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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2020 in Posts

  1. To be honest i believe a lot of ppl got disappointed after seeing a diamond altar without even halcyon stones, there is just no excuses to put the same 10% stones from normal altar on diamond, it just makes more and more ppl quit because of how p2w it is if you wanna actually pvp and not take 1 month to gear a class and then the cap changes. A lot of ppl are already gone from pvp and it will keep happening until you guys stop been so greedy with $ on this server, even increased higher lvl wills from 1 to 2 ep which is a lot for ppl that need fame for new sets, literally everything been made on this server unlike awaken is to suck more $. a server been pay to win while rushing cap is the worse thing possible. Seems like all you guys are trying to do is to get as much $ as possible while the server is active and not thinking about the future. And im not complaining because i never have gold or money to gear, when new gears come i'll also +10 at least a weapon on first day so i can actually pvp but the point is that not everyone else can even if they grind a lot because of the rng on those stones, and just because aeria was like X or fno like Y you guys dont need to do the same thing (Or worse on stones) its not a oficial server there is no reasson to be greedy as them.
    5 points
  2. So just let me quickly argue the SS case for the normal player who can't rly pay money or at least not much money for the game, let's say he wants to be able to pvp decently so what he's aiming for is a +6 fortification on everything his class needs, so weapon and the 5 armor pieces. Let's assume he plays a decent amount of EE a day, 2-3 hours and he uses all of that time to do 0/2s and farm some gold otherwise because he really wants to be ready for pvp, allowing him to make around 2k gold a day. Until the +6 fortification he has to go with ordinary security stones which are 300g a piece on the market right now, or premium lucky stones for 500g that give that sweet 7% bonus. In this example we'll just leave out the fact that sometimes neither of those are rly available on the market. He is able to buy 2000/300 = 6.6 ordinary stones per day or he buys 4 premium stones. Since +1 and +2 are free with 100% he needs to start using them from +3 onwards. +3 has a 64% of succeeding so let's assume he's not the luckiest fellow so we calculate with the average he'd need, so he needs 2 of either, for +4(32%) he needs +/- 3 of either again, for +5(16%) he needs around 7 normal stones or 5 lucky stones and for the +6(8%) he wants the needs either 13 normal stones or 7 lucky ones. Let's tally those numbers up, either 25 normal stones or 15 premium ones, so to +6 a single piece of equip he needs to play 4 days regardless of which type of stone he chooses for that. Now to +6 all of his equip he needs 20 days total. Rejoice after two thirds of a month you've reached pretty much the minimum required by using all of the time you had available for EE to strictly farm gold for the upgrades and do nothing else in the entire game yet. Honestly that's 20 days to make 1 class of yours useful, and you haven't even played the game outside of money farming during that entire time, if we want to drag this up to +10 it gets even more demoralizing. Of course you may argue that you only need to have 1 class be usefully geared to play the game but 1. He doesn't have his useful gear yet he used his entire time on farming the stones he needs for the upgrades, now it's time to go for the gear. 2. One of the main selling features of EE is it's class system that allows you to play any class and it taking almost an entire month just to get 1 up to par is absolutely unacceptable in my opinion. Keep in mind that this is only +6 you won't be swimming with the big fishes anytime soon if you don't upgrade the spending or take more time off everything else to play EE. Now i could extend these calculations to +10 but i think everyone can see that it would require our poor Mr. Average over here way longer than 1 month of using all his available EE time to grind that gear without being able to enjoy the game yet. A point that a lot of people make is that you don't need +10 to enjoy most of the game, which is something i can agree with sometimes but not always, depending on if you want to do pve or pvp. You can also argue that a lot of players have more free time to play EE than i gave Mr Average over here but the faster money making ways that don't involve spending real life money are quite limited so the overall gold haul would still be quite similar. So what i want to argue here is simply that people should be able to grind for SS without having to sacrifice all of the in game gold they make so SS only, after all this game has many other things that require good amounts of gold as well (Achievements, Weapon %, Aven fame, etc) things that are also needed to gear yourself. So my point is that it should at least be simpler to get the normal SS needed to reach +6 and in my opinion they should simply be farmable. I'm not arguing for a quick and easy +10 here but an easier +6 would make the game a lot more enjoyable for a lot of people i'd assume and i think just making them accessable through Altars as well as the god awful rate on the alpaca coins is wholly insufficient to make this in any way enjoyable. Take from this what you will my own solution would be to buff the alpaca coin drop rate of security stones which i know is absolutely unpopular with you guys for reason that i absolutely cannot understand, after all the rates for +7-10 are awful enough to warrant the usage of % enhancing stones even if the normal stones are readily accessible. If you read until this points i thank you for putting up with this giant wall of text and hope i made my case clear enough for you to understand.
