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Everything posted by Norleras

  1. While we get that @GoddessSand and @Beau don't like each other, there is no need to start using Ad hominems here.
  2. There are so called 18+ players, who probably shouldn't play as they tend behave like 5 year olds. Unless the standards of maturity for young of adults have deteriorated so greatly that Age 5 of the 60s is the age 18 of today. Lets not necro old threads. Closed
  3. The last sentence isn't entirely true. I've had some of those mobs still attack me after entering the next room after some time.
  4. Hard to imagine playing effectively that way, but whatever floats your boat.
  5. Interesting skill bar setup. Do you play full keyboard?
  6. By itself, I would agree that HP passive is useless. Been tossing around the idea of maxing HP passive and at least Lv 13 or so Def/void passive.
  7. This is not productive... Closed
  8. Frankly, the only thing that's really unbalanced on this matter is the fact that the RP mobs in oasis are of different levels between RG side and FK side. RG side, the mobs are in the level 60s, while FK side are in the level 50s. The difficulty difference is noticeable. With my RG SW, it's more efficient to RP grind at Neutral Settlement.
  9. They can drop from Smog, Narak Spaceship, Viledon boxes, and a few other places. Please refer to this thread too.
  10. Norleras


    The PU one, yes? I recall PU being the only class that had a Damage passive, which wasn't very good. Not sure about SE. Didn't pay a lot of attention to her skill tree back then. SW I'm absolutely sure didn't have a damage passive during 59 cap Vendetta. Back then it was a matter of me deciding between the concealment passive and the Accuracy passive. I took high concealment, while I recall Yami taking high Accuracy passive. My physicals were having issues landing against high EVA SEs such as MrBurns, while I did more damage to crit-eva SEs like Rude. Either way, neither of the two died during our skirmishes.
  11. Norleras


    RudePlayer ran a 2nd gear set and consistently tanked everything I threw at him. MAM, maxed slaughter, maxed Resurgent Sting, fired Resurgent Sting twice in the same rotation and all. Still walks out with at least 25% of his HP. SW didn't have ACC and CH-ACC in Miss Misery at the time, nor did she have debuffs and damage passive back then. Well, there was secret charge debuffing, I think at most, 50 Def? That was trash. She had ACC passive instead of Damage Passive. Shadow Strike at the time was shit and no one, that I know, in their right mind ran it above minimum levels.
  12. There is a Nemesis v2 to use for completing those dailies in the event you level out of the 40s tier. You can access it through the lounge
  13. Be sure you have entire Vendetta Folder on Exceptions of your anti-virus. Place SB and SBlauncher, on "Allow Program Through Firewall" list. If you have a VPN, particularly Windows Defender's VPN, be sure to place SB and the launcher on exceptions list as well if there is one or get rid of the VPN all together at worst.
  14. My apologies that things turned out like this.
  15. The SP comment sounds interesting. WH, I do admit feels squishy, at least when using Ghost Accessories. That is to be expected. My tanky set for that class is nearing combat worthiness, so I'll have to get back to you on her survivability. As for increasing her survivability without buffs, that would mean adjusting her passives or her gear. Will need the team to think on this. The dual logging matter: It was never supposed to be like it was in the first place. All we did was revert the system as it was originally intended. While it won't completely stop people from multilogging to abuse the system, but it can mitigate the issue to the very least. The Faction change matter, I don't think there is a right answer. It's really a matter of the player-base and their attitudes on this one. Plus this isn't the only game that has that type of feature
  16. Norleras


    I'm not even sure if it is possible to cleanse specific debuffs like DoT without Source Code, but I'll ask. Only thing that comes to mind is do a major buff to DoT reduction for Ghost Walk if we decide to go in your desired direction. Frankly, the only time DoT is an issue for SW, at least in my experience, is Orenji's 50+ meter Radius DoT debuff popping us out of cloak from that far.
  17. Jinglebells! Whipper smells! Medic laid an egg! The Cyberblade broke his blade! Assassin got away!
  18. Norleras


    Well, the thing about those skips is that it can be justified by lag. Even if they were hacking to do that, how does one prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the skipping was though lag or hacking? The grey area makes it difficult to be decisive on the matter and the player has apparently complained about lag in the past. The thing that got him banned is actually very different from what is posted here.
  19. Norleras


    Actually when used right, it can be pretty good .
  20. Norleras


    Personally I would not mind losing the Mech cleanse. Never really made much sense in my mind for an assassin class to have party cleanse capability.
  21. Norleras


    ME's HP Passive doesn't give Gravity or at least it's not supposed to.
  22. Norleras


    Preferably I'd keep round slash as gravity and adjust the numbers a bit. In my mind it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a good part of the column be gravity then all of the sudden we get a particle skill. If it were to be a particle skill, I'd rather it have its own column dedicated to particle like the way the other classes are established.
  23. Norleras


    I recall a while back there being complaints about CB being too strong when we went a similar route as that.
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