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Everything posted by Reikan

  1. ✔️✔️ Legendary versions for Crystal Altar, please
  2. You're just agreeing with me. There are plenty of people who have about 2 hours per day to play. Being a guild leader, i'm seeing countless of those people complaining about simple stuff like Monster Stones (that takes hours to level up, even if you give up farming gold and doing more productive stuff) Not everyone can sit for a whole week and spend 6hrs+ testing random stuff for nothing. If someone can spread knowledge to help the community growing, why not doing it? At some point, you'll have your gears, and look around to see a dead server because people just decided to leave. Be aware of that.
  3. Creating a gap between a small group of players and the rest of the players will just help killing the server. Most of the community doesn't have time to spend 3hr+ just to figure out some boss mechanics, considering it already has a gear and mechanical threshold, it doesn't make sense to just hide it for everyone. Don't be afraid to lose the event, your party is still the fastest at the moment and I doubt anyone can beat it unless they can gear up with the very DS equipment.
  4. Hello, it's me, Sirocco. I'm writing this topic in order to talk about how our content is developed, and to discuss some ideas around future content. Most of the people is waiting for a new set to come in. Be it a Lv105/110 set, a Lv100 awaken set, or anything in that line, we all know the next content probably involves a new set. Still, it will bring more stats to the game, and it might be paired with a new level cap (125? 130?) to keep our status in check (so we don't have all stats at cap). Also, I know our content developer Jordan likes to gives us multiple options when it comes to set (Lv95 awaken / Lv100 golden), but that's where my topic comes in hand. We don't need to keep adding the same status in the same order as older content. There is room for creativity. Keeping adding new level caps don't sustain the population for a long time. I know we can code stuff to work VS boss only, and we can have some status to trigger on certain maps only. We have lots of unused content, so my topic will be covering lots of stuff regarding new ideas for future sets or even contents in general. My Suggestion: 1) New status: - Tenacity: Lowers amount of time you spend on crowd control (Stuns, Mundane, Fear etc) in %. - Endurance: Lowers DMG taken on PVP maps (Arena, Sakura, GvGs, TWs etc) - Might: Extra DMG VS Boss monsters - Protection: -DMG Taken from Boss monsters 2) New Lv100 PVP set - Based on Arena sets, but activated on GvGs, Sakura and TWs - Base status lowered - Bonus +DMG, -DMG taken and -ACC on targets, like Lv95 awaken sets, but on PVP maps only. - Bonus MoveSPD in PVP maps - Extra gem slots like other PVP sets (6 on chest, 3 on other pieces) 3) Reworking Elysian Gems - Tenacity and Endurance Gems added, only working in PVP maps - Adding a new PVP-only currency to build those gems without relying on RNG only - Adding those currency to 3v3 and 10v10 arenas, both winning and losing team winning some coins - Balancing gems that are considered broken for TWs/GvGs 4) Reworking Arena Enchants - Some of them are extremely broken for GvGs or TW, so balancing them will be needed to have a "pure PVP set" with all gems and enchants being PVP-map only, without ruining PVP experience. 5) New Lv100 Awaken set - Higher base status compared to PVP sets, but no pure +DMG dealt or -DMG taken on bonuses - Might bonus on INT/STR sets - Protection bonus on WIS sets - Elemental Blind VS Boss on AGI sets 6) New Tenacity and Endurance gems (Elysian Gems): - Head Gem: Titan [Lowers duration of Crowd Control by 25%, but lowers DMG dealt and G-Healing -25%] - Head Gem: Berserker [Lowers duration of Crowd Control by 15%, but DMG taken +5%] - Head Gem: Martyr [Lowers duration of Crowd Control by 15%, but DMG dealt -15%] - Body Gem: Iron Skin [DMG Taken on PVP maps -10%, but DMG dealt and G-Healing -5%] - Body Gem: Rock Skin [DMG Taken on PVP maps -5%, but MoveSPD -5%] - Body Gem: Toughness [DMG Taken on PVP maps -5%, but DMG dealt -5%] Conclusion / Insights The idea behind those sets is to gate a bit of how much status we can get, and how we should build towards both PVP and PVE. Not only that, we should be aiming at using already existent content to cut work, and build smart around the game mechanics. A full PVE set would be aiming at Boss DMG (both dealt and taken), and reaching higher (near cap) base status, such as Crit Chance, DMG or EVA/ACC. A full PVP set would be aiming at PVP DMG (both dealt and taken), and focusing on PVP mechanics such as cleansing debuffs, staying less time in CC-locks, and mobility (MoveSPD takes a huge part on PVP) A new PVP currency will bring a new life to arenas. Even if people lose, they will still get an amount of that currency, so people will be queueing up more often. Using honor stars will only force people to POD, and that's not going to help bringing more PVP activity to the server. Reworking some of the Elysian content might bring people there in order to farm for faster gems (if they don't want to buy it with the new currency, they can rely on RNG and try to build it via Elysian). All suggestions are up to discussion, as long as it's for refining the idea and not completely dismiss it. Thanks for reading!
