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Everything posted by GoddessSand

  1. What are you doing to gain exp? Anything you kill that is below 9 levels of what level you are won't give you anything. So, at 23 you can't kill level 13 mobs for exp, but level 14 will still give you some. However, higher level mobs give the more exp. If you are trying to level up quickly on your own you could try running a few Dungeon runs. But you could also shout in game on wanting to gain exp.
  2. If you are going to invest in Poison smoke, flare and secret charge can help keep a player inside. Otherwise you are mainly relying on Secret charge and mech to keep them in place. But flare has some other benefits like preventing players from running away so the WH could AOE attack the group. It also helps keep certain players from attacking you mid rotation when they come too close. But your game is your game and if what you do works for you it might not work for others.
  3. Is it pushing people back or the lag can cause a gap? If it pushes people back, can we get it to do the opposite? That would be great.
  4. Actually I think this is more of a @Vivi matter since she would need to delete the character associated with the name in the database.
  5. That's what forcing a player in it is. Either you deploy it before you atk them or after, either way you forced a person to be in one.
  6. Poison smoke is an AOE ground atk, the reduction of ch-acc in my opinion really doesn't help the SW except from players who step inside the AOE, the player who would most likely step inside willingly are the DEs because they don't have skills that can be used constantly from the outside. The SE and PU can shoot from outside unless they are forced into the circle by the SW. The WH and CB can pull players from the outside to attack them at close range so they don't have to step in as well and would have to be forced into it by the SW. MEs don't need to step into it at all let alone attack anybody if they are a support ME, that most MEs are, and can heal or buff from the outside and again would have to be forced into it. So, the ch-acc reduction really only works if players are forced into it. 12% is pretty high and 20% I think is too much.
  7. Recommendation after explanation as to why. ME's for a second. Often times players are forced to use skill points in a skill they would ignore if they could, like SWs needing 6 pts for 2 skills leading up to use resurgent sting or the 2 points in contortionist before other skills. So, I get that people have the notion that the ME should be more focused on the party rather than themselves and skill tree that requires Party buffs before self buffs do just that. Having a ME and not ever set her skills yet in considering what skills to use since she doesn't have the endless supply of skill resets I have come to a conclusion. Those self atk buffs I would never use as a support ME. It is really easy to just ignore all those self atk buffs when your main focus is on the PT and well, you don't need them as a ME if you use all your skills into support because you aren't going to attack jack squat anyway. Also, having said that, it's really easy now to build a ME that can support a PT with atks and Def buffs, while before it was harder to fully do both. I suggest making it a bit more challenging to create a full support ME by requiring self buffs before the PT, particularly in the atk and acc/ch-acc area. As a ME I would max out both PT and self def buffs just because I would need to live as long as I can, but the atks having to use skill points to self buff before party buffs would really force me to choose which of the two buffs I am going to max out or what skills I would reduce in points to max out the atks of the party. It's those party atk buffs that can really break any class into being able to kill more people than normal and make them OP. Recommendation Veil of Offense should require level 3 Offense mastery Veil of Accuracy should require level 2 Accuracy mastery. Other options would be requiring the ME to use points into certain atk skills like those with stuns or disables before they are allowed to buff the party with atks and acc/ch-acc.
  8. Well, considering that the atk buffs are at the top and the def buffs are at the bottom is what bugs me about the skill tree. Why not put all the self buffs starting with atk down the second column from the right and the PT buffs on that far right column. That way all PT buffs are grouped together and all self buffs are grouped together and they go side by side to get a smoother look of the buffs and then move the Detection skills down to the very bottom maybe?
  9. No it does not. Only 500 ch-eva, which is 5% not 13, unless what is said on the skill is different than what the buff gives. I am looking at it on a ME right now.
  10. Increase Ch-eva to 1000k I'll be good. Also, Acc is 20% with eva at 2k so it is even. I say reduce eva to 1k and Acc to 15% for better buff. If ME needs more eva add the reduction to self buff.
