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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2019 in all areas

  1. Greetings everyone, It is a common knowledge for everyone that most of the lower caps if not all is a dead zone. It has been a problem since ASB and it has been overlooked and/or didn't pay much attention for so long probably because people doesn't have anything to do in those caps and try to stay on the highest cap where most of the PVP happens. Now, since the beginning it isn't quite noticeable since most of the players move in the same pace as they go up to the new content, a few people if not all is affected and is mostly overlooked and neglected since most of the players are happily grinding the higher caps, now we face a dilemma hitting a wall with no new content to offer, issues became more and more apparent, Players leaving because VSB has nothing else to offer and population isn't flourishing because the lower caps are dead and feels like playing VSB in offline mode, to those who played from the start till the end cap you know how hard it is to grind up by yourself but it isnt noticeable since you played with alot of players and you all suffer equally it became a race and became a competitive environment. New players trying out the game and building toons from scratch suffers the same experience minus the whole community to play with, This things should never had happen or allowed to happen now players getting tired of the game leaving one after another with no new players to replace them. So it might seem obvious, it is a topic everyone knows but no one talks about and at the same time everyone loses their mind why the community is growing smaller as the time goes by, In order to halt this tradition/disease that slowly killing the server, I am bringing to light this topic to everyone and suggest a few remedy to help fix things up, in order to make the lower cap alive we need a total overhaul and balance fixes, exclusive cap drops and events: First things I want to mention is the imbalances of 29 cap, Pets we should limit pet levels in this cap main reason is at max level a pet can give a player 8,000 HP and 770SP in this cap those numbers are too damn high. Limiting the pet to Level 30 will help balance the whole thing and it will have the same bonus a madfly can give, we can do this by putting a base character level requirement on the upgrade button of a pet. e.g. - "In order to upgrade level 30 pet you must be a character level 30+" Pet Chips we should only allow the use of a level 1 pet chip in this cap, and putting a level requirement to some of the pet chips that gives OP stats for that current cap i'm referring to RESIST, CRIT VOID, CRIT EVA since this stats doesnt come with the level 29 gears except resist but having 1k resist would be enough to mitigate the low ch atk in this cap. Jewels we should only allow the use of level 1 jewels and disable jewels that yield stats that doesnt appear on the gears of this patch. Unique costumes we should completely disable the use of this things in level 29 cap. With this things fixed you can prevent players from making God tier level 29 toons, improves overall balance and prevents new player from feeling inequality since people with max toons has more access to this stuffs than they are, they might still get bullied but now they have a chance to catch up unlike before. This brings another thing to discuss, playing games should be rewarding and shouldn't feel like a job to some extent with that being said players that gives more effort will more likely has higher chances to become better than most of the players: i would suggest to revamp the lower cap economy, introduce the accessories of 29 cap as an added requirement to craft a 39 cap unique accessories and the 39 cap accessories to the level 49 cap accessories and lastly the level 49 cap accessories to the 59 cap then make that tradable then remove the LV50 unique accessories drop in such a way that accessories should never be a loot .so people will farm it more in the lower cap giving new people things to look for when going up the ladder this should also be done for the mech starting from the magic LV20 mechs we got as our first mechs up to LV50 unique mechs. The drop table on the 29 cap should be improve and add items that might have an impact or might help newer players as they move up things like Jewel Spanners,SG Republicubes etc. To encourage more players from higher cap to play in the lower cap we should introduce exclusive items such as pet skin drop: Mini Titan, DVK, CXDestroyer do this for the succeeding cap as well. Also if possible we should have the account fixed to a certain faction in such a way that one account cannot contain both FK and RG toons. This will greatly reduce the looting people that keep switching to a the winning side, and also limit the windows a player can open to 1 this will force players to log out of their current VSB window to log in into a different toon thus reducing the risk of dual logging in both NB,AK and exploiting BG in a way that they can reg similar toon level to enter a specific BG so they can hoard both loots and rewards and a Level Lock button so people wont have to do the grueling DE EXP just to stay in the cap they wanted. Note that this is only my suggestion and opinion, this post aims to give newer players a comfortable environment and veteran people to look for in the lower caps to make it more alive again giving chance for the server to grow. those suggestion might be hard to implement since most of the players already level their pets to 40 in their level 29 cap toon and some already opened unique CS although jewels can still be removed, but nothing is impossible, some people might get hit by that changes and we can give compensation for those things they will lose or anything to get their lost stuffs back. To wrap this up, we can never grow as server even if we push the content to a new cap if we neglect the lower cap since it is what makes new players join and making it hard for the new players to catch up might make them leave in a week or month of playthrough. no new people that join the game means no increase in population and profit, and will only result in a decline of players playing and profit at the same time.
