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Everything posted by KawaiiNyanNyan

  1. So, I've been watching these numbers for a while now. Even when you do not think I am there, I find out. The problem isn't which Faction has more numbers and which Faction has less numbers, because to be blunt, both Factions have shown to have almost to equal numbers, just not in the same time zones. This AK times however is definitely in favor of RG Western Time zones and DEFINITELY needs to be changed because now Asian players will have issues coming. As from what I researched, 17:00 EST is at 5 PM which is like 6 AM and 7 AM for Asian time zones such as China, Japan, Singapore, and the Philippines which a lot of the Asian play base is made up of. I really think the best solution to these number differences is for sure having some Western time zoned RG players who are active, switching with Free Knights Asian Time zoned players. I am not sure if anyone would make an agreement to do that though. This could equal to new players who join FK side who are Western based having more help if there are Western players on vice versa with RG and Asian time zoned players. I will try to play even more when possible with both of my medics when I am not sick, but I do really think this is up to the player base if they want even PvP. People for sure have characters on both sides, but a lot of them will just go to the winning side, even if there is a small chance at some balance if they switch the side they are on. So, I do definitely think if players also take initiative and switch sides if there is a possibility of balance is possible. I however will not be like if it's 20 vs 5, you should switch sides because just that one more player will not fix a thing, If it's like 20 v 17 and one side is lacking a class, go help if you truly want balance and want to help the game and the balance issues. As I cannot expect everyone to want to be helpful, I do however believe the few who cry in forums or cry in game to help faction imbalance along with having toons on both sides should try to help. Also, this spawn camping in Bunker and AK is really not helping as well and bullying players who do not wish to do that because it's just not fun is not helping anything. However, if you do have a discord Fatal, please PM me in forums here or in game and I will give you mine so if there is PvP in game where I can possibly help in, you can PM me and let me know. I see when RG need help, but never see when FK need help, but switch when I do come to the actual PvP and see a side completely struggling, but it hasn't really been much because FK have been winning in PvP a lot when I come on and play with the imbalance of classes on each side and RG play knowledge in PvP. This could be my time zone and when I play, but yeah just let me know.
  2. I normally try to advertise the event in shouts so people will know when I can and people can be on more than 1 team.
  3. Yeah, usually that AK is better for FK players due to the Asian Timezone while the one on Wednesday is better for RG players. That was a sad AK though. hahaha
  4. A DPS medic would still count as a medic
  5. So wholesome. Sadly, this game is really competitive and really brings out the worse in people. I wish GS had a option to just mute all in NB or AK until everyone seemed to have calmed down l0l Sometimes, in games especially our egos and emotions just get the better of us and causes some toxic behavior.
  6. Please do not Necro old posts from a year ago. If you have any questions, make a new post. Going to lock this now.
  7. Hehe, so I see you are a fan of rainbows as well? Well, let's see what we can do about that. 😛
  8. Have you tried the basic steps? Verifying the files? Reinstalling?
  9. As there aren't really any Class PvP guides out right now, you can certainly ask players who actively play for advice. I play medic. Pretty much right now it all comes down this: What exactly do you want in your medic? Are you wanting to do damage? Are you wanting to be full support? Do you have experience being a support? There are plenty of medics in game who can offer advice if they are willing to.
  10. Thank you for playing. I do hope someday you can return and play with me again.
  11. IGN: Kαwαii Vivi's heart along with Fairy of Dreams costume for medic tehee~? lol Been looking for that for sure a long time.
  12. I can agree on Medic Phoenix Song sucking pretty badly, especially compared to RX fury. I remember one of Sentinel's ults being crap too. Not sure if it's possible to fix ults or change them around a little, but I would be down with changing CD and even changing ults to make them benefit the class more. That is just me though. Phoenix is fun to troll with, but that's all it's really good for. Trolling. lol.
  13. 124607459_153439193144052_3293158125740794212_o.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=0ba7919-kVEAX8mGMkk&_nc_ht=scontent.fpos10-1.fna&oh=00068eabb4a342f5f11a4707feb924f8&oe=5FE7F579
    Me and BananaHands Junior in my tummy. :D 
    Hoping to find out the gender my next doctor visit!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KawaiiNyanNyan


      Thank you very much!

    3. mrburns


      lol all that quarantine got u preggo ahha love ya and if its a boy MrBurns or burns would be a nice name vHAHAHHA

    4. KawaiiNyanNyan


      Just saw this response. lol 
      And yeah, well... It was on my birthday... LMAO
      Name it Burns Smithers Hands

  14. I actually have majority of the costume pictures on the Vendetta Facebook along with the bikes (Still some missing though!) I will ask Vivi if I can have permission to update the Vendetta forum visual guides to make things easier on her, but for now, people can click on the Facebook link I have in my signature to see costumes until I have those permissions. ^ _ ^ EDIT: If you decide to go to the Vendetta Scarlet Blade FB page, the only thing I ask is to not treat the Facebook page like it's a support ticketing service, It is 100% not that. I and BananaHand are the only GS's who are willing to admin this page and nothing will happen and no responses or you will just be directed to the forums or support page will be made if you are going to message the page with those issues. (Sorry to add this part, I just keep getting players messaging the page like it's a ticketing system when it's 100% not.)
  15. Thank you so much for the feedback and it will be looked at, but it may take a bit for the changes due to us making changes for the level 60+ cap. I will however bookmark this post so once we get done with the 60+ things, we can try to come back and see what we can do to change Baby Bunker to be more enjoyable for you guys.
  16. Sadly, there really isn't much we can do with the bunny ears except color them. Wish there was more we can do with them or I would've made cat ears out of them, but unfortunately, we can't.
  17. Sorry for not being on.

    I am officially pregnant and been struggling with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Hopefully, I can be active again soon. 

    ^ u ^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mrburns


      congrats 2020 been a shitty year but hearing this made it alot better!!!! much love from urs truly burns :)

    3. KawaiiNyanNyan


      Thank you, Burns! BananaHands Jr. is on the way!

    4. arc1276


      Don't know what Hyperemesis Gravidarum is, but congratz again.

  18. Tbh, this is one I actually really wanted to do, but the problem would be is that I cannot add the shoulder armor and would just have to do the actual costume itself which I would believe would destroy the whole "coolness" of the costume. If you and others feel it wouldn't, I would be willing to at least try to do it.
  19. I actually thought this game LACKED anime, cute, and media genre costumes. There are so many sci-fi, sexy, emo-looking, gothic looking costumes, adventurous costumes etc. in this game I thought it would be nice to add some costumes that involved cartoon culture since a lot of us actually really enjoy anime/cartoons. Other ones are being released that I made, dunno if I can actually say what they are here or not, but all of them are not anime. I've had people PM me their ideas, so I decided to try. Some just cannot be done and some can possibly be done. I'd rather just have not just complaints, but actual ideas or I will just do the ideas that I actually have since I do not know what you want. If you have any, let me know. Send pictures, send videos, send links, etc. and I will tell you if it will be possible or not. Simple. Thanks.
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