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VGN Games

Found 11 results

  1. I’d like to present a suggestion concerning the rewards players get from Battlefield PvP. (Territory War, Guild Elimination, Guild Arena, Battlegrounds) It is well known that there is little incentive for players who are not optimally geared to participate in Battlefield PvP. If players receive some sort of benefit to being active in PvP, I think it’s likely we’ll see an increase in participation at least on some level. I’m aware that Eden Eternal is not some hardcore PvP game and players should not have to go to Battlefield PvP to get exclusive items they can only get from there. Right now, the main reward that a player gets from participating in Battlefield PvP is war stones. Unfortunately, for the Awaken VGN server at 130 cap, this reward is quite insignificant. In the “classic” era of the game, war stones were a reasonable and useful item to obtain over time for players to gear themselves, but I think the reward system should be modernized and fit into the actual meta of the “awakened” server we play on. The Battlefield Reward Chest’s reward outcomes should be changed. Unless there is a new method implemented for players to obtain war stones over time, then the chests should probably continue to give war stones in addition to the below. I think we can accomplish this in one of the two ways. Allow these items to randomly come directly from the chest. Incorporate a new currency (or rework PvP Tokens) into the game that you would get from the chests and have these items bought from an NPC. The new items we should be getting from participating in Battlefield PvP are: · Zodiac Sparkles · Abyssal Soul · Fragmented Abyssal Soul · Azure Crystal · Viridian Crystal Fragment · Empty Parchment · Angelic Parchment · Demonic Parchment · Blessed EXP Jar · Cursed EXP Jar · Abyssal EXP Jar · Viroona Godstone · Event buffs such as: o Mulled Wine o Abyss Flower Charm o Abyss Grown Mushroom o Corrupted Crystal There are probably other items that would be nice to add, but I decided to be a bit conservative on this suggestion to start. I would be interested in hearing community opinion on the above and if anyone has any ideas of what reward would make a good incentive for players that I have not yet considered. I'm sure someone out there has a great suggestion to add. Thanks for reading.
  2. Firstly, I want to thank you for all your hard work in continuing to update this server for Eden as it has been my favorite and imo the best server of all of the eden servers thus far, so for that I thank you for all your dedication on patches @Jordan. As a long-term player of this server for many consistent years, I'd like to just give my feedback on the latest patch. I am in NO WAY complaining about anything, I merely making some suggestions that I truly hope finally reach unlike any of my other suggestions. Lv125 Armor/Awakened Armor Sets As A Whole: I believe that it would be more beneficial to especially newcomers but older players as well if you would decrease the total amount of Abyssal Essences needed for an entire set. As it stands currently we need 39 of any of the Lv115 dungeon essences just to make the set gold and after that we must collect another 39 to craft tablets for awakening tablets as a material, but to top it off we must collect another 90 to enhance new essences; making the grand total 168. Current total cost needed for 1 set should roughly be: Abyssal Soul x830 Frosty Essence x10 Vicious Essence x10 Shocking Essence x10 Abyss Head Armor Fragment x18 Abyss Body Armor Fragment x18 Abyss Waist Armor Fragment x18 Abyss Hand Armor Fragment x18 Abyss Foot Armor Fragment x18 Abyssal Essence x56 (Needs 168 of any abyss essence) Fragmented Abyssal Souls x1000 This is everything needed to go from an orange Lv123 set to a fully awakened set (material cost). I'd ultimately like to ask that the cost of abyssal essences be reduced per enhanced essence or the cost of essences needed to make abyssal essences be reduced. With the current drop rate of essences and even with farming multiple characters a day, it'll roughly be a month to awaken 1 set from 0 essences to 168. Partial Enchant Box Lv9: My final suggestion is that the cost of these be lowered to 25 souls each and can be obtained on drops from the new deep abyss dungeons. It's kind of (really imo) unfair to people who want to do sets and achievements to have to choose 1 or the other, not to mention on release of Lv8 when they were brand new and a far bigger stat jump than Lv7s they dropped on bosses. Lv8 boxes are also purchasable for 5 tokens per box with a maximum of 40 coins obtained per day in 1 character, unlike souls where we on average gain roughly 30 a day. I'd also like to ask that you yet again take a look at the last two suggestion posts and truly consider some of the QoL suggestions, we're long overdue for anything QoL and quite frankly, I will be honest. People are quitting, people are tired of grindy content, no QoL, just stuff that we HAVE to farm daily and if we miss something we're super set back. It's exhausting to have to be in this loop. Thanks for reading, good luck with all your future endeavors, take care and happy new year.
