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Posts posted by Beau

  1. @Norleras It is true, the reason I stopped mentioning SW in this kind of topics was because youre always getting emotional, maybe you feel youre the one to blame because youre the one incharge, but it isnt like that tbh, I also dont want that happening. You asked me about what I think of SW before, I told you to ignore everyone because SW is okay. It is OP but it should be keep like that. There are some minor stuffs we can do but it doesnt matter. But I still cant understand people saying SW is lacking damage or needing more beef, everyone knows they are OP.


    @KingGosuto adding -ch acc debuff on shockwave?

  2.   Actually I was laughing when I read your reply, I asked you to put your IGN so we can see who is this THE ONE SW 🤣🤣  because you make it sound so special , actually even Karara beats me too, youre not the the only ONE SW 🤣 I lose to SW from time to time there are many SW out there who are also good, like Ive said, it is easy for SW to kill.

       Also I just got back from a break that time and trying to figure out how to properly do stuffs right just doing everything from muscle memory, you even try make it sound you are not even dying 🤣, you were also dying consecutively that time, incase you dont remember you lost consecutive times before AK starts and I was forced to give one last duel so both of us would be satisfied.

     Now that aside,  Most of SW bois always says the same thing, "SW is not OP", "it needs to get buffed", "SW dont have enough damage". Like WTF 🤣can you  tell me any class who has  a magnitude atleast close to acc 50% buffs and 50% defensive stat debuff? 

    A little SW trivia:

    • Highest Damage passive among classes
    • 42% acc buff, 50% ch acc 👌
    • - 5000  CV reduction, -5100 CH resist reduction, 26% void reduction, now pair this with Collapse total 5100 void reduction 😎 sweet.
    • Lowest cooldown among classes
    • 2 Invis, removed charged time on mech invis
    • 3 fucking cleanse in arkana and 3 cleanse on mech, tell me this isnt ME 🤣
    • 10 sec +90% eva, +80% ch eva cd 30 sec, same as Fade CD means you can cycle them indefinitely if you take in account mech invi and ghostwalk.
    • Not gonna include base damage from gear stats + natural void reduc. SW if not the highest is second to PU.

    I have a SS of an incomplete SW that has stats of 5k - 7.8ish k base damage unbuffed without even having pet, I even need to use frenzy to have 5k to 7k base damage on DE to achieve that damage. resurgent sting going as high as 29k both physical and particle 🤣

    About a year ago no one even reg because there are fuck ton of SW, even the dumbest of the players that switched to SW class looks pro in it 🤣 and you guys still want to get it even more buffed? And you think SW still lacks damage? 🤣 no one even dare to reg BG before, and it was only recently that I manage to swipe them off BG, no one even bothers with DE and DE being too OP only become a thing recently even if they are the same a year ago. Most of the  SW players nowadays are shit, that is the reason they think SW is weak. SW has always been good, its just the player that sucks.

    Now the reason I dont start SW skill discussion is because people tend to add alot to the nerf train, so it becomes even more touchy subject, also because Luna always breaks out everytime there is a SW discussion, he is also the one incharge about SW changes. SW is OP but I also want them to stay that way, stop asking for more. If you have different toons you will instantly know the stuffs I suggested was the ones they are lacking so they can do better, and you complaining about it being unfair because SW isnt included on it is wack 🤣 re read the stuffs youve said and all your claims, you will still need tank set to actually tank, you can never get away with using 1 set which is ghost on DE, tanking will suck alot. ask tank mains it is a common knowledge. Im promoting balance across the board and you are worried SW might be left out 😬, and Ohh please tell me if adding 250 dot reduction on SE isnt useless? And adding + eva to a toon that has a debuff that can go as high as -100% isnt dumb af 🤣, ignorance is what makes you "dont know shit" and killing people on duel or pvp doesnt mean anything and doesnt add to it, specially if were talking about SW 🤣 


    PS - I always get that alot, people telling me they dont like me like wtf. Allow me to make this thing clear for you also. if you dont like me, I dont care 🤣🤣




  3. @sicat If the game can only have more people with the mindset like you then the would game would probably be more enjoyable, but look around there isnt enough good people playing the ones abusing outnumbers them.

