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There are a lot of different items that people use the Item Support feature for but there isn't enough slots to have most of the buffs available. People usually have half of the slots taken up by stone buffs which only leaves four spaces left. For people that PvP a lot having as many buffs active as possible is important. 

I suggest that the amount of Item Support slots be doubled, giving players 8 slots to work with.

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I full agree ! 
It would be very interesting to add Archive Save Slots too. In my case, it's full and I would like to put much more in.
And more Gear Swap ! 5 is already nice, but not enough :c 
More would be too much for UI, so I suggest to put it in Character Window only, reworking it a bit like Aura Kingdom is.

Another slot for "When MP >" would be nice too, for players who uses many MP pots.

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