  3. Bruh , am tired of having to spend two weeks or more just to level up a pet to level 40 , what is the argument here for it to take so long ? for newbies to get to know the process ? its all the same , i could counter argument and say it would do newbies good , since they might lack gear and the bonus HP would help them make up for that a little bit. For veteran players , everybody got alts around , being able to lvl up a pet faster can mean people can play both faction and balance out pvp numbers easier . Same goes for the 21 days for major Mech unlock , makes no sense for it to be 21 days , a new player will 1000% not own a major mech in his first month of play , on the other hand , a veteran can do so instantly , why the 21 days wait ? The way am looking at objectively at the moment , there is no point in having such high bars for such things . Having the pet max EXP required from 0-40 cut down by half could prove even more efficient to the game's population , in hindsight and in long term , Also having the 21 days of RP farming cut down to 10 days(1million) is a very reasonable amount of RP for both newbies and veterans. These suggestions come at a critical time , where SB is having , for the most time , extremly unbalanced PvP daily events (AK/NB) where one faction dominates one event , while the other dominates the second event daily , and i think easing up these measures can lead to a healthier Balance between the two factions , since players will have an easier time swapping back and fourth , while playing classes they enjoy , or even trying out new classes they once wanted to try , but couldn't find the time to go through the whole process. if you have any further thoughts on this subject please do let me know in the comments ! ♥ -edit : Not all of us can afk all day for weeks in suer , a crucial argument for this whole thing .
  4. Demonic Valley QoL Suggestions: ‣Add MP/HP Potion VIII to monster drops. ‣Adjust the price of "Demonic MP/HP Potion" to be a more fair price. I believe it should be no more than x10 Polished Emeralds for x999 at the current rate of emeralds, even x999 for x5 Polished Emeralds is a decent trade price. The current price is x50 Polished Emeralds which takes hours to obtain. ‣Add a boss daily to Demonic Valley. People who have mistakenly or unknowingly turned in their main quest would appreciate this! ‣Increase "Raw Emerald" drops from x1 to x2. Much like DSR had it's adjusted Dragonside Soul drop, emeralds need the same change to even begin to purchase MP potions at the rate toggles suck them up. Here's the amount gained after 1 hour of running. Aven Fame Vendor Suggestions: ‣Add Baleful Will & Will of the Ancients to trading option. Currently it stops at Erebus' Will which means at cap level we receive 2/3 useless wills when we pod farm. The level cap was raised, however the fame cap was not raised for trades and I don't believe we should wait for new items to be sold at the NPCs just for the trades to be upgraded, the fame cap should be raised with level cap! \o/ ‣Add new M-DPS and P-DPS orange shields. The last one we had was Lv110, it would be cool to receive a new one that we can purchase orange version of from fame vendors and gold from Honor Star NPC again since we did not receive either of this with the new awaken weapons. PS: I do believe the ATK gear upgrades might still be bugged on these types of shields. Login Reward Change Suggestions: ‣Remove Pickaxe/Ball/Glove boxes and replace with respective coins. The crystal altar currently has Glove/Ball/Pickaxe reward coins these in the login reward would be nice, it would free up more codes for you as well to get rid of the random boxes and benefit racial crafters a lot more by being able to choose the tools they need most! ‣Add Lv3 Charms To Login Reward. Right now the only way to get them in-game is a 2:1 trade for a 1/3 chance to even get the charm we're after, it would be nice to have them in the login reward itself or have the trade be a 1:2 ratio for the exact charm we want. Here's rough draft of some suggestions. Day 2 is a box containing 1 Heroic Trait Tome (NT) and 1 Memory Tome (NT). Day 6 is a Ball Reward Coin. Day 9 is a box containing CP Charm Lv1, Lv2, Lv3 (NT). Day 13 is a Glove Reward Coin. Day 16 is a box containing EXP Charm Lv1, Lv2, Lv3 (NT). Day 20 is a Pickaxe Reward Coin. Day 23 is a box containing Awakening CP Charm Lv1, Lv2, Lv3 (NT). Days 3, 10, 17, 24, 27 I leave open to you or anyone else's ideas as I couldn't think of anything else at this moment to put there. I think that the login coins are the most valuable part of the login rewards currently and my only issue with them is the Lv3 charms. With this change the heroic trait/memory tome chance in weekly day 6 slot can be removed from the box, I also would like to ask that the CHF and Corona Stardust be upgraded to Lv120 instead so newer people who get it may also have a opportunity to use it in crafting their Abyss sets. Miscellaneous Suggestions: ‣Add an option to be able to purchase guild statues with GUILD funds via a NPC, including elemental statues