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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. I don't think making 10v10 normal class only will change anything. I remember when we where all playing PlayEden we had maybe 5-10 10v10 matches in the entire year or so it was open and that server was literally the target of what makes our Normal Class TW work. I generally think its just hard to get 20 people to queue for a match at the same time on this game at the same time. 3v3 Could maybe work but again I don't think people enjoy 3v3 much who play this server so again I think it would still be a dead queue. I also don't understand why belk needs a silence skill? Isn't the buff only 5 seconds for reflect or is that change only on Awaken Class TW?
  2. I never really had an issue with this personally.
  3. Jordan

    Patch v7

    Information Hey everyone, we've finally release the much awaited level 65 cap! Just as a heads up we will be pushing forward the level 65 trials forward 1 week to June 25th. This is partially down to community feedback and some scheduling issues on my end. I'm also happy to announce we will be having our first Diamond Altar on the Classic Server. I hope that you all enjoy it! Rotation 1: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Rotation 2: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Level 65 Content Released! Maximum Character and Class level is now 65. Maximum Guild Level is now 7. Map Release: Witchcraft Forest, Gemsis Ridge and Shiver Peak Class Release: Ranger Arena Updates Unfortunately we've had to disable rewards for all characters below level 60 in all forms of arena. This includes: EXP/CP gained. Honor Stars gained. CCM gained. Ranking Rewards (Only applies to 3v3). We've made these changes to tackle a large amount of boosting that keeps occurring. I hope you can understand our decision. Heavenly Phoenix Sword Due to some issues in PvP this weapon has been disabled in PvP maps. It will be enabled again once a fix has been made. It will automatically become a Wyvern Glaive in PvP maps. Thank you all and Enjoy!
  4. Jordan

    Drop rates

    I mean such as this (Now this has had no thought and is only to convery a point) Federal first boss will drop say Magician and Shaman. Federal last boss will drop say Warrior and Samurai. Then you could have Century where First boss will drop Templar and Cleric. Second boss drop Blade Dancer and Hunter. etc
  5. The reason it was changed was because when its a target skill it will always miss if the target is moving in a direction that is not directly towards you. When being a placable AoE it will go in the direction based on your decision giving you more chance to predict where the enemy is going to be rather than firing a skill and hoping they're still there when the skill finally reaches them.
  6. Jordan