    4 points
  3. TBH I know Jordan is tired about stones discussion. But I think the problem isn't just the players, or it not being on altar for 1 week, or antyhing. It's just the 10% stones. The rate is just so low, sometimes you need 30 stones to put something from +8 to +10. Obviously when you have a lot of money and you see people selling stones you will buy to save it for when you need. That's not even wrong, its just players collecting what they need duo to the success on fortification being so low. Update the 10% stones to 25 or 20% and you will see the stones market goiing better in 1 maint. And in this post people are only complaining about the suply, that never increases regardless if stones are on atlar or not, because 90% of people who are playing altar are saving the stones for theirselves. We could still discuss F2P situation. After farming a whole day to level all my classes to 65 I ended up getting 2.8k after running Century, Century T, Venin T, Sturmfrau, Skleros Ice Abbys. 2.8k with the insane amounnt of failure we have isn't enough even to fortifiry 1 item from +6 to +7 @Edit I farmed those dungeons twice, before and after reset.
    4 points
  4. Hi, I'm a sucker who: Put $220 USD into this game Got all the achievements (available as of the 60 cap) Got all the necessary trophies Ishtar set 160% grimoire. You'd think I could have fun in arena right now, maybe participate in some PVP and not be a punching bag. Nope, not a chance, +4 weapon. As of this morning I'm sitting here with 20k in gold and 40k in ap and I can't do anything with it. I somehow have enough corals and ultramarines to +10 a weapon if I wanted to. Seriously, what the hell is this nonsense? Did you know that in the most greedy, egregious of servers, around this meta, you could get the safety stones needed to upgrade your weapon AND set to +7 and +6 respectively for a "mere" $100? How did VGN, a group that I trusted, that I worked as a GS for in the past, conjure an economy that you can't even P2W unless you join at the right time and gamble for SS all day? I had hopes, this is my favorite time in the game with the lv65 content. Sure, if I had known about this 2 months ago I would probably be apathetically looking at this post thinking "whatever I've got my stash." I don't blame hoarders for hoarding, it's VGN's job to provide a fair and balanced economy and this is anything but. I'm not even going to get into the joke that is not having lv65 chisels available, don't need to. The SS situation alone is enough for me to want to quit and cut my losses. +6 is a baseline, a standard, the bare mininmum. Every single player in this server, or any for that matter, should have immediate access to this, without having to sort through thousands upon thousands of dyes from the alpaca capsules. This is not a nice to have, it's required for the game to function as intended. And even Aeria Games knew of this. EDIT=I've been since found just enough SS through a guildie who had been saving up. My opinion hasn't changed, but at least the game isn't literally unplayable for the time being.
    2 points
  5. I will just say again: There is absolutely 0 reasons to protect market when you have a unhappy player base. You can argue "don't upgrade to +6 till awaken" "Upgrade only x parts, leave others +3/+6" "You can play with +6, idk why ya all want to +10 everything" I understand that Jordan wants people to slowly progress so the server doesn't end up with everyone bored quitting the game. But there is no point in doing it in a way you leave your player base so unhappy that people start quitting even before getting bored just because they wont even bother trying to gear a +10 class because its just 2expensive/2grindy.
    2 points
  6. I dont understand why you keep trying to defend something bad with something worse, im not defending aeria but they actually have to pay for ways more things to be able to keep the game up, meanwhile in a private server they only need to pay to host it which is probably like 400-1k usd montly on max, so again there is no reasson to be greedy like aeria even if they obv wont work for free they will get plenty of money to keep the server up and pay all the staff they have.
    2 points
  7. Because unless ur a bard or a healer you need at least a +10 weapon to compete with the other parties, dont matter what strategy you use, you wont beat a pt with full gears if you're in one with all the dps's wearing +6 weapons.
    2 points
  8. I'd like to add that I've seen Jordan talking about the 10% stones several times, I know that there is a reason he added 10% stones instead of halcyon or sublimes. I think it was a good idea at the start. Keep stones in market, don't allow people to +10 everything to fast so they have more time palying to grind, gives more longevity to the server, etc. But in the end, it didn't worked. Its making people who can affort stones hoard them. And people who can't spend that much in the server to get trustrated with they items +2/+4/+6. If you get your player base frustrated like some are right now, doesn't matter how much you tries to protect the market. People will see that market isn't only ecs but will still be frustrated with the game.