  5. This is only true for PVE, on PVP both sides of the coin are fairly balanced. What we need on PVE is more survivability on magic classes, due to PDPS almost always having access not only to a higher defense (from Light/heavy armors), but access to lower DMG taken such as Master Fencer and Executioner. We don't have magic counterparts of those aside from Darkness Blade and Demon Summoner, and the percentages are not even close to consider it balanced. DMG output on a MDPS setup is literally the same, maybe higher depending on gears and gameplay.
  6. 1: I used high numbers to explain how deep it can be exploited by the players. Vyzer himself said how much he could exploit from it, now you multiply Vyzer by, let's say, 10 players in a big guild. How much gold is added to the server, without any kind of effort or benefit for the players? 2: Was not my suggestion, and I agree it shouldn't be removed. 3: It will cause a drama exactly because people exploit it. Abusers won't ever agree with something that hurts their abuse. As some people from Memory mentioned here, they have less than 100 actual players in the guild, consider you don't need to actually put alts in a "main guild", instead you can/should use a secondary guild or even one of the dead guilds (to maintain guild towns). It solves the salary abuse "feature" perfectly fine, without removing rewards from TW. Also, our community is small, encouraging 200+ people to group in a "winning guild" hurts PVP experience, and in long term, pushes people out of the server. I've thought about this topic for a long time and discussed with guildies countless hours, this is probably the most practical and efficient solution. 4: I understand, but this "we could be doing dungeons" thing is a sort of Joker card in the means that everything that is not a new dungeon can be dismissed by this argument. Having more efficient guild towns and motivation to grow a stable guild is something to earn, and our server needs more motivation to build other guilds, rather than just stacking all the community into 2 zerg guilds (both for Alt abusing, and for the lack of incentive of building a new guild up).
  7. @Vyzer Thanks for your input. As I said in one of my comments, I don't think the gold is an issue, we already have other PVPs with different rewards (NCTW for buffs, GvG for boxes etc), so I think gold is a good motivation to do PVP, but alt abusing is an issue. I've been caring about server health since I joined Vendetta. Back then, I reported people AFKing on alts in every high level map for free gold overnight. It caused a mass inflation on the server and, in long term, it ruins the experience for newcomers. Everyone understands that dealing with high prices is not an issue if you have a decent character and game experience, but for people who are new on the server (or even EE itself), it's just a huge wall to see that prices are so high for fairly essential stuff gameplay-wise. About ECs: If people stop buying boxes / playing ECs, things like Safety Stones for +11 and above will rise in prices, which is not an issue for me because I'm able to farm my gold back, but how does it affect the gameplay of a new player that has to fortify his first set? This is also something that should be reported to the staff, we need variation in boxes and altars in order to have new stuff rolling, and people spending VGN again. We have plenty of old stuff that has yet to find a legendary version, and that could be added to the game for more variety and to have an actual value for ECs and Legendaries. We have a small community. As time passes by, and inflation is ignored, more people will be able to hoard and shift the way how market works. It's a recipe for disaster, considering how deep it affects the game for people who are not in the "select group" of those who can abuse the system. All means of gold generating should be supervisioned in order to avoid a massive backfire in the future.
  8. Gearing classes up isn't an excuse to allow something not intended to happen. The game wasn't designed for 10~20 players hoarding a 350p salary count. It causes inflation. I could justify ANY glitch with your excuse, even the gold glitch that RUINED main server. "I did that because I had many classes to gear up!" Stop using that excuse. Sim, mas qual o motivo de permitir 300 alts em uma guild? lol That's a rule in Memory, which doesn't forbid other guilds to abuse the system. If Memory has 100 members, why exactly is the member cap an issue? We've been doing that for a couple of months, considering my guild is new on the server, and is made of new players that are gearing up together @Topic in general It seems that many people feel like i'm attacking Memory on this topic. It's something that I discussed countless times with guildies, and it's not something that will hurt Memory itself (it seems that they are not abusing alts), so why exactly are we getting so many Memory comments against it? If the suggestion is against alt abusers only, but you people come in here saying it will ruin PVP (due to the lack of motivation), then it seems that some of you guys are actually motivated by abusing alts. Controversial, at most.
  9. The salary was intended to be that amount for each player, the community found out how to exploit it for their benefit, I didn't even suggest to remove the gold, just to fix it so there is no abuse. Explain to me why is it bad? We already have NCTW and GvG with other rewards, I don't think gold on the reward is an issue, it's just easy to exploit and that is the issue. I agree that we don't need gold from salary, but it doesn't hurt the economy if it gets harder to exploit.
