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Everything posted by GoddessSand

  1. I wish there was a way to see the time counter on buffs that players have when you lock onto them. Sure we can see that they are buffed, but timing attacks really depend on timing the buffs. I'm also curious to know why the DE can run around the longest with more than 1 buff that can also allow them to rotate so they are pretty invincible. The deal with players saying that the SW is OP, is only because we are an assassin class that strike when it will be suitable as in waiting out somebody's buffs. If the DE is never without a buff or we can't time the DE's buffs attacking them is pointless in 1 vs 1. Though the DE should be able to withstand large attacks from multiple players when fully buffed, they shouldn't be unkillable if they aren't fully buffed by any player. Just like the SW isn't unkillable even when fully buffed.
  2. 2) My preferred classes where Whipper, Sentinel and Medic (specially Medic). Considering the servers and such, how it is the state of the game regarding playing with a support class like Medic? Currently the system allows for you to log into 2 clients at once. So, what I recommend is creating one account as your farming and feeding gears to a support character. So, take the Whipper for example, you level it, gear it, and gather gold with it. Then creating another account with an ME on the same faction and use the gold or gears that the WH gathers to feed them to the ME and use the WH to farm exp for the ME to level it. Doing this will allow you to level your own characters and gear them for play instead of relying on others to party you for exp gaining, though at higher levels you will need to be more reliant on parties for exp that may or may not exist since it's a hit and miss really one if somebody is trying to level their characters from 60 to 65.
  3. At level 20 there's two mindsets to have. 1) PvP mindset - I would max escape, artist miss misery, and precision for your level. You'll want at least, fade I would go with 2 pts, ghost walk max, shadow strike max. That would be only as a base and you will have extra skill points to use by lvl 29 and you can customize it according to personal preference and use. 2) PvE mindset only - you'll want to maximize atks and increase your eva to a degree suitable for your level. You don't need to have max Eva and not need to worry about maxing out your escape artist or miss misery. The goal here is to have it each of those skills high enough to rotate on bosses and mobs since you can't reduce mobs or boss attacks and eva is more suitable for PvE over Ch-eva. I'm not that familiar with the lower level PvE needs to give a suggested amount to put in Miss Misery and escape artist, so I would recommend testing it out. To maximize attacks, you can max the passive damage mastery and precision and then spread points out among all skills or place a few skills with high skill points. Personally maxing out slaughter and not worrying about stuns and disables is preference so ignore using them unless you have skill points to spare. But you could go with shadow strike or just stick with using 1 pt in fade and not use ghost walk or contortionist too if you want to increase attacks in other skills. This is pretty much a non-formal approach, but having a basic idea of what exactly your goals are in the game can be helpful in using the skill tree best suited for you. If you are just wanting to burn through levels before you start pvp'ing, then get more pve mindset and change the skill tree later for pvp when you want to pvp at a higher level. The nice things about skill resets, though they cost AP, they can help you change your skill tree to better suit what you want to do. Especially if your play changes the higher level you get.
  4. So, I looked all over for mention of any extra event stuff besides the patch for the game and came up with nothing. However, if players want some Christmas goodies I did find that if you went to the Scarlet blade game web page and clicked on the event and logged in there. What awaits you are some items for you to collect. I recommend letting other know it is there and pass this around so others can claim it before it is removed.
  5. Good, you made a correction on the edit of that post you made, but it wasn't till after you mentioned lingerie jewels and blue jewels. As of last night for me it still read lingerie and blue, but you went back to specifically state ancient jewels so good now you clarified it after it became insignificant. But your English needs work and you should stop with using "u" instead of "you" and your first statement wasn't in the form of a question so there shouldn't be question mark at the end. Then you make this statement that again you put a period in the middle of your last sentence right before "and" and before "are." If you were ending the sentence before "are" then you need to capitalize the "A" in "are" and put a space after the period. Which that last sentence is now confusing because you state that, "it has nothing to do with ancient jewels" meaning you aren't talking about ancient jewels but are talking about ancient jewels. I'm confused about that. So, to answer your question about me being blind, no I'm not blind, you just don't know how to speak or write in English that people understand the first time and you made those corrections after the fact just to try and make me look stupid when it was actually you that still keep making mistakes so let me help clarify jewels for you. Jewels coming in the form of Green, red, Blue, and yellow. Green are jewels that increase a players ability to survive. Red are jewels for improving a player's ability to attack. Blue are jewels that can only go into the lingerie and can be either attack base or survival base. The yellow are special jewels that can be helpful for specific causes like reducing DoT attacks, increasing healing, or piercing through specific defenses of a player. Next are the jewel's grade, yellow for unique and blue for rare. Now if you are going to mention specific jewels, don't do it by color because as you should be able to see that blue is both the color of a lingerie jewel and rare grade jewel as well as yellow is the color for ancient jewels and unique jewels. This post has run it's course and served it's purpose, all you are doing with it is to use it to insult me and not really contributing to the discussion on actually making a suggestion for the topic. So, if you would stick to the topic and stop with your insults that would do more good than forcing a topic to get closed because you want to insult players. If you really cared about improving the game, then make suggestions not insults.