    2 points
  9. Made this to see other people's opinions on this, really. Since I've been healing again I've become frustrated with times when someone is just out of my purify wind range and I miss debuffing them because they're for example, maybe a foot out of my radius. I'd like to propose that we add back the place-able purify wind skill if other players are interested in this change being made. It helps healers keep more of a distance and I think that overall it would be good for players in both PvP and PvE. Please share your feelings on this if you have any. I'd love to see other people's pros and cons. Don't get too aggressive with each other or I'll just request a lock. Thanks~ PS - Since Jordan will probably read this, is there any chance that this skill option could, if anything, be toggled?
    1 point
  10. As a free player in this abusive p2w, i feel all time i play how much player are taking for milking cow. The problem isnt peeps want to be +10 as soon as possible as i can read, the problem imo is all is made to widen the gap betwen free player and thoses who spent money on game. i know server has to be paid, i know jordan probably want to make money on his work, wich is understandable. But what is the best between a long term investment, with always the busy people who pay and others who have the right to play like everyone else, and a short term burst investment because only p2w can have fun, free player that get bored and leave, and in the end the p2w leave cause they no longer have a person to screw up on? Why deleting alpaca stones? to force players to buy and buy more? the repeatable quests system isnt as easy as it could be on searing valey anyway, it should be an enough nerf. i was glad in all servers to farm rq to get stone with alpaca coins, now i loose this, and what i have instead? Bank Card baby..and i should think we dont give a damn about my facs? bullshit. this feeling to be taken for a morron everytime i playwill probably be the reason to me for stopping the game when i would like to. when you pay you have: -Ez achievement with the ep, and gold with the ec -Easier stones and fort cuz of the gold (when we have stone, cuz this week was a mistake and there is no problem with that imo) and..thats the main line of the game so gg you did all. When you dont pay, you was supposed to have the quest farming to get SS But in the end you have nothing, why free player are betrayed, and p2w one still at the same point? wouldn't that be reason enough to be tired of how much money hungri this staff is? to feel sick of that? for me it would be enough. I dont want/need ton be +10 full the fast as i can, what i need is a way to farm it on a reasonable time. The farm is the essence of mmorpg, if i just would like to loose money, i would play the fucking casino instead. Thanks for your attention.
    1 point
  11. I literally don't play classic cause p2w system, i love the idea and cap but i can't spend too much for something that will need to be changed every 3-4 months, also, people don't wanna go classic cause they know VGN players always quit after sometime. The SS system is abusive, that's the point i see ppl going back to awaken and aeria. I really want to see it changed anytime cause i expect this server survive, waiting for emergecy changes. Glad to see you guys talking about :3
    1 point
  12. I think the issue is more how fast caps are releasing. The only reason eden was ever popular is cause of freedom to play multiple classes. Aeria did a poor job of allowing it without a pricetag. Vendetta did it better on awk server and thats why it has players. Obviously I don't agree with everything but no one will and you can't satisfy everyone. Idc if the game is pay to win cause I can put $ to play if I have to to have fun. Not all can say it/not all will do it. If you are concerned for economy and truly want the game to be successful long-term you need to understand why the current way won't work. If the best SS in game is lucky ss no one can catch up and play one class without lots of work or IRL cash. (Thats fine w/e) But if you want it like this don't sit and tell your players its not a pay2win server. It is no argument. Awk server- Lets stop pretending awk server is somehow inferior to classic. (May not have been said but it is implied) Awk server biggest issue is lag and apparently that is cause everyone has garbage pc's but I digress. Awk system allows players and guilds to experiment with more than one class. It embraces what ee was meant to be. I'm not saying classic should be like awk server. I'm saying this just to defend it a bit. Classic server should be either progress capped to allow players to keep up. Or you should just not release caps in 2-3 months. Caps need to not be 3 months apart. Maybe 55-60-65 was jsut a one time thing and you'll slow down now but either way I'd hope to not see 70 cap for AT LEAST 6 months. If you want the server to thrive for pvp and not for nostalgia (Nostalgia never lasts) then I would suggest making ss more obtainable. Whether its with altar,dgns, or some other system. Maybe allow players to buy Halcyons or something with trial points. (If possible) no matter the price at least they can then farm to gear in a relatively efficient manner. Just my opinion.
    1 point
  13. A fair point, and as stated in the title. I've spent more on this game in two weeks than I have on actual games in the past 3 months. As a donator, who contributes to their profits, I have legitimate grievances with the economy. As a donator, I need free players to be able to thrive so there will be gold in the game for me to sell EC for. As a donator, I want accessible and thriving PVP so that I can have fun in the game. None of these things are true at the moment. I'm either demolishing +2 "plebs" or getting demolished by +10 "pros". This is neither fun nor interesting. And if they want my hard earned dollars, they'll have to make the game fun, simple as that.
