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Star Stone / Luna Rock Update Sytem


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Hello :D
This came to my mind after looking into my costumes and noticed that with amount of setups we made alog with time we get locked to star stones / luna rocks (usually same colors) and we are limited on that because if i want INT Black star stone and look for black lunar lck would be LCK (or any other stats).

Would like to ask if possible:

Change the effect to be enchant , and item just default:
This would give us more options and make much more viable get extra variety of  stones, we know isn't easy to make new ones, and this would take time that could be used for something more useful!

The enchant could be sold on Specific NPC for gold or by EP, which would be  better imo since we have alot of EP ingame and usage is getting low day by day even having new content.

This also would give more options to Staff on creating better combo on star stone and luna rocks having 3% AGI and LCK or AGI and WIS which isn't common. (IDK Why but we have INT + WIS (⊙_⊙;) )

Thank you for attention :D!

Edit1: I know you have tons of things to do, but if coming in  a future would be cool.

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  • VGN GM

I think this change would reduce the Star Stones and Luna Rocks into just a waste of a system.

You would end up with 80-90% of the server not even caring for them no more since half the game plays with FX off and then half of those people likely don't care for Starstones and Lunarocks.

I think a better system might be a way would be to have 2 star stones of the same type:

1. The colour you want.
2. The buff you want.

And then you can sacrifice the 2nd starstone and the buff one the 1st is changed to the 2nd.

Think like pet fusion except its not 50:50 its 0:100

That way you get to keep relevancy to the system and you get to cater to the people who want lots of colours for different costumes.

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8 hours ago, Jordan said:

I think this change would reduce the Star Stones and Luna Rocks into just a waste of a system.

You would end up with 80-90% of the server not even caring for them no more since half the game plays with FX off and then half of those people likely don't care for Starstones and Lunarocks.

I think a better system might be a way would be to have 2 star stones of the same type:

1. The colour you want.
2. The buff you want.

And then you can sacrifice the 2nd starstone and the buff one the 1st is changed to the 2nd.

Think like pet fusion except its not 50:50 its 0:100

That way you get to keep relevancy to the system and you get to cater to the people who want lots of colours for different costumes.

This would be cool, like customizable starstones.

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9 hours ago, Jordan said:

I think this change would reduce the Star Stones and Luna Rocks into just a waste of a system.

You would end up with 80-90% of the server not even caring for them no more since half the game plays with FX off and then half of those people likely don't care for Starstones and Lunarocks.

I think a better system might be a way would be to have 2 star stones of the same type:

1. The colour you want.
2. The buff you want.

And then you can sacrifice the 2nd starstone and the buff one the 1st is changed to the 2nd.

Think like pet fusion except its not 50:50 its 0:100

That way you get to keep relevancy to the system and you get to cater to the people who want lots of colours for different costumes.

Hope we see it in a future :D

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9 hours ago, Jordan said:

I think this change would reduce the Star Stones and Luna Rocks into just a waste of a system.

You would end up with 80-90% of the server not even caring for them no more since half the game plays with FX off and then half of those people likely don't care for Starstones and Lunarocks.

I think a better system might be a way would be to have 2 star stones of the same type:

1. The colour you want.
2. The buff you want.

And then you can sacrifice the 2nd starstone and the buff one the 1st is changed to the 2nd.

Think like pet fusion except its not 50:50 its 0:100

That way you get to keep relevancy to the system and you get to cater to the people who want lots of colours for different costumes.

sorry for 2nd quote but this would make possible have 2 luna rock effects like turn effect from luna rock into star stone slot?

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