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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. You can usually ask guild town owners to put up certain NPC's that you require. However, the one you specified isn't really used for achievements so most people tend not to put this up unless they are leveling the building or they want to farm these materials. Most of the time people just buy them from the loyalty points store as its more convient than putting in requests and waiting around.
  2. If the pet was causing the crash then it wouldn't popup on the screen you would crash from the game trying to put it on the screen. Thats why when Viroona was first released you'd crash running across the map fast if you didn't have an SSD because of it trying to load the monster and it failing to do so. If a pet is causing you to crash it would be during its battle mode and that would be a problem with the pet itself and not the fact that its custom which should be reported to me so I can investigate. Just like when Crystal Utopian Realm first was released and some of the bosses in there once broken where causing people to have crashes. Please do not make assumptions and publicly post them on the forums as it will cause people to blame the wrong things so when something does come up that does cause crashes they may dismiss it as something else as someone they may find as reputable has said so. If you want to query information you're welcome to ask. But as I said you are not crashing because of custom content unless your computer has a severly low amount of RAM for this day in age. The model glitching is a windows 10 related issue which can be solved by clearing the Temp folder from your client. This is to do with the engine itself and how it caches the compiled shaders and not the game and is related to a certain texture layer that most custom models use but a lot of none custom models also use (Such as the Demon Drake Wings). So this again is unrelated to crashing as this doesn't directly cause crashing and although can be related to custom content is also not exclusive to custom content.
  3. How do you know this? It doesn't tell you what crashed it. All I will say is this again: " So the only thing custom content is guilty of doing now is using more memory during runtime which again we have added fixes to allow more memory to be allocated without swapping the application to 64 bit. So if you're still suffering from a lot of crashes its more than likely related to Windows 10 / 8 and/or having a low spec computer. "
  4. Game is poorly optimized and not because of custom content. Before anything custom was added there was plenty of crashing with classes such as Reaver and all those elemental hits. Yes when custom content was first added there was some crashes in relation to them being added but almost those issues have been resolved. So the only thing custom content is guilty of doing now is using more memory during runtime which again we have added fixes to allow more memory to be allocated without swapping the application to 64 bit. So if you're still suffering from a lot of crashes its more than likely related to Windows 10 / 8 and/or having a low spec computer.
  5. This is more of a computer based issue than a game issue. Try change the compatabillity mode of the program or have a look through your settings as you might have something blocking unsigned applications from being launched.
  6. Jordan

    Patch v73

    Information We've added some new character customization options. If there is something you want added please head over to this thread: Updates Added mew quest to the Halloween Event. Reward is a free "Halloween's Upgrade Stone". Added 10 new hair colours! Added 7 new eye colours! Bug Fixes Removed "Santa's Gift Box" drop from Tranquil Hill. Trophy "Phantom's Puzzle" now gives All Stats +10% as intended. Glacier Knight Skill "Frozen Knights Blessing" will now remove 1 negative status every 3 seconds as intended. Blood Knight Class Talent "Noble Faith" will now continue to give ACC after entering more than 10 points. Text Fixes Fixed the boss shout of <Devilish> Belle. Fixed the name of the item "Mysterious Chubby Ghost (Prime)". Fixed the Shielder Skill description for "Titan's Barrier". Fixed the Asura Skill "Hammer Fist" debuff description. Fixed the Darkness Blade Class Talent "Twin Lightshadow Blade" description. Boo!
  7. Jordan

    Patch v16

    Information We've added some new character customization options. If there is something you want added please head over to this thread: Updates Reduced <Devilish> Belle's HP. Sorry put an extra 0 at th end, my bad! Added 10 new hair colours! Added 7 new eye colours! Added the following drops to level 50 trials: <Vileshark Advisor> Charles - Blueprint: Blood Frost True Katana <Carmela Supervisor> Kenny - Blueprint: Mad Berserker <Mining Mushroid King> Mori Mori - Blueprint: Moon Luster True Katana <Eagle Gang Fighter> Quade - Blueprint: Titan's Tears Added the following drops to level 55 trials: <Abyss Sin> Haslett - Blueprint: Sakura Scar True Katana <Wolfeye Advisor> Chino - Blueprint: Destruction <Chaos Theory> Robo VT080 - Blueprint: Storm Mania True Katana <Dark Marsh Witch> Angela - Blueprint: End of Suffering Bug Fixes Removed "Santa's Gift Box" drop from Tranquil Hill. Nice Day!
  8. Jordan

