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NovaFire last won the day on July 1 2019

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  • VGN Games
    Scarlet Blade

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  1. 💎Hi Hi everyone Nova here~ 💎 Yes not "GS Nova" Just Nova My timing on this is terrible given what has just happened recently with NosTale, I know. I was actually planning to leave the team at the end of August but was convinced to stay to see if things would get better. Sadly to say, they have not. As it is now the end of September my mind is made up and I am leaving the Scarlet Blade Vendetta Staff Team. This wasn't an easy decision to make, I love Scarlet Blade and being able to work on one of my favourite MMO's has been amazing. I'm really glad you all liked the costumes I made and I really hope you like the new ones that are on the way. I'm sorry there was a delay we were backed up I'm really happy I got to meet you all and play this game with you. Lot's of up's and downs for sure but that's what happens in any game really 😋 That being said I hope you all have a fun time in game I'm glad I got to play Scarlet Blade again after Aeria shut it down and don't worry VSB isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Onwards to better things~! 👊💜💙
  2. Just to address on the Event's/GS thing. Majority of the team has had their hands tied with the current work we are doing. I did hold an event recently which went well but sadly as with most event's I have pitched none of them can happen due to needing more than just myself to run them and the mindset of "The players won't take part anyway". So yes I would like to hold event's but I am unable to, This is just me personally i'm not sure about the rest of the team. Player's tend to be more interested in events that have a boss or loot spawn and only a Head GS or GM is capable of doing those. Sadly we don't have a Head GS anymore or any plan to have one chosen so we are unable to hold any events like that. (RIP Monster Mondays)
  3. Sadly its juts the lighting an environment that does this. Since we can't apply normal maps to new costumes the detail can be washed out at times on lighter colours
  4. Hi hi~! Yes the game can run on windows 10 If you do encounter any issues please see here as some of these suggestions may help
  5. There would be no point to do this as we already run the VGN discord which hosts players of both factions. Players are free to make faction discords and run them but as we already have a discord we will not be doing this.
  6. 💎Hi Hi GS Nova here~!💎 Recently I had some problems with Scarlet Blade not opening after the xingcode loading screen. Luckily I found a fix for this and hope this helps for anyone else who may have this issue. The TL;DR of this is: Roll back to a previous version of windows 10 After the recent windows 10 update is when my game stopped working however to be sure I recommend trying out our other fixes such as: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Making sure to add the entire game folder to your exceptions list on Windows Defender - white listing on your anti virus software - Flushing your DNS and rebooting your PC - Try a VPN - Try our alternate download of Scarlet Blade ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If none of those options work try rolling back to a previous version of windows 10 as that is the only thing that worked for me. As part of our staff I highly advise submitting a ticket to support so we can help you out as much as possible. You can submit a ticket at the link below: https://www.vendettagn.com/support.vgn Hopes this helps! if not please let us know so we can help you 💙💜
  7. Let's hope for a speedy recovery Nax, Fighting~! 💜💙
  8. It's a faction based game, there needs to be some representation of the faction colours. Knowing vivi she wouldn't go through this idea but your free to ask her if you want. But as I have said, it would be problematic
  9. As I mentioned before while complaints would be an issue the main problem is being unable to recognise factions easily with the alternate colours. As a cosmetic costume sure but for a PVP tool it could cause confusion.
  10. While I have made some alternate looks for cyberskins they are currently not being used. Honestly this is tricky because with cyberskins in PVP you want to be able to quickly determine who is on what faction and having them noticeable by colour is important. If we did implement the ones I have made there could be claims of "unfairness" due to each side getting their own colour and it's possible people would complain they don't like the ones they get. After all both sides must be different so they won't get the same things. Basically what I'm saying is: Yes, it is possible but it would be problematic
  11. Sadly this isn't possible currently due to limitations with the game
  12. Hi Hi and welcome to Scarlet Blade! To resolve your issue I suggest checking out this section of our forums here https://forum.vendettagn.com/index.php?/forum/12-help-section/ and trying the suggestions there. We also recommend flushing your dns every now and then https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+flush+dns&oq=how+to+flush&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l4.2103j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 If none of these suggestions help be sure to come back and ask any of the staff members online through our forums or via a ticket through support here: https://www.vendettagn.com/support.vgn Here is a full list of all Staff:https://forum.vendettagn.com/index.php?/staff/ Please be advised we have an event currently on for designing your own costume for scarlet blade! The reward is 10,000 VGN and your costume officially made which can be useful to a new player to help get you started! Hope you enjoy your time with us and to see you in game soon~! 💎💜💙 - GS Nova
  13. 💎HI HI GS Nova here~!💎 The FINALE~! of our costume design event is finally here and we have some extra surprises in store for the final stage of this event. BUT FIRST~! the theme: The theme of round 3 of the costume design event is: =================🦇🎃HALLOWEEN~!🎃🦇=============== It may still be early but Spooktober shall be upon us soon and we want to make sure we have all our tricks and treats prepared! Whip out those sewing needles and get your spookiest costumes ready! From Ghosts to goblins to that one creepy dude from that movie that one time, If it fits the theme of Halloween and spooky scary skeletons its IN! 💥Here is the rules💥: Your concept sheet must be set up like this: Must provide:- Clear view of front and back and side- All details must be visible and explained (as shown above)- All parts of the outfit must be labelled (Example: LED, Decal, Tattoo)- You must provide a brief description of your concept- Concepts must be in colour and preferably in Digital Format Failure to provide these details WILL impact your entryas I will need this information for the chosen costume. ✋Limited to 1 Entry per person!🤚 All entries MUST be your own work. Copyright characters and content or stolen, plagiarised works will result in disqualification.Costumes will be judged by the following criteria: - Creativeness and Uniqueness - Fits in with Scarlet Blade - Has followed all instructions clearly and has a well laid out concept sheetNote: Due to restrictions of our models some details and designs won't be possible and may be modified or changed. ALL models are mirrored and must be symmetrical! Please use the costume's currently in game for reference of what is possible.2 winners will be chosen and have their❤️design made into an official costume available in Scarlet Blade❤️💜The winner will also receive their costume for one class of their choice💙 💚PLUS will receive 10K VGN as this is the final round of the event💛Entries will close August 20thWinner's will be announced August 22nd All entries must be submitted to this thread here: TEMPLATE'S AVAILABLE (Please read the notes we have posted there also!)
  14. Just to note we have this thread so i'd like to keep all costume suggestions here in an organised place for myself to look at later As for copyright costumes I can try some that have been brought up but they have to be different enough to be safe to use
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