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Scarlet Blade Support
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Everything posted by Norleras

  1. My WH is built strictly for support crowd control. I'll eventually build a ch-acc set next. Getting kills is a secondary objective.
  2. Pepper has killed my lvl 65 WH, but mine doesn't have a second set and my main set is pure acc. We also need to take into account that he uses crisis hp pots in addition to regular hp pots. Not everyone is willing to do that. Also. Just because someone would use someone else's skill build, it doesn't necessarily mean the copy cat can use the build to its full potential.
  3. Except other DPS classes have much more powerful offensive buffs than we do to make for that difference. Cb has their reckless shout powering up their base stats through the roof. PU has both offense cocoon and firing squad both doing that and raising crit-rate and crit-atk through the roof. All SW has is Precision raising crit-rate only, which isn't very good by itself.
  4. plus there are games that are just as hard to grind or harder and you have to either pay for boosters or wait for exp events to make slivers of progress or both
  5. Then you'll have to worry about bullying as well as pvpers complaining about being down by the number of people farming.
  6. I wonder if the dog tags and medals can be exchanged for instant exp pots?
  7. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken. https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/1694/93337l.jpg Noblesse https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ba/36/e1/ba36e1c7b2fdcd0ae16f307a003b7f93.jpg
  8. between some of the most skilled players, it tends to be roughly fifty fifty between SE and SW at best. Also depending on the gear, randoms and jewels, there are other ways of breaking through SEs defenses. I'm currently of the opinion that DE and WH shouldn't be killable in a single rotations anyways with their defensive buffs up, except by PU at a cost
  9. Be nice if she could attack with that satellite too.
  10. The only thing I've yet to see documented is whether your installer, launcher, and SB itself are set to run as administrator. Its not just SB that should be added to exceptions lists. Put EVERYTHING in the SB folder you could possibly add to the lists affiliated to SB should be added.
  11. I'm of the opinion that the premium medals should be an AP item in the shop, so option 3 seems the more reasonable of the options you listed. I'll get additional feedback on the matter from the other staff to see what they think when I get home.
  12. Eh! Nerf the ACC/CH-ACC and let WH pull her own teammates. lol
  13. Remember we can only move BGs around, not add them.
  14. I'd be fine with Siren, but not SP. SP is more of an alternative for the lower levels to EXP grind when there aren't parties for leveling. I'd hate to see that taken away. Secondly, the annoyance of slapping balls instead of players.
  15. I don't agree with the removal of the Powered Binding Stones and the Binding Stones. All that'll do is raise the already high prices of the lvl 50s accessories as you'll be removing an alternative source of acquiring them for the people who cannot afford them. However, I do agree that there is a need for increased drop rates for the Smoldering Laval Rocks. I don't think this is intentional on your part but I worry you're taking your SB Net Worth for granted for suggesting the above.
  16. SWs I don't see any problems avoiding the pulls themselves. It's the stun we always get hit despite having all of our eva/ch-eva buffs up. I'm not going to bother posting %s with Binomial Distribution when there are probabilities ranging from .85 to .95 for those pulls. If anything, keep the ACC the way it is so WH has better chances of pulling SEs. During the time that WH lost her pull stuns, it was a struggle to catch SEs even with near perfect ACC randoms and uni rank 2 ACC jewels. I also agree with Daddy's statement regarding the AoE. WH has enough survivability that I can wait for the perfect moment to aim and catch critical players in the opposing team with it the way it is. That is easy to do.
  17. Another matter to consider is that by adding those NPCs into Enocia, it would defeat the purpose of having the Mereholt quests introducing them in the first place
  18. From a programming perspective, what would be easier to pull off? This or developing a Kilo Crystal for jewels?
  19. Unfortunately the best that could be done is increasing the scroll speeds for titles. Going down by the pixel is a bit silly,
  20. I DC every time around the 51 minute mark or shortly before...
  21. Until they fix the fade bug, that is. But not counting on that happening any time soon.
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