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Everything posted by Beau

  1. Seems you dont understand at all if you will make DE damage on par with other DPS you'll need to raise DE's damage even more. All damage isnt reduced across the board afaik, SE remained the same, CB got its old damage back, SW still the same with a bit boost, DE is still the same and only PU got hit hard by the nerf train. DE got boosted on CC because it was neccessary, without it even on full tank build they'll just gonna stand there useless af and hopefully some noob hit them, and you always fail to mention the large debuff on using frenzy it literally removes almost all of DE's defensive stats, and it seems youre not well informed that while PU and SW can pierce WH and DE on full tank buffs, DE cannot. Test stuffs first and dont base it on make stories. Take note all of the player featured in here dont even have complete gears and missing few stuffs chardos dont have title and v3 weapon, and the PU still missing some void pierce and crit atk jewels. PS - youre saying SW damage is cool and all while Im seeing youre getting 2 shotted by almost every SW, the only proper fight we had was the 3 v 3 between you, dreamlife and Ainart vesus me, annie and uber you guys lost because oh well...
  2. Balance is a vague term, but if your Idea of balance is to make everything stand on flatline then by all means go ahead. For years DE's DPS remained the same with no complaints or whatsoever, numerous people complained about PU's DPS and was subjected to debates and now it has been nerfed alot resulting in DE standing out because of that. Youre saying you gonna nerf DE so it will be on par with other DPS classes sounds like a buff more than a nerf to me. Now if youre confused make a side by side comparison of every DPS stats with all of their buffs, proper skill build and proper gears that alone will tell you alot. After that do a damage testing of every dps class including DE againts a fully buffed WH/DE with max defense passive, I will tell you the result, SW tear the tanks by less than half of its HP, PU can 1 rota tanks, SE non existent damage, CB non existent damage then finally DE can take 20% HP of the tank, I know the results because I've tested it. If youre making all this assumption because you always getting buttfucked by DE maybe its not DE that needs a nerf maybe it is you who needs to improve.
  3. The game doesn't need to adjust to the players, the players should adjust to the game itself. No matter how much hard you try to change stuffs nothing will change, if the problem is the player's attitude, Being selfish, greedy, Lazy, stupid, idiot, noob, asshole there is no patch that can fix it. All of the BG are designed so people will work together as a team, and those wings, unique mechs and stuffs are just incentives of a job well done, even before you enter the BG you should be aware that not all will have wings or loot expensive stuffs and people who decided to act selfish so they could get wings did it in their own volition it's not the system's fault that most of the playerbase here are rotten and cant even look at larger picture. Most of the rants in this forum are just player's shout of frustration for the things that doesnt go well their way so they need a call for change and bring something down to their level of play and they felt being ignore because their silly suggestions didnt happen when in the first place its straight up BS and will cause more problem in the long run, some will say they dont mind, its better than nothing, but when things get ugly they are the first person you see complaining here. Everyone needs to change their own mindset instead of giving more load to the administrators, game only needs constant fine tuning in classes from time to time and drop rates till it becomes comfortable and stable, no major changes needed.
  4. We will never achieve perfect balance, game is sorta balance in way that not every player is on the same caliber, so If we call for more people in pvp, it means we need 1 or two more but dont expect were fighting 5 or less people, expect were fighting more and we just need some to make the pvp not impossible to win, usually its just me and mombo and we get a few additionals from time to time againts the entiriety of the FK faction.
  5. PU dont have melee, just point black aoe that reaches 10m, swinger and stun are considered short range stuns too, but not melee, I think it was given some short range skill incase people get to close and personal they have something in their arsenal for that kind of encounter.
  6. If it is a self buff its okay to have 55 detect, but if it is aoe imagine SE seeing SW anywhere in the room because of 110 detect + passive.
  7. I can hit/kill eva toons because I have weapons for all occassions, pvp is just all about simple math, you just have to have stats advantage vs your opponent.
  8. @GoddessSand if I dont use arkana skills, mech skills will not be enough.
