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  1. Yesterday
  2. Status: OFFLINE The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  3. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  4. Last week
  5. As Jordan mentioned, the latest C++ does nothing for Eden as Eden does not use the latest versions. You need to make sure you download the actual version Eden uses (which Jordan has listed) and download both the x86 and x64 versions of it.
  6. But this only happens with Eden eternal Vendetta
  7. Dyes: Light Gray✔️ Maple✔️ Box: Hello kitty english dress✔️ Sakuya Hime pet
  8. Welcome back! If I well remember you was with us in Inquisitors. I usually kick 3 months+ inactive players, but you are welcome to jon us again if you like. We are mostly active in 39-55 bunker at the moment.
  9. Hello hello. Yes, I think I found your little punisher in Janus. You are good, don't surrend!
  10. After checking into it, it does seem to be a specific quirk with the specific DoT in question (I presume the other DoT's tested are of a similar aspect). As mentioned above you can see its not the case that elemental is capped at less than 70 because you can test it with the flat damage skills like light split.
  11. I'd like to join an active guild, I know that there aren't many players but are there any active ones right now?
  12. Well, after testing the Conjurer's skill myself, it's true, that DoT is capped at 50% resistance. This also happens with the Battlefield Poet class's skill, Dark Metal (Using the Enhanced Largoth's Nightmare Horns trophy, I can counteract the -7 pts reduction of the 1x stack). I'm also aware that some skills inflict a DoT based on P-ATK/M-ATK, so there's no need to talk about them. There are also certain DoTs that deal flat damage, like the Conjurer class's Lightning Dragon skill, so we can omit them for this case. This was probably done intentionally, but Jordan is the most suitable person to answer that. However, resistances work the same way for both PvE and PvP. If you use, for example, the Luminary class and use the Light Split skill, you can verify that it respects the resistance reduction between 1 to 70 resistance points (in this case, for holy type). They can also go up to -70 points for elemental types. In the case of the Annihilator, when choosing elemental damage, we can consider the game's description which indicates (Capped at 50% vs Physical Damage) when hovering over any of the elemental resistances, with the limit being -50 elemental points as well. What's interesting is that it also affects reducing defense if you're wondering. With true resistances, something different happens, but I'll explain the case using this post in case there's any doubt; If a boss has a base resistance of 65, for example, for Slash type, and it also has +15 true Slash resistance, this means the boss will have 80 resistance points against Slash if we don't reduce anything. However, we can only reduce this boss's Slash resistance by 65 points, since true resistance works like a barrier that prevents exceeding the indicated true resistance value on Bar Buff below his BP Bar. This means the boss will maintain a maximum of 15 positives resistance points. https://imgur.com/a/Ib81WBk I gotta mention we gotta pay attention to the type of true resistance indicated by the boss. If it indicates having only physical true resistances, we can reduce the elemental ones up to -70 points. If it indicates having both physical and elemental, we cannot exceed the indicated value (Probably 15 positives points for physical and 5 positives points for elemental if I remember correctly for Celestial Corridor, for example, bosses like Aquarius or Leo). On the other situation, if it's a boss like Spike from Deep Abyss - Cascade Falls, this particular case only has true resistance for physical damage, so we can reduce a maximum of 80 points of physical resistance and the cap will be +10 positives physical resistances. In contrast, for elemental ones, we can reduce 135 points (65 positives + 70 negatives).
  13. After testing a few dot skills, it seemed that resistances were capped at 50 in pvp : Conjurer's Tundra Corpse Worm lvl130 should inflict 4442 points of damage at 1 stack but when applied on a character with 60-70 ice resistance, it deals 2221 damage which is equivalent to a damage reduction of 50% and thus 50 ice resistance. When applied to a character with -10 to 49 ice resistance, the damage points do correspond to resistance damage reduction. Note : m-atk/p-atk % based dot are also affected by resistances but some dot skills inflict flat damage regardless of the resistance value.
  14. so whenever i try to run the launcher it always gives me an error and after closing it it will not relaunch. can anyone help me pls?
  15. Just want to say high to everyone. Casual player here, just started a week ago
  16. You do not need the most recent one you need the one that is required for this game. Download and install 2008 2010 and 2012 from this page (i have checked the download links, make sure to install both x86 and x64 versions) https://gist.github.com/ChuckMichael/7366c38f27e524add3c54f710678c98b
  17. Earlier
  18. Hello everyone! Patch Preview #1
  19. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  20. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  21. Which C++ did you download, and have you downloaded the directx runtimes as well?
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