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Everything posted by Daddy

  1. ye Vivi started shrinking them cus of lag
  2. I feel like we can only paint over them. Idk if we can even edit them at all.
  3. We can’t edit the 3D due to how they were created and our lack of the source code.
  4. They prob are 😂. I can just send you one tbh. What your ign /faction
  5. Honestly population hasn’t really changed in a very long time. We are always gaining and losing people. And old players keep returning. It’s really just time zones and most things currently revolve around our large bgs until next patch or so.
  6. Yeah you should have a magic lvl 17 mech from the quest line. It may have bugged ? Idk. There are probably relatively cheap mechs on the auction house for a quick fix or you can prob shout for a free one lol. You can also submit a ticket a gm might be able to check your logs.
  7. CONGRATS WINNERS: 1ST: BIKINI (RIGGGGGGGGGGED) @Bikini 2ND: FILOMENA @Filomena 3RD: LARRISSA @Larrissa u get ur shit when i log on
  8. oop sry. you can use this for lvl 49 leveling. I also suggest getting acc/chacc unless you think you arent tanky enough. Also if that is the case move points into passive. https://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=1&l=N&s=00000116117636a72361b6 There's 2 left over points you can play with. Blinding is meh against mobs. Blazing glitches dot reduction on mobs so I wouldnt get unless you are pvping. You could add auto atk as it makes it a bit smoother for leveling, most people drop the first 2 skills. Also since you are leveling you can move points out of the pulls and stun (keep the skills tho) and place them elsewhere since they aren't completely necessary to have maxed for leveling.
  9. Do you want a leveling build or something else ?
  10. ap is money only but a lot of those things are pretty easy to obtain via farming/drops. i suggest joining a guild that generally helps new players out. RG has Inquistors and Joker on FK. imo the only thing players generally spend money on is their pet + pet chips.
  11. @KawaiiNyanNyanur both demons
  12. Hi Arkana! I've been getting a little lonely down here and haven't been able to get away from the beach. You would think being permanently ordered to watch over the Mereholt beach would be fun, but sometimes I want to explore! Can you share some cool pictures with me from your adventures? I'll pay you well! Thank in advance. - Momo ----------------------------- Hello!! Find a really beautiful spot, make a coordinated photo with your friends, or take a cool/funny screenshot of anything else you can think of to participate in this event! Each person is limited to one screenshot, also I will know if you post on an alt :). Prizes: 1st Place: 800CP x 350 , 1 backpack 2nd Place: 1 Warehouse Code 3rd Place: 7d Premium Medal Bonus points if u hav a screenshot of killing bikini on wanted. (bonus points do nothing) Check thread lock time for final submission time/date. (March 12, 5PM PST) No photo editing 😐 Post your faction & IGN with your submission. Must be Lvl 25+ If you are doing a group photo, only one can submit. If chosen, the prize will be altered to a less valuable item to award those involved.
  13. thx noobies im workin on a nice lil patchy patchy for bgs
  14. Yeah that’s been on the back burner for me 😂 it’ll happen just not sure when
  15. Banana and I are looking at fixing some pet chips that aeria made bad or no longer fit in with our game 🤠
  16. It got moved the wrong way 😂 should be happening today not yesterday
  17. Thanks for feedback. Pls keep to one thread though there’s already one up.
  18. Lol rip maybe you got bugged. Vivi had to add it manually to our reset so it would remain unchanged. I’m sure she will check to make sure next time it doesn’t happen again. edit: also we’re getting new ones so we will make sure it won’t get wiped 🤠
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