    Drop rates

    Nothing wrong with people adding gold via methods that already exist. I also do not dislike your idea. I am a bit on the fence about Safety Stones but the rest isn't bad. I'd have to suggest not littering them around (so for example, each boss could have 2 class medals assigned to it and only 1 of each type per dungeon) and maybe making the 0/2 only x1 while the 0/10 can be x2. I do like the concept though for sure. Edit: You could also see maybe people making partys for 0/10's for class medal runs which could be nice to see.
  7. I appreciate the detailed feedback provided and the clean sense of structure to your post. Hoarding I think the hoarding situation for sure is an issue but I believe issue is more related to a community movement rather than something that can simply be solved by throwing stuff at the players in higher volumes. The issues with Corona's isn't really a hoarding issue although I don't doubt their is a bit of that going on right now but it's simply down to it being a brand new server and there is 100's of people doing achievements daily. You have the casuals doing their achievements for 1-65 (Well 1-60 but preping for the 65's). Then you have the try hards who are farming gold formulas for ranking rewards. I believe once 65 cap has rolled around and the initial burst is over there will be much more Corona's floating around, I'm sure of it. I do agree in part with the stones but honestly the only alternative is just throwing them at players like the Awaken server. I know you proposed a system such as timed but I just don't think the game supports this for items such as stones. Since it only seems to work for items you have to bind (From my knowledge, I could be wrong). Another alternative to this could be a stone wipe like Aeria used to have. However, again I don't really think this solves anything but lowering the worth of Eden Crystals and forces our hand to start spamming custom stuff from the other X-Legend games so that the game can still continue to function. I think generally speaking and I know people will take this the wrong way but they already did that on the Classic Updates post but the problem I see right now from having insight into a lot of guilds and how they function and how their members act. There is a small amount of players who have the mind set of "This is coming soon, nobody should fortify gear" and they had this mindset since the 60 cap was released over 2 months ago. Now I'm not saying everyone who follows this thought is bad as there is genuienely people who will take a month or two to prepare for the next content. However, I'm talking about the people with 100's of Stones who are just sitting on them and not even bothering to gear minimally for 60 cap and spend all day complaining in peer/ticket/staff pm's asking "65 when?". Donation Gap Now I agree in some aspects of this but I also disagree on some. Now as your point did I'd also like to second on that point where achievements and Corona's are more of a problem of everyones doing it and obviously the donators have the edge cause they have more money to throw about. The same thing tends to happen on the awaken server too when big patches come out, people who have hoarded the items or have lots of gold are always out-bidding the free players and this will not change even by throwing Corona's of the game. I do try to do nice Corona altars weekly which I've recieved good feedback about and I've also been trying to include the lower level ones lower on the altar to help people get those achievements done but it still will never solve the problem that people who dontate will always get first pickings on the in-game economy. For the crafting changes you suggest I'm not sure if thats a good idea. The reason being is weapons where suppose to be the same chance as Rings and Necklaces as thats how they always where. However, since we took a clean update of Aeria's when we opened this server I forgot about this change where they made all low level weapon crafts 50% chance base. This is a change that is only good for servers playing catchup and not servers which are new and only have so much to do. Obviously I couldn't revert it once I realised this change was in the game but I hope you understand why their is a difference between the two. Longevity I think this is a natural problem with servers like this. The issue mainly stems from the fact that everyones a pro at the content already so there isn't much thought behind it. A lot of people know the best places to farm EXP/CP and gold. So those players can burn through content while others who are more casual or started late (Like yourself) are left in the dust cloud at their heels. There again isn't a lot that can be done about this. I do however, have some ideas to keep these speed runners at bay to fill in the gaps between 65 trials and 65 Awakens. You sound like you know your stuff so I'm sure you understand the problems that come with a cosmetic only market in a game like this that ties into its longevity. But if maybe you have some other ideas that could make stones more available for the foalks that cannot/do not donate them I'd love to hear them. I do have something in mind but again it's not much. (If someone mentions Alpaca Crystals again I really am going to cry)
  8. The level 100 had the same rates as the 120 now and the price difference is because of the following point: There was a lot of them floating around since the Eden Crystal bug that happened a few years ago so people had stockpiled a lot of them. So when the new ones came out people couldn't really sell them for the same price as people would just be like "why would I buy something thats level restricted vs something that isn't". If this wasn't the case you'd see a lot less of the level 100 heartflames floating around and they would have not made such an impact on market. Heartflames atleast in my opinion should be harder to get as they are a luxury item. Now not saying you couldn't replicate this by adding it to Gem altar or a lower tier in altar but i mean is it really necessary? We already provide high amounts of 65 stardusts to make the normal achievements super accessible to new players but I don't really see why we need to make optional achievements more accessible when people who have done them for rankings and such have worked hard on them in the past. I will say though this is a very bad idea. Yes you would make Lv100 heartflames available but you'd have the following issues: Why would I roll altar on a Saturday when I can roll on a Sunday and have better items but the same legendarys. If I did roll then I clearly don't care about heartflames so why would I take them? It's not like gathering equipment where all levels have a purpose, this stuff specifically is nothing but a downgrade (Unless you changed the rates too). Either way if we did add heartflames it would always be targed at achievements and not gold equipment as these gold equipment achievements from lower level caps are optional. They're for rankings only.
  9. Idk just playing devils advocate on both points. There is an important point made in which when content is released, there is a certain advantage to timing bosses to get your achievements the fastest. You cannot argue against this as simply put why should people who don't want to time a world boss still be able to see its spawn timer against people who are willing to put in the effort of doing so. That being said later into a level cap when all the try harding players have completed their achievements it can become a bit more of a pain than before as you don't know when bosses will spawn, sometimes people will drive by kill it so now the channels are out of sync so honestly it does become a bit of a "well when the hell is it spawning". I personally think its fine as it is but I'm also not someone who cares enough about this kinda detail that would mind if a timer was added or not. It's not a priority for sure so it wouldn't be added for a while as I'm always super busy and things like this would always be top of the list priority (https://forum.vendettagn.com/index.php?/topic/11084-cleric-holy-smite-bug/).
  10. Jordan

    Drop rates

    Not in the current state.
  11. I presume by board it would be some sort of GUI box with the timers on it.
  12. Not a bad idea, although it might make it harder to farm since people will be able to time it easier ? Would love to see what others think as the only negative point to this would be the above point. I don't think I'd be able to do it cross channel though however as simply the game doesn't share that information with channels other than the relavant one.
  13. I'll consider the gold sutff but it somewhat increases playablillity to allow people to farm them. As for 120 heartflame, the whole purpose of the item was so that level doesn't matter. Thats why the highest level is always on altar so you can just use for all regardless of item level.
  14. Jordan