and Lv95 expedition statues. I think this would be a nice way to use guild funds as many if not all active guilds and even a number of inactive alt guilds have capped funds, but currently funds have no purpose. You can decide the gold amount if you do agree to doing this, it would be beneficial to all the smaller guilds who cannot do Elemental Battlefield on their own. ‣Change the current GA/GvG winner to receive a random Elemental's Battlefield statue. ‣Give the 2nd place of GA/GvG a random Bash/Vivi/Jordan statue. Getting rid of the useless door, etc ‣Open Elysian Island on more than Mondays and Fridays. Currently these are the only two days to farm this for elysian devil souls and with the rng/luck of some people and newer players who also have jobs, it can be quite hard to obtain. Not to mention currently pretty much all types of arena are dead so swapping the time slot around for something like this wouldn't be too bad. PS: Consider adding the soul to be exchanged for "PvP Tokens" in Aven. ‣Consider a daily for Angelic Temple/Demonic Fortress. A daily similar to HoO's, it can consist of a random amount of any of the 3 Parchments and have a chance at either Demonic or Angelic Essence's, as well as the EXP shells and/or Jars. This kind of box would help not only people with 1 character and no time to farm 0/10s, but also people with general bad luck and rank crafters. ‣Consider making a "Mysterious Gem Pouch". This pouch can be obtained through the same method as Gem Pouch but give Lv1-5 Elemental and Physical Resistance gems. Removing "Swift Collect" scrolls from the loot pool as they are not used at all and this will help gem crafters out a lot. ‣Finally I know it might be a long shot but multiple bank tabs would be nice and if lucky enough an account shared bank! I know many people who would love and appreciate these, including myself 🙏 I put a lot of time and thought into this so I hope you will consider some or most of these suggestions in the future patches to come, thanks for taking the time to read!
  5. Hi, Is it possible to add filters to Achievements similar to the archive? So it would be easier to filter those that we've completed and those that aren't, or any way to make it easier to check which one needs to be completed. Currently, I have to manually scroll through the list and make a list on Notepad/Excel to easily track which ones I've done vs those that need to be completed. Thanks
  6. @JordanI just have some small QoL changes and a few suggestions since a racial patch was possibly in the works, mentioned a few forums ago. QoL Changes: 1. Remove captcha from guild towns and player housing. It's not really a place it should be popping up in my opinion, especially when trying to summon 100+ mobs at an altar or 80+ baby phoenix the old fashioned way after the Sakura Island nerf to them, it'd be nice to at least not have to deal with captcha ruining the mood more. 2. Make Lv20+ summoning blueprints purchasable in stacks of 100+ if possible, the Lv95?+ ones can be purchased in higher amounts but not the low level ones and I think this change would be a nice change to accompany the guild town leveling changes. 3. Portable Bank and Portable Auction time be extended to be at least 2 weeks, giving us good rotation with our Daily Login rewards since they are every 2 weeks for one Bank and one AH. 4. To help with bringing back arena, I have a few reward suggestions. Rank 1: Eden Crystal x30(NT), Corona's Heartflame Lv120 x1, PvP Token x5, Honor Star x1500 and similar to 1v1 a "Rank 1 Arena" type of title that will last for the entire month and have an icon over their head with a special glow. Only 1st rank in every arena bracket can obtain this title, so 3v3 will have it's own and MBA it's own, etc. The rewards for 2-5 will be similar to 1st place but dimmed down on the EC/HS amounts and so forth and so on. 5. Add 115 bloods/cores to the loyalty item mall. I see all the other Lv115 materials however the bloods were left out and they are useful whereas the cores are not currently. 6. Change the 3v3 and 10v10 and MBA maps to new ones, spice it up for us or give us a chance to be in a new one or the old one similar to how TW maps rotate. 7. Let us be able to queue up in our own set parties before entering 3v3 or 10v0, we should be able to que as 2 and get a random solo or que as 3 and fight vs another 3, etc like this. 8. Heroic Trait Tome and Memory tomes available for login reward coin trade. 9. Stack CC formula boxes like DS boxes. - I'd ask for gem BPs too but I feel you won't, but if you do yay. Suggestions for Racial Patch: 1. Anuran can craft "Enhance Essence Powder Lv120" making another use of Lv120 Corona's Essences. 2. Zumi can craft "Wonderous Pouch" A sort of Lv110+ wonder pocket/4th dimension bag that can have NEW items in it such as Lv110 and 120 pet weapons and accessories, a chance to obtain Lv14 enchants crafted or blueprints, the other misc items the old ones consisted of but new and improved. 3. Human can craft physical, mana and claret fusion resist gems similar to our courage/compassion resistance.
