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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2020 in Posts

  1. Various changes have been made to Dragon Valley to allow for more easier farming. All monsters have had an increase in EXP upon kill All monsters have had a decrease in HP/Defense - allowing for easier and faster kills Note: There is a possibility you may receive negative EXP when killing certain mobs. This is due to the server rates being server side and the possibilty of it causing a server overflow when using max EXP buffs. If this happens to you, please note down the monster name and let me know. While we tested for all possible exp buffs, it is possible we may have missed one. Made adjustments to Orenji's AoE debuff range. The animation size and range of the skill should be much smaller Battlegrounds have had their EXP greatly increased for levels 60+ on a loss an win This includes AK/NB Note: This is the MAX I can allow AK/NB give as file limitations block me otherwise Increased the amount of EXP gained when killing Urka and Abaddon Various monsters have been adjusted and updated in Amara The lower level guards and faction NPCs should now be 65+ If I missed any more, note down the name and let me know. Artifact of Fury will now spawn in it's proper place Made adjustments to various Whipper and Shadow Walker Lingierie They should now have their correct and proper stats
    2 points
  2. @Vivi I think other people already told that, but pls increase the damage of the guards on NB ASAP like they in Amara. They on NB do so less dmg - no dmg to tanks. Its easy to Camp for both sides at entrance.
    1 point
  3. it should be dual events in enocia/barb amara location would just give more bosses to 1 faction.
    1 point
  4. are we going to do anything with those siege machine bps in tw because i have not once seen anybody use them
    1 point
  5. My suggestions here will essentially just be the first thoughts that come to my head regarding ways to improve our PvP. I'll list multiple ideas for each topic, just to throw them out there and see what people think. These are not suggestions I would like all done together at the same time. Each idea stands as an individual, separate suggestion. Territory Wars/Guild Wars Remove the player kills leaderboard. This does nothing but inflate the ego of people ranked high on it, and is not an accurate representation of how a player does when it comes to making an impact on the Territory War. Instead, you could use the number of kills the guild did as a whole, or some other metric to measure their performance and reward them based on that.This also fixes the problem we've always had of healers not getting nearly enough war stones from TW, and allows undergeared players to be able to obtain war stones more reliably and use them for things like achievements. Crystals should be harder to kill. This can be done through various means, but my idea is to add a damage reduction buff that is reduced based on the number of enemies attacking the crystal. For example, a crystal could start at 10 stacks of a damage reduction debuff, and each player attacking it will lower it by 1 stack.This prevents solo capping and encourages people to play more like a team/guild when attacking. In FFXIV, there is a mechanic in Frontline PvP (their version of mass PvP, either 8v8v8 or 24v24v24) that rewards a player for killing players consecutively without dying. Once you defeat 4 players without dying, you're rewarded with a buff called "Battle High", which increases your damage dealt, and at 8 kills it becomes "Battle Fever", increasing your damage dealt even further. I think a modified version of this would be interesting. Something that increases the damage you deal, but also increases the damage you receive until you change classes or die. Alternatively, we could buff crystals (HP, damage reduction), and have the buff from, killing players specifically buff your damage versus a crystal. This would encourage players to actually fight other people and protect their damage dealers, as accumulating kills would lead to increased capping power and overall allowing you to win the territory. Normal class Territory War should be removed, as it has little to no point anymore with a classic server being made. Disable the use of certain racial crafted items like Engineer Potions, Smoke Bombs, and Frozen in Time Capsules. I genuinely feel like as a whole, these items deal more harm than good. They really take away from the features certain classes have, as well as add features that some classes just weren't meant to have. I shouldn't be able to be an Annihilator with permanent stealth just because I can spam racial craft, for example. This takes away from classes like Assassin, who have invisibility as a part of their kit. Alternatively, the cooldown on them could be raised significantly, but I think just removing them is the better way to go. I have and will probably continue to use all of these items outside of PvP, they will still remain relevant if removed. Elysian Island I can't really think of anything else I would suggest currently that Jordan didn't already suggest, but will edit this post if I can. So for now I'm seconding all of these: Temple Arena HP changes to bosses for sure, but I don't think player stat caps should be added. Removal of tower potions. New rewards, such as a legendary devil soul or blueprints to upgrade the trophies, with materials being something like one of each devil soul (white, green, blue). 3v3 Remove battle pets. In regards to normal classes only, I don't think this should be something we ever really go for. If people want to do arenas on normal classes, there's another server for that now. Our server should be embracing awakened classes, as that is the whole reason for it. If normal classes are really desired (which if NCTW is any indication, they aren't anymore), we could try a normal class arena. A new map for sure. Possibly the 3v3 arena in Twin Saga. We could maybe even go as far as to incorporate their 3v3 arena into our server completely. In Twin Saga's 3v3, you are fighting for control over a central pillar, and a team is given points for holding the pillar, similar to the bar GvG has for holding crystals. Kills also influence the bar and can have a significant impact on the fight. This could not only lead to rotating maps, but even rotating game modes and different types of 3v3 battles. I really like the idea @Hops12 mentioned, making use of the queue system that lets you declare a role. Something like that might be possible, and limit changing classes to ones that are only within your role. I worry that we don't have enough people to really make this system work though. Removal of immunity potions. I think in an arena where you're allowed to freely change