  9. @GoddessSand lol that skill build is so bad, you cant kill even berry with that 🤣,@ΣvilTεrεsα you forgot to point out the huge debuff with it too, @sufi clearly you dont know pvp, PU is good at as an AOE sweeper I used it once and easily get 17 kills on it, and it is hard to approach an EVA PU on mass pvp high eva means cannoy be pulled + you get the same back up from ME. @Norleras it didnt came up and only recently but we never see alot of DE mains, try and name one active aside from me and you'll find a few who dont even play frequently, these people who are complaining are people who hate DE because they keep getting smacked by DE.
  10. Beau


    Yeah DE is good on PVE gotta watch out when using frenzy because thay can kill him if used win the wrong timing.
  11. Remove dual log in so they will get hassled logging in to winning side with the incorrect password thingy 🤣
  12. But you cannot get all of it, mainly you will have chakra shield and iron skin on default and pick one 1 or 2 of the rest. Or get all of them but you wont have any attacks 🤣 Well EA is just there to cover for you when will gonna kill someone then the rest of the time you can sit on hide and wait CD, I see alot of SW going infront and soak too long that they get caught by someones CC. I honestly think SW burst is so high, I tested this one versus a SW that doesnt have perfect gears and skill shave almost 3/4 of my DE's HP thats with Iron Skin, meaning if it can do that much damage to a buffed DE it can practically do much more againts most of the classes. Do note that the only buff that makes DE tank is iron skin with chakra shield, Pussycat is practically acc buff and the cleanse was nerfed it was 15s before now it is 26s when maxed out. You need to adjust your build and strategy, instead of adjusting the class so you can kill it alot better, I know you can do better.
  13. Beau


    You can PVE using a PVP skill set up dungeons are dumb anyway and you dont really need to think much about it. Use full eva randoms and jewels and crit atk randoms and jewels on this 2 classes you can never go wrong with it. Using PU you can head straight to the boss using bike, drop a defense cocoon then use Plain sight, the hide skill, after that do thr usual skill rotation buff offense cocoon and Firing Squad then use debuff use all your arkana skills then switch to mech,, use concealer and use every mech skill you have Punisher Build: https://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=5&l=11&s=g0k00000056d3800088001854&m=4 Using Sentinel there are some dungeons thay you need to clear monsters batch by batch before you can kill the boss, use bike and lure as many as you can handle, use skirting disaster, use atk buff, plant traps, use cyber clusters, aoe slow then use mech use aoe stun then kill the rest, Do this repeatedly till you get to the boss. Once facing the boss rotation is: buff skirting, atk buffs, use the 2 negative void debuffs, plant trap, use mech asap then use every skill till the boss dies. Sentinel Build: https://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=5&l=11&s=g0k00000056d3800088001854&m=4 I dont advise Whippers although they can clear monsters fast they usually takes alot of time killing the bosses, better stick with these 2 or try using Shadow Walker.