  6. You're thick and stupid, you were talking about Blue Jewels which are Lingerie jewels not Yellow jewels that are ancient jewels that I am talking about. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. But read again that I was saying to create some jewels to counter the void and ch pierce, but not to the point of equally canceling each other out. You can't remove what's there now without pissing off players and your plan wasn't going to work. Even without the void pierce jewels, your ME Is dead.
  7. It really is the loot that is killing the game in my opinion. People can deal with the skills issues in mass pvp, but when you pvp over crap people don't care about pvping for bosses like we once did. Also, I think lowering the difficulty of the hounds and fix loot on the hounds to where they are do able in a certain time period and give stuff of worth to the players, might push for more pvp on hounds like we were doing during 59 cap. Just remember what keeps people really is the ability to get stuff worth fighting over. Even if 1 person can solo a boss, often times we had mass pvp the second somebody tried to solo a boss and somebody else found out. It just required the boss to have good loot to go after it.
  8. Just to be clear, I wasn't wanting the drop rate on them to be so high. Though nobody was getting ancient jewels and I did already have enough ancient jewels and spanners to complete 2 sets of gear. I just disagree with making the ancient void+ jewels, if they implement it, the equal in countering to the ancient void pierce. Unless the Hera is cheating, they are unkillable already against against me and can just kill me in seconds, so I don't know what NoRunNoGun's issue was. Yes, I mixed up my gear sets and I was using full void pierce ancient jewels, so either Hera was cheating or NoRunNoGun doesn't know how to tank and kill a SW. Though Unique costumes I think should be made higher than they are, not because it will make everybody OP, because they don't, but that it would allow people to start grafting rare costumes from AP shop onto them more like I would like to do to make more outfits to wear instead of being stuck with the one costume that I've already grafted onto my only unique costume I have that I want to wear.
  9. The 3 day premium medallions were event exclusive. Just wait for Christmas event to get them. At least that's where people were getting them last Christmas as well as previous events like Halloween and Easter.
  10. The helmet will come with a bangle, necklace, and 2 rings. Those 3 can increase damage more than protection from a helmet will do. Adding some counters to ancient jewels can help more than continuing to nerf players out of usefulness.
  11. So, people might be too OP with void pierce ancient jewels. What about an ancient jewel that gives Void like .37 for unique and .30 for rare? Could do something similar to the other ancient jewels except for DoT increase.
  12. Start with PvE 101, I don't think PvP 101 is offered at that level.
  13. Wait? You talking about Janus where I smacked you around and you couldn't get 1 kill? "all of us" seems like you need help to get me.
  14. I don't know about that, I just smacked NoRunNoGun around the other day.
  15. All those SWs makes me want to set a ME skill tree or makes a SE to smack them around. But really most players who play SWs can't really counter my SW even if I give them the first strike and can't do much without support at level 63 and barely do much at 64. The SW isn't even the best class for survival if you know what you are doing. Good luck all you SWs when SEs play against you.
  16. Well, previous patch Ch-eva barely worked on a ME against SWs. It allows them to barely have a miss on a stun or disable if the player didn't have enough ch-acc. SWs do tend to attack MEs as if they are built like a tank so the ch-eva would semi work against some SW's attacks. If they think that going ch-eva against me is going to work, they have another thing coming against my anti ch-eva builds. What ME's get in Ch-eva though has nothing against a SW with anything above 260% ch-acc and SEs who build anti SW gears can also easily destroy a Ch-eva medic. Their best bet is to play cat and mouse with SWs by way of disable/stun the SW and run away for the SW to try and catch them.
  17. Annie tries to rely on Ch-eva probably with using Goddess sets for the ch-eva and ch-resist. Failed before changes once I saw them pulling that and fails now because a ch-acc set on SW is good against SWs too. That's why they are upset about it not working any more.
  18. First you are rude and I will post regardless of your desires to not have me do so. It's this attitude of yours that needs to be changed. PPL quit and come back all the time. Just look at the surge of players that popped up out of no where during the Halloween event and now where are they? They'll be back for Christmas and leave after that, happens all the time. Making 1 class OP over all others isn't what they want to do, they want to make each class challenging in their own way so that 1 person can't just easily take on everybody without changing their gears or skill tree. Yes, the SW can kill a ME, some SW's will struggle still if they don't know what they are doing, but the ME shouldn't be unkillable. There are skills that the ME can use to survive a SW, but many aren't really investing points in them. I could point out an Anti SW build, but again you don't want my help. I could also make a ME harder to kill against other classes too. The point though about a ME is that it isn't solo player and others should be mindful of their ME to protect it. Though the one fix, not sure if it got fixed yet, is that the ch-eva the ME is supposed to give isn't as high as it was stated that it should be. Meaning that it currently only gives 500ch-eva instead of 1300, which is only 5% off the ch-acc instead of 13% off and that makes a huge difference. PvP isn't a 1 vs all others, it's a group effort. Learning how to play in as a team makes the group more powerful. You can have the greatest gears, skill trees, and solo players in the world, but if you can't play as a team you're nothing but a group of under skilled players. edit: PS - the ME has a detect skill that prevents the SW from hiding from the ME and it is currently broken as it gives it to other players too when it's not supposed too. There's also a skill that the ME has that reduces the SW's concealment. So, while the concealment can be an advantage against people, that detect removes that advantage.