  10. Main server doesn't get updates for years, if you like things that never change, you can leave and join them. Change is good.
  11. That is a good point that I didn't see. Maybe any change to that system to prevent such a huge loss for the server?
  12. You're showing me that the 100 member cap is viable, as I'm sure there might be an alt or another just for some reason (and not abusing). See, if no one abuses alts, 100 member cap is the ideal choice, and it would help avoiding such exploits to happen. Easy, huh? Hi Popz, and thanks for the input. Well, the fact that people are already abusing something isn't an excuse to allow it to happen forever, right? As for guilds with 100+ alts, that's a good point. Maybe giving the players a week to sort between players and ALTs, using the Guild Order system? Example: People on 3 highest rankings in each guild have a guaranteed stay unless that number excceeds 100, then everyone else gets an automatic kick, including excceeding people on those 3 higher ranks. That would give time for guild leaders to sort between players and alts, and wouldn't give the staff work to worry about. It's up to the guild leaders who to keep inside, honestly. I agree that the community is to blame about how they play PVP nowadays, but the fact that people go for numbers shouldn't be an excuse to allow such exploits to be open. If the member cap in PVP maps is 50, why allow more than 100 inside a guild? Even if you have 100 actual people in a guild, no one is obligated to put their alts in a guild, and 100 is already a really high number count for Eden standards.
  13. I leveled my alt to 100 in 2 days, and I was not even using charms. "The maximum amount is 10" you're not making real sense here. I'm talking about how much gold is generated to the server, and not about guild rules or how much each leader allows into their guilds. Most of the winning guilds have a 300+ member count and we all know that's not for real usage, we all know that people abuse alts to get more gold. I won't argue about the racial craft part because you seem to lack knowledge about how market works, and how racial crafting in special works. If you think it's that easy and the profit margin is that huge, I'd recommend you to try investing your time into that. Spoilers: It won't be that easy. I'll stop arguing with you here, since you are not making progress on the discussion. Ok, I get it, you won't like a change, but regardless of your opinion, the server needs less gold generating from idling, my suggestion is needed for the economy to stop inflating, and for long-term survivability in the market system. Less gold generation will mean more people producing stuff to sell, or selling runs, or even doing dungeons. It also means that we won't have full-geared players hoarding millions of gold from doing nothing, inflating prices just because they want something faster. It's healthier for the entire server, but most of the abusers won't ever agree with me. That's why I'm not arguing with people that have such closed minds. Peace.
  14. Nope, it's not. Leveling a character from 1 to 100 is entirely free (you don't need to gear it up), and it takes about 2 or 3 days. Not only that, selling racial crafts isn't "abusing" anything, you're spending tools and creating a product that sells on the market, it depends on costumers to work. Alt abusing is literally gold generating, there is no such a reason for it to exist, as the game provides enough gold sources at the current state. Just look at how our market is working at the moment - we have about 2 ~ 3 players selling racial crafts in the entire server. If you agree that people deserve to have a free gold generation, why not change the daily reward into 5k gold for everyone? It makes as much sense as the idea of having 300 ALTs just for gold collecting
  15. I didn't ask to remove salary from the game, I just said that abusing alts to generate such a large amount of gold is abusive. Also, there is no "good reason" to go PVPing if everyone wants to be on the same side (the winning side) to abuse this "feature".
  16. I have a geared character, I had invites to join Memory for literally my entire guild. The reason why I declined is because I want a healthy server with competition and flourishing, natural guilds competing. If someone doesn't have time, there is racial crafting to invest. You can leave alts logged, collecting materials for selling Glyphs, Gems or anything like that. Most of my guildies that lack time to invest in dungeons, farm literally double my gold because they invest in Racial Crafting. In fact, it's far more efficient than just doing dungeons. Your excuse makes 0 sense.