  7. So it's been actually a while now , but everyone i met who had catherine as a pet said the same thing : " too smol" , so am making this thread in hopes she get her size increased , she too smol you can't see her details at all unless you zoom in and it's such a good skin my fav of all time , am not saying make her super big , but anthing beyond a 30% size increase is fine with me ! ty
  8. Would it be possible to raise the level cap to where it was on official when it shut down? I believe the cap was level 54 when the aeria server closed down
  9. Now I know that this is going to be a long rant (possibly rant?) and I'm aware that this will probably just be closed, archived or thrown away after a bit of time. But I am here to give it a go at my thoughts and hopefully bring out other peoples thoughts/feelings on the same matter. Vendetta has been an amazing network for quite a few years now, have had a few ups and downs as anyone would, but you guys are holding strong and retain the BEST Eden Eternal server of all time, as well as the best (and only?) Scarlet Blade server. I believe in the staff and the capability of you guys, I also highly respect the GMs most of all for their hard work in running and taking care of these games as just a hobby between your busy IRL lives, so for that I want to say thank you and let you know I appreciated it all. Now, for the matter that will be shot down 😂 I'd like to ask that for your 4th game you consider giving Twin Saga a second chance. Vendetta had the most amazing TS server of all and I did try/play on the others, but always stuck to Vendetta and even played all alone for a long time until you guys closed. I know the server stability was bumpy and had 3 rollbacks so the server came off to a bad start with that, as well as having Aeria/To servers come out at the same time. But I believe you guys can make it popular and run it better than anyone else could, Jordan himself in charge of it would make it awesome just like he's done with Eden! (I think it'd be cooler if you guys picked it up again under it's original name: Astral Realm.) I truly miss playing Twin Saga on Vendetta's server a lot so I have a little bit of hope that if anyone else misses it too it might be enough to convince you guys to give it a second try. Thanks for reading/considering.
  10. The recent discussion over gloria (That i'm still not happy I was posted about..) had me thinking.. The current BGs AK and NB have alot of issues we all know this. Most of the time its 40 RG's vs 13 FKs (or as recent numbers have shown 2FKs) Biggest reason as we all know is looting, If you win you get safe guards and during the BG your gonna (if your lucky) get loot from the bosses inside. In my opinion the reason for so few FK's and so many of then going to the RG side is because with their current numbers its impossible for them to contest the bosses and even harder to win the BG. This is their own fault of course but I can see why they do it, if you always lose then of course your going to want the winning side. Now what if the BG's were less "fight for the dungeon" type and more "Fight to the death type" In a PVP battle your supposed to be trying to win against the enemy faction through Killing them and the objectives which yes we do have but its not how it should be. Nuclear Bunker is literally just a Dungeon raid for your faction to clear it feels like PVE instead of PVP. What if we had a BG were it was the last person standing? or maybe try to get as many kills as you can in the time frame for your faction? AK is a good PVP battle because its a mix of capture the flag and siege but the looting is still an issue from the bosses. I feel like the bosses are out of place, they hold no real purpose to the PVP side of the BG aside from giving you loot which is not what a PVP should be for. If you want loot it should be obtained through dungeons in the game like TA or BC. AKA PVP is for PVP not PVE. This is just an idea to consider of course but if we improve the looting system of actual dungeons and move the PVP BGs to focus more on PVP only and an end of BG reward that can benefit you and only you (like the wings from AK) then it might help. I know alot of us like the loot from BGs but like I said before that's not what PVP is for. I think it would also be cool if there was an end of week reward for the amount of wins a Faction gets which would make people want their faction to win. Or maybe for the top players each week in PVP for the kills they get and their performance (less deaths, lots of kills etc etc) ALSO LASTLY! can we PLEASE think about making a PVP thing with the race track in mereholt?! that would be so cool Thanks for reading! and if you comment please keep it clean and sensible thank you
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