    1 point
  14. Let's not derail the discussion with what may or may not work. At the end of the day it's up to VGN to fix the economy and chances are if they decide to address it they'll come up with their own plan that works for them. I just don't want to be stuck from pvp for something this arbitrary, I don't think any player likes the idea of working hard to get all the meta equipment then being stuck because they can't find the p2w stones they need, even if they have the insane amounts of gold they cost. The problem is two fold, the supply is too low and the amounts necessary are simply unfeasible for the average player to obtain within reasonable time. I think at this point nobody's arguing that.
    1 point
  15. how can you have 2,8k with this dungeons while i just do 0/10 and 0/2 century and reach 800-1k gold? Jordan could also make the vlls 25% or something like that and the alpaca capsule normal ss just limit to +6 and remove them completely from altar since they can be gained in game through pve. @Jordan you could just add a tiered spender so there would come more safetystones into the game/marked. The players have to pay real money for safety stones anyways cuz you can only obtain them in altar and the server is already p2w so dont agrue with "its not p2w you can farm gold" no you cant farm gold fast enough as a person with life. if i would not cash i would only afford 1 +10 wep and maybe a +6 or +8 set in idk 3 months or something like that. You can wipe safety stones maybe not every month but atleast each level cap so ppl dont hoard for lv 70 cap. Casuals will need the whole cap time to gear a class wiping ss every month would make it for them abit impossible tho. Lets face it this server will bring you money until lv 80 when you release inquisitor and the last awa sets and other stuff, after that it will die if you dont add more costom content. Im not the only one whos unhappy with the server economy as you can see maybe you should do something now.
    1 point
  16. Your post comes off as "at least we're not as bad as Aeria". That's not a good mentality to have. People come to play this server because it's assumed the admins will listen to people's complaints, not to find out how close you can get to Aeria without actually becoming it. Right now the only ways to get SS are: hope someone has the EC, is landing on whichever SS you guys feel like we should have, and not hoarding it so I can buy them for outrageously high prices, or buy the EC and gamble myself. And even then, you have the issue of these stones being 10% only, and not everyone is going to have tens of thousands of gold on standby for whenever you release the right SS on the altar, so they can spend dozens of them to get a single weapon +4 to +6. People complain because they're unhappy with this. At the end of the day, this is a videogame. No one wants to spend months grinding for stuff like it's a full time job just to be able to have fun playing it. Giving players a more consistent way to get the lower tier SS would be a good start.
    1 point
  17. Long time, but rn we need to use a endless amount of stones to +10 pre awaken items that will be released next week To then reupgrade then when awakens are released.
    1 point
  18. What Jordan said wasn't 100% right that's all. And to answer your question, as someone who won't spend hundreds of $ weekly i couldn't care less what your rate of prices becomes if that means we get easy alpaca stones. Coming back to the main subject though, pretty sure most non-hardcore/non-spenders would have a complaint or two about safety stones right now if you asked them, maybe it's time to start addressing the issue ? Like Alicia said i think +6 is a minimum, so it should be easily affordable by any regular player, yet only LSS are available right now, so you just need to get unlucky and who knows how much you'll spend on a single +6. I really don't think it's that hard nor gamebreaking to release 50% or 75% viridian stones ? That or you could juste make regular viridians (NT) available in alpaca capsules at a better rate than what it is now. A combination of both could work too.
    1 point
  19. This has been already discussed and has already been told that this is a player related issue and us as GM's should not need to step in. Please do not harrass RozenniaChan as that is against the rules and if she chooses to report you then thats on you. As for you Rozennia, please calm down there is no need to be getting this worked up over this and its not healthy for you.
    1 point
  20. Instead of going through and trying to create several gears across several levels, what about increasing the level cap 1 level at a time and release gears not necessary at the same time the level cap is increased or only need to focus on 1 type of gear at a time. Like the next level cap would actually use a new necklace that would par well with the new lingerie. Increasing the level cap directly to 69 you will need to make a necklace, helmet, bangle, and rings while you don't have to worry about the lingerie since you already released that. What this would do for the players is that they wouldn't need to spend hours upon hours for months trying to reach the level cap and they can do it in a more timely manner. The gears have a medium difficulty to get so that it isn't too difficult, but also it isn't too easy to obtain. Players also wouldn't have to anticipate about releasing a new map or DG just because the level cap goes up 1 level. So, that would cut back on the GM's time on certain new content like a new map and loads of gears. Smaller bits makes for easier to produce right?
