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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2019 in Posts

  1. I'm going to start this guide by showing some builds I've done and will explain a bit how it works and for which occasions are better or worse. Enfeeble Build: This build works very well if you're using a EVA build, because enfeeble gives to enemies a strong ACC debuff, this build is especially strong against SE, because SE as well the PU doesn't have ACC buffs and she haven't a good EVA debuff, this build can be good against WH too and another PU, but won't work well against CB because he've good EVA debuffs and SW cause she has good ACC buffs. Kite Build: This build can be VERY good in duels with exception SW. Atomic Bullet have a nice range and gives a very good slow debuff on your enemy. Even PU having a shit mobility, she can kite enemies almost like a SE when atomic bullet is maximized, this is very nice to kite CB because forces his mech cleanse and WH during buffs to kill her after this, but will be usless against SW. "Support" Build: Maybe this is the best build against SW because it forces the enemy SW to start the combo against you using the mech form, and in the mass pvp this makes it difficult for SW to use escape artist because she would have to start her combo without this or would force her to use escape artist before starting the combo with mech which would greatly reduce the useful time it would take to do her work, at the same time makes you stop being an SW target and still helps the MEs of your team, enfeeble isn't maximized in this build but it will be here more to help your team giving a debuff of crit rate and ch atk on all enemies. Farm Build: Nothing special, but it a good build if you don't want to use a PU in PvPs Tank Build: For me this is the safest build, with this build you can get 40k + HP with the PU, this build still maximizes the defense coccon so you still offer some support for your team, while you do not lose much in relation to the damage, however it is important to know how to cancel the animations to make efficient combos with this build. In regards to jewels, in the build tank it may be a good investment in HP or Crit void, for builds that maximize enfeeble, EVA jewels can end up better, for red jewels Crit-atk will be the best in almost any build, but for a build tank ch-acc jewels can help more against those annoying SW, but honestly never helped me, even using full eta with ghost/wizard in the accessories and the jewelry of ch-acc, you will get a maximum of 250% in ch-acc, which will make the real hit chance in full buffed SW be about 50%, which isn't very interesting when those 50% can be the difference between life and death, and for me especially anything below 70% is already a high risk bet (I've already lost tournaments in Pokemon for mistaking 7 times my Focus Blast with 70% chance to hit T.T) Well, a important thing that you have to know is that PU is one of the hardest classes to play in PvP or maybe the hardest class to do this, because your build in many moments won't have synergy with the role you have to play in PvP. PU is the class with the highest damage potential of the game, however its offensive debuffs aren't very good, penetration offers a good VOID reduction, however only this won't be enough to knock down the tank enemies in many moments. At the same time the PU has a very low ACC and hasn't ACC buffs, and penetration removes a ridiculous amount EVA from the enemies, which won't help you in practically anything if you need to hit enemy SE and SW. In the end if you and your enemy have the same level of skill play, PU will have difficulty in match ups against CB, SW, SE, WH and even DE, but of course, that's if your enemies are GOOD with those respective classes. This makes PU the worst duel class of the game if we ignore ME, in a very long time you'll need more damage to knock down tanks and a good debuff like SW Shadow Strike would facilitate this, or at least an ACC buff or a good one EVA debuff like the CB Ice Skills, but the class doesn't have any of that, PU really has a lot of damage, but in PvP it has a lot of difficulty to deal all this damage to enemies. Well, knowing these strengths and weaknesses, the first tip is DON'T USE a dumb firing squad, that's your best and at the same time your worst buff, almost every class with some OP buff has some debuff too, and the firing squad's debuff is the worst of the game, the PU has very low mobility and is also very fragile, possibly the class with the lowest counter play possibilitty of the game, and firing squad reduces your counter play chances to 0, you become a target extremely easy for enemy WHs, (especially if they hated you as well as hate me) so just use firing squad when you're sure it's a good time. PU is a carry class, so it's important to deal damage, but you won't cause any damage if you're dead. Second tip, don't trust too much in allies ME, even if your PU has ME buffs and a building tank, only one WH's hook (with its balanced 23m in range and point click) can get you out of the coccon, leaving you very fragile and doing you blow up too fast for any ME to save you, and even if you don't get blown up, you might not be saved by your team's ME. Mainly because of the great possibility that your ME is a noob that won't even see your HP bar coming down on the team list, after all except for 1 player, all the other ME are inexplicably horrible at least in my faction, I don't know if the same for to the RG side. So, don't let your live in ME hands. Third tip, always be in movement, you can with difficulty survive the combo of some classes like SW, SE and even CB but against CB most of the time you will die even, however against SW move it will help VERY much, can even be the difference between life and death then activate your cyberskin, take your bike and run around the coccon, if positioning well is very important not to be an easy target of enemy WH, so do not stand still, just stop when you have to use the firing squad. Fourth tip, DON'T get close to WHs low iq (WH low IQ = those who pull other WHs with buffs to carry and ME from your faction), usually these guys more hinder than they help in PvPs, often they end up doing a bait to the faction itself, pulling an enemy whipper and forcing a faction focus on an enemy tank that will resist the combo of your faction/team, then it can still be healed and to make matters worse it will already be close to the allies ME to use all stuns and still pull your teammates, if any of your team's WH's dumb to the point that they have no criteria to pull someone, just move away from whoever him pulled and just ignore. Fifth tip, as this is already getting too big, let's go to the fifth and last tip. This is somewhat important for any class but it is even more important for the PU and it is basically LEARN TO CANCEL ANIMATIONS, PU attack animations are VERY long and diverse skills have charge time, some even have ridiculous 2.5 sec of charge time, and PU ranged combo depends on you know to cancel Overkill animation using the bike, you won't need to use this mechanic always, but it is good to know when you need to use. That is all, I hope this topic can help at least a little, for those who had the patience to read all this, thank you and see ya o/
    2 points
  2. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as mystery boxes. Preview of the mystery box items can be found in the forums as well as in the archive in-game. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. During this downtime, the Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
    2 points
  3. Hey everyone, there is a small server side patch to be applied to fix some issues that where caused with Patch v44. Fixes The TW side command has now been added back. The Aven remove class change bug has been added back. The Delivery Quests have now been fixed: Note: You must drop the quest and reaccept it if you want the fix to work. If however you cannot drop the quest you must submit a ticket with your character name so a GM can reach you ingame to perform the fix on your character. Ranking Rewards can now be forced by maintenance (If like this week the time window was missed for ranking rewards we now have an alternate method to release them). Angel of Justice Heaven's Hammer Double Hit was disabled due to a bug with its damage. King's Hammer Double Hit was disabled due to a bug with its damage. Note: These skills will be re-enabled to Double Hit in a future patch, sorry for any inconvenience. Have a Nice Day!
    1 point
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