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Everything posted by Mar

  1. Yeah, it is confusing to read ''Resist'' instead of ''Miss''
  2. My experience is that with CRIT-VOID , you just get pull by Whs and CBs mech and de-buffed from Ch atks with ease. CH-EVA and EVA are what avoids those types of attacks.
  3. Hola. Hi, sweethearts linked to vendettagn. Wepa wepa Corazones conectados en vendettagn. Here I'm doing the 3rd Edition to this forum. In this forum, I will address 1 extra thing. I will add a 6th Lv. 65 Medic Built that is related to offer a very strong defensive tank type of Medic that works out. Its name base on a Scarlet stone cuz how strong Scarlet can be and because of the red color that is a color that identifies with Plasmas skills. Make sure you use all your 104 Skills points on lv 65 Skills. 6-''Scarlet Tank'' ME Very recommended: It is very well built to start over in level 65 since it has a mix of dots, good cleansing, Great heals, and Great Defensive Power. Goods: Team only PVE, PVP Built – Medium dots / plasma skills + max HPs + Hight Heals group skills+ Max HP Passive Full Max Defense Buff + Acc buff + + 2 have stuns Attacks + Great to use with EVA Jewels Con: No dungeon solo with this built, no atomic-control crows attacks skills, Low Restoration Skill (LV2) + No DPS Basic skills, no speed, no Teleport, No Mobility Skills, No stunt skills, no detection buff, no ATK Buffs, and no Acc buffs, No Speed Passive, Low Evasion Stats, No High Damage attacks,. The player does not require to be fast in movement in this built. One of the tackiest built (Max defensive built) you can do as a ME player. Very Recommended with the Green Jewels of HP and Crit-Void. Work out too with CH-EVA green Jewels. http://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=4&l=11&s=l00000000000032fd25100007eb0308 I hope you like it, please tell me if any of this work for you. Thanks for reading.
  4. Interesting gamming place. 


  5. Hi Everyone Wepa wepa 🙃 Here I add something as like a update to this them I did before. This time I add 1 more Medic Built that consider Speed Power. Sometimes Speed is what makes the difference in a team from being massacre or surviving as to win a battle. Because moving around teammates or squat mates to aid can be the magical touch the group just need from a Medic (mosty on pvp battles). A lot of medic know timing is everything and this built is one that max out those critical seconds. Medics have 2 types of Speed skill: One Passive name : ''Speed Mastery'' and there a active skill that works as only for the Medic Buff name ''Heeled Flair''. Here I share this Speedy Power with many attacks skills mix and extra goodies with you all: 5 - ''A Speedy Mix'' ME Good: PVP Built and team PvE Recommended to use with ATK Red Jewels for great Attack rate. Recommended to use with Eva or CH-EVA Green Jewels for fast Evasion power. It has Higth Pasive Skill + Max Speed + low Atomic atk +All Basic Atk line + Plasma / dot Atks + Higth level Heals + Low cleanser + Higth Atks Buffs and 1 of 2 Max Acc Buffs Cons: No HP Buff, No Revive/ Resurrection Skill, No Detection, HP skills are not max, No Defensive Buffs, No plasma Protection Buff, No teleportation, and Not max stuns Attacks. http://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=4&l=11&s=j00811233310032ca100e80010001507 Note: It is crucial you have good fast interment with little connection problems for this built. If you consider you are very laggy playing most days you play and you consider you already try to fix your problem but had not make your playing experience less laggy, then is better to try out other builts mention before or similar to it. Your welcome to do little changes on it too. Have Fun.
  6. Holaaaaaaa Mrs. and Mr.Shadow. You all is great with the familly. Take care.