  11. I take it that you are freaking out over the Shadow strike and void slash having the same debuffs that are equal in value instead of all the Crit-def, Void, and Def debuffs on one and the ch-resist debuffs on the other. Problem with doing all of one type here on one skill is that that one skill can be OP on some characters and not need the other one. Take players who don't rely on Ch-resist vs those who do, we could possibly just get away with using 1 of the skills on 1 person and leave the other skill for another player for another time.
  12. Currently the MEs eva pt buff cancels out the MEs Acc pt buff. I say give the acc/ch-acc still 5%. Not like the Acc is that much more helpful when looking at players with 15k eva vs 200% acc. With the ME buffs going to 16k eva and 215% which isn't that big of an advantage.
  13. Shadow projection doesn't counter Opponents with ME's Acc/Ch-acc buff it barely scratches at them. 500 Ch-eva vs 20% ch-acc just reduces them down 5% and when dealing with numbers between 80~100% it doesn't make that much of a difference if a player has 100% and you take away only 5% of their ch-acc. ME PTs not only get the Def buffs but the offense buffs too while PTs without MEs have no improved Offense or Defs and are that much weaker in BGs. I think they should make the ME acc/ch-acc buff only 15% and the eva/Ch-eva 1000 to give a 5% increase to the ME over all. That is if both sides have a ME with both buffs.
  14. @ViviJust did a few runs of the Archeron dungeon and got like 2 drops from first boss nothing from second boss and hardly anything from last. No gears, no beta hexweaves, and definitely no unique items. DMHM also seems to be lacking in beta Hexweaves. Also, where are we able to get Beta Hexweaves since we still need them at 60+ if we can't go into areas that drop them?
  15. You want to raise the level cap from 65 to 54? That's actually lowering the level cap not raising it. You can reach level 54 now if you want to stay there, but people would be pissed if you lowered the level cap back down to 54.
  16. Break down at the end. Let me get this straight, the ME will give 20% ch-acc to a party, but only 5% ch-eva to a part. How is a SE with ME Ch-acc buff not more OP than a SW with a Ch-eva buff? It's like saying we are giving the SE up to 100% ch-acc with ME but only subtract 5% for the SWs with a ME. Values are way too in favor of the SE if you ask me, from their detect, move speed, and ch-acc/acc buffs. But didn't the SE also get some debuffs? Just to be clear, the SW can already get 293% ch-acc on their own with rare jewels, adding another 20% on top of that will give them 313% ch-acc. With the SW getting 19.1k Ch-eva on their own with another 500 ch-eva, will give them 19.6K ch-eva. To put this in terms of Ch-acc that is -196% ch-acc. If a player has 313% ch-acc to start they will end up with 117% ch-acc which is over kill and they can switch out a gear piece or two and still have enough ch-acc to stun. If a player has 290%(SE with ME buff) they end up with 94% Ch-acc with only minor 7% chance of missing a stun or disable. Now If that SW doesn't have a ME to buff them while the SE does, the results will look like 290%-193%= 97% ch-acc. So, currently the SE without ME support of 270% ch-acc(Not including a title but does include randoms, gears, and jewels) against a buffed SW with 19.1k ch-eva, the SE will have a resulting 79% ch-acc in the end. To be fair let's show the SW with ME ch-eva buff and SE without ME ch-acc buff, 270%-196%= 74% That is only a difference of 5%. That hardly phases the Ch-acc of the SE. So, when I state that the ME buffs combined with the SE buffs is too much, I really mean it. The ME buffs need to be lowered or the SE buffs need to be lowered. If the means of allowing the ME to greatly increase the Ch-acc of every player while giving a drop in the hat of help to the SWs ch-eva there is a problem in my opinion. But once the SWs ch-eva buff is gone after 10 seconds we end up with 11.1k ch-eva which is nothing against anything above 211% ch-acc, that is easily obtained by any player really without