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Everything posted by Daddy

  1. Ooh I agreee with 180 move speed bikes in box. So many new people in game now with slow bikez
  2. i think aoe should be alot smaller too. that thing can bug pull 40m sometime lmfao
  3. I want r3 HP so I can have 100k HP. Ty for coming to my tedtalk
  4. pls recolor pirate hat to cowboy tyvm
  5. 1) Stop using hunger hacks and let me die, it's been 80 years... 2) That's your skill build? 3) Can we play actual fetch sometime?
  6. Purple pantaloons and qipao hats
  7. ye i remember they had multiple resist types of stones cus he tried a few on me. i prob missed seeing him use the uni one tho. Cus i do remember him only lowering like voltage and atomic resist with one of his stones and then particle with another. also that stun stone would be cool even tho it wasn't that great.
  8. the ch-resist stones arent that great either lol cus they only target 1 or 2 types of resist. but i think disable and distrubance are used pretty often as well. we def need something for EVA/Ch-eva/criteva and critvoid.
  10. We didn’t even have it 7 days a week until game was gunna close. Weekly is still a lot IMO as you can get over 20k plus gold solo.
  11. I’d rather not have either of these events and I thought that was one of the the accepted ideas from vendetta that it ruined the game with inflation.
  12. @kokokuku omg hi. Sorry i don't really check this and bikini just told me lol Im curaja/zaebja lol the curse leader. We have all quit the game cus we didnt enjoy the balance anymore with 65 cap. I'm still in contact or can contact a majority of the guild and play with a few on other games like overwatch. hope u are doin well ?
  13. gracejoy had almost maxed the login hours achievement right when we got the achievement patch in asb lmao
  14. KALI CLEANSE. also some defense buffs on our healing well
  15. the only thing about RP was it made it difficult for new players to compete and old players who dont farm rp (lol me) lose their whole rank :///
  16. theres only sweet candy which we can get from drops so why buy it, and matrix which is in like every box since cb has like no costumes. i wouldn't mind like 1-2 new ones in the ap shop since there's no point buying the ones in there now. wat about all the lingerie from asb too there were really cool ones and we dont have any of them
  17. at least we can trade materials now
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