  7. Zan come back.

  8. Little forum for MEDIC Class Fans of SBV: 


  9. Welcome to this post. I'm Mar also know as MARSIRENAS on discord and youtube and I'm mainly play main my Medics Arkana name MAR and MER. I really appreciate you are reading this now 😊 I made this post to help a new player of this game to use the Medic Arkanas Class. <3 I been playing this game for a long time since the old close Beta; Aeria Scarlet Blade in 2013. Then I came to Scarlet Blade vendetta at first week online. This game had evolved thanks to the team working on Vendetta network and it is a big improvement of what it was. So, this game does require some knowledge as to able to be an effective Medic player in Scarlet Blade Vendetta. The Medic class is the most difficult class to play out all the Arkanas classes but is the one with the most number of skill available to learn. Many do not recommend it as to be the first arkana to play in, but I do will tell you this; lovely class name Medic has a lot to offer if you are a fan of the ‘’healling toch’’ .This Arkana type can bring the best of you as a player. In general, you can always try out the Medic if you please. Just know that it is a fact that the Medic requires some experience to master. The Medic class is the class most target to be kill on pvp and the most that people like to have in their team on pvp and pve. You can make an incredibly supportive healing Medic or a good damage dealer Medic. Even a split / division with having some of both sides. Same times you can add her speed to make her run fast around on battles, made her teleport and even detect close enemies that can hide close by. I do not recommend using all the skills available on the Medic in lv 65 in one built because it will not be very practical compared to the other high power offensive skills the rivals Arkansas has or to the require having as to be effective on solo PVE or team PVE. So be wise and not naïve on playing the ME. Still, I invite you to consider this basic and good built I been trying the past months after trying them and getting feedbacks. I recommend them like they are, but you are always welcome to change details of it to what is more specific to how you like to play and the constant attack you get when playing pvp. I will limit my self to bring only 4 built to choose to start with but there other mix that can try out that works out as well. First here some basic vocabulary for understanding built and the game dynamic in general and second you will see the exact builds. Note: In those built I do not recommend starting with using Detection skills, because it does requires experience to really know what to do when you saw a hidden foe close by. So it can bring stress for a beginner and this skill is only useful with a strategies already in mind after try and error. There are other players that did a forum about MEs on forum too that is good to look them up. Here the link that is very recommended to try on the built desired online before adding to using the reset skill item: http://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/ Basic Vocabulary to Understand Built Details on Scarlet Blade Vendetta This is the Basic Gaming Vocabulary List ME - The Angelic Medic Class Arkana AFK - Out of the Keyboard AoE – Around on Everyone – Sometimes it means everyone in an area that are in a certain rage of distance. Other times it means around the closest 6 people of the same faction closest to you or the 5 players on your team, plus your Arkana. DPS = Basic Damage Per Second Skills PVP = Player vs Player, PVE = Player vs Environment STAT-STATS - A statistic of the attributes in role-playing games is a piece of data that represents a particular aspect of a fictional character. Usually mention how Hight and low those attributes are in numbers or percentage. Built - It is a Arkana character focus summary of skills and its levels also name as ''skillset '' and ''Stats'' desired by the player added by the player (inside the possibility the players have) as to have the benefit of sub-specializing a Arkana class. We will be adding more into this on the next section of this article. Dot = Damage Over Time (requires using Plasma attack to be consider the player use Dot’s attack). Buffs – The Group of skills that boost and enhance a player in a certain statue of the Arkana for a period of time. De-buffs - The Group of skills that lowers the enemies' Arkana or foe status. It can bring some type of negative statues too. Most hated square to have under your Arkana name (very annoying to get). ATK – Attack. This can me a skill that give damage or a Jewel that improve Attack status number to better damage on your Arkana. Synonymous of Offensive Skills. ACC - Accurate. This is related to landing stuns on foes (stun is a debuff effect). Crit-ATK - Stat if Higth Impact Offensive Damage. HP – Health Points. SP – Special Points CP – Cyber Points – Points you need for your cyber Mech, Cyber Skills Amor, and cyber clusters. POTS - Hypovials Items that recovers your HP, SP, CB bar and Hypovials name Items that give you buff. Types and Class of Skills Vocabulary List. DPS-Basic DPS ATK - A Type of MMORPG Attack that is Basic Attacks that do basic damage that are the first column of skills. CC-Crow Control - A Type of MMORPG Attack that do a effect on taking control of the rival time turns to hit in the rival