  17. Hello, it's me, Sirocco. I've made a topic a really long time ago about people AFK'ing in maps to generate gold, which was listened to. Thanks VGN, specially Jordan! This time, i'm writing this topic to discuss something that has roots on the very heart of our veteran community: Salary. We have a member cap in TW's and GvGs (if I remember correctly, it's 50). I'll add some math on gold-generating here: A level 100 character, with 3 territories, gets around 600g. That same character can be created and leveled up in a couple of days, if not a single day (with charms). At the current moment, we can have 350 characters in a guild. Considering that a "big guild" has 50 real players, that's room for 300 gold-generating alts. That means, if all those alts are at least Lv100, that the server is getting 180k gold everyday from people logging alts and doing nothing. From a single guild. The number gets higher if you count all the territories involved and multiple guilds. Now, you may tell me: "This is OK because PVP has costs like pots and pods, and those people won that right because they put effort on it!". All PVP costs can be covered for a week if you do Palace of Dreams in a single day. That's 1 hour of farming. Not only that, allowing people to exploit the system in order to generate gold has been an issue to the server growth for a really long time. Most of the lazy new players dream of joining a guild that grabs them free salary just so they can exploit like the veterans. It's not healthy for the server. MY SUGGESTION: Lower the guild member cap to 100. ___________________________________________________________________________ Now, after that. We all know how painful it is to level guilds and NPCs from guild towns up. It was made easier on gold thanks to VGN, but it's still really slow to level up buildings like Magic Pool or even Mine/Farm. If the member cap were to be changed, we would have even less motivation to level a guild up past 6. This is where my suggestion kicks in: GUILD BUILDS Yes, you read that correctly. I'm suggesting that each guild, past level 3 (the level for Guild Town) gain access to a couple of "Knowledge Points", quite much like the classes, in order to encourage people to level their guilds up. That helps the server with more NPCs and variety, not being gated by dead guilds or high taxes. How would that work? Since this is not a feature in original Eden Eternal, that would probably need a gimmick to insert in the game. My initial idea, to make things easier, was to put new special NPC slots in the guild town (as you level the guild up), and make a store with permanent NPCs that we can plant in those slots, that would grant the guild, the passives they want. Quite much like our VGN Statues, but permanent. If it's possible to program a guild KP system, then that wouldn't be needed. No, not more status I'm not suggesting more P-ATK or that kind of stuff. This idea was more guild-oriented in the sense of economy and market, so the guild KPs could be something related to crafting itself. I have some suggestions, but that idea could be refined with the help of the staff, or the community. Some examples - Passive: Longer NPCs (That would heavily help rare NPCs since they last for 3 days) - Passive: Higher building EXP (Would help leveling stuff like Magic Pool) - Passive: Higher fame gains from NPC activity (Would help leveling the guild itself) - Passive: Higher NPC durability (For less need of repairing NPCs) The NPCs could have multiple levels (with higher benefits), so the higher levels would be unlocked as you level up your guild. More NPCs with guild utility could be created (again, we would need the help of the staff or community with more suggestions). Why would we add that? The guild system is perfect I agree that the guild system is currently on a good state, but as I mentioned, we don't have any real motivation to level our guilds past 6, unless we want to exploit the salary system. These suggestions are a complement of my first suggestion, but would heavily improve our lifes on building guilds up. Trust me, being a guild leader, nothing makes it more boring than creating "rules" to force people into farming fame into oblivion just to get more room for guild recruits. That way, we would have clear benefits, more high level guilds with quality NPCs, less room for tax exploiting (since there would be more guilds offering the same service) and less room for "hey can you repair Guild X please" on peer. That's all. Thanks if you read it until here. Goodbye! ~
  18. The whole concept of losing MP without doing anything kinda kills it for me. It doesn't feel like you're using your MP, it just feels like you must enjoy the ride before your MP drains out. I'd completely get rid of the MP%/sec stuff and go back to the roots, having temporary buffs. Then, if you feel like the classes aren't really using MP, you can make the MP cost for skills a bit higher, so at least it would feel like we're using our MP instead of seeing it vanish by itself. PS: Auras and skills to remove MP from enemies could be buffed too, bringing new classes to the PVP scenario.
  19. Hey, I edited my post since it looked a bit too harsh. I'm on VGN Discord server if you guys need to chat or info about the server and how to grow up faster here
  20. Your son and friends should give it more time. If MoneyTeam wins without resistance now, you can easily blame the lack of discipline of other guilds when it comes to farming, learning the game and forming good team compositions. I'm not in MoneyTeam, so I'm not defending my guild, just pointing out straight facts. This server is the most noob-friendly approach I've ever had to Eden Eternal, and I play it since beta. I remember the days where we had to go to dungeons (unlimited versions, there was no 0/2 or 0/10) in order to drop a boss-named weapon (there was no CCM vendor back then) and fort it to +6 in order to try doing trials. Nowadays, you can easily farm 20k+ gold everyday with an average character, I can do it from scratch and still have a PvP-ready character in less than 1 month. Every suggestion nowadays seems to be pointing towards noobs, but in my opinion we need more endgame value as people just leave game from boredom. Geared players just come back every few months to get all the new stuff and disappear as soon as the content is done. We need replayable content, challenges to do on a daily routine. New players already have an easy life when it comes to trying, they just don't want to, or at least don't know how. @Edited because my first phrase looked too harsh, i'm sorry.
  21. Do we have a guide for early enchantments? This one is for L70+
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