    @Bash Any methods will do fine as long as the problem would be addressed, I couldnt care less about the punishment as long people would not be allowed to use unnecessary methods to take advantage of other people.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Still there is no justifiable reason to resort to exploits, and if people know they cant do it or be heavily punished for doing it wouldnt that stop them for doing it altogether?

    I dont see that playing for balance BS all I see is people having toons on both sides so they can easily jump to the side if their boats sinking, there is no literally righteous way happening only people serving their selfish desire. And people claiming playing for the balance, oh please, all BS. There is no problem about leaving PVP and letting it to end, but jumping to the winning side is plain stupid. You can ask around and ask them if you are really doing everything you are claiming. YOU ARE NOT HELPING TO BALANCE THE PVP, YOU ARE ALWAYS PLAYING FOR THE WINNING SIDE. Stop being delusional. 

    That covers everything and I think you already got the message, you are still in denial but it doesnt matter 😏

  5. There is no justifiable reason for people to exploit, the number are evenly balance to begin with, and instead of doing something or helping everyone as a team or as a faction people still choosing to jump side making imbalances in numbers, Do see people like Liadgunner who stayed in their faction even though they kept losing over and over for months and even go out extra mile  to lay out the groundwork and make a Guild that would later become a powerhouse of FK today? Those kind of people are the ones I admire, they might not be that good in the eyes of other but they are honest and passionate people and I see them differently, and some weeds like Akan who wont think twice abandoning their faction just for a chance to loot those kinds of people ruin the game for everyone.

    I am making sure that you always get where Im coming from, and I guess you get the message. Did you even bother to check the SS to see that while there is a 21 v 9 battle the score is twice in the favor of the 9 people? Because what? Some random guys whom you saw for the first time log in to RG and proceed to LEROOOOY JENKINS the fuck out of everyone. Tell me if I should look at it blindly sand? If those guys stayed on their main toons and battle, the number would have been balance, because I only saw 14 people who are originally from RG, but instead of doing the right way some FK tried to win in a different approach, but still lost badly.

  6. You dont even join BG unless you know you will be up againts newbies like Sudoku or players like Annie, you will even brag to them and rub them knowing their full capacity about how good you are even tho you are using SW and everyone knows how good they are at 1 v 1, so how does it feel that I do the same to you, does it feel wonderful being bodied around?

    Ive always love it that you've been silent after a while and stopped joining BG or avoid them if I asked you to join, and I bet you will always remember if you think you are good, there are always someome better than you so you better be humble, I'm not even doing this because I enjoyed the feeling, I got tired after a while seeing you and Savager going full retard in shouts thinking you both are special, And after savager losing in every cap to me using different classes cant bear the shame and just quit the game altogether, I hope  you will always remember as long as I am around, you will always be reminded not to talkshit newbies or players known for not being good at PVP.

    Now back to the main topic, dont think this post is about you. I am againt's the idea about people going their way exploiting stuffs while some other players play honest and getting burned out for doing it while greedy people doing their own selfish ways and ruining other people's time because there are no rules to govern it. If you are a bit forgetful and you need SS to remember how smug and rude you are againts GS and other people just tell me, I always keep stuffs around for these kind of occassions.

    Please, Im not againts you farming akan's dick for easy RP but doing it in my face and the GS face while you blantantly claim there are no rules for it? Have the decency to do it without rubbing it on peoples face that you are exploiting openly and Gs cant do shit about it, in the first place you know it is wrong but you still proudly advertise it. Everything you got is from exploits so dont go bragging them like youve earned them, only Misha is the AA i know who did it in a legitimate way. even you wont be able to surpass him if he didnt just quit, even tho you are exploiting, so how sad is that.

    Again let me make it clear, this post is for every players that exploit and thinking about exploiting the game, It's not about you Sand.

  7. They are seasonal players, except for italy that dude cry over PU nerfs and started losing interest, there is nothing wrong stopping selfish people like you and Akan, you should be always reminded that there are other people playing the game too and is losing interest because of people taking advantage of exploits, I will choose their interest anytime of the day over people that causes imbalances purposely, stop acting like you are a victim.