    Patch V15

    Eden Eternal Classic's First Full Event! Introducing Alice in Hallowland We've created a fun new custom experiance for the players of the Classic server, Many of you have came to me and asked about content that is similar to our Awaken server and I'm happy to announce that we are testing the waters with this event. We would appreciate feedback from the players of what they like and disliked about this dungeon! The dungeon features both an Easy Mode and a Hard Mode to be accessible to all players no matter how geared or skilled they may be. There will also be an on-going event related to the Hard mode for the party who can get the best time/score! Again we're very excited to see what you think and what roads we can take the Classic server down in the future! Halloween Event Boss <Devilish> Belle has appeared in Aven! Defeat her to get a chance of obtaining your very own Devilish Belle pet! Event Rewards Exchange your collected Vendetta Halloween Token's for tons of different prizes. We've brough all our custom line up from the awaken server so that Classic players can too have the custom costumes we have made! Pssst Get Alpacaman! Time Limited Cash Shop items You will notice upon logining in there has been two changes made. The cash shop now has three mystery boxes in the Hot Item's section. These mystery boxes contain a custom mount from Aura Kingdom that is perfectly themed for Halloween and some pets that where recently brought to our Awaken server. The other change you might notice is there is a new item on the crystal altar called Halloween Pet Soul. This item is used to transform your pets that you get from the event into full prime pets just like the Vendetta Upgrade Stone does for ingame costumes! We hope you enjoy yourselves! 👻Merry Halloween👻
  9. Jordan

    Patch v72

    Halloween Event Boss <Devilish> Belle has appeared in Aven! Take her down to earn some Hallowed Coin's to buy the Halloween themed costumes we have accumulated over the past few years! Simply collect some Hallowed Coins and take them to Karah to trade! You can also collect some the Halloween themed titles that where introduced last year! Also @Herakles has some events planned for both forums and in game. So make sure to keep your eyes out for when they are on going! 👻 Happy Halloween! 👻
  10. The stones are not over accumulated now because people are only collecting stones if and when they need them. Which is a direct result of the stone wipe. If you then remove that wipe then people will start accumulating stones and hoarding them again and you cant just pick and choose which months you wipe stones otherwise people will not know what to do.
  11. outlook.com isn't accepted by the register form. Not that you don't recieve the email from using outlook. I know its the same lol.
  12. Any custom content and updated content will have dev notes instead of text and if you're playing awaken then none of the awaken class skills will be accurate as they have all been updated. I'm sorry if this is an inconvience for you but unfortunatly I do not speak or write Chinese.
  13. I have just created a new Hotmail account and a new VGN account and had no issues with doing so other than the email being placed in the "Junk" folder. This might be a country related issue, does your hotmail end with .com or something else? I did however notice the outlook.com isn't accepted.
  14. They're all costumes that are already in game just different base colours. Not really much point in adding them when you can just dye the costume that is alreeady available.
  15. It's not going going to change during 106 to 107 tbh. It would either be 105 or 110. I'm guessing its 110 since the previous posts state otherwise.
  16. Server isn't getting taken down as far as I'm aware and I've been working on a nice patch for Halloween to bring before the next content expansion. There is a lot going on in the world right now with lockdowns coming to an end, big releases such as Genshin Impact being released aswell as school starting last month for many players. We understand the activity is much lower than before but we haven't really given up or anything as there is still a fair number of people still playing even if it is just at select times such as PvP. No need to make posts like this to stir the drama pot. If you have a concern about the servers safety it can be done in much more polite ways.
  17. Strange someone else has told me this before too. Thanks for sharing the issue and I'll try add this on to the list of possible reasons the game doesn't open that I give people when responding to help threads!
  18. Have you opened a new PoD map. As the level of monsters you get on your PoD map are dependant on the level in which you created the map and not the level of your character.
  19. It uses Direct x 9 so make sure those libraries are installed aswell as I believe Visual C++ 2008. However, myself I have no experiance with Windows emulation on Linux so I can only provide any information about the game itself.
  20. This is known as a false positive. If you look at the results 1 of 70 anti-virus softwares detected it as a something that can't be trusted. False positives are caused because the application is not signed. If you look at the details section of the .exe file on virus total it states this in the information.
  21. I know this is about scarlet blade but Eden Eternal does something similar so I cannot promise this will fix your issue. However, this issue is generally caused by having your display settings on windows as zoomed in. For Windows 10 try: Right click the desktop and click "Display Settings". Then under "Scale and layout" the setting "Change the size of text, apps and other items" to 100%.
  22. Have you tried reinstalling the game and seeing if that fixes the issue?
  23. Jordan


    You're going to have to provide more information. What game, when does it pop up etc.
  24. I mean you say your not attacking people but then you pretty much are. Also you're very delusional if you think a private server of a game like Grand Fantasia will get 10k players. You have much better games with private servers that don't even get half that. Don't kid yourself. Also I don't remember saying anything but NosTale. However, that game wasn't dead by any means and had more players then every other game on this network at its very best (I mean highest number ever recorded) on a daily basis. So clearly you are just spouting nonsense. However, congratulations. Even if EE closes I wouldn't touch this game with a 10 foot pole now cause its just not worth the headaches. Maybe Bash will be a bit more understanding of you but I had enough headaches with Eden Classic. I'm not going to subject myself to a community that acts as entitled as you are right now. So good luck! Also, just because somethings a hobby doesn't mean you can't profit off it. I cant speak for Bash and Vivi but this a hobby for me. So please do not talk as if you understand how my life works as you have no clue. 😂
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