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  1. Hello guys, I'm opening this topic to discuss ideas about what should change in the Shaman. I tried to make it balanced in both aspects (MDPS and Healer), but I leave the full healing aspect and suggestions to the main healers. Everyone here knows that: no matters how much you like and spend to make Shaman viable in PvP or PvE, there's always a class that does what Shaman does but BETTER. While reading this topic, remember that everything here is my opinion. There is no guarantee that anything will change after this post. Jordan is the one who decides if there is a POSSIBILITY for something to be changed. 1. What I want? As a blue class makes no sense building up Shaman to be exclusively MDPS, we already have Mage, Illusionist and Warlock. We need avarage DMG and Good Support. 2. Why? The main reason to use Cleric instead of Shaman is: Purifying Wind. The main reason to use any MDPS class instead of Shaman is: Lack of MDPS spammable skills. 3. How? Buffing both aspects and creating mechanics that can change its viability and gameplay in PvP and PvE. Shaman can be viable as MDPS, Full Support or Hybrid, depends on your gameplay, but here I made it to be togglable, changed a single buff that can improve your gameplay preference. 3.1 Buffs and Transformation Earth Energy and Marks of Wind are useful buffs and shouldn't be changed. Panther Transform: This one will work as 2 instances: Off = No Buffs, 1 = Healing Instance, 2 = MDPS Instance. (give it an animal name or whatever). Healing instance: WIS or G-Heal +X% using Mace. MDPS instance: MATK + X% using Staff or Grimoire (or only Grimoire). Thorn Shield: Increases targets DEF for 10 seconds. When the time runs out the shield explodes healing X (avarage heal) amount the allies units within a 10-foot area. Cooldown of 40 seconds. 3.2 Totems It's complicated, because when Totem Master was released we didn't had a good experience with strong totems, but i will try to make it as fair as possible. 1st. Make it immune to spells (only auto attacks can kill them) or make it unkillable. 2nd. If they can be killed, increase HP or give to it a property that it only receives 1 dmg per hit and needs 30-40 hits to die. 3rd. They need to be more visible, so your party can be aware to where they should be positioned (around the totem) and the enemy party can know what or where they have to focus. Totem of Grace: Instantly summons a Totem of Grace to assist you, casting Drops of Heaven every X seconds (min 1s.). Drops of Heaven: Randomly removes 1 debuff from target (AOE around 10-foot) and gives 1 stack of Grace (when reach 5 stacks of grace, removes 1 additional debuff). I dont know if it's possible but X must be something around 15 seconds and suffer influence of the Shaman castspeed when the summoning to happen. Lasts 35 seconds. Cooldown: 40 seconds. Totem of Wrath: Instantly summons a Totem of Wrath to assist you, casting Wave every 3 sec. Wave: Decreases ATK Speed and Cast Speed of the enemies within a 10-foot area with a small chance to inflinct mundane on enemies. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 25 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds. 3.3 Damage and Healing Skills Lightning Druid (Rage of Lightning): - If casted in an enemy target, inflicts lightning damage to all nearby enemies within a 20-foot area, 25% chance of double-hit. Inflicts Rage on enemies and stacks up 3 times. - If casted in an ally target, heals all nearby party members within the 20-foot area by +X HP. Applies Spark buff on allies and stacks up 3 times. Avarage Cast time, no cooldown. Primal Nature (Natural Punishment): - If casted in an enemy target, deals nature damage with a chance to immobilize target for 3 seconds. If target is under Rage debuff, damage strikes three times (triple-hit) . - If casted in an ally target, heals instantly (75% of divine light effectiveness) and increases mov. speed by 10% for 2 seconds. If target is under Spark buff, heals it for X HP per second for 5 seconds. Instant, low cooldown. 3.4 King's Summon No changes needed here. I tried to keep it as short as possible. If you don't like something, make your suggestions of what should be done instead of what I suggested.