    3 points
  2. honestly medics aren’t the issue. It’s always been the whippers. The past few months we have seen a influx of Whippers on both sides and they tend to choose who can win. I have won pvp in amara bgs or big bgs as solo medic very often so it’s not really medic related altho it is an issue on fk side since like March it was typically only myself, shiny, and pan. Most people hate medic right now due to how fast we die and having the most restricted build out of any class but I stil enjoy and if I’m not lazy I can prob solo heal for awhile and get all the loot at once due to shift and heeled flair lol. Also people are rude af to medics or don’t even try to help them so there’s that. fc was always a temporary help mainly because FK don’t like winning more than 2 months ( this is very accuracies since like 49 cap). Other reason is because once people fc everyone decides to play again. There were times I’ve gone to rg in asb and here in vgn where I wanted to help on rg and they all came back and trash talk me. Same for whenever people go to fk. theres a lot of unwarranted trash talk and drama between factions even though we usually all play both or have played both. Player attitude is a huge issue that can go a long way as I’ve seen a lot of people just not want to play due to the harassment once they switch chars they have or in fc. Our population has always been allover the place for a multitude of reason and I think the permanent FC will be the best help we can get. FK were winning A lot not too long ago and some rg were boycotting. Having this will allow for pvp to continue through something like that and then switch back if it improves. A lot of people have always wanted to switch when it’s closed cus when their faction is winning during a certain time they still get dominated in another time zone or they just wanna have fun and pvp in general.
    3 points
  3. 💎Hi Hi everyone Nova here~ 💎 Yes not "GS Nova" Just Nova My timing on this is terrible given what has just happened recently with NosTale, I know. I was actually planning to leave the team at the end of August but was convinced to stay to see if things would get better. Sadly to say, they have not. As it is now the end of September my mind is made up and I am leaving the Scarlet Blade Vendetta Staff Team. This wasn't an easy decision to make, I love Scarlet Blade and being able to work on one of my favourite MMO's has been amazing. I'm really glad you all liked the costumes I made and I really hope you like the new ones that are on the way. I'm sorry there was a delay we were backed up I'm really happy I got to meet you all and play this game with you. Lot's of up's and downs for sure but that's what happens in any game really 😋 That being said I hope you all have a fun time in game I'm glad I got to play Scarlet Blade again after Aeria shut it down and don't worry VSB isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Onwards to better things~! 👊💜💙
    1 point
  4. Thank you Nova, it was good times nonetheless. Your will find your place out there as I have always said you have great talent. Gonna miss you and your talent though I got to be honest.
    1 point
  5. Wish you all the best Nova, was a fun ride during the last year on our good and bad moments. Really enjoyed and loved your costumes.
    1 point
  6. Just to address on the Event's/GS thing. Majority of the team has had their hands tied with the current work we are doing. I did hold an event recently which went well but sadly as with most event's I have pitched none of them can happen due to needing more than just myself to run them and the mindset of "The players won't take part anyway". So yes I would like to hold event's but I am unable to, This is just me personally i'm not sure about the rest of the team. Player's tend to be more interested in events that have a boss or loot spawn and only a Head GS or GM is capable of doing those. Sadly we don't have a Head GS anymore or any plan to have one chosen so we are unable to hold any events like that. (RIP Monster Mondays)
    1 point
  7. If I recall it right, Villedon is relatively well populated a year ago. Now the'res nothin there but wawen. Not much change in the rewards for both pvp and pve of the 39 cap. Same pet/chips "imbalance". Heck, unique delta stuff are more expensive back then. All dis make me wonder why people left. Was it because winter event flooded the said level cap with tons of unique accessories that the bosses there not worth fighting anymore? Was it because of the implemented improvements in Amara that people now focus on end game? Whatever the cause, right now, it's not worth stayin there anymore. That aside. One important thing that people dont usually talk about is the PVE aspect of the game. It's no understatement to say that PVE is crucial for new players. But for some reason it feels like admin doesn't give much attention to it. With the players' zerg mentality + fruitless farming... it's now pretty easy to craft "i-quit" gear.
    1 point
  8. While RG do have lots of medics and FK not so much as all it takes are 2 medics(1 semi OP and 1 weak one) to make their side too hard to deal with. Vivi can't limit players and their medics from entering a BG or PvP zone. If players want to agree to fair play with keeping medics to a limited amount, it would have to come with the players not the GMs or GSs. As for Players using a Medic on the FK side, in AK or NB, the problem is that players like me don't like to because skills are slow, picking up loot is slow, and all we do is heal as fast as we can. Kinda boring just using 2 skills repeatedly.With AK being so god damn hard on DPS arkana because again guards are too god damn OP, playing AK without a medic sucks donkey balls because we can't attack anything near those damn guards without being killed by them in 3 shots.
