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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2020 in Posts

  1. Hello everyone. As mentioned in the classic update thread, the Server could really use some class balancing. I asked around a bit and gathered some opinions from active PvP players. Balancing is a very hard topic itself plus there are some things groundbreaking different to the original classic servers. 1. We have % system in 60/65 cap which we didn't have on the OG servers. Still we only have 50 resistances. Right now mage classes(funny enough) can get enough resis without sacrificing tons of their important stats. 2. Trophysets for resistances, Sage/DK certs are missing so right now we have way to much dmg for way to low counterplay. 3. Due to % being available, Awa Weapons will need to have their % at 125%(this got mentioned somewhere already but didnt find it right now. They originally were at ~ 115% iirc) Ultimately that leads to the good old topic of mage classes being OP as shit right now. Maybe it's just to early to discuss balance changes. Maybe we will have to sit out the 65 cap and awa weapons to see how directions go but pretty likely nothing will change in general. The core problems explained above will still exist the exact same way. Now onto the opinions and suggestions i gathered: 1. % System at the current state of the game was a mistake. There were memes about the % not changing much and it all being about "a few hundred damage in the end" but as we all know by now that's simply false. I could explain this for 2 hours now but i think people that are engaged in the topic get it. Best would be to remove it completely again for now or keep it at 110% max. If i got the announcement in classic updates correctly, for the start of 65 cap gold weapons, 110% will be max anyways? So why not just keep it and do awa weapons 115% as it originally was. (Now onto actual class changes. Note that these are actually mainly coming from Magic DPS mains, so pls don't think this is PDDs complaining) 2. Adjusting Magic DPS, mainly: -> Nerf damage on Illus Icicle(or adjust Icicle into being doublehit instead of triple hit or add cooldown) -> Nerf damage on Mages Snowstorm and/or Fusion Reaction(or lower its range or add cooldown) -> Nerf the stun chance on Priests Holy Smite -> Buff Warlocks by lowering DMG-Spell Cooldowns -> Give Shaman a treatment to be either full DMG or full Heal, right now it's a bad mix between both. An actually good Class depending on nature DMG would be nice.(there already was a thread about reworking shaman so the demand is there) 3. People say Physical DPS should be fine/get better with the upcoming content and eventual MDPS nerfs, but: -> Do not increase Armor to 120% since it'd simply mean a fat PDPS nerf and that'd be just insanely unfair, especially with the current heavy MDPS meta going on. -> Make Tank-Class-Skills(like Warriors Angry Punch for example) usable with 2h-Weapons -> Make the AOE skills of Hunter scale on P-ATK instead of M-ATK 4. General Suggestions not depending on a single class: -> Reduce the DMG-Bonus of knockdown to 1,2 from 1,5 -> Considering the points mentioned at the start, why not find a middle ground about resistances and increase them to 60? That'd be perfectly combinable with weapons maxing out on 110%(if that would happen) I will repeat myself but pls use your brain when reading this and keep things ON TOPIC(i request right now that any posts that have to do with upgrading stuff/safety stones get deleted pls. We for once need a thread to actually discuss these things. We all know that a +2 blue staff mage/illu is shit too). This is by no means a "give or riot", simply just suggestions that were gathered from various people around the Server. If you have any other suggestions FOR CLASS BALANCE, feel free to add them. Also stay out with the "balance changes are not classic", everyone is sick of that meme. As i mentioned at the very start, it'll be very difficult since there are so many systems mixed together and timed differently than it originally was. Some things added earlier like % system, some things non-existent like increased resistances. These are all suggestions for the here and now and current situation. Not how things "should have been if it was classic". Thank you
    2 points
  2. True, at least in arena they will be op. In proper party fights we will see (im not considering ranger which i remember was very good). Also I forgot to say one thing, why is snow storm immobilize not breaking in this server? this wasnt the case in the original, it cucks pdps even harder.
    1 point
  3. What skill tree for level 30 to 40?, because all ive seen in this forum is around level 65+ skill. I failed to kill staider (already 5th attempt still fails) but I killed the other boss the green wheel machine. I think i'm playing this class wrong is there any medic level 30 skill tree guide link in this forum?
    1 point
  4. So i've been playing since forever and never got my enocia warp skill, figured while i have some extra time i should post it.
    1 point
  5. Information Hey everyone, just giving you all a quick update. I know there is a couple of suggestions waiting and some changes to some classes planned but we've had to hold back on the Awaken server side of things due to the ongoing patch work for the next content update. As I've stated in the past its very hard to update things when another update is in the works so I've been trying my best to work around this so changes aren't being neglected. We will have a new patch preview coming this week and I'm trying my best to get it done as fast as I can! Update Added a confirmation button when clicking Reset UI. Added the Old School jump as a selectable Emote skill for all classes. Bug Fixes Fixed the animations on casting that became bugged with the release of Inquisitor. Current Updated Fixed the Territory War party members colour so they now appear blue as expected. Updated the text on Guild Building Reapir for clarity. Enjoy yourselves ❤️
    1 point
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