much effort. Which I will state that the SE needs about 3% ch-acc reduction of Ch-acc and the ME could use 5 to 10% reduction of ch-acc while keeping the same Ch-eva increase. The other option would be to keep everything as is and increase the ME ch-eva buff to 1.5k so it at least can take off 15% of the opposing teams ME ch-acc buff instead of 5%. Break down - Ch-acc SE with ME buffed vs Ch-eva SW with ME buffed 290% ch-acc - 196% Ch-eva = 94% ch-acc final for SE (6% chance of missing) Ch-acc SE with ME buff vs Ch-eva SW solo 290% ch-acc - 191 ch-eva =99% ch-acc for the SE (1% chance of missing it might as well be 100%) Ch-acc SE solo vs ch-eva SW solo 270% ch-acc - 191% = 79% ch-acc for the SE Ch-acc SE solo vs ch-eva SW with ME buff 270% ch-acc - 196% = 74% ch-acc for the SE SW ch-acc with ME buff vs SW solo 313% - 191%= 122% (Over kill) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommend - this is with arkana's using rare rank 2 jewels of ch-acc/ch-eva and not including titles SE max ch-acc of 265%, ME support ch-acc of +15%, ME support of Ch-eva - 1k, SW max ch-acc - 276%, Will look like this results SE vs SW SE ch-acc solo vs SW ch-eva solo 265% - 191% = 74% ch-acc SE results SE w/ME ch-acc buff vs SW solo 280% - 191% = 89% ch-acc SE results SE w/ME ch-acc buff vs SW w/ME ch-eva buff 280% - 201% = 80% ch-acc SE results SE solo vs SW w/ME ch-eva buff 265% - 201% = 64% ch-acc SE results SW vs SW SW ch-acc solo vs SW ch-eva solo 276% - 191% = 85% SW ch-acc w/ME buff vs SW ch-eva w/ME buff 291% - 201% = 90% SW ch-acc SW ch-acc w/ME buff vs SW ch-eva solo 291% - 191% = 100% SW ch-acc solo vs SW ch-eva w/ME buff 276% - 201 = 75% ch-acc SW solo
  17. Like put it in a ground drop where players who step into it were debuffed?
  18. Most of the time, any player supported by the Medic is more OP than the players who aren't. Should that be the case that all players who have ME support become too difficult to kill? I did say to reduce the ME support buffs then having SE's higher ch-acc to make sense, but having high ME support buffs and high ch-acc makes the SE too OP. The same goes for the ME support buffs for the SW, reducing them for the party keeps players from being too OP to deal with that it doesn't require an ME on the other side. Often if a ME enters a BG, not AK or NB, the side who got the ME is too OP to deal with.
  19. Did I say 50/50? I don't remember saying 50/50. I do remember stating that getting above 260% ch-acc, which is 70% ch-acc final after SWs buff is getting too high. When they can get 80% final Ch-acc on their own and 100% with ME, that is where I feel it is too much. So, I suggested either reducing the Ch-acc of the ME party buff first and for most. The SE reaching 280% on their own is 90% final ch-acc and thus they should have it reduced down to 260% if the ME buff remains the same or allowed 265~270% if the ME buff gets reduced. Keeping the ME buff where it does in fact create that magic button that automatically allows them to stun when they reach 90~100%, especially when they reach 100%. If there is or isn't a reduction of these values there still needs to be an increase in the duration of escape artist. I use rare rank 2 jewels on my RG toon and thus feel that these values are being placed to these levels would at least give the SW a chance in pvp and in 1 vs 1. Reason is that in 1 vs 1 the SE tends to wear out the SWs buffs by running away really fast, starting in the mech does help the SW but not when there's a lag between mech to arkana to skill use. Still the SE's move speed is way too high. I had advocated for a reduction of the acc/ch-acc of the SW during the last time skills were changed. If the Acc/ch-acc wasn't so damn high players wouldn't need to be highly reliant on void/resistance. Reduce the acc/ch-acc so their max ch-acc is 280% (ch-acc build) and acc to 210%(acc build) and extend the escape artist out to 13 seconds, which is still less time than the buffs other people get, might help balance out the class better. If SWs had to rely more on the Acc/ch-acc their damage would work itself down to reasonable levels.
