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Scarlet Blade Support
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Everything posted by Norleras

  1. That's enough you two. I'll close this if this thread gets out of hand again.
  2. The login error hasn't been happen as much lately. One work around for me is open multiple instances of SB and have your login already inputted. If one fails, close it. Start again with another already open instance until you're in.
  3. Siren has the same Point System as TP when it comes to boxes
  4. Guess I'll be spamming SF when I get to be of level
  5. Since this hasn't received any responses as of late, this post is closed to avoid further Necro Posts.
  6. Since this hasn't received any responses as of late, this post is closed to avoid further Necro Posts.
  7. Since this hasn't received any responses as of late, this post is closed to avoid further Necro Posts.
  8. Please don't necro old threads. Start a new one next time please. Closed.
  9. This may help, but then it may not. I have this active for those games I know are really far away. http://www.leatrix.com/leatrix-latency-fix
  10. I wish you well, Nayxa. I'm closing this thread before it gets any worse. Some of the comments are beyond inappropriate for matters like this.
  11. Then I stand corrected as I know little about that guild discord.
  12. Besides, there's always the FK Discord run by Ninja and Deez. I've heard of there being a Happy Guild Discord as well. Dunno who is running that, though
  13. I can see doing that too for those cases where you're accumulating them more quickly than one can consume them
  14. At his level, I wouldn't expect him to have much gold on him to buy the ideal stat rates. If he hasn't been dungeoning, he won't have a lot of stardusts to enhance anything. If he does have stardusts, I'd suggest prioritizing your weapon in enhancing it. Kill the monsters before they kill you.
  15. Mind telling us your class, skill build, and maybe a screenshot of your gear? Some veterans of your class may be willing to help you and point you in a better direction as to how to proceed.
  16. Yep. Still RP grinding. Lol
  17. There should be a second set of skill bars that can be used. There should be up and down arrows to the left side of the skill bars to toggle between skill bar sets 1 and 2. There is a third, but by default that is for your mech
  18. Eh! Means going to bed earlier and waking up earlier to be able to do both for some
  19. Have you tried another Email Service provider?
  20. Once I get my CB up to speed I'll be able to relate better on this matter. So far, CB does look like there is some lag time in a good number of his skills. Sand: SE actually has delay in stupefy
  21. Other option is lowering your graphics settings on SB. Also be sure SB is on exemption lists of your firewall and antivirus. Also be sure to deactivate background programs that could interfere with SB.
  22. My WH is built strictly for support crowd control. I'll eventually build a ch-acc set next. Getting kills is a secondary objective.
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