  19. 1) SW's have always had a debuff, now that 1 debuff is just split into 2 debuffs that are each half of the original. That means that we have to use an extra skill to get 2 debuffs off to equal the amount of the original debuff. SW's can only use blue jewels in lingerie only, they have to use red and green just like the rest of the players. ME's can also use blue jewels and they aren't kept from them. The ME, if you want to be harder to kill can use the blue Crit void or HP. I'm not going to tell you anything on how to survive a SW because you can learn that on your own. From patch notes, the SW's AOE stuns/disable skills weren't touched. The fact that you are calling them OP is only due to players putting more points in them now. Many SW's actually can't be as OP as they were before because they were running around with a Kali attack glitch all the time. They also lost the support atk buffs from SE's and I believe PU's. 2) you answered you own topic when you said that there are HP regen ancient jewels. If you know how to build a ME you would know how to handle SWs, I can explain it but you really don't want me answering you. 3) As for the faction balance, the pendulum just keeps swinging from one side to the other. Even the GMs will admit that FC doesn't really balance the game out. If players really cared about balance, they would make a character on each faction and then play the side with the least number of people till both sides are as evenly matched as possible. They don't, but it's not the GM's fault really for the game being unbalanced. Just look at the track record of how long the RGs had a winning streak in AK and NB over FK. I've tried to balance the game lately by playing the RG side more since FK highly outnumbers the RG and if it continues too long RG's will be left with 1 or 2 people in AK on their side because people don't care about fair even play.
  20. PU's that join with a lvl 63 under geared isn't going to last much against a lvl 65 fully geared SW. But a lvl 65 PU I'm not sure what to do about it without them being too OP. There are also WHs that complain about their characters no longer being of use. Not sure what to do to make everybody happy because you boost one you nerf another. Some things they could do but would require them boosting other characters like the SW's def time length.
  21. Getting a bit off topic now, but unique jewels are harder to come by as it took me 6 months to get 2 full sets of unique jewels back in 54 cap and since then I am lucky to see 1 unique jewel and that includes before nerfing DS and DTO from dropping more unique gear. So, when we talk about nothing worth farming DMHM for smoldering lava rocks is pretty much all the DG is good for, while DS and DTO are pretty much almost pointless to farm because drops aren't that special as I get more SP jewels over any other jewel per run. I'd like to see DG drops fixed after you are all done with skills before releasing any more gear, level cap increases, and even Mechs. I'd also like to point out that Vivi doesn't have to release a new DG or map next cap unless she plans to create an alternative to BGs. I think the DV map is big enough to take certain mobs and alter their levels and Amara can remain a PvP map. This would allow Vivi the ability to take more time to map a 70+ pvp map, DGs, and gear. I also recommend that Vivi forgo using magic and rare gears for future level caps to also save time on gears people don't use at all. If anything she could make a stage 1(normal), stage 2(magic), and stage 3(rare) gears that have no stats so she doesn't waste time putting stats in them if she really cares that there should be normal, magic, and rare type gears.
  22. And here I did it for 2 sets of accessories for 2 toons and 1 set of accessories for 2 Medics and all 4 has about 16 pet chips made into rank 2. Upon the first release of DMHM with accessories and petchip lvl 2, I can't remember how long it took, but I can say it didn't have a good drop rate for smoldering lava rocks as it does today I think.
  23. last I ran DMHM I was getting about 20 smoldering lava rocks per hour. This is really all I needed to farm for, but gathered other items for good measure. But with current crafting requirements you need 300 for all your accessories and if you go full 11 + gold, drop rate, pet exp, and both arkana exp pet chips for a total of 16 pet chips to make rank 2 you will need an additional 320 for a grand total of 620. Now most people probably only get 10 smoldering lava rocks per hour due to farming speed limitations, will mean you need to spend 62 hours farming DMHM, 31 hours if you get 20/hour like me. With that DG not dropping anything special other than those out of need then farming it will take 1 to 2 months if you just farm 1 hour per day, which is a good amount to farm a day for a player who has a life outside the game.
  24. curious as to why you think that? This is for Scarlet blade players not all of vendetta and more of a joke that people in EE wouldn't understand. Moving to community would seem odd since I'm not selling anything or what not. I don't think they need to move it to banter and besides I don't use the banter section or go there to see what is being posted because I strictly stick with scarlet blade sections.
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