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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2020 in all areas

  1. Can you add to Banana a Pack of Hexwaves 10x and 50x - doing it 1 by 1 takes ages lol
    2 points
  2. Cairn's and Behemoth's titles should not be for 39lvls since they break balance between classes there Those may not seems so bad as alone like that but Giant title on +12 geared 39lvl WH could break so much class balance in that lvl cap, even now most classes with full +12 gears expect PU hit 1-100 phy dmg hits on with skills on +12 geared 39lvl WH when it have buffs on, for example here my +12 geared SW's dmg with uni envoy set and max atk passive on +12 geared WH that use buff. Wh did able out heal my dmg with 35lvl hp pots which is insane when im full +12 with uni envoy set and before anyone say that try attack in fade mode when it not buffed, all what WH need to do is look map for rival dot before you even close target and try to fade and if it vanishes it will know that there sw and be alerted and buff up and they on bike so they able ruin your possible rotation with cap that bike make when you try attack moving bike, even if you able start rotation on wh you wont able get even 40% hp off since stun/disable duration so low so it able easily buff up, so if +12 39lvl WH get that Giant title most classes could not able do anything against it, and for Elementalist title it could make +12 40lvl pet 39lvl medic pretty much unkillable since increased Healing Rate 5% is lot for that lvl cap.
    2 points
  3. No, just no. We're a lot of players who have already completed our Achievements, we've spent days at the farm. And Jordan's already cut a lot of pirate spawning time to help us, that's good enough.
    1 point
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