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Posts posted by Beau

  1. @sicat What he's saying is that SW can easily cleanse DOTS it's not about the rotation Im pretty sure once the player's start their rota there will be almost no gap, it is pretty much common knowledge about chaining stuns, stop throwing stupid comments.

    Also there is no strategy involving PU vs SW.

    • EVA Based PU cannot evade SW due to ACC buff.
    • CV Based PU will still be too squishy for SW.

    On top of this SW will always have the first strike due to Invisibility meaning once the SW jumped on the PU it is pretty much dead, even if the PU is using bike it is useless if you dont know where the SW is coming from, any SW user know this. The cleanse on Ghost walk was recently and secretly added not even announced in change logs.

  2. Gsauce I still dont get why people cheat in a game like this 🤣 SB is too simple, mechanics are not complicated, minimal learning curve 😬 the only thing that you have to think about is gears and proper skill build.

  3. Hmm yeah seems legit, this is why I also keep records of every BG I participated in because Im a bit paranoid, If a laggy person tries to take a vid of the battle and I happen to flicker around the map and decided to report me, Atleast I also keep a vid of that specific fight which I can show if Vivi asked and I guess Vivi doesnt just ban people suspected for cheating without talking to the suspected player and asking stuffs in his defense?

    I always been paranoid of players might weaponize lag and ticket system to condemn people.

  4.     You should test that sabin 🤣 by now I think you should have tons of resources and friends to borrow an SE toon, I am a tank so I already know this, but if you still wanna see for yourself make an SE with full DoT reduction unique pit it againts a WH with full max DoTs it will not change a thing even tho you wear full dot reductions, 250 is 2.5% which is irrelevant specially in SE with low HP and no heals.

  5. Nah nothing of the sort, I just wanna re watch vids and check similar stuffs that happened to me, and also to see who might be those potential cheaters that I may have fought againts so far coz I always shrug off those kind of stuffs and blame them to my internet, lags of some sort 🤣 I dont plan to submit reports of some kind.

    This is one of those matches, Where everytime I clash I lag alot. Tho the only time I lag is when she is close. There are times I cant target her that is why Im stopping I uploaded this long ago because at the end of the match score were crucial and then she suddenly became invisible but she is still there hitting me, I cant target her using tab there is no name or target icont too, But this is only a mild case because, I actually fought people who 1 shots me while on Iron Skin, Sometimes I cant even damage them but the system chat displays physical and chakra damage. I always dismiss this kind of stuffs as if I just jitter or lag, My connection is damn good tbh so I dont know 🤣




  6. I dont know, it's just it is really hard to prove people who actually uses 3rd party program unless youre an admin or you caught them in the act with undisputable evidence, so far I havent encounter one, or maybe I did but I just didnt care enough or dont realize they are actually cheating. Interesting stuff to see, that is why Im gonna need to review my vids I have like 100+ that I havent uploaded yet, I segregate them too.

  7. Ohh, that's the only thing I heard banned for hacking 🤣 i mean if he really is hacking how come he is still weak af and why not pick something not obvious like make your skills 0 CD 🤣 doesnt make sense at all.

  8. Exactly! Bingo! I am not even complaining, I am merely pointing out everything SW have so people will stop crying about SW lacking damage, needing more buff in patches or SW being weak af  blah blah blah🤣🤣 they are perfectly fine as they are, is that even hard to understand? 😬🤣

    Ghost Walk gives 3 cleanses, same as the Mech skill also gives 3 cleanses they remove 3 debuffs each.

    Actually those numbers dont seem high, they REALLY are high , and Im not the one giving them it is written on the skill description, take your time and read it slow, if youre having hard time with comprehension its okay, just take it really nice and slow 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that is what makes it OP the values are too high. They are assassin like you said and therefore it is easy for theeem to kill. Do I really need to explain this alot so your brain can digest it effectively? 🤔🤣🤣🤣

    I actually have 148 acc so if people have atleast 10k EVA it makes it hard for me to hit it and I dont see anything special about it cause I see it alot of time during PVP there are times that I cant kill people because I misses alot, so what's the big deal? 🤔probably other people has the same ACC it is still 50/50 and it is not 1 shot mind you, sometimes it takes 4 to 5 skill to kill SW, atleast for me. You are the one downplaying SW, they are not ment to tank head on, the Invisibility gives you alot of opportunity to pluck off targets, you are not meant to dive and tank like a DE or WH 🤣, for 10 secs you can pick a squishy target and leave, ya know basic SW manuevers? if you still dont get it take seminar about SW and I will recomend Sand or Luna as a mentor, you can ask Celia but I dont know if he is willing yo teach 😬

    If youre looking for a reference of good SWs here are some people I think are good:

    Celia, Luna, Sand, Wolf, Mombo, Heaven, Wrecker, Lycorice and even Kini can actually use SW.

    Actually everyone can be good but these people are those players who really know how to SW dab like a boss, saitama uses SW even tho he is noob and it can still be surprisingly quite effective to the point Sand even reported him for cheating, I dont know if it's true but I find it funny people reporting noob players for cheating and actually pulling it off 🤣🤣🤣😐, btw RIP saitama you will be missed 🤣. So I dont really know, if you think there is something special about you then GOOD for you, after all we should always think positive about ourselves🤣

    But always remember:




  9. @sicat how about just remove that skill on WH, imo SE should be the only class to have detection maybe except for PU too, I might be an elitist on this one but It would be a pain in the ass for SW if all classes have their own detection then getting further amplified by PU cocoon even a 25 detect paired with cocoon is enough to detect even SW on mech

  10. Putting ME in the discussion always makes things alot weird 🤣 ME always been an exception to the rules and yes that CH Resist trend only apply to the other class because ME's HP passive has added resistance to Gravity, Atomic and Plasma. I also dont think it will change much, My DE on frenzy enhanced wheel impact cant even take out 10k out of ME's HP so I guess CB will do less damage since it has less crit atk value but I dont know how high CB's ch atk stats can go so they might possibly become on par with each other.

  11. @KingGosuto It will still keep its crit atk and crit rate bonus, but change the ch part to particle and enhance it a bit.

    @Norleras keeping its gravity nature and adjusting the damage will make it more powerful than making it particle because the ch resist stat on gravity always lags 2k to 3k compared to the rest of ch resists meaning  gravity will always deal more damage than particle assuming they have the same magnitude due to targets defense stats. putting it on the last slot makes it special case, so it wont matter even if you make another tree for it, it will still remain the same coz its the only particle skill if it gets approved

  12. Yeah that reduction on the first row is needed, imagine needing 1 then 3 then 2 points to unlock the useful skills below and the heart piercing has like 13 points need to get maxed and the effect paled in comparisson with other class that has mostly have 10 points in it. Also the round slash it is a bit weak, actually it is really weak and we should consider reverting to particle so they would adjusts ch part making it the hard hitting skill CB has on arkana. I just wanna elaborate my point on the one I mentioned. Since their damage passive is nerf I think their damage will not sky rocket, freeing points allows them to allocate more in supporting buff like skin repair or slows without compromising their important rotation skills


    @Norleras swinger is ranged it has 10m range 🤣 the animation is melee tho. SE tumble kick is melee those 2 should be identical but nevermind.

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