    1. I think this idea just simply wouldn't work. How does the game know when to give said buff to your party, would it be a skill or something that's more like an aura? Having an aura that hits all party members in the map might become taxing if there is a large amount of people using it at the same time. However, as a general stand point I understand they're underwhelming but I feel like the game struggles enough right now with balance due to having 61 total classes that making things such as this will just add to the balance conundrum. Like when I'm doing balance oriented changed I have to think of all the variables at play, this would add another variable for me to consider. 2. I don't think 95 Trial bosses need it as they have very high drop rates (Obviously not like the 75 ones but those where ruined by class drops in my opinion). They added so much extra time to the games experiance for me atleast where instead of sitting around in Aven becoming one with the plants I actually had to do my trials daily sometimes doing 15 Silins and not seeing a single gold drop. The grind was anoying for sure but it kept me engaged with the game and it's just something that doesn't come to the game anymore. This is why for the 110 Trial bosses I copied the drop rates of the 75 ones in their exact form to recreate the experiance that once kept me busy. Now I understand this will need to change when the gears become less meta like the 75 ones did. However, since they're still part of the latest gears I do not think this is needed right now.
  15. Jordan

    Old Faces

    Idk if the textures are there and I also don't know if they remodelled the face to go with these changes as if they did there is nothing I can do about this. However, if the textures are still there and the face wasn't remodlled then its a future possibillity but something very much far down the priority list.
  16. To be honest Warlock has its momements to be OP. It mainly goes down to my original response to the OP where its more of a finding a space for it in a party rather than actually if its OP or not. Like in what circumstances do you pick a Warlock over Illusionist for example? And what circumstances when you buff the Warlock does Illusionist get picked after the fact. One of the strengths of Warlock is the fact that Dark Resistance is one of the uncommon resistances over something like Ice (It's one of the reasons Luminary is so strong too since nobody has the resistance for it and become ignorant towards it). In my honest opinion most classes have places they can be played, it's just whether or not its optimal to play it.
  17. I think part one comes with the gears and part two comes with awakens 😛 I do agree about 1HD and stuff but I think MA has really good damage tbh, it just needs to be able to stick on people.
  18. I'm not "basically" saying anything. I gave long detailed descriptions on what I meant and if you're going to spin it off in a different more simplifed light then my point will not be made and it just takes the negatives from what I said. You cannot just "test" things as people spend money and time gearing their classes. I know lets just screw over all mages in the server for a week to prove a point that lowering snow storm wont do anything but make the class useless! Anyway it's starting to go off topic and I know the original poster will be unhappy with that. If you wanna discuss magical defense and such make your own suggestion about it as I don't want a back and fourth to begin after the original poster specifically emphasized not to. ~Apologies to the OP.
  19. I didn't say they need auto-attacks right now did I? I said I would make defense affect MDPS when they are on equal footing in possible damage output as PDPS. I'm not saying PDPS isn't getting the short end of the stick, but I'm not just going to flip flop it either just because of that factor. You can see what I'm talking about as future X-Legend games does have MDPS basic attacks and they also have MDPS defense stat too. They have to be at an even potential before you can suggest changes like this, as anyone worth their salt on this game can tell you put MDPS and PDPS at even footing PDPS can always win in damage. It's just how the damage output is achieved is vastly different which makes PDPS struggle in PvP. One time I said this game has too much CC? Yeh well I don't have the time like I did 3 years ago to rework every class in the game to remove a lot of that CC. In the end it doesn't even matter cause aslong as it still exists its still going to be there and the game itself can't tell the difference between CC and none CC so the game can't do things such as extended immunitys in PvP or halfed durations in PvP. Lets also be honest compare our awaken server to the state of aeria. Bard locks, 15 - 30 seconds of transformations, etc. I have done my best. None would cry about a balanced game. I'd love to see you try make a balanced game with no complaints. I'd love to see anyone try it. Theres a reason why games like League of Legends patch balance changes bi-weekly, they don't do it to keep things fresh they do it because when something gets buffed other things get indirectly nerfed. So you're quite honestly asking the impossible.