    1 point
  9. Also another problem i have is to complete the dungeons at lvl 50+ i would need full +12 gears or so im told i have tried a few and get stomped or it just takes me hours to move through the trash lol How the fuck do i obtain the gear i need when it doesnt drop for me? not to mention i cant even get uni scanners to actually make use of it! everything is so broken and backwards its silly be 60+ to farm 50 gear be 50+ to farm 40 gear makes no sense
    1 point
  10. im a new player only been around maybe just over 2 weeks? i enjoy the game but at the same time i have been just grinding away at quests and what not im currently at lvl 55 have barely any gear or gold i was thinking to get the gear i need would be farming the dungeons and what not but everyone i ask just tells me make an alt and stay 29-39 just farm bg thats not fun for me i want to progress to endgame pvp not waste months farming low level BG the longer i play the more i see the issues the gear progression is broken being forced to do bgs over and over to obtain useful items when only 1 damn person signs up is silly and the free gear you get for level up is 100% useless its worse then green gear at the same level like really who did that? all it did was cause me to waste what little gold i did have on useless junk to realise later the stats are terrible games are supposed to be fun currently i am feeling this is more of a "job" then a game i understand you need to make money and i have purchased ap to support the server because i was enjoying my time i feel everything is just so random and the most fundamental things have been broken there is no set dungeon i can go in and get what i need this seems broken to me... or am i just stupid? maybe im just used to every game ever made having you complete PVE to obtain proper gear to be able to compete in pvp if something isnt changed SOON the players will only decrease myself included im here to play a game not a second job in short things i think need to be worked on before anything else Gear progression needs to be addressed ASAP dungeon drops need complete overhaul with poper level cap gear dropping and rings necklace trinket i should be able to run dungeons obtaining maybe a peace of something i need every few runs and feel like i am actually progressing slowly but surely fuck the skill rework tbh if you dont have an enjoyable playing experience no one will be around to play with the new potentially game breaking skills lol careful not to change to much too as if you do may find yourselfs bleeding more players unhappy with what has happened to their class sorry if i feel like im ranting no disrespect intended at all to anyone on the vendetta team just voicing my opinion as some one completely new to this server
    1 point
  11. To be honest, I'm not frustrated about the server closing, I'm just not happy with how it happened, everyone was suddenly booted off, even though this was our last time to ever play NosTale he didn't give us a real honest answer, anytime we talked about NosTale even in a positive manner our forum pages, forum chat bar and everything else was sensored by removal & closure. Yes we know it wasn't going to last forever, but the way things end matters a lot to us too, we just wanted to know why our favourite game is gone, and if it was Gameforge, then no one is going to blame you for that except for a few who may still be angry for the closing, at least our anger would've been more turned to Gameforge making even more players unlikely to return, even though the majority of us have gone to different NosTale P-servers now, we could've just shown the happiness of thousands of players Gameforge was willing to kill when that same experience doesn't exist on their own server.
    1 point
  12. I was having the same issue. Xigncode loading, and game not launching then crash. I put SB.exe in compatibility mode in Windows 8. It rans with no problem now!
    1 point
  13. As requested by many players, VGN Points for all purchases from 4th September 2019 to today have been returned to your accounts. You can use these points on other VGN Games.
    1 point
  14. Hey all, It's been 2 and a half years of hard work and great moments with NosTale Vendetta. We've had some great times together and I am proud to have hosted this game here on VGN. The news I am about to give you all does not come without great regret and it breaks my heart. Due to some recent news in my life this last month it aches me to say that I must step down and shut down the NosTale project here at VGN. I cannot simply pass the torch or responsibility of NosTale onto anyone for many reasons. With me stepping down the network will still go on, Eden Eternal is ran by @Jordan and Scarlet Blade is ran by @Vivi these projects will not be affected at all. I cannot go into great details about what is going on as I like to keep my life private. I thought I could just continue as normal but to be honest I am kidding myself. I have been working solid on a new patch for a while now so this hasn't came without great thought. I want to thank the NosTale support team especially, it's been a pleasure working with every single one of you. I am very very sorry to everyone, I know this news comes with great pain and I assume you all will be very angry towards me. I only ask that you look to the fun we've had and understand all good things must come to an end. Thank you for your time with us.
    0 points
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