kimono Special Sorry for the Text wall..^^ Pan - Rusty
  20. OK so, mystery boxes from Web Shop correct? They change every week?! Also, from my understading the drop is not guaranteed? Thanks
  21. Mostly are from the weekly mistery box, for that you have to pay real money. But players who find other classes often sell them in Gloria (look in locked items), the price in gold is usually crazy anyway. Few costumes you can find in game: battleground crates and towers, jumbo ball, dungeon bosses by level 45, high level world bosses, nuclear bunker.
  22. Hello i am new and as i am really really liking fashion in these kind of games i was wondering. how to get costumes? do i have to pay real money or buy in game? cheers
  23. I agree to Losque's point. Warstone is an insignificant commodity right now relative to the latest content. I believe that weekly or any multi player-based activities should be tied to the latest content and not stick to the story rewards or OG rewards for something like Achievements. This server is way ahead and above the main server and yet the rewards for PvP are still the same. In my opinion, people came here to experience something different than the old, not just for PvE but also PvP. I think it's time to revamp the rewards to attract more players and this is maybe a good opportunity to tie PvE and PVP. One item that comes to my mind that is quite fits this is Class Tokens. You can get them as PvP reward and they are also materials for PvP gear and even awakening gears. Now, there will be of course people that can abuse to so in order to avoid this or at least minimize it is to keep the reward items as non-tradeable similar to Warstones and CTs. TY for reading~
  24. Ok thanks everyone for your time and answers. I will give it a try and see. I do not mind playing alone but then it will get boring i guess...try and see ❤️
  25. Personally, it's also something that would be interesting to explore, somehow prevent abuse of that rewards system through alts. I just wanted to point out that not long ago, Discord changed its policies and imagen links will probably disappear after 24 hours. For example: Regards
  26. This is a really good idea to implement into the game, it would help players acquire gear quicker and they might give pvp a chance and maybe find it fun. I would also suggest to implement these rewards for regular arena such as 10v10/3v3/1v1/Monster Battle Arena. Another item I would suggest to the loot pool Cheer
  27. I’d like to present a suggestion concerning the rewards players get from Battlefield PvP. (Territory War, Guild Elimination, Guild Arena, Battlegrounds) It is well known that there is little incentive for players who are not optimally geared to participate in Battlefield PvP. If players receive some sort of benefit to being active in PvP, I think it’s likely we’ll see an increase in participation at least on some level. I’m aware that Eden Eternal is not some hardcore PvP game and players should not have to go to Battlefield PvP to get exclusive items they can only get from there. Right now, the main reward that a player gets from participating in Battlefield PvP is war stones. Unfortunately, for the Awaken VGN server at 130 cap, this reward is quite insignificant. In the “classic” era of the game, war stones were a reasonable and useful item to obtain over time for players to gear themselves, but I think the reward system should be modernized and fit into the actual meta of the “awakened” server we play on. The Battlefield Reward Chest’s reward outcomes should be changed. Unless there is a new method implemented for players to obtain war stones over time, then the chests should probably continue to give war stones in addition to the below. I think we can accomplish this in one of the two ways. Allow these items to randomly come directly from the chest. Incorporate a new currency (or rework PvP Tokens) into the game that you would get from the chests and have these items bought from an NPC. The new items we should be getting from participating in Battlefield PvP are: · Zodiac Sparkles · Abyssal Soul · Fragmented Abyssal Soul · Azure Crystal · Viridian Crystal Fragment · Empty Parchment · Angelic Parchment · Demonic Parchment · Blessed EXP Jar · Cursed EXP Jar · Abyssal EXP Jar · Viroona Godstone · Event buffs such as: o Mulled Wine o Abyss Flower Charm o Abyss Grown Mushroom o Corrupted Crystal There are probably other items that would be nice to add, but I decided to be a bit conservative on this suggestion to start. I would be interested in hearing community opinion on the above and if anyone has any ideas of what reward would make a good incentive for players that I have not yet considered. I'm sure someone out there has a great suggestion to add. Thanks for reading.
  28. I cannot check, nor show proof of the statistics on the knee guards: DEF VOID Ch-EVA max HP % (percentage) and on the helmets: EVA DEF VOID max CP. I can only write that before I could obtain them, upgrade them and sell them at a good price to make more gold. I wish it was just bad luck, but that like 9 months pass and I can't get it, it's something that worries me a lot.
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