    1 point
  21. Suggestion should be denied for the following reasons: Every guild should be allowed to set their tax to whatever percent, whether it be 0% or 1000% (I personally think we should be able to set it to a higher % but that's just me). You do not have to use these guilds with high taxes, you can wait patiently like others do or spend gold paying for the tax or level your own guild. Speaking specifically to 911 guild, we have always had our tax at 911% for the entirety of the server. When we were a level 4 guild and just had our guild town or now when we were the first level 7 guild. If anything, these circumstances do the opposite of promoting toxicity in the community. It's very rare that people work together outside of their group of friends or guild - now people are working together to help SweetDreams level to 7 so they can have lower tax (which is hilarious, since they did the same exact thing at level 60 cap). If you do not like how it is, you shouldn't really play the game - this is the tip of iceberg that stems from the toxicity within Eden Eternal and if this triggers you as much as it does (based on how you reacted in game, on the VGN discord and now here), I'm scared of your well-being.
    1 point
  22. Hello, and welcome to our Summer Event! Today we offer you a brand new Event, it will be mostly creation/suggestions like some of our previous Events. (Boss/Class) What is this Event? I will give you a specific theme and indications as best I can to guide you through this Event. I hope to be able to help you as much as possible. But the idea will simply be to imagine our next Christmas Event that will be made in game. And I'm not talking about a simple Event Trivia, no, I'm talking about an Event with Bosses, quests! the main theme: As I said above, it will be Christmas-themed! What are we supposed to do? You will mainly write, you will be able to bring any kind of support (screens, video, drawing) to help you explain as best as you can your suggestion! What do we need to know? - Your Event should be as feasible as possible, - You must only use content from Eden Eternal or X-Legends. - You can be inspired by previous Events, - You can definitely suggest new Boss/ Map / Dungeons - You should give as much detail and information as you can. Little ideas... One or more Christmas quests. A Christmas Custom Boss A Christmas Dungeon other ideas The rules You must answer the question marked with an *. You can't sell your ideas. You cannot simply copy a Previous Event or one of the participants. You can't participate "for troll", Be serious with your participation. Only one of your Main suggestions will be taken into account (you can make several if you wish) Event starts today, 06/20, and ends at 07/19. Let's talk about the rewards! As a reward, it's possible that one of your ideas could be used for one of our next in-game Christmas Events! 🥇1st Place - - 3 Event Point + 50 Eden Crystal 🥈2nd Place - - 2 Event Point + 30 Eden Crystal 🥉3rd place - - 1 Event Point + 15 Eden Crystal Things to keep in mind: All those who participate can obtain 1 Event Point if participation in the Event is correctly respected. Additionally we may give out extra prizes for things such as but not limited to (Artwork, Lore, Etc).🎖️ **Please feel free to format your post how you feel fit, this competition is about creative freedom. I wish you all the best of luck! *To participate: Send your Event, with your IGN. Form: Character Name (IGN)*: Event Title* : Type* : Objectif* : Introduction* : Overviews : Event Timer* : (Hours/Daily/Weekly) What we need?* : Level : NPC Name : Dialogue : Quest Name : Mission : Boss Name : Boss Achievement : Spell : Monster : Other : DNG Name : Script : Boss / DNG / NPC Preview : Level : Map : Coordinates : Title Name : Rewards* : Post your participation HERE
    1 point
  23. This morning I posted a world call about this, a free player came to me and said "I have 3 +10 weapons" He had played hardcore from the start and that's all he had. Nevermind a +10 set, the way things are, that's never going to be possible for a free player at all. The difference between a guy with a +10 weapon and a guy with +10 everything is ASTRONOMICAL. There's just no comparrison. All free means to obtain SS have been essentially removed. You can't use EP, Alpaca Coins got nerfed hard, class bonus was removed, can't even get them from the freaking AP store. Literally, you only get SS when VGN feels like it, and you get the ones they want. I do not believe in the current situation that even a guy spending $20 a month would be able to gear every class to +10 by the end of the 65 meta. This is beyond ridiculous.
    0 points
  24. The suggestion that I have is to make the guild tax 100% at maximum. The recent few patches have had guilds set their tax to 1000% to prevent the majority of players from crafting the latest gear since the groups are the only ones with the correct work levels, and for people who can afford to lose an arm and a leg, they benefit from it. They also benefit from being the only groups that can win PvP. This kind of behavior is a bad sportsmanship, disgusting, and leads to toxic behavior in the group and outside of the group. This is leading to a toxic community and a bad economy during the early days of patches.
    0 points
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