  20. But they don't have to run around with 190 move speed and starting in mech doesn't make up for that as no class can even up there in move speed. With the support and defense of the current ME class maxing out concealment is a joke. I'll come back to this when I see the ME party detect buff changed back to solo buff, but unless that actually happens the SW like the PU are pretty much dead classes. We can't max enough skills to do much unless we get the ME support that we aren't supposed to rely on. Besides you were doing just fine before skill changes so why the need for more against the SW?
  21. Doing all that to improve the PU and nerf the SW will double down on nerfing the SW. The PUs, SEs, MEs, and WHs can see us coming if they so choose, leaving SWs, DEs, and CBs shouldn't be able to see us coming. With the DEs, CBs, MEs, and WHs having high def buffs, nerfing us makes everybody stronger and cannot be killed. PUs aren't supposed to tank SWs. However, I will say that there does needs some improvements on the PU front. SE's however need a nerf to their movement speed, like big time. They shouldn't be able to travel faster than a 180 bike as that's double the speed of any player and with their slows makes them go 10 to 200 times faster than others. That speed buff should only have them go 150 max or 140 in arkana. Also a nerf to their ch-acc as their Ch-acc reaches past 260% alone gives them closer to 80% ch-acc, which is too high. At most I say they should get 60% or 65% on their own and nerf to the MEs Ch-acc so they can get 75% maybe 78% ch-acc. Currently they can get enough ch-acc to reach 100% meaning they can stun us from a distance run uber fast and kill us while we are buffed and we can't even get close enough to do any damage without getting stunned first. With the SE detect skill, high ch-acc, and the ability to move faster than a bike allows the SE to get close enough for the SW to buff(if they buff too late they are good as dead) once SWs buff they SE just needs to run away for 10 seconds and then start attacking the SWs since SWs buffs are gone. Happens all the time. Having their Ch-acc as high as it is allows them to attack the SW freely and buff or no buff SWs die in seconds. MEs need a nerf to their party buffs including the ch-acc as that gives everybody too much Ch-acc.Giving players anything above 15% is too high. Also, move a small amount of the ME def party buffs over to the ME self buffs and that reduced ch-acc to the ME self buff as well. CBs also need a nerf to their movement speed as they shouldn't be allowed to travel faster than bikes as well. Giving them the same as the SE or less is what I recommend. SWs buffs are now way too short or way too small. If players maintain their buffs for Ch-acc, then the SWs need a increase in duration of escape artist to 13 seconds and ch-eva so the SW can get 20k which it is currently capped at 19k, Players are getting 270 to 290 ch-acc which is 80~100% ch-acc and that's too high since ch-eva is the SWs only saving grace. If players have their ch-acc reduced that get them then increasing the duration of escape artist to a bit longer to about 13 seconds would be helpful since everybody has high def buffs that last longer than 15 seconds. Just a thought, what about increasing Shadow strike slightly make it 5 pts to use and void slash reduced by the amount shadow strike got increased and make void slash 3 pts to use? Not sure what else to talk about.
  22. So, when will the ME get the detect buff alone? From what I see it is a party buff and not a self buff.
  23. Interesting, I've seen more 34/44 unique earrings since last patch. I think people switched to their lower toons now that they are full of ancient spanners and jewels.
  24. Thanks for commenting this. Hopefully more people would add their suggestions or what worked for them in more comments.
  25. Does that same result happen if you go to fade and jump off a high ledge? Because jumping off that ledge at spawn will kill some of your HP and I wonder if that loss in HP causes you to be kicked out of fade. I normally don't fade and then jump down and fade after jumping down.
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