classes, the counterplay should be switching to a class that will be effective against the enemy team, not buying a potion from an NPC. As an example, let's say I'm against a Conjurer. Instead of buying a fear immunity potion, someone on my team would switch to Holy Sage and use the fear immunity aura. Increased rewards for winning. This could be things like more honor stars, more class medals, a box that rewards you with Eternal Points or Eden Crystal Fragments, etc. 10v10 A new map and objective for this arena would be great. I think something like a mini TW would be a lot of fun, and I could definitely see it being more popular. Team size could possibly be reduced. Getting 20 people to queue for an arena isn't easy. This might be different if the arena is more enjoyable and/or has better rewards, so this suggestion might not even be necessary if 10v10 is changed and enough people are interested in it. Remove battle pets. Monster Battle Arena A new set of bosses entirely, using newer ones or the custom ones we have. This would really bring a breath of fresh air to MBA, and make it really exciting for a lot of people to try. Player stats should be normalized based on their boss. Give each boss it's own stat block and assign that to the player. In an arena where you transform into bosses and fight, this really balances it out. People won't queue on things like Samurai for the P-ATK with the Katana, or Magician for the M-ATK with the Staff. This also makes the arena friendly to people of any level, and would be a lot of fun overall. Overall Changes Removal of battle pets in PvP. They just aren't needed and don't add anything to the PvP experience. To ensure they still have a use, maybe allow them in Haven of Oblivion, as I don't think they would break anything that badly. Worst case they would end up healing a boss but I'm sure people will learn to turn them off versus certain bosses. Increased rewards for playing. Adding to what was suggested in the 3v3 suggestion, things like more uses for Honor Stars would be nice. New furniture for housing would be cool. Better ranking rewards. This isn't really exclusive to PvP, but all of our ranking rewards are outdated. They give you things like Lv50 chisels, low level Corona's Extracts, and other things that don't really feel rewarding to receive. More suggestions might come later, but these are my initial thoughts! ^^
    1 point
  6. Territory Wars/Guild vs Guild/Guild Arena. Crystals are one the biggest issue of these PvP modes, players prefer to cap and run around instead of fighting so my suggestion is to give us a way to make crystals tankier and opt out of capper meta. Make it so that it requires/forces people off capper classes or so that they can't solo cap a crystal nor duo cap a crystal. Another issue is that we're in debuff/-res/cc meta which is hard to control at all even with a Holy Sage and a Glacier Knight both purifying every time they can, certain CCs stack and some even go through immunity. Fears/Worms/Stuns/KDs they can all be chained and overlapped, I have had stun cert >cert>enchant proc on me in a row. KD enchant > Reaver >Paladin KD. Worm>Worm>Worm>CD>repeat. It's just outrageous for playing at all when things like this can happen. Normal Class TW is dead, if Garden tries others slowly quit trying even though at MAXIMUM Garden has only 6 geared players for NCTW. This TW was begged for by people that have long quit for Classic, remove this as it's useless and dead to our Awaken server. And frankly TBH I don't think our server will have active PvP the way it used to be as we are a lot smaller community than in the past, than we've ever been in the past. Elysian Island. The suggestions given I think are already great, making it a working thing again will be nice for a lot of people that have wanted to do it. Pets off, friendly damage off, new rewards (this already has EC fragments and Prime Scrolls in boss rewards) so I think something NEW and not unobtainable (i.e. the rose) will be good for motivating people. 10v10/3v3/MBA. When we managed to queue for 10v10 here, the majority of it was alts in 1 team with like 4 active people 1 of which AFK'd, 1 who alpaca'd at the start and 2 who fought vs the other 7-9 people on the other team and were winning up until someone decided to pull a spirit scar/magic blockade pet out. We're an awaken server, I don't think we should have our arenas locked into normal classes this defeats the purpose of our server and our PvP. Personally I find the class switching in there is a nice bonus, however it aids those who gear multiple classes and not the one trick mains. My suggestions for these arenas are: Removal of combat pets in all arenas. Make a way for us to queue up as a party, so that say a guild wants to have a 3v3 against each other or others can party up then queue. Make rewards better, we can farm Honor Stars and have no need for arena sets (only 1-2 people I have seen have even bothered to make these sets and use them and even then Lv110 awakens are much better) so I for one think these sets should be removed. Can you add more bosses to MBA? I think this would be a nice way to liven it up for those who enjoy it, as well as updated rewards. 10v10 I'm not sure what to do about TBH, I don't think we have 20 active people for that so if you could lower the participant amount then it might be better for us to queue as 5v5 (but I guess it wouldn't be 10v10 then xD) and adjust rewards again, all arena rewards are lacking. Temple Arena. Removal of pots is fine, I don't think it should be gear locked or changed as it was older level content and older level content always becomes easier and we are far past the stage this was designed for gear wise. Increasing or adjusting the reward amount is up to you, but personally I think creating a whole new Temple Arena for Lv115+ would be more ideal to me and give us a way to upgrade the older trophies into newer versions, as well as give us something else to do that is on a time schedule. Overall Changes. I don't mind any of the rewards you have listed, but as a max level player who has nearly crafted everything on 4 characters using war stones my only use for them is Eden Crystals. But as it stands lately the altar gives me nothing to roll for and I just wait for Diamond Altars and get my hopes up when that hits. If possible a whole new reward would be nice to me, something like a new currency maybe that we can spend on certain items for example maybe you can make it possible to purchase pet bible/battle theory in-game at a npc with this new currency and put other misc smaller AP-only items at this NPC to give players more options with their pets. Just an example though. PS: It don't belong here but please make CCM more useful. 😭
    1 point
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