    No reason for deleting that toon, I never used it for exploits or jumping to the winning team like you do 🤣

  8. I have no toons on the other side, aside from a level 59 DE named "Beau" it is sealed also has no item in it, havent been used for months, also if you think you can get away with exploitation because of the numbers you are wrong, I believe Vivi already warned you last time am I right? If not, then I should remind Vivi about it. One of the reasons the game is dying is because people like you who are doing stuffs that actually ruins the game and thinking you can always get away with it because "Where are the rules" right?

  9. For starters you should indicate your IGN that ONE SW 🤣🤣 if you think you are special for killing people using SW that is total Wack 🤣🤣🤣, second it is quite easy to die to SW and if the idea of losing means to you just dying once or twice or killing people occasionally then you are pathetic meaning everone loses to everybody which makes no sense and can also claim they beat people, also the reason you wont include SW on the changes in my opinion is the same reason why I didnt include DE on the last, SW been too OP for a long time there lots of things we can mention and it's been like that for a long while and still getting significantly buffed with the previous patches, asking for more is a bit too much isnt it?

    The fact that you say you can tank people using iron skin while using ghost set means you fucking dont have any idea what youre talking about, I mean have you even tried it? Go on try it and tell me how stupid your claim is 🤣. So crying about changes on CB, because SW wasnt brought to the light is funny as fuck, do you wanna get SW nerfed? Cause thats how you get nerfed, bringing them to discussions about changes while everyone knows how OP they are and people were asking for nerfs for a long time. People in game swiches to SW because it is easy af to kill using those without even putting much effort 🤣🤣 If people is given SW the GAME will be too easy for them just like the rest.

    And actually you are right, its been no secret that the game has been changed to benefit a certain group of individuals it has been the talk for a while, most people that was involved ib the changes or having opinion about changes arent even a part of the team and feels like the game was changed to much that it felt that way, look at what they did to PU after halloween they nerfed it too much without any restraint or respect to PU mains to the point that most of them changed class or just quit, and Im one of the few people that pushes balance across every class and try to suggest changes that might benefit everyone so everyone has equal chance, so I dont know why you are trying to fight me here.

  10. Spoiler


    First I wanna point out some stuffs:


    This is a picture of FK jumping to RG side not only to loot and PVE, but also to jump like a complete idiot and feed their faction scores. Seriously? How stupid  and low can people become? Why cant you just be normal? Why cant you just stick on 1 faction and be loyal?

    • By leaving your faction just to loot in the other side you are making the numbers more imbalance just to satisfy your selfish goals.
    • You always ruin people's experience and teamwork by causing drama, either by feeding flags, scores or just starting a chat fight.
    • People on FK side who sticks and play only on that side gets their name dragged with all your bullshits, and also you are ruining their experience at the same time by causing more imbalance.


    People abusing systems that is not designed for that purpose: Sand and Akan sucking each others dick for easy RP, logging toons simultaenously on both sides to Monopolize BG drops, logging toon in the opposing side to give free kills to their faction or give flags, killing their own toons over and over for achievement and so on, these BS is so tiring.

    We should establish rules for this kinds of stuffs, by allowing the GS to kick people that jumps to either side just to loot or just or start causing unwanted dramas, Those people are not needed nor wanted they are just causing imbalances for a chance to get loots without any assurance, but more importantly causing drastic number imbalances than what should be. Isnt that enough reason to kick these kind of people, this is ruining experience for honest people on both side. Honest people are always the one that suffers while Selfish and greedy people always reap enormous rewards  and getting away with their exploits.


    @Vivi, @Bash I know Im not the most polite person who post stuffs here, I may also be the first person who will criticize your works but you know, I really do care, we always wanted what's the best for the server.

    • Like 2
  11. I dont see any reason why I cant use different class properly 😎, the game is too easy and Im very confident about my skills






    This is a minor min/max of every class that needs some slight buffs or nerfs and oviously you dont know shit aside from giving crappy opinion without any logical explaination. This is not "changing based on how you like" sort of things most of the changes benefits most classes.

    Medic has been buffed alot last patch and it is still a very touchy subject since the one in charge about ME changes is the Head GS, ME skillset has been drastically changed compared to its original skill set before so you wont see any changes for ME atleast now, no need to worry about them being too OP or on "sTeRoIdS".

