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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2020 in all areas

  1. I think we all know main problem in the game's balance at the moment. I think there is something VERY wrong when you get two to three lines of debuffs at once, and there are many, I think, who'll agree with this case and that something needs to be done. I'd just suggest removing some of the debuffs in general, knowing it's just so horribly imbalanced right now. I have never seen in ANY game an issue like this. I know that DE's are way over the top in power now, I know that PU's overpowered, I know that ME's are a walking hospital, but can we please fix this, and all the other issues might not seem as horrible anymore. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
    2 points
  2. Another topic to add to this is the number of buffs out there from every character. I find that my SW could reach 40k+ HP with the help of the CB and ME. Then it can reach 20k+ in crit atk with the help of ME(I believe), and PU. Then you have the PU and ME detect skills that buff everyone making SWs impossible to hide from a SE since there's no conceal buff from any other character. While I think it's important for some characters lending support buffs, some of those support buffs added with that list of debuffs can and do make characters far too OP.
    1 point
  3. I agree. It's like everybody and their mother has an AOE type debuff. Skills do need to be looked at and re-evaluated for everybody. When I used to be able to evade stuns I no longer can with those who are SW focused. Since I can't evade stuns with WH's I try to evade their pulls and still fail and get stunned anyway. So, something really has to give on these debuffs to where they may need to require them to be a single target debuff over an AOE debuff. WH's should be the only character using AOE debuffs with the exception of certain skills on certain players.
    1 point
  4. I wanted to state the problem which is bugging the players since quite a few time. I know not many of you will agree to it. Im just expressing my opinion about it that the drop rates in trials are so low. I reckon with 4members in the trial party using Loot charms wouldn't make the boss drop the weapon nor the trophy. I personally have done more than 10 trials of century and i still have not seen valmor drop his rings or staff or his trophy. Im playing this game when the main server had Lv70 cap but i cannot recall having so low drop rate. As i already stated that people may or may not agree with me but, trials have become a place to leech classes not to get good trophies/rings/weapons/armor blueprint etc. I personally have leeched no denying the fact because we never get the thing we need from trials, i understand for some players it may drop but the majority are in dry runs. Using loot charm just makes the runs go drier to dry nothing good comes out of it. I only request the GM/GS to give class drops or least increase drop rates in trials, as doing trials for gears will be lot fun than doing it to leech classes.
    1 point
  5. We are capable of adding a confirmation box yes.
    1 point
  6. That's how it looked like
    1 point
  7. This is so disgustingly wrong that i'm kinda lost for words. As others here said you CHOSE to spend your money on gambling instead of just selling the ECs/Eternal points. Let say you sell 200 ECs for a normal price of 60g each(you can get way more out of it if you know how to sell properly a bit), making it 12k Gold. For the gigabrains sake let's say you buy Safety Stones at 1k each, still making it 12 Safety Stones you SAFELY GET WITHOUT ANY GAMBLING OR RISK AT ALL. That's a money-to-outcome increase of a whopping 500% to your current way of cashing. I can only congratulate the server on people with that mindset of yours, since yall keep the server alive for pretty long.
    1 point
  8. I personally found the idea really great but not like that here my suggestion 10 being the max I propose to make it 10 in mine 10 in farm not 20 globally cause it would make it way much easier. Giving 10 of each would make it little easier but better experience for player who farm and mine a lot.
    1 point
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