  14. @sufi I can assure you PU can kill DE with 1 rota I dont know what you guys are doing wrong with your builds and it's dumb if you dont get atk passive, it's doing good in mass pvp I've tested it. @GoddessSand count using your head for 30 sec, SB is kinda buggy and it is supposed to show enemy buffs but sometimes it doesnt, there is a visual indicator when DE is using Iron Skin and not every DE is invincible there are just some, you just have to learn how DE patterns when they fight, It's just like any other class and you actually roflstompped a certain DE just like you said in the other post. 🤣
  15. First of all, in order you to get out the most of the game content, try to get to level 59 atleast and from there work your way maxing your level 65 gears and AP pet. I am no SW main but most of the stuff in game is pretty easy to understand. https://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=2&l=11&s=0000011d2741200003828890004&m=4 All of the skills I maxed are your bread and butter skills and are a neccesity got initiating, survival and consistent damage. The remaining points is up to you to play with but in my opinion you should invest those points min - maxing your detection:damage mastery ratio and put points in secret charge and disables until you are comfortable with with it. Note: buffing while invisible does not break invisibility, using void slash dorsnt break invisibility. Fade -> Get close to your target -> Buffs -> Void Slash + Shadow Strike -> Deathblow/Twilight Expolosion -> Secret Charge -> Slaughter -> Deathblow/Twilight Explosion -> Transform to mech -> Epona Sprint -> Brake -> Rainbow -> Run -> Laser Focus. This is pretty much self explanatory let's try to break it down little by little. Fade -> Get close to your target -> Buffs - use Fade in a place where your enemy doesnt see you or there is no point hiding when they know you are around, Get close but not too close and pick an appropriate and important target probably ME or PU but anyone can be a victim, use the Appropriate buff always use Precision and miss misery this will make sure all your skills will not miss and will most likely crit, using Escape Artist is probably up to your discretion and according to situation, remember this is your only survival skill without this you will be dead meat and it only last 10s. Things you have to consider if you need to use Escape artist at the beginning is/are: if there are two or more player around your target, is/are there any SE around? Any of this you will need to use Escape Artist. Void Slash + Shadow Strike -> Deathblow/Twilight Expolosion - use Deathblow if fighting a single enemy and Twilight Explosion if your target is around many players so you can disable them all while you pick off the target. Secret Charge -> Slaughter -> Deathblow/Twilight Explosion - use either of the remaining voltage tree you have used to lock your opponent in disable, if you havent used the Escape artist yet this is the perfrct time to use it. Transform to mech -> Epona Sprint -> Brake -> Rainbow -> Run -> Laser Focus. - if you use deathblow as right before turning to mech use Epona sprint asap else Use Brake -> Epona Sprint -> Rainbow, after that run to a safe location and use Laser focus. In order for this to become successful you need to execute and think fast and you also need to find a good level for deathblow and secret charge so you wont leave a gap in your rotation and pin your target for the remainder of your arkana rotation. You can use Skyjump and Ghostwalk as situational escape tool, everything is pretty situational just know how your class should function and play. Every class has its own role. You can get particle and even smoke but a general rule of thumb is making sure you dont leave a gap because your target might/will probably escape and might get you killed, also you might need a different approach againts some classes and I think it is much better for you to try and learn the rest by yourself.
  16. @Norleras SE buffs last 20 seconds and gives 50% eva while SW ACC buff last 30 sec and gives 55% ACC and CH ACC on top of that 37.5% eva, we know that if SE buff wears off she is very very easy to pick off. Lets do the math: 50% eva - 55% acc is -5% means even if the SE use skirting the SW will most likely hit the SE, also thr skirting and the acc buff have the same CD means she will always counter SE. On mass PVP cocoon and medic buff applies equally on everybody so we cant use it as an argument because everyone can have those buffs.
  17. Somewhere in the quest line they mention why there is only female arkana, I forget where but the reason is: male arkana are too risky and are too strong and if it went rogue my be a problem child for mother and female arkana is much easier to control. CB atm are the knock off version of what it was originally designed and is more inferior to the female counterparts only because they are designed to perform at minimal level, meaning their full potential still havent been reached.
  18. Yeah ofc all eva class is like that if you get hit you die in 2 to 3 attacks, but the point is it outshines SE where it is supposed to be the better eva class.
  19. Meter ingame is blocks of space a toon occupies, in this case 10 blocks in any direction. All fall down is a mech aoe skill and whipper isnt even melee it's sort of mid range toon that can hit players 10 blocks/Meter far.