  12. The fact that you havent read any in my response means they are perfectly fine atm no need for changes but you can do or suggest anything you want with DE, it will never change the fact that you are a noob 😏

    • Confused 1
  13. Might be good, sometimes you need to gamble at this moment the only thing thats keeping the management from going for new projects is the profit and sustainability, it is hard to add new project if the other games even barely survives, adding new projects will cost $$ with no promise of getting it back.

    People need to understand the server needs income to keep hosting, its not a matter of skills anymore its about being practical.

  14. All your suggestion are ugly, one of the example is adding 200 - 250 dot  it adds nothing even if you use ancient jewels, without heal or tons of HP you will die to dots. CB still metabolism ticks every 1 sec if they got damaged and it last for 12 sec, if you want a skill that has no miss it means we need to take away the damage part and treat it as a debuff like hex and it will never miss.

    The only changes which is good imo:


    • Reduce skill point requirement on the first column of CB.
    • Reduce heart piercing level to 10 instead of 13.
    • Make Round Slash particle and adjust the chakra part accordingly.


    • Reduce the skill point required to get and max gatling storm.


    • Remove -ACC and lower -Crit to 1.5k on enfeeble.
    • Make the Mind over Matter just plain ACC and CH ACC buff no stupid added reductions or any effect.
    • Make the damage passive min-max 100 atk, 40% atk and min-max 220 chakra, 40% chakra.


    • Make Ultimate Soulshield perma buff just like DE Chakra Shield.

    The quality of players in this game is too low, people need to improve also. Drop rates are high, patched skills and it still adds nothing, players stayed the same they only feels like Glorified bots now. Good example would be Izorist, a WH who overly spend alot of resource on HP just to stick on the backline 🤣 also throw skills like a baby with no rotation or what just plain button smashing. Also if you want classes to able to counter each other, thats not possible, PU vs SW everyone knows how will this go, unless the SW player is really garbage there is no way PU will win. SW will always have the preemptive strike and PU is not a tank so it will be easy for SW to kill the PU.

    • Haha 1
  15. I think this is what youre looking for.

    How to play SB for dummies 101: 

    • Make an Account.
    • Make a PU starting class.
    • Donate tons of AP, enough to buy a pet, 11 pet chips and to sell other players (30kish AP).
    • Ask someone to boost you to LV40, EDGE in FK and HappyGuild on RG.
    • Do quest up to Meet the Batachrian.
    • Continue boosting to LV60.

          From here you will hit a bump, either wait for people who Do DV party or AFK in suer to level your pet. While there is no exp party, try to socialize and ask what to do with your 30k gold( you will need lots of PVP medals to craft your gears, Republicubes etc.)

         Making +10 is easy so if you do this right you will get: +10 set LV59 - LV65 gears, Pet, Pet chips and a LV 60 toon in like 2 to 3hrs.There is no actual ranking in PVE imo every class can solo Tartarus, the game is highly gear dependant. Everything will just boils down on how fast you can clear monsters, it is wise to do full clear anyway eversince Tartarus Challenger was implemented.

    Every class can survive the dungeon granted you have the required defensive stats.

    • DE, WH, CB = Void and CH resist. 
    • SE, SW, PU = EVA and CH EVA or CH resist.

    Ranking of class depending on how fast it can clear solo: <--- this is the only thing that matters.

    • PU
    • SW - Max AoE and DoTs
    • SE
    • DE and CB - CB is much safer tho, because most CB if not all, has Heals on their build.
    • WH - What makes WH suck in PVE even tho it has the most AOE is because WH damage comes mostly from DoTs and the total dot damage is around 72k I think with atleast 15 seconds cd on each skills, most Dungeons in late game has twice or thrice the HP than their DoTS and the bosses is like 10 million HP so have fun with that.

    SB is almost a dead game, Average log in player is about 20 people and half is AFK, there is no one in the lower zone, you will find yourself at the mercy of veteran players if you cant donate. You cant really do anything since there is nothing in lower cap that is worth the Gold anymore. It will be a long and painful grind till you give up, I hope this helps and goodluck.

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