  20. Well this is the point they're designed to be AoE squishy classes. If a Samurai can stick to a mage that mage simply will never survive if the Samurai is good. Martial Artist and Hunter have the most broken debuff the game have to offer. PDPS classes in general are just harder to find success on. However, a good PDPS should never lose a crystal unless you have support classes helping the MDPS class such as Devil Beard Ring and its orange version for fire bombing mages. They both have strengths and weaknesses and when Ranger comes it balances out a lot more along with the Zeus Set being far superior to most other 65 sets. The only point I agree on or rather can state is a bit under-powered is 2x 1HD weapon users. They're basically forced to build EVA or pay the price. This is not something easily balanced as I tried that on the awaken server and it just flip flopped, they where either too strong or too weak. This is how it always was. People sit here and preach about 120% weapons being the broken as hell weapons. Those people need to remember that Purple weapons where always around and Purple weapons have more M-ATK that the Awaken 65 weapons do if they're at 160% (Believe me I was shocked to notice this too, although its only a couple 100 points more). So realistically 120% is only 5%-ish ahead of the original maximum but yet people conveniently forget that point (Except one person who mentioned it sortof on the Classic Post). Either way the results speak for themselves. At best 1000 extra damage ish isn't something to write home about and say "THIS IS TOO MUCH DAMAGE". The issues come from people knowing the game better, building better and being more coordinated. I don't disagree the damage is too high. However, I don't just chalk it down to 1 change just because it wasn't there originally.
  21. When magic classes get basic attacks then sure why not.
  22. Just to share my current thoughts as usual. Personally there isn't a lot of imbalance in the game. There is 1 or 2 things but they get better to deal with as you progress through the level caps. Obviously theres always room for improvement but quite honeslty when you start it never starts and I'd prefer to avoid that if necessary. Also there is a high tendancy for people to get salty when I change classes for better or worse as people tend to latch on to what they consider "OP" and I find that nerfing anything OP doesn't have an significant benefit to the players who play the game as they play regardless of a buff or nerf. However, it does have a significant impact on players quitting the game as again people get salty when their favorite class gets nerfed. It's one of the reason's on awaken I try to stay away from class balancing the best I can other than burnout that I recieved from reworking almost all 40 awaken classes, some of which from the ground up. Hope you can respect this factor atleast (although asking the community for understanding at this point has not gone well, not talking about the OP but others in-general). 1. Percent System This is the last time I will discuss this 100% vs 120% stuff as it's getting pretty boring now to be honest. I'm also going to say this isn't specifically aimed at you but aimed at everyone who has claimed that 120% has broken the game and made the game have "too much damage". (Any future discussions the below will be copy and pasted) Here is a screenshot for referance of my testing: https://i.imgur.com/trQOCVL.png Additional information: 1-50 staff achievements, 1-50 Farm achievements, 100% M-CRIT Rate, 3.0 M-CRIT DMG, 20 KP in Staff, 5 KP in Snow Storm, no meaningful procs. Stats for referance: https://i.imgur.com/0h3kVPb.png Tests where done against the same character with the following parameters: Tested with the Snow Storm Certificate Combo and 4 Green Certificates Tested without the Snow Storm Certificate Combo (Replaced with INT for 15% + 2% purple combo) and with 4 Green Certificates. Tested the above with both 50 Ice Resistance and 0 Ice Resistance and also tested with both a level 1 Snow Storm and a level 60 Snow Storm. I also tested everything with and without Knockdown for comparrison's sake. Here is a copy of all my test results, I will not reformat this as I simply don't care about them: https://pastebin.com/ALwJHdTa Final words. I'd just like to say that my testing was done on possible maximum builds to show the maximum amout of difference you can get out of this, as it would be impossible for me to say "this is a standard mage build" as there is so many builds that are different. I also didn't bother to test with proc's such as M-ATK +6130 as in the end it doesn't even matter, that M-ATK is a static number so it will always add roughly the same amount of damage regardless of what % you have. Idk about you but an extra 1347.8 damage on a KD'd target on average isn't really "too much damage". It's not going to break the game in comparrison to what it was like 10 years ago. The difference is people are better at the game, people didn't know any better back then, how do you think a TW where its the whole server vs one guild worked? You put that system in the game now that one guild wouldn't even last 10 mins. People are better at the game now, people have had years to realise items like Sadness Ring is OP and Double and Triple hit builds are consistent enough when you stack them. It has nothing to do with the % system because face the facts, in the perfect scenario when you achieve your 1347.8 pts more damage you're still going to have to attack atleast 6 times to basically achieve a bonus hit in damage total damage which in most normal PvP scenarios a healer would have had chance to heal you by then or the mage would have been interrupted by your own teams CC. The only scenario I agree that its not negligible