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Status Updates posted by KawaiiNyanNyan

  1. 68756012_530245554410747_246936897127134

    So, I kinda drew my character. Nyahaha~!

    1. Filomena


      Uhm, yes, it's you, but, glasses?

  2. 68916871_531361444299158_76329387923781768918520_531361484299154_46206700892832369179568_531361520965817_384675311610390

    More artwork I did of my character featuring Shiny

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KawaiiNyanNyan



      aye burns let me post your videos to our facebook page pls u.u

    3. mrburns


      what videos on my youtube? i dont mind 

    4. KawaiiNyanNyan


      Okay, cool. Thanks, Burnspoo

  3. Hi all, make sure you participate in our Facebook event where two winners (1 per faction) will receive a bike with max movement speed of 180. It's not too hard and you could win a free bike!


  4. Hi all, make sure you participate in our Facebook event where two winners (1 per faction) will receive a bike with max movement speed of 180. It's not too hard and you could win a free bike!





    1. Jezabelle


      I love kitteh ❤️ Hope you and Bananers and your kitties are doing well! ❤️ 


  6. Make sure to participate in the Facebook Costume event:



  7. 124607459_153439193144052_3293158125740794212_o.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=0ba7919-kVEAX8mGMkk&_nc_ht=scontent.fpos10-1.fna&oh=00068eabb4a342f5f11a4707feb924f8&oe=5FE7F579
    Me and BananaHands Junior in my tummy. :D 
    Hoping to find out the gender my next doctor visit!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KawaiiNyanNyan


      Thank you very much!

    3. mrburns


      lol all that quarantine got u preggo ahha love ya and if its a boy MrBurns or burns would be a nice name vHAHAHHA

    4. KawaiiNyanNyan


      Just saw this response. lol 
      And yeah, well... It was on my birthday... LMAO
      Name it Burns Smithers Hands

  8. If I do not like you, there is no chance of recreating a friendship.
    I did for some, but not anymore. : )

  9. Me and @BananaHandare officially parents to Aurora Fae~ ♥ May be an image of baby
    May be an image of 1 person and indoor

    Will be inactive for a bit due to taking care of the baby and healing. ♥


    1. Vivi


      Banana looks like he's about read to cry! So happy for you guys! 🥰

    2. KawaiiNyanNyan


      I know right? He loves Aurora so much! And thank you! ❤️ 

    3. Misty


      Hello, congratulations to you and your partner for this beautiful baby, I wish you all the happiness in the world 😊

      (Excuse me I'm using a translator).

  10. My final picture of my pregnancy progress! I am hella huge now and about to POP! 
    I don't think I will be growing anymore. 
    Wish me luck!

    May be an image of one or more people, people standing and indoor

  11. 315245947_657838079370825_66617478052413

    art by me~
    Might pop my head into SB. Who knows?

  12. Update on Pregnancy if anyone wants to know~
    I am having a little girl. We are about 28-29 weeks about to be 30 weeks. Her name will be Aurora Fae. Here is a picture of me and my big baby belly. Keeps getting bigger each day and she is super active.
    If you want updates, let me know once I feel comfortable to talk to people again and feel less stressed out.
    May be an image of Kira Suzanne Yearwood and standing

    1. mrburns


      im so happy for u both! love ya! 

    2. SneakyHeal


      Oh god I am so excited for you and Nana. Hope mamsie feels better soon. Take care of yourself, love you lots. ❤️❤️❤️

    3. ZhangLiao


      I wish you and your daughter much health and happiness


      S2   by BalaNoAlvo

  13. Hi all! Shiny and I created a Vendetta Scarlet Blade page that includes: PvP videos of in game players (Will be compensated if video is posted) Trivia Contests, Art Contests, and random contests where you will win prizes given in game. Patch Updates Costume Updates Etc. We are looking to have an RG Admin so it's not only ran by FK. Please PM me if you are willing to come and please give a like! You won't be disappointed! https://www.facebook.com/VGNScarletBlade

  14. My new cover photo drawn by mgdragon. :)

  15. nibbas visiting an inactive player's profile. tsk tsk

  16. Not to sound like an ass, but I do not offer my advice nor help anymore to players of SB. 
    If they need to ask questions, ask in shout box or your local GS. lol
    Anyways, inactive in SB and not planning to be active anytime soon until it gets better. : D
    Good luck, y'all.

  17. Sorry for not being on.

    I am officially pregnant and been struggling with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Hopefully, I can be active again soon. 

    ^ u ^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mrburns


      congrats 2020 been a shitty year but hearing this made it alot better!!!! much love from urs truly burns :)

    3. KawaiiNyanNyan


      Thank you, Burns! BananaHands Jr. is on the way!

    4. arc1276


      Don't know what Hyperemesis Gravidarum is, but congratz again.

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