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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2021 in Posts

  1. IGN:Judgement You're welcome.
    3 points
  2. Game doesn't support account based quests from my knowledge. The only way to achieve this as of the moment would either be with a website box or daily login changes since they're account based. Also I get why you suggest this but I think if the coin rate itself is too bad then improvements need to be made there rather than just something to encourage it since it should feel rewarding to do the quests which clearly I haven't done the best job with since last event apparently. I do think maybe adding some more single completition quests maybe next week would be a good start but I'll look into it more. I mean you say this but then actually give a good well structure post thats easy to understand and clearly points to what you wanna suggest. So clearly you do know how to respond without sounding like an ass or commanding lol. The pictures break the structure of your post and break up the text. You saying "Ohh god, 30 tokens is too much farming" is much easier to say than taking a picture of something and then doing all this "... This ... This". It's just fluff and nonsense. They don't add to the topic and they add no more context to the post than you literally writing that you feel the grind is heavy. But i mean the above quote literally explains both the pictures without even needing to look at them, that is my point. As for your actual post though. I'll look into some changes to make for maintenance next week and if I feel necessary maybe extend the event 1 more week depending on the outcome. I understand why you have complaints about the grind/tokens as now that I've looked into it more I have noticed some flaws that where missed when I originally made it.
    2 points
  3. Week 1: Right click and Save As these images to add them to your computer: MUST COMPLETE BEFORE: 10am EST Gdod luck !
    1 point
  4. Hello, While handing a storage characters some crafting materials and trying to auto-sort them, I noticed they didn't quite sort right. I got some more mats from wherever I could borrow a few to see what was up, and noticed multiple different materials had levels 75, 80, 85 and 90 sort in front of lower level mats. The mats dropped by non-summoned mobs are by far the worst. Hearts + cores and bloods + ashes alternate one another, on top of having levels 75, 80, 85 and 90 sort in front of the rest once again. All different mats from non-summoned mobs I could find or get with EP, autosorted. I know this is likely not going to be a priority of things to be fixed or changed, but having it be acknowledged would be a nice start. Thank you for your time.
    1 point
  5. Hola. Hi, sweethearts linked to vendettagn. Wepa wepa Corazones conectados en vendettagn. Here I'm doing the 3rd Edition to this forum. In this forum, I will address 1 extra thing. I will add a 6th Lv. 65 Medic Built that is related to offer a very strong defensive tank type of Medic that works out. Its name base on a Scarlet stone cuz how strong Scarlet can be and because of the red color that is a color that identifies with Plasmas skills. Make sure you use all your 104 Skills points on lv 65 Skills. 6-''Scarlet Tank'' ME Very recommended: It is very well built to start over in level 65 since it has a mix of dots, good cleansing, Great heals, and Great Defensive Power. Goods: Team only PVE, PVP Built – Medium dots / plasma skills + max HPs + Hight Heals group skills+ Max HP Passive Full Max Defense Buff + Acc buff + + 2 have stuns Attacks + Great to use with EVA Jewels Con: No dungeon solo with this built, no atomic-control crows attacks skills, Low Restoration Skill (LV2) + No DPS Basic skills, no speed, no Teleport, No Mobility Skills, No stunt skills, no detection buff, no ATK Buffs, and no Acc buffs, No Speed Passive, Low Evasion Stats, No High Damage attacks,. The player does not require to be fast in movement in this built. One of the tackiest built (Max defensive built) you can do as a ME player. Very Recommended with the Green Jewels of HP and Crit-Void. Work out too with CH-EVA green Jewels. http://limeox.info/app/scarlet/sim/?c=4&l=11&s=l00000000000032fd25100007eb0308 I hope you like it, please tell me if any of this work for you. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
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