group. AT-Atomic - A Crow Control Class of Attacks that add to rivals the statues of being slower (-negative movement speed debuff) or Immobilized. ST - Stun - A Crow Control Class of Attacks that add to rivals the statues of not letting the rival move or do any attack. HD - Hight Damage - A Type of MMORPG Attack that is do Hight Concentrated Damage for it Hight percentage of each damage category cover on the skill for the sacrifice of long cooldowns. DOT - Damage Over Time - A Type of MMORPG Attack that ones done ones and added on the status of the rival it accumulate in summary of each second on the damage on the rival. PL - Plasma - a DOT Class of Attacks that add is orange. GAG - Got Agroo - The effect of being Agroo in a pve battle where the player who generates the most hate on a mob will be preferentially attacked by that mob. The hate is on you if you preform a agroo skill. Usually a player summoning a strong attack or a summoning a Heal, Cleanser Skill can provoke a natural the HATE effect on that player. But also It can be done by the player using a special skill that is meant to manipulate the monster to aggro on him or she of that special agroo skill. AG-Agroo - Type of MMORPG Attack that manipulates the mobs ( pve mosters) focus there HATE at you mechanism. This means a mobs (enemies controlled by the system) prioritize which player characters to attack if this AG type of skill been preform. Hs - Heals - Cures a allies, self or Team HP Bar. The Medic has the best heals out all the Arkanas. H - Heal - Heals skill that are extremely potent on Healing the HP Bar. CL - Cleanser - Special type of skills that can Heal HP but it main focus is to Remove Debuffs on self and allies. RESU - Revive - In SBV it is a Only Medic Class skill name ''Lazarus Blessing'' that can revive a allied on PVP map that is not battle ground and on PVE map and dungeons in those maps. OB - Ofensive Buff - Special Buffs Skills that multiplies the effect self or allies when preforming Attacks. (Attacks are consider Offensive Skills). DB - Defensive Buff - Special Buffs Skills that multiplies the self or allies Defensive and Resistance Types of Stats. MO - Mobility - Special Buffs Skills that multiplies the self or allies or + Speed and or the Ability of Teleportation in few seconds. Note: Medics do not have Agroo type of skill. This does not mean that the medic is not vulnerable of being Hated by the mobs that is a natural Agroo. There other concepts on this game that is good to learn but this are the ones most related to our them. For the moment now we should focus understanding the Medics possible sub-specializations built that easy to manage for new LV +65 Medics Arkanas. Here are the Recommended New Players ME Built 1- ‘‘A DPS’’ ME PVE and PVP Bult The ideal DPS Bult of all Recommended to use with ATK Jewels for great Attack rate Con: It has the disadvantage of being low on defensive stats and no detection, low on HPs stats and low on cleansing. http://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=4&l=11&s=500510000000032fd651e8007501201b 2- ‘‘DPS +’’ ME – PVE and PVP Bult Goods: Max Passive HP, Basic+ Atomic+ Plasma (dot) + Low Heals +Max ATk Buff +Acc Buff Con: It has the disadvantage of being low on defensive stats, no speed on movement, no detection and low on cleansing. http://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=4&l=11&s=l0000123663600033000e8000000100b 3- ‘‘Red Apple’’ ME Good: PVP Built and team PvE - Full Max Passive 🍏 + Plasma + Max Hp+ Cleanser and Defense buffs + Speed + Teleport Good with HP, CH- EVA and Crit- VOID Jewels Con: It’s not super powerful on attack power and no detection. http://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=4&l=11&s=500510000000032fd651e8007501201b 4- ‘’Grapes’’ ME Very recommended: It is a very good built to start over in level 65 since it have a mix of combo power , cleansing, heals and buffs. Goods: PVE, PVP Built – Basic+ max HPs + Max Atk Buff + Acc buff + Teleport + 2 have stuns Attacks + Use of the most powerful attack on a ME ( Blown Away skill)+ good combos skills on Atks Great to use with EVA Jewels Con: No atomic skills, no dots / plasma skills, no speed, no detection buff, no height defense buffs, low on passive skills. http://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=4&l=11&s=500010234400000fd651e8007001500b I hope This really help out to all new Medic's players. Have fun. -Mar
  10. KawaiiNyanNyan Take care dear. Now your a lovely mommy. What a great blessing you are living. Stay cute and See you around. I nice to rest when needed. God Bless you always. 🧚‍♀️🤩
  11. That's actually is a great idea. And if a player just are in the RP farming area and want to pvp, the onto thing he or she have to do is to leave the RP area a goes to pvp zones that can play in equal terms. So no one would be use for a easy kill. Players should have the benefit to play at peace when doing RP and not used as fast easy kill dummies' in unequal terms. Players should not be obligated to do pvp if they do not want to. This would prevent harassments events for happening in general. We should play pvp in equal terms when desired and when the game give forward to it. Everyone effort to be on the game doing RP, pvp, pve, missions or even just chatting should be all fell welcome and well and respected.
  12. Zelda's Lyrics: Ballad of the Wind Fish

