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  1. Kanagawa Wave Yuuki✔️ Magic Sweetheart Belle✔️ Magic Mademoiselle Rita✔️ Magic Christmas Sakuya-Hime✔️ Sandy Foxfire Kitsune Legendary✔️ Moon's Paternity Hairdo✔️ Robust Enchantress Claire✔️
  2. Robust Witch Alice✔️ Magic Levi✔️ Screamer Mallet (Legendary)✔️ Magic Persephone✔️ Nightshade Lucky Cloud Magatama (Legendary)✔️
  3. Magical Royal Blade Naga✔️ Jade Ghostblade Ren✔️ Yellow Cherry Blossom Hana✔️ Robust Hiko✔️ Magic Mei✔️ Violet Frost Tiger Legendary✔️ Gleaming Alpaca Legendary✔️ Flying Mouse Mika Legendary✔️ Dyes Dark Grey✔️ Pure Black✔️ Grape😊✔️
  4. This is a really good idea to implement into the game, it would help players acquire gear quicker and they might give pvp a chance and maybe find it fun. I would also suggest to implement these rewards for regular arena such as 10v10/3v3/1v1/Monster Battle Arena. Another item I would suggest to the loot pool Cheer
  5. Realistic Fox Maid Hairdo✔️ Hello Kitty Melody Maid✔️ Book of The dark stars✔️ Fireworks Koi Pinwheel Legendary✔️ Azure Chubby Sheep Legendary✔️ Shadow Squad Cute Tiger Officer✔️ Cream Dessert Rabbit✔️ Moon Shadow Warrior Hairdo Legendary✔️ Mysterious Newsboy Cap Legendary✔️ Mysterious Tip of the Hat Fedora Legendary✔️ Elite Monocle Legendary✔️ Dark Cross Whistle Legendary✔️
  6. I agree with Yamite, the new pet battle skills are nice and a good refresher but some players lost lots of materials and time from making these battle pets that are now useless because of the skill changes. I recently just fused some battle and pray pets as well that are now basically useless because of the huge nerfs (40mspd to 20mspd) and Sunder armor/crystal snowball/blade fury ( 3000 Zodiac Sparkles + Pet coin bought to roll book skills). I think you should've asked the players before you launched the update for the Pet changes, or kept the old skills the way they are and implemented new different skills for battle pets. If you decide to keep the update and not revert the changes we should receive some compensation, such as the option to choose base pets and or specific pet skills. This might seem a lot to ask for at first, but after you take into consideration the time and materials spent to acquire the pets it really isn't. Thank you for reading.
  7. Mysterious Comfy Pajama (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Spring Garb (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Knight Armor (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Chaplin Mustache (Legendary)✔️
  8. Blue Flame Tiger Legendary✔️ Thunder Centaur Warrior Legendary✔️ Gold Dual Lifesaber Legendary✔️ Round Moonblade Legendary✔️ Nightmare Bunny Ears Legendary✔️ Mysterious Tennis Team Uniform Legendary✔️ Mysterious Swim Trunks Legendary✔️ Mysterious Trenchcoat Legendary✔️ Mysterious Garb Legendary✔️ Blazeblight Cestus (Yellow)✔️ Murasame Legendary✔️ Book of the Dark Stars✔️ Midsummer Firework Hairdo✔️ Magic Snowy Kueta✔️ Mysterious Cat Ear Beanie Legendary✔️
  9. IGN: Asa NPC Name: Argle Location: Durango Kingdom
  10. ancestry hairdo✔️ midsummer firework hairdo✔️ magic anubis✔️ magic aladdin✔️ magic jormungandr✔️ shadow squad - cute tiger officer✔️ Thank you =3
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