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Menthe last won the day on June 3 2020

Menthe had the most liked content!

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  1. If Jordan start to change this, he'll need to change every related -Malice buff
  2. What kind of fuckery in this ? If you can't time hourly based WB you have nothing to do in a MMORPG MMORPGs require time, it's fact, and it wont change If you can't afford it, it's time to change and play some more casual games With love ❤️.
  3. +1 This will help hitting your Asura Slashes and prevent people kitting you too much without making Samurai op
  4. Is it possible to remove the auto UI Reset when something is altering our screen resolution ? (Like another game in fullscreen or shutingdown your screen)
  5. Old display was Ennemies in Red Allies in White Party in Blue (Can maybe add Guildies in Green?) All Red/Blue is a mess, you can't clearly see your party making it hard to repostionning fast , hard for Healers to target
  6. +1 Old color display was so much better
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