is is when you're hitting someone with 0 resistance in the same scenario. But lets be honest hear, if you're in PvP with 0 Resistance again I think you should be worried about the Snow Storm itself, regardless of weapon %. There is no need to change this and the game will not break over this and I will decide if 120% is needed at 65 cap when I've had a chance to see if it sinks in well and see how things such as the drop rates and gameplay appears. I always have the games best interest when I make decisions believe it or not. 2. Adjusting MDPS Was a change FNO made, kinda killed the class from what I believe. Triple to Double hit might be the better option if anything was done. However, you're talking about 175% DMG to 150% DMG so I don't think this will change a huge amount. I guess it could help against Triple Hit or Sadness proc one shots. Really not necessary at all, Knockdown is the problem not the Mage. Feels OP now but once you get some Class Expertise and the 1-65 HP achievements the class gets naturally weaker. Aslong as you've got decent resistances, shouldn't be as much as a problem when people have 65 gears. Warlock buffs are appreciated but doesn't really solve any issues as its problem lies in it being a single target class thats weaker than Illusionist. Always will be unless you make it more broken, refer to the Illusionist point. Naturally weaking Illusionist indirectly buffs Warlock. Not against buffing it, small buffs could go a long way but again the class will never be PvP reliable unless you make it better than Cleric. Then the same people will ask to buff Cleric as now that "isn't playable anymore". MDPS side will never work unless reworking and I'm very against reworks. It can already work but like you said just depends on the Nature resistance of the opponent, since its an unpopular resistance people tend not to build it very high. 3. PDPS I agree, don't think it matters as much as you say it does but I do agree. Wouldn't really make a difference but can be done I guess? Would help a little but again, grand scheme of things wouldn't change much. 4. General Suggestions I agree (kinda). Right now it's overbearing but the later it gets the more necessary it is for wiping parties. Eventually when Sage comes and people build tanky with DK certificates it becomes pool noodle fights where you basically have to rely on giving someone enough debuffs so the Cleric/Sage cannot remove the heal block. This semi relies on catching the sage with their pants down when they don't have their Anti-KD aura up. This is also not a system wide change but a specific debuff basis change, which means changing every single KD debuff in the game and then changing it back later when the pool noodle fights begin. So I think I'd much rather slap on some extra DMG reduction to the PvP buffs to compensate than some like this being honest. Resistance change isn't a bad shout to counter the grand scheme problem of too much damage, completely un-related to the % thing. However, specifically for this we'd be best waiting for 65 cap to brew a bit, see how things are, then judge whether or not it's a good idea. Since I think in the current state it would be fine, but with extra achievements and more class expertise and level based HP, I'm not so sure. I think for 70 cap atleast this change would be something we should definatly do as the Class Expertise alone wont be enough to help keep the HP and DMG out of sync. All in all good suggestions though. These are my thoughts and opinions from working with this game and it's balancing for many years. There could be some things I'm wrong about for sure but I think for the most part I'm right. I think one thing to always think about when class balancing is the following statement: In my standard 10 man party. What class would I remove to insert this newly buffed class. Then the class that I removed would everyone remove it? If they would, does this class then have a place to still be used or is it literally just swapping one class for another.
  23. Are you asking for double medals for classes that only cost 8 honor stars or asking for double medals for the ones that don't cost 8 honor stars as I don't understand what you're asking for. However, the reason those classes have 8 honor star medals is because they're classes that are harder to play in arena (aside from smiter cleric).
  24. Well it wouldn't let you login if your client wasn't patched correctly. So I'm not sure whats happened here but I guess its working. If anything if you're having trouble there is always an alternate download link thats updated on a per-patch basis that is fully patched and ready to play.
  25. Its not really a case about it being possible or not but its about making sure the data passes between the servers correctly and is stored correctly which would take a lot of time to implement and also a lot of testing as its not as simple as modifying an already working system (Like the Drivers) but rather creating a system. So if we where to add something like this, I can assure you it wont be in the next couple of months thats for sure as I have plenty of things on my plate that have a greater priority such as content for Awaken and the 65 Content for here. I also have real life work to do aswell. This is not me saying your suggestion is bad or your suggestion shouldn't be done. This is just me saying simply for the next atleast 1-2 months I'm already slammed with work that needs to be done.
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