    This game been remake in 2019  


  13. A lovely song from a old Zelda's videogame. 

    Una hermosa melodia de un viejo videojuego de Zelda. 


  14. Aww Sneaky dear... It made me said your not around on SB but still it was wonderful to had meet you. Well you are welcome to come back if you like and if not you know where you find me online. I may be slow on responding but I will respond. Still life is one to be explore and be full of moments to live on and to be remember. I always will think of those sweet and friends ones that we share. :) You have a lot to offer to the world so go for it. Just remember that life is much more richer when is full of friends. Take care always. - Mar
  15. Hola All. Happy 2021. Feliz 2021. At last 2020 is over. 🌺

    1. Filomena


      Thanks! Happy new year you too!

  16. They look hot on a special SB way if you ask , me. I luv the CB.
  17. Giving Idea for the lv68 Cap Hola all vendettagn.com community. It is an enjoyment to know that cap lv will be raise. I would like to give my most honest commentary on this soon to be changed on this game and to add Mother's ideas list. This is good to be thought about for that update for Scarlet Blade Vendetta videogame. Ideas for when the Cap lv68 Raise Don't add more Ranking Titles - It already had been added ones recently. Add +8 skills points, 2 sp for every level. - For every level up, there should be a good reward. Best one to consider to gain more skills points. 2 Month Daily Quest Event for the New Cap of lv68 raised with Experience booster and Rank chips on Main areas like Enocia and Mereholt. - A event that celebrates the new cap raise brings excellent vibes. Even better if it is made on basic maps like Enocia and Mereholt, where the new players spend time around. Usually, on raw playing this summer and fall and before the Halloween event, Enocia was a ghost town map. When new players started, they would see chats around at times, but no players to play with or ask. This makes a critical impact on many new players than would just be decided to leave the game, even if one tries to help them out. It convinces players to stay if there players around at all times in main maps. Special costume reward of the moment for all players that participated in the game on that season of new raise cap—1 for every account of the player that was online on vendettagn.com A pack of 10 to 15 resetskills item on a special quest. - It will really help out for the try and error for the players trying the new changes of there Arkana skill tree. Hope this can be well considered. See ya. Adios.
  18. For the light green lovers. Para los amantes del verdecito. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xXJLXqQ2Lo

  19. how to make yummy small homemade chocolate orea cake, no oven needed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdFCd4DgjDM

    1. Filomena


      The cat is thinking "It tastes nothing". And I believe in cats.

    2. Mar


      lol. The cat like it fishy ad not sweety.lol

  20. Thanks Little Shot, Daddy. I remaber The first day I played ASB in 2013 I played it with Filomena. We were new new that time and now here we are on SBV that is better and at lv. Supercool.
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