    1 point
  2. My goodness you're dumb and just looking for a fight lol. People suggested I revereted a class to its original form because it was better like that. I followed their suggestion because it is better than it is now and it's part of classic. You are suggest I follow the path I went with Awaken and rework classes or atleast part of a class. This is an entirely different arguement. The whole purpose of the discussion is why I said "Making it a place AoE likely doesn't change anything". The person simply asked why I bothered changing the other classes so I specifically stated why I did change them and why it doesn't effect Engineer but effects those 2 classes. This has nothing to do with reworks and if you reply with this hostile nonsene more I will simply just ignore the replys regardless if you're asking for my response or not. You're wasting my time dealing with your nonsense. Take a note from Skyrith. They listen, they try to understand what I'm saying, they make counter points or question my thoughts. They give information. You do not have to agree with me but shouting and throwing a tantrum everytime someone negates your ideas is just silly and a waste of everyones time.
    1 point
  3. Shaman was all but an example of something that if we where to say screw it and start reworking things it would be of a higher priority than Engineer is. Pretty much all classes have a way to make them work but there is some like Shaman that are very low tier and even though you can make them work its like, why play healing Shaman when Cleric can do pretty much everything else better. I'm someone whos of the opinion that there isn't really anything needing to be done because everything has its place. Doesn't mean I cannot listen and discuss with other players about the possibillity. I think you missed a lot of what I said / meant judging by the response. The statment regarding Bulwalk didn't have anything to do with missles and all that mumbo jumbo. What makes Mecha Ares strong is Bulwalk as its a permenant double damage buff. Just like Super Iron Man does. You'd literally be making it strong for the exact same reason Mecha Ares is strong and that is 80~90% down to just having permenant double damage AoE's. This is not a way to balance a class because at the classes core it is still weak and relies on a single buff, which forces people's hand to run buff removal trophies just like it does on the Awaken Server. This point I wanted to specifically highlight as you're comparing Apples to Oranges here. Samurai is the easist flaw to this statement because its a straight line skill shot and no an AoE skill. When the skill is lock-on target to the enemy, you have to factor in travel time. When the skill is traveling to the target the target can side step and evade the skill without an sort of counter-measure for the Samurai to perform. This makes it really hard to hit targets that are constantly moving and makes the Samurai almost unplayable in PvP. With the place AoE however you can use it to predict where the target will move too and fire the skill shot at the direction they're running towards rather than the location they're moving from. This is a massive difference and any Samura player would agree with me unless you're talking about boss hunting, then bosses are much easier without having to aim as they do not move. As for Bard again Apples to Oranges. People didn't care as much for the place AoE as they cared for the instant cast. The place AoE just came with it although I could have happily left it a target AoE and people would still be just as happy with the Instant cast being back. If you're having doubts about the points I made please refer to the original suggestion posts to understand what I'm talking about: https://forum.vendettagn.com/index.php?/topic/10523-bard-skill/ https://forum.vendettagn.com/index.php?/topic/10603-old-samurai-skills/ Again you missed what I meant by my post. I'm not saying that every class is balanced nore am I saying Engineer is a super powerful underrated class. What I'm simply saying with my statement is your approach to balancing is wrong. If we where to change the class, keeping it reliant on a buff so heavily will not do the class any justice because if the class does become popular then people start spamming trophys like Kenny and other Buff Removal gears. You need to fix what is broken at the core of the class. Low M-ATK? Boost the Skill M-ATK as it gets added together anyway. Just throwing durations and buffs at DMG increase buffs is the exact thing that went wrong with Awaken Classes. Put it this way... So say we do your changes we give it more M-ATK and reduce the cooldown of the skill. What happens at 70 Cap when the 70 Double DMG gun comes? What happens when the games M-ATK thresholds get bigger and bigger from the increases of gear? We end up with a situation where we have to rebalance it update by update. Just tacking buffs onto something doesn't always solve the problem and I've learn't that the hard way over many years of constant class balancing to the point where it makes my head want to expload everytime I hear the phrase "class balancing".
    1 point
  4. i do like to add the tiered spender as suggestion too :3
    1 point
  5. Hi, I agree, on the main server the color name from people in our side are grey, the ennemies are red and our party is blue, so it's easier to differentiate our mate. Here we see all people from our side in blue and it's "hard" to see our party when we don't have habit. The only difference between people in the group and those outside is the HP bar. PS: sorry for my english ! :c
    1 point
  6. Yes, it change the visialization a bit. From 40 meters in 0%, you reach 60 meters in 100%.
    1 point
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