  20. If that were the case when take it off like shadow walker's invisibility when holding a flag, problem solved.
  21. I wanted to say thanks for the effort of the GS team for bringing us new skill patch and update, so far it's good, I just wanna state my opinion and constructive criticism towards the said skill patch for every class. Overall the patch is good, only thing that's bothering me is this new additional stats on buff and debuff is quite messy and the tool tip doesn't look good, Was so-so and lack cohesiveness seems every class is good at everything now unlike before where they have their own forte, note that these are just some of my thoughts based on how I wanna see and envision things. I'll start adressing some stuffs in each class now: Sentinel: kinda sucky, might be because of its buffs and debuffs are kinda scrambled, always feels awkward and uncomfortable no matter how you build it, zero freedom in making build as there is really no other viable build to choose from aside from slows. For starters, Sentinel's role was a scout exceling at detecting and shutting down hidden treats, laying traps and slowing down big threats, was not a burst to begin with but still considered a DPS, atm it lacks so much damage in comparison to other DPS. Three major things needed to adress here: Inconsistency with attack ranges of its skills. Lackluster, cooldown dont fit in and awkward placement of buff and debuffs. Needs a bit damage improvement. First, I think Sentinel should have 20m range across all of its skills with the exception of tumblekick at 5m, photon trap and stunning beauty at 10m, why because having a universal range makes sense and will make it easier for everyone to have a rough sketch or ranges, this will also ensure SE wont need to get extra close just to de buff people making it much safer for them. Second, whenever I look at SE its buffs always feel lack luster and felt left out compared to other class, while other class got revamped SE remains the same. Skirting Disaster - this buffs needs to get adjusted a bit to: 25% CE, 25% Void, 50% EVA, 250 Def cooldown to 30s. This is because most of the class debuff has been buffed making this one obsolete, with the addition of aoe eternal suffering and the mighty Impact CE reduction, SE almost is guaranteed dead. This is the only thing that keeps SE moving without this, SE has a mediocre EVA and poor Void + CV making it so vulnerable with that 20s gap. Even with the buff it's is still obsolete againts SW due to the high ACC buff SW has. Exhaust - the CH ACC debuff in this skill is so useless mainly because SE cant stack enough CH EVA and the only viable class that can make this stat work are SW making the ch acc debuff here useless I rather put a - 25% crit atk in here instead of -25% CH ACC making it a solid defensive debuff. Atomic burst - at max level should take out 75% move speed and always has a 5 sec CD gap across all caps, atomic shot should take out 50% movespeed at max level across all cap and should perma slow a single target assuming you dont get interfered, 5 sec CD and a 6 sec duration so it wont linger and stack too long with atomic burst perma rooting a target. Photon trap - should take out 75% movespeed of a target in any level, proc rate should be .75 and slow duration should be 1.25 sec damage should also be improve, it doesnt feel like a trap atm. Hex - needs to get revamped to: - 500 def, - 20% EVA, - 15% VOID. This will improve SE damage by a pinch since you dont have the chance getting double void debuff without ruining your build. Eagle eye - needs to get revamped: 30% on atk and ch atk, 25% crit rate , 40% crit atk and 10% on ACC and CH ACC. This is because you wont get a chance to get your damage passive high enough without sacrificing hp and detection passive in most case you wont get damage passive at all. Extinction event - change the ch type to Particle, SE lacks a finisher move on Mech. Detection VS Concealment In my opinion SE should always be able to detect SW atleast 25m away arkana/kumari vs arkana/epona and 20m away arkana vs epona SE should always have the edge againts SW interms of battle initiative. Punisher: feels alot better now damage-wise, but some stuffs does not feel right, specially the eva stats doesnt fit the class well, atm even if you dont build eva it feels too damn high, feels like SE on perma buff if you build it eva type. Lot of things to address but these are major ones: Inconsistency on range across PU skills. PU became much better eva toon than SE it is now second to SW when it is not supposed to. Changing values of its buffs to better suit mass pvp. First of all PU should be the toon that has the longest range, it might be better if we change all of its skill to 25m except for swinger setting it to 5m same as tumble and its mech stun to 10 meter, adjusting its mech aoe wildfire to to 20m diameter so it reach people that got hit by mech stun without needing to walk close. Second we need to adjust the following skills. Firing squad: flat 30 physical and 100 chakra, 40% physical and chakra atk, 30% crit rate , 80% crit atk, 500 void, remove eva bonus, and somehow make it possible to not get hooked while rooted . Offense cocoon: 60% physical, 40% chakra, 15% crit, Half aoe diameter of defense cocoon. Damage mastery: 100 flat damage, 130 chakra, 40% atk, 60% chakra. This 3 skills will mirror frenzy bonus minus the annoying reductions. Defense cocoon: void increase to 30% eva to 10%. Reason is because it gives too much eva and if paired with medic it makes everyone evasive toon. In my opinion PU should stick to void and CV in pvp but had enough EVA to PVE since CV sucks at PVE, Added void because aoe eternal sufferig might be a problem in the long run. Mind over matter remove everything and make it last for 10 sec then put: 15% acc and ch acc, 500 resist, 1k CV. In plain sight: cleanse will be OP, EVA is awkward, revert it back to original. With these PU will be bulky enough to the point that it's not par with tanks and wont have better eva than SE Set swinger's range to 5m it is a melee stun, and make the stun 4.5 sec. You gave punisher good debuffs in forms of penetration and mighty impact but lacking in CC to chain them, setting this to 4.5 will make deadly and you will think twice before approaching PU. Revert its mech type to its original for christ sake. Defender: still the same on the offensive side, full tank is viable now thanks to the new skill and some re scaling on gash tree, the replacement of stun on armageddon to immobilize on gash is pretty neat. Nothing much on defender but I wanted to make the dash 20m across every level making it constant, reason is because all dash should have a universal range of 20m as it is the only way for melee class to get close to range class making it viable even at lower level as a utility escape or initiate tool. Edit: Gash's CD is too low I suggest 9 second CD putting a 5 second gap in it, also can we remove the other debuff on this skill to make it lot more cleaner, the debuff visual effects is voltage kinda bit confusing maybe we can change that to ice on head like CB or same as SW charge special effects. Make DE's AOE skills in both arkana and mech form uniform at 10m diameter, I find hurricane and whirlwind diameter too small. Purge - self cast only and remove the reflect since we have Luminiscent targe now, CD is too long too. Luminiscent Targe - I havent tested this out, but I hope this is on par with cleansing heal or a an AOE purge plus 25% reflect or it will become another skill we will just forget. Mother's Aura - if somehow we can make it mitigate the damage recieve instead taking the full blunt and reflecting a certain percentage this will just be another pre req skill. Shadow Walker: still the same, nice try pushing that poison cloud as a viable build, every ACC buff was nerfed making SW move freely but funny thing is SW acc still high as fuck at 50ish% both on acc and ch acc. The only thing that I need to adress here is the absurd ACC buff while all of the classes ACC buff got nerfed this class still has more than enough ACC, I suggest to lower the bonus to 30% I still cant get it why SW complain about ACC buff when they themselves have an absurd one and cannot miss. Whipper: good job balancing the DOTS I was about to abuse the hell out of it on ellis cap, eternal suffering made AOE was a nice decision making that useless tree useful, WH back to debuff class again keeping everything disabled, in place and soft as cotton. Nothing much on whipper, its buffs making them both down with 15 sec gap makes WH somewhat sucky and juggling betwwen the 2 buffs kinda defeat the purpose, I think it is much better to make ultimate soulshield like chakra shield making 1 buff staple and one buff a supplementary buff. Medic: still damn messy to look at, all buff stats were all scrambled, I dont like the look of it but it works. I rather not say, it feels like you clump up as many defensive stats as much as possible, why not make hp passive have all 500 resist and 500 void instead of adjusting other class ch type so they get to fit in ME ch resist type? Make shadow projection buff for eva-like stats, and make enchanted foil for void, cv and resist, I suggest to completely remove aoe acc buff and detection and make detection buff a self buff same as SE inner sight, make shift 5 sec CD with 20m range and make it max at level 1 so it cant be easily picked up by SW, make atk buff and crit buff in one skill having values: 10% atk and ch atk, 5% crit rate, 10% crit atk. Cyber Blade: back to its old self now, still lacking a role. This one feels like an emo kid trying to fit in still not having an ideal place in society. Male class is supposed to be superior to female arkana in every aspect if you will consider lores.
  22. This is what made the tower of babylon fall, language barrier 🤣
  23. Get rare one and try your luck using a kilo crystal
  24. I already told them something like this but it got brushed off
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