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  1. @Vivi I think other people already told that, but pls increase the damage of the guards on NB ASAP like they in Amara. They on NB do so less dmg - no dmg to tanks. Its easy to Camp for both sides at entrance.
    1 point
  2. As of the last time you mentioned this suggestion and although this suggestion makes sense for the most part. You can't really do changes like this to a well established game. You can't really wake up one day and say right, we're reworking an entire mechanic that effects not only 61 classes (Which is technically x5 since 5 races) but also every single boss/monster. The buff system is basically how the entire backend of this game works. KP is buffs, achievement titles are buffs, equipment are buffs and the list just goes on. Like my character is outdated it has almost all 65 achievements I'm just missing like 4 enchants using a 95 set and gears that where acceptable at 95 gears. Even without glyphs and a pet pray I had over 150 buffs active on my character. So you can probably double that atleast for normal geared characters. So although in theory changing something like this might look simple on the outside, your talking about modifying literally about 50,000 - 60,000 items of data and thats after you add the functionality such as prioritzing the Tier 1 buffs over the Tier 2 buffs. Regardless of the above information the only other factor I can mention is this would take months of work for something I don't really think people would want / appreciate. In theory yeh it's more balanced but at the end of the day its not really EE. I would argue that it's not really super imbalanced now (asside from PDPS being a bit too strong in PvE). A lot of classes even if not played are actually playable in PvP modes and all it takes is for someone to actually build it and try it before it becomes the new thing that people play. The only issue comes from the fact that the game is balanced around the idea of group PvP and thats why when you introduce 3v3 to the mix its just super imbalanced. However, the aim of this post was to try and find ways to make the lower scale PvP's more balanced or at the very least, more fun.
    1 point
  3. Enocia , when it happen then it should be for all Levels. 🐦🐦
    1 point
  4. They wouldn't be effected? That's a lot easier said then done. There's no way to block by IP and faction alone. Block all accounts to just 1 faction, fine, doable, but that's something that would've had to be done on opening, not 4+ years in.
    1 point
  5. Both eden servers aren't dying though?
    1 point
  6. Thanks lll see what we can do. I know whipper needs some attention.
    1 point
  7. There are some skills that do need an animation change, though its not 100% casting time related. @Daddy
    1 point
  8. I must admit, long ago like around 2010, i was playing alot, but really alot. I was enjoying so much this game, i had a level 30 ranger and 40 assassin and would just go in pvp with a stuff of +9 and would get MVP over 50% of the time. We would play this game 5hours + a day and were having so much fun, i even did cs when i was like 14 ( 8 years ago). We would do ruins everyday because it gave so much xp (kappa) and would do so many dungeons in group because it was fun and harder, because only the one who spent like 500$ had a stuff +15. 3 years ago i stopped because i had something happening in my life and now that i came back. I am full GW / GVG Stuff +17 full stuff and 7 different weapons, 3 different armors, like so much stuff and xp and kratto Mount. And even with all that, i jump in the arena, get crit 10k and die in 4-5 hits because some people have everything +20. How did we go from everything +9 and you can often be mvp to -> Ranger level 40 have 10k attacks??? like what is this???? If you guys create a server, i join within 5 minutes and play this game every single day. I wish i could enjoy this old game where i crafted my items and armors and did quest and went on my pvp char for fun when i was tired of grinding. I feel like i've lost so much time and money on that stupid server because even with more than 5 years of constant gameplay. The community is dead. I would do anything to have a good server! Please do it!
    1 point
  9. Thank you very much for your insight and efforts explaining this to us. I cannot promise anything but I can see about doing something, we just need to be sure it fits right. I need to assess a few things including my own well being before I decide to take on another project. I've only recently returned and taking on a big project like this might be bad for the network at it's current stage. The continued interest does re-ignite and I can't lie we had this game on the test server with a website and full back end all done. It was pretty much thumbs up and we had to cancel so it's not as if we've not been almost there before.
    1 point
  10. Ok hear me out. With both of the Eden Eternal servers dying slowly, could we bring the thought of trying a Grand Fantasia Classic server back into the mix for a new VGN game? The discord that was made to show support for the game showed that the game could possibly